Albert Schweitzer, around 1950, announced that the greatest value in this world is human life. In 1952, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his philosophy of “Reverence for Life,” which is quite peculiar from a Lutheran minister, because in Christianity, the greatest value in this world is one’s salvation, not survival. Since about the same time, lots of movies have been promoting the idea that “saving lives” beats everything else.
Anyway, ever since I was first shocked about reading about and by Schweitzer, I decided to calculate the final jump start of the dumbing down of the already crumbling western Christianity-based cultures from 1952.
During the plandemic, “saving grandma” was an essential slogan; wearing the muzzle and later, succumbing to the lethal injections were justified mainly with the same twisted logic.
What’s wrong with saving lives? After all, living longer might give a chance even to the most corrupt and wicked person.
The first problem is in the math. It is irrevocably foul to assume that a 100 lives are worth more than a single one. The problem manifests itself as soon as such good-doers start destroying lives on the pretense of “saving lives.” After a while, they tend to lose count… Already C. S. Lewis observed that the most dangerous criminals are the ones who are oppressing you in order to save you.
At this point, the second problem enters the scene. For anyone, who has seen enough from this world, it stands to reason that living under oppression can be worse than death. While humans can never be completely free from obligations and responsibilities, there is certainly a threshold that must not be crossed.
Nobody has the right to condemn others to live a life that is worse than death.
Yet many people wield such power.
Of course, those who say they want to save lives don't mention the quality of life once it's saved. The cancer industry can keep peeps with cancer alive longer but at a cost. Actually, at two costs. The cost of the drugs which are insanely expensive and drain your savings if you have any and the cost of the quality of your life. With the advent of the monetization of everything, there will never be another cure. It will always be disease management, never disease abatement. Disease management versus abatement means endless revenue and profit streams. Fyi, I'm not advocating for any of it. There are too many people as it is living materialistically well beyond the carrying capacity of the planet.
****C. S. Lewis observed that the most dangerous criminals are the ones who are oppressing you in order to save you.****
There is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
Human being to supply any given army on any given day
And the best at murder are those who preach against it
And the best at hate are those who preach love
And the best at war finally are those who preach peace
Those who preach god, need god
Those who preach peace do not have peace
Those who preach peace do not have love
Beware the preachers
Beware the knowers
Beware those who are always reading books
Beware those who either detest poverty
Or are proud of it
Beware those quick to praise
For they need praise in return
Beware those who are quick to censor
They are afraid of what they do not know
Beware those who seek constant crowds for
They are nothing alone
Beware the average man the average woman
Beware their love, their love is average
Seeks average
But there is genius in their hatred
There is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
To kill anybody
Not wanting solitude
Not understanding solitude
They will attempt to destroy anything
That differs from their own
Not being able to create art
They will not understand art
They will consider their failure as creators
Only as a failure of the world
Not being able to love fully
They will believe your love incomplete
And then they will hate you
And their hatred will be perfect
Like a shining diamond
Like a knife
Like a mountain
Like a tiger
Like hemlock
Their finest art