Here is The Clock Who Knew Too Much! Or is that a Time Warp?
Many opponents of the system are now appear to be courageous or even heroic. DeSantis is a good example:
It’s easy to be brave a couple of years after the damage is done and nothing can be done to reverse it. And the damage never stopped being done:
Are the victims also accomplices?
Are people really to blame for participating in the performance of their own extermination? Dissident had a few words about that today:
I have already written quite a few articles about the multilateral attack on humanity. In a brief sarcastic essay, I even mentioned dangerous activities that might as well be included among the leading causes of death:
Data collection
There have been studies since the early 1990s that proved the sickening impact of cell phone usage, but people still kept dying of tumors that usually emerged right below their ears in their microwaved brains. Brain tumors in children rose by about 600% in the 1990s, which one can ascribe to a cruel form of natural selection, during which parents were killing their own offspring. Only the lethal injections surpassed the mortality figures in children, thanks to their caretakers’ assiduousness to “follow the science.”
For several decades, data collection stopped with including your contacts. Even postal services have been participating in the collection, albeit with increasing efficiency:
By now, it is clear for most thinking people that a worldwide data collection has been happening at least since cell phones were introduced and it has become a real-time operation with satellites, 5G cell phones, “smart” devices, “smart” meters, “healthcare” providers, DNA merchants/collectors (health and life insurance companies, genetic testers, and even blood testing facilities and breathalyzer operators).
The only point where opinions vary is what’s happening to the collected data. On the one hand, I maintain that
Mass surveillance doesn’t have to exist, because the data are there and its owners can access it as needed. Data collection, however, can be live-fed to a superconductor-fast graphene nano-computer that is actually a “super AI” that started with a self-improving algorithm and, by now, even its operators have no idea what it’s doing, except for taking advantage of its predictions and problem-solving recommendations. This is possible only if the AI is running a worldwide simulation that includes mostly live data on everyone and everything (IoT).
The picanterie of data collection lies in the feature that every single facet of the technology is connected and the data constantly ends up in the AI for processing:
I now know and have known the mRna is bad, in so many ways.
I don't subscribe to man made, one size fits all drugs.
I like studying us, not them. Those 'leaders' are crooked.
I don't want to study crooked.
I love natural. It's slower, yes. It's doing a lot for us.
I heard Dr. Kaufman...there are no viruses. Something else is happening.
But the vaccinated do seem to have spike proteins, maybe shed.
So, yes, ready now for 'ignorance', peace, even though there's none.
Seems like some.
We must examine leaders. Ours, you go the other way, nod, smile, leave.
I think they're in competition who can destroy the most??
Anyone agree, disagree?
Why do I want to know? I'm built that way. My guess is we all are. But many learn to have more fear than curiosity. I say: better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know but it there, and for example you take the injection.