Practical Survival Strategies over the Next Five Years, 10 YEARS, in Your Local Community
A topic requested by readers for further discussion
Here are a few ideas, just to warm up:
A couple of months ago, I published a little article about the things that can be done about the most popular forms of manipulation. At that time, this site was new, and only a few people read it:
By now, there are a lot more people reading this, and they are more than likely to know how to prevent being played. For one, the readers here are unlikely to watch TV (Oh, boy, being forced to watch TV would amount to torture for me and it would kill me faster than a Pfizer shot! Making a subject watch/listen to the same thing over and over is actually a standard torture method at three-letter agencies).
The next logical question to ask is, how to prepare for the upcoming five to ten years that might turn out the darkest period in history?
In case one thing leads to another during the discussion in the comment section below, I will open a new topic upon request.
The discussion is now open!
The only way out of the freemason crystal maze is to build a new system from scratch with the following keynotes:
Money: it’s a bad idea that Government has a monopoly of anything, especially currency. Anything of worth should be legal tender, even vouchers, IOUs, warrants, etc. Communities should be entitled to run their own monetary system, based on real assets. No only gold, silver, copper, platinum, lithium, precious metals and minerals, but also barter vouchers such as a pound/kg of flour, a gallon/liter of gasoline, human hours, distance transported (humans, volume, weight, special care).
Townhall Direct Democracy: votes should never be anonymous. Face to face contact is important in an era of deep fake and fake news, but even more for accountability. Representative democracy isn’t necessary if there are efficient and safe voting systems. You represent yourself, though you have the power to delegate your voting power to different representatives for different topics/mandates for a definite time and recover it whenever you want, even before the period is over.
Direct spending: the federal, state and county incomes are divided by all the inhabitants (including the unborn), and you get to decide where every single proportionate cent is going to be spend in public goods and services. There’s a Spanish saying: “the eye of the master, fattens the cattle”. Direct spending would reduce bureaucracy, corruption, inefficiency, waste, unmet needs and government spending in things that are not a priority for the people. Deficit and borrowing should be illegal. After some years of solving critical problems, people will find harder to justify projects with low socio-economic net present value or internal rate of return, thus surplus would be returned to tax payers, and eventually, taxes lowered: it seems to be the only realistic mechanism to stop the spiral of government deficit and debt, where banksters take hostage future generations and politicians have nothing to lose by increasing spending and everything to win in terms of voters thinking they are receiving more than the rest.
Brutal transparency: reps should live stream at all possible times (not only working hours). All budgets, bids and transactions should be open for online scrutiny.
Democratic justice: community courts should be formed by people: the number of judges in the court is decided by the community. They could be elected for a certain period by chance or by vote, from a list of those capable of interpreting texts or from a list of lawyers. The same, for higher appeal courts. There’s no true democracy if natural law, including natural human rights, isn’t above the Constitution.
The police should be a local force. The captain should be elected.
The penitentiary system should be community based and directed towards reformation and paying back damages. House arrest or fenced working zones should be the norm.
Great idea! Fix-a-Flat, baby. Thanks!