Who is advising whom?
So, here you are, sitting in front of what Brits call the telly that you have not turned on since October, 2001, and waiting for a miracle that hasn’t happened ever since or, probably, ever in your life. You may have even gone to the polls in the US in hope for a miracle that might finally happen, because surely enough, it never has. Jon Rappoport even joked about it yesterday morning by asking who had won the elections:
(1) the mail-in voters;
(2) the ones who counted the votes;
(3) the Dominion machines that somehow happened to malfunction all the time, yet never been disqualified.
The devil is usually in the details.
In the US, for tax exemption and for the option of moving money freely around, you must either found a non-profit (the kind of racket the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is running) or a religious assembly. While the former are obvious crooks, not all religious establishments are necessarily crooked (well, even St. Paul worked for his upkeep without fundraising, but the latest brand of religious “leaders” happily utilize their flock’s donations towards the upkeep of themselves and that of their extended families, but as the fake pope said a few years ago, “Who am I to judge?”).
These are desperate times for many, especially the ones who are only now realizing it’s game over, so they’d better make peace with their Maker. As about 70% of them cannot even make an independent personal decision, they are desperate to seek out “prophets” and whoever else to make their decisions in their stead. Not everyone has “heard the Tao before they turned 40 or 50,”* so they don’t have a hotline to the Creator. I’m not blaming them; I simply mean to point out that they are ripe offerings for bottom feeders, religious or not.
There are two kinds of religious bottom-feeders:
The ones who know they are crooks, but don’t realize it’s the end and their money will not be worth a good fart soon, so they lure in those without a compass and profit from them for the little time left to enjoy the fruits of their crookery;
The ones who are unsure themselves, so they want to collect more misguided souls, because they believe that if there is a billion of them, they will represent “the truth.” The actual truth, in the meanwhile, is that even 203 quadrillion flies are not necessarily right about suggesting that the most fantastic way to survive is by eating crap.
Yes, there are honest people who truly want to help. The problem is that they cannot help anyone who is not asking for help. I have encountered pushy ones who wanted to convince me that I needed their “help,” and the only way I managed to get rid of them was by telling them I had all the help I needed.
One thing is certain: as soon as your self-proclaimed savior is asking for your money, the house of cards collapses and they prove themselves for what they are: bottom-feeders.
As far as I can see, the only way to get promoted to one’s own self comes from the person’s acceptance of personal responsibility. The link to astral domains is only a bonus that one might or might not receive.
Money is only money, but some of the religious personages are moles, who will or have already asked you for your financial support and/or your personal information. Beware…
*The “inner voice” is present in most religions; it is supposed to connect the self with the “universal self” that goes by many names (my favorite is the “Little Inner Old Man” from Nordic mythology). In Tao Tze Tung, the author declares that every mature person must have made contact with the universal person that is the center of all things (and Taoism is not even a religions).
Even when no money is involved, religious groups and their attitudes twerk me bad. When I meet those who feel 'my' life is not as good as it would be without their version of Jesus, or that I better be in good with their God when I die or else!...I mention that this suggestion amounts to recruiting, and that I find it offensive* they usually stop communicating with me. I, for my part, do not try and convert them into paganism though one day I may be tempted to try as a joke...(only in my hobbit tree person voice....) *offensive in that I am not complete or perfect without their 'religion'....that I am missing something. I have never felt like anyone is missing anything, sure a screw here and there, but that all are made perfect, one way or another...At that point I begin to act like the heathen they consider me to be. I hate to disappoint!!
All organizations are undermined to serve the hierarchy. Serving the hierarchy is to sacrifice oneself. yes, all organizations are technically hackable, now. You'll have to do your own thing, start by planting a garden.