They're running terrified of violence. I just got banned from Twitter for saying "kill yourself, dodo". In other words "you're an idiot".

So I guess they're planning something and don't like the idea of resistance to that. Also who exactly is doing the moderating of Twitter/X? If you look at the moderation policies across all the social media platforms they're all exactly the same. I figure it's the ADL.

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You're a sharp guy. I agree.

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Now a 2A supporting governor can declare his state to have constitutional carry due to a health issue. To many people being killed and injured from not being able to defend themselves.

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I call it a "trial balloon" that is floated out to test the waters.

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I'm working towards having enough of Us just quit consenting to being ruled by the psychopathic legal/governmental system, stand sovereign on Ethical ground (MUCH higher than legal ground, which is in the sewer, thwarting Ethics far more than serving them), deal with the system under duress ONLY, be prepared to protect Self and Others from bullies (whether in costumes or not), and work to co-create vastly better.

I do not want ANYONE having "authority" over Me!

I Do Not Consent! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-do-not-consent

Under Duress Only (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/under-duress-only

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Damn lib chicks...like dealing with a clawing biting feral cat.

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Great reporting Ray!

In a world not so different from our own, a chilling mystery began to unfold. It all started in a secluded research facility hidden deep within a dense forest. Here, scientists were conducting experiments on a peculiar and unsettling substance known as "Spike Serum."

The Spike Serum was a byproduct of a top-secret government project, designed to enhance the immune system's response to viral infections. But as the scientists delved deeper into their research, they discovered that the serum had unexpected and horrifying effects.

One fateful night, a catastrophic accident occurred in the facility. A vial containing the Spike Serum was shattered, releasing its eerie contents into the air. Unbeknownst to the scientists, the serum had combined with traces of phlegm and urine present in the laboratory.

As the night progressed, an eerie fog enveloped the area, carrying with it an otherworldly stench. Those who ventured near the facility reported hearing faint, unsettling whispers in the wind. The forest surrounding the facility seemed to come alive with unnatural sounds.

Soon, people living in the nearby town began to experience mysterious and disturbing symptoms. They coughed up phlegm that seemed to move on its own, writhing with a life of its own. Their urine took on an unnatural, fluorescent hue that glowed ominously in the dark.

But the most terrifying part was yet to come. The townspeople's immune systems began to malfunction, turning against their own bodies. They developed grotesque, spike-like growths on their skin, reminiscent of the dreaded Spike Serum.

It was a race against time as scientists and doctors tried desperately to find a cure. The once-thriving town had become a nightmare, its streets deserted as its residents succumbed to the sinister effects of the contaminated air.

In the end, the true horror lay not in the mutated bodies or the glowing urine but in the knowledge that human curiosity had unleashed a terrifying force. The forest whispered with the secrets of the Spike Serum, and the town's fate remained a haunting reminder of the dangers of tampering with the unknown.

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Of course it is a dry run, to test out the responses before a "National Health Emergency."

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The NM governor overplayed her hand. Some Representatives in the NM legislature immediately called for her impeachment. And some county Sheriffs stated they will not enforce her illegal unconstitutional edict.

But yes, it probably was a test run to see if the DC criminal syndicate could pull off the same kind of end-around.

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These dry runs started so far back, even when I was a child with all this vaccination nonsense. Probably how I ended up with a tumor on my spinal cord. No one else in my family had this problem. I refuse to take ANY flu shots!

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