Protesting farmers, for some reason, are supposed to generate hope.
Hope, of course, must not precede trust, but that’s something people need to learn:
It started a few days ago in the Netherlands and it spread to the surrounding countries and even to Italy. Farmers are blocking traffic and addressing politicians. Canadian truckers were the first to protest early this year; they obtained that countless bank accounts were frozen and their leader is still in prison. Many European grocery stores are nearly empty, but there is no news about the people supporting the farmers. On TV, it’s all Putin’s fault.
Seventy thousand independent California truckers are supposed to resign and work for corporations that will teach them about compliance. The imminent lack of transportation creates food shortages and other shortages in the supply chain. Over a hundred food processing plants have been burnt down (probably with DEWs) in the last 12 months, 10 thousand heads of cattle are died in Kansas a couple of weeks ago (and the breeding of “heat-tolerant” GMO cattle was instantly authorized), animal feed prices are skyrocketing, the government of New Zealand wants to tax cow fart, trains transporting fertilizers are derailed and the rest of them are restricted in numbers, geoengineering keeps creating catastrophic weather to make sure farmers, who didn’t accept the $3.6 – 6K per acre bribe for NOT growing anything, will go bankrupt and sell their lands for pennies on the dollar to Bill Gates and to his cronies.
Even if people unite, what can they accomplish? Most countries have been hijacked and the political puppets do their masters bidding. There goes the legislative branch, but even if it were not betraying its electorate, there is always the option of an “executive order,” even if it violates the Constitution.
The demolition of the Georgia Guidestones wiped out some evidence against the planners, but it also called more attention to the eugenicists’ plan. People might be waking up to realize they have been had, and some of them seem to notice the approaching planned famine worldwide.
The question is if they can do something about it beyond protesting and, of course, without violence, because violent acts would serve as excuses for introducing martial law. Of course, the early-released criminals of Antifa and BLM can also be used to imitate crowd movement, which cannot be ruled out. When it comes to enforcing martial law, it was not an accident that the Armed Forces were turned into remote-controllable zombies with the mandated injections, but I expect foreign mercenaries for most “jobs,” because it is quite likely that the enforcers will also soon realize that they will be the next ones to the slaughter. That’s when the kill switch can be activated in the injections in order to scare the enforcers, but they might understand in time that they are expendable, even if they get scared, after completing their jobs, anyway.
If the enforcers switched sides before September, the famine and the subsequent food riots could be effectively prevented. If the food riots don’t start, other options for the WEF-gangsters comprise another plandemic executed with aerial poisoning or just by turning up 5G above 30GHz, WW3 on TV supported by a number of false flags in the tradition of 9/11, an EMP attack (or the announcement of a huge solar flare before things go dark to the flick of a switch), a “Russian” or “Chinese” cyber attack, or even an alien attack performed by drones, minitanks, and holographic images in the sky. At that point, it would be crucial that people realize that they are being played again, despite a spectacular number of dead or maimed victims with identical symptoms, mimicking a “pandemic” or whatever else. For the time being, more people believe in “infectious viruses” than those, who know that viral transmission is a scam in order to keep people afraid and obedient. The rest are sitting on the fence, gaslighted, flabbergasted, and disempowered.
Is knowledge really power?
Fear not. Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. Hmmmm….this is why we are here. To the battle.
Fun read, brother! Brings together many recent threads in a thought-provoking way. Makes a few arguable assumptions and jumps to a few relatively unlikely conclusions. Nice glimpse into the zeitgeist of those now noticing the parasitic poisoner oligarchs pulling the levers of power.
May the Great Awakening continue!