Mom is sad: the baby doesn’t want to be breastfed…
Treatments during pregnancy have been under suspicion for decades
SIDS simply doesn’t exist in Japan, where babies are not “vaccinated.” In the US, after the system started injecting pregnant mothers against “covid,” the newborn’s health and survival chances became spectacularly worse than before, which was already catastrophic.
Ask your “doctor”?
People with cancer habitually ask their doctors for an estimate of the time left for them. Doctors, of course, have no idea, but they usually act “smart” and mumble something, whether it makes sense or not.
Cancer is “only” one of the prominent outcomes of the lethal injections that can cause literally hundreds of “side effects,” “unforeseen results” including SADS, strokes, heart conditions, and blood clots. Is it time to “ask your doctor” again for yourself or for a loved one, or do you have a recourse? What can be done to prevent fatal or catastrophic events for those who have been tricked (“forcing” included) into accepting one or more of the lethal injections?
What’s in the injections?
The good news is that some of the batches comprised saline solution only in order to maintain plausible deniability. The bad news is that even according to my most optimistic guesstimate, the number of such vials never exceeded 20 percent of the total at any given time.
Dr. Madej describes a few details of what’s in the injections:
As much as I hate to refer to “doctors,” she seems authentic; all the more so, because she nearly got killed recently. Here are the potential causes for her having been/being targeted:
I also posted some details about the ingredients a while ago:
Of course, there is plenty more, but this is an article, not an encyclopedia.
It’s clear that the batches contain unique mixtures of a few dozen bad things, probably computer-selected and mixed, out of a few hundred bad things, including toxins, pathogens, parasites, and nano-particles (usually self-assembling computers from graphene oxide that can still be turned into graphene hydroxide that slices up blood vessels, but also acts as a kill switch; some of the batches, as Dr. Andreas Noack pointed it out, contain graphene hydroxide that can kill instantly, but usually no later than in two months as was the case with the collapsing athletes).
What to expect?
To make a long story short, you will never know what was in your batches (certain batch numerologies have been circulating on the Internet, but I cannot refute or confirm them), if you received some of these injections.
Yet not all your options have been depleted. Making peace with your maker is obviously a good start, but it doesn’t have to end there.
Depending on your symptoms, certain antibiotics (for bacterial imbalance) and Ivermectin (for parasitic infections; I am only aware of malaria in some of the vials) might work. Depending on the type of your poisoning from toxins, some of the detox methods might also work. There is no easy fix for 5G (or even 6G) from cell towers, military radars, smart meters, or even your cell phone (if you bought one or accepted one of the latest “deals” that you simply couldn’t turn down):
People spinning around, looking up, and dying with their cell phones in their hands
You can turn off your Wi-Fi, but not your next-door-neighbors. It makes matters worse that all harmful exert their impact on you, so a single cause for your symptoms can hardly ever be identified.
Versatile delivery systems
Graphene oxide was in the muzzles, in the “tests,” and in the injections, but it was found in 2019 “flu” shots and in 2021, in dental Lidocaine, too. Considering that much of the push for the injections has subsided, it is reasonable to assume that other delivery systems are in use now:
Graphene hydroxide, for one, accumulates in the body, it doesn’t dissolve or expire. Being in the close vicinity or touching the injected have also been reported to be detrimental to the health of the uninjected.
What about the results?
The results eloquently speak for themselves:
Babies refuse to breastfeed. Even pigs, when offered GMO and non-GMO corn, always select the latter, but babies must know better, when it comes to eating;
Miscarriage rates for the injected shot up by 15 times, and that only the official figure (1,513%). The fetus inside of the womb develops defects it cannot survive. Even before the injections, allegedly, two out of three pregnancies ended in miscarriages, which is hard to believe only until one encounters the potential causes;
Four out of five babies of injected mothers die of “SIDS.” Even if the babies delivered having too much damage to their bodies they cannot survive.
What’s in the mother’s body?
Even before the injections, microplastics and pesticides/insecticides were found in most people’s blood and, of course, in mother’s milk.
What was in the cord blood before the poison jab?
Forever chemicals in the breastmilk:
Dr. Nick Zyrowski:
Dr. Madej’s video about the milk of the injected:
The milk, according to the analysis, contains 80% inorganic materials. Nurtitional value: 5 on a scale of 10; Toxicity: 8 on a scale of 10. Yummie!
VAERS report: blue colored breast milk
What can be done about the outcome?
My friend was still breastfeeding her little one during convid and had taken the injection plus boosters. She bled for 9 months straight and her little baby girl was continuously ill with respiratory issues. Just recently the now little girl had to go for a chest exray...
Tried to warm her but she was relying on the "safe and effective " studies instead :(
The maddening thing is there's discrepencies in what's found in the shots- either because there's variations among the batches or because there's a disinformation campaign in the alternative media. The Poornima Wagh incident has made me a lot more wary. We don't know for sure whether there's mRNA in the shots or if it's all nanotech/Graphene oxide. I tend to favor the latter because of the "magnetic arm" phenomena unless that's disinformation as well.