Thanks Ray! Well spotted Mrs H!

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That's great!

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I noticed people saying in the FB comments that the post couldn't be shared. I tried sharing it on my page and, what a surprise, the vid disappears. Surprised it was allowed to stay up at all on FB.

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After my post, another Substack author shared it on Substack. Dunno about Fakebook; I don't use it. Never did.


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Tell your wife thank you. Good one illustrating the B.S. they are feeding us.

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We are all grateful for the author's work.

This site wouldn't be the same without my wife, who is hunting down news, sources, and documentations. I am the exclusive writer and commenter, but without her contribution, I couldn't do half of what I'm doing, and wouldn't have much time for comments.

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"Behind (Or beside) every good man...."

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I am sure blessed.

Well, I'm not sure about me being good, but trying.

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I have no doubt that your lovely wife considers herself to be blessed as well.

Well; none of us is 'good', but we can choose to DO good. Your wife joining you in this endeavor must mean that she sees the potential for doing good. It's nice to have a help-meet to come alongside to help us to do things we feel led to do.

I love the video by the way. Too bad there aren't people....LOTS of them...who KNOW what's going on; who have platforms like TV and radio, who would be willing to just keep coming out and telling everyone all of the stuff that's going on. Of course the people in charge would just cut the feed and have the people fired; and probably accuse them of being 'mentally ill', but it would be worth a try I think. Truth always pushes away lies; IF you can PERSUADE people of the truth....THAT is the BIGGEST problem. People are UNWILLING to believe truth.

How sad.

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We call our marriage a "bundle deal"; we take the bad with the good, and find the outcome fantastic (well, I don't exactly consider myself that, but that's a different story). :)

In my experience, lies nearly always win, and liars hardly ever turn around. Even if everyone knew, what could they do to change things? 9/11 was an obvious false flag, yet the resulting (un)Patriot(ic) Act is still in effect.

People tend to believe whatever makes them feel comfortable; the truth hardly ever provides such comfort, but it surely demands personal responsibility, which has become particularly unpopular in recent decades. At work, most employers expect "team work." In public, people are expected to conform and comply.

Sad it is.

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That's excellent; that's the way everyone should view marriage!

We are ALL a 'mixed bag'; having lots of positive qualities and lots of not-so-great qualities, and we 'evolve' with time and circumstance. Some act that we would have found unthinkable at one time may be totally acceptable to us at another time; given circumstances and our spiritual/physical/mental/emotional health; or lack thereof; at that time. "Situation ethics" is a horrible thing.

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." If we are not doggedly determined to not allow ourselves the luxury of say; shooting our mouths off at our spouses or other people just because 'we're upset' or some other excuse; marriages and society as a whole crumbles.

I personally love marriage; it's a wonderful union; but as you know; and as you clearly practice; both parties have to stick with it; through EVERYTHING. (The exception being something like continual abuse.)

You are right; people do tend to believe what makes us comfortable; which is another dangerous mindset. I think of the story told of people on the "Titanic"; that before the ship went down; stewards; trying to get people to go up to the main deck; would find some people hiding in their closets. As if hiding from their imminent demise (Unless they were able to get to lifeboats) was somehow going to stop the ship from sinking. We tend to run from things that make us uncomfortable. But if SOMEONE isn't WILLING to look truth/the facts square in the face and ACT on that knowledge; they; we; are doomed to play out the lie.

We truly ARE sheep; we are so EASILY 'conditioned'; and we WILL follow SOMEONE; sadly most of the time; we follow the wrong one(s).

Yes; we have been pushed; pushed; pushed; ever-so-slowly at times; towards the cliff they want us to fall over. For co-fib; it was a huge SHOVE. Conditioning us to stay locked in our cells; to take orders. Sheep are supposed to follow a/the shepherd. NOT the WOLVES.

What a sad; massive; tragic mess we are in Ray.

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I shared this recently. Couple of transcript corrections. Fry should be Friday and Whirl is Wirral (an area near Liverpool). Made me snigger. Phil (Schofield) is an ex kids TV host now on Breakfast TV who groomed a kid he knew from age 8, got him a job as a runner and.... by the way his brother apparently just got arrested as another nonce in the family....

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Thank you kindly. I'm adding this to the post itself.

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Thanks! Good find Mrs. H

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Yeah, it's getting pretty ridic up there, I can count the days without chemtrails on one finger. Being killed by your own military is such an honor!!/s

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We are supporting the troops with our lives! :)

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Very funny.....we should do this with all MSM for honesty and accuracy.....

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Weather modification and pedophiles.

They are the same group!

I could read a little more into this, but I won't.

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I see the chemtrails in the one photo, so I assume it's about that. But I see the link says "facebook", and I do not click on any links that redirect to them.

Did the idiot talking head not call them what they are?

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Yay for Mrs.Ray !

Same 'ere, DakaG...for those of us fb averse,here ya go , avec Robbo Da Yobbo's toe-tapper bonus...

'And now.....the weather.'


Hello and good afternoon.

It looks like a cold start to this week with chemtrails blowing in

from the southeast

making those nasty blue skies into a lovely milky haze.

Further up towards the north of Scotland

where it was going to be really bright and sunny today.

You may now see

some cloud appear. Usually behind a fleet of airplanes

and that will bring wind and hail and maybe even a touch of unmeltable snow.

A look further into the week

sees modified storms battering that northern coast


don't forget your happy pills if you're planning on travelling.

Towards Fry low pressure remains

and it will be blue skies and sunshine across the UK.

If you live above the cloud layer,

you can expect to see highs of about whatever we say on the day.

We have had some great pictures sent in from you guys at home

of some newly invented crisscross clouds

that just look magical there.

Speeding across the sky like an angel's wings,


to Liam from the whirl for that picture.

This next photo was sent in by someone who forgot to leave their name

but shows what us meteorologists here at the weather station

call a blanket of poisonous smog cloud


this is caused when low pressure is altered with atmospheric heaters

and jet stream manipulation.

Taking a look at the pollen count now

which remains typically low for this time of year.

Unlike the nanoparticle swarms of invisible smart dust

though which will engulf almost everywhere

so be careful

if you plan on breathing air.

Back to the Phil and the rest of the pedophiles at the studio.


c/o Robbo Da Yobbo

⚡️ CHEMTRAIL ☠️. Cowboy. 🤠 - by Robbo Da Yobbo ⛈



Chemtrail Cowboy Song


Well I am a Chemtrail Cowboy

love spraying all day long

Emptying my tanks on you

while I sing this song

There's too many of you down there

that's what I've been told

You're off to meet you maker

before you get too old

Yes I'm a Chemtrail Cowboy

proud of what I do

Well I couldn't care less for my family

and I don't give a damn about you

Chemtrail Cowboy!

Chemtrail Cowboy!

We take off every morning

all my sprayer buddies and me

Turning all your blue skies grey

the Sun you'll never see

and if you have a problem

with the mess we made

I'll tell you now I don't give a shit

as long as I get paid

Yes I'm a Chemtrail Cowboy

proud of what I do

Well I don't care about the environment

and I don't give a damn about you

Chemtrail Cowboy!

Chemtrail Cowboy!

When I get home each evening

there's nothing I like more

than to sit by the pool with an ice cold beer

staring at the floor

'cause if I look up I'm reminded of

the terrible things I've done

but once you're in there's no way out

I never meant to hurt no one

Yes I'm a Chemtrail Cowboy

proud of what I do

well I couldn't care less for my family

and I don't give a damn about you

Yeah I'm the Chemtrail Cowboy

spraying over you

Well I don't care about the environment

and I don't give a damn about you

Chemtrail Cowboy!

Chemtrail Cowboy!

And when my mission's over

and I'm knocking on Heaven's door

maybe then I'll realize

where I went wrong before

There's too many of you dying

victims of The Mob

I'll tell the devil and he'll agree

that I was only doing my job

Yes I'm a Chemtrail Cowboy

proud of what I do

Well I couldn't care less for my family

and I don't give a damn about you

Yeah I'm the Chemtrail Cowboy

spraying over you

well I don't care about the environment

and I don't give a damn about you

Chemtrail Cowboy!...

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You don't have to log in to watch. The video is dubbed.

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💯✈️👀 this is the most awesome thing I’ve seen all week!

Let’s all be honest about the Chemtrails / geoengineering / weather weaponization.

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Totally love this..thank you so very much!

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May 4, 2023
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Of course, it was dubbed and obviously edited, but looking original is what makes it so funny.

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