An Absolutely Hilarious Weather Report from Britain
Comic relief in one minute and 22 seconds
My wife found this:
Thanks to dar, who posted the transcript in the comment section, here is the transcript:
Hello and good afternoon.
It looks like a cold start to this week with chemtrails blowing in
from the southeast
making those nasty blue skies into a lovely milky haze.
Further up towards the north of Scotland
where it was going to be really bright and sunny today.
You may now see
some cloud appear. Usually behind a fleet of airplanes
and that will bring wind and hail and maybe even a touch of unmeltable snow.
A look further into the week
sees modified storms battering that northern coast
don't forget your happy pills if you're planning on travelling.
Towards Fry low pressure remains
and it will be blue skies and sunshine across the UK.
If you live above the cloud layer,
you can expect to see highs of about whatever we say on the day.
We have had some great pictures sent in from you guys at home
of some newly invented crisscross clouds
that just look magical there.
Speeding across the sky like an angel's wings,
to Liam from the whirl for that picture.
This next photo was sent in by someone who forgot to leave their name
but shows what us meteorologists here at the weather station
call a blanket of poisonous smog cloud
this is caused when low pressure is altered with atmospheric heaters
and jet stream manipulation.
Taking a look at the pollen count now
which remains typically low for this time of year.
Unlike the nanoparticle swarms of invisible smart dust
though which will engulf almost everywhere
so be careful
if you plan on breathing air.
Back to the Phil and the rest of the pedophiles at the studio.
Paul Black added the following in another comment:
Couple of transcript corrections. Fry should be Friday and Whirl is Wirral (an area near Liverpool). Made me snigger. Phil (Schofield) is an ex kids TV host now on Breakfast TV who groomed a kid he knew from age 8, got him a job as a runner and.... by the way his brother apparently just got arrested as another nonce in the family....
Yeah, it's getting pretty ridic up there, I can count the days without chemtrails on one finger. Being killed by your own military is such an honor!!/s
💯✈️👀 this is the most awesome thing I’ve seen all week!
Let’s all be honest about the Chemtrails / geoengineering / weather weaponization.