"The 'covid test' vaccinates you and makes you patentable." But the controlled opposition frauds would never tell you that.
In this article, it has been demonstrated that virology does not use scientific methods and most likely is just a hoax, that “covid virus” has never been isolated or purified, that the controlled opposition agents avoid talking about the isolation of the virus because they profit massively on the sales of their government-approved narratives and coopera…
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3 years ago · 4 likes · 3 comments · Dissident
Love the cartoon AND the fact that a (questionably sterilized with deadly chemicals) snot rocket has never been in my nose to test for Covid. And never will.
Thank you for the kind words and for posting the article.
I am not sure how you make a determination regarding whether anyone follows or reads a certain substack - by the number of “likes” and/or comments?
This one https://davidlat.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=reader2?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Flaw&utm_medium=reader2, for instance, has – shockingly – “thousands of paid subscribers” but fewer comments and “likes” than mine. Lol. I saw many substacks with similar statistics. (I do NOT endorse or recommend the substack above in any way, just as an example).
But what I am actually trying to say in all my posts, for example,
here: https://1dissident.substack.com/p/corrupt-michael-mcshane-of-federal
here: https://1dissident.substack.com/p/corrupt-ann-aiken-of-the-federal
and here: https://1dissident.substack.com/p/criminals-of-the-federal-court-for
- is that the narrative and especially the pseudo-alternative narrative is heavily controlled and the mind-shaping and manipulation is being fully implemented. I argue that the “government” has planted the frauds all over to dumb-down the population. The ones who trust only the NY Times are easy to control but to brainwash those who believe that they are “enlightened” or belong to some kind of “resistance,” the gov. needed all those frauds who pose as “opposition” and “alternative media.” They all are being promoted by the gov. media, including the bogus alternative media websites, e.g., zerohedge, off-guardian, etc. The “smaller” ones get “boosted” through an association with the heavy hitters. Nearly all “alternative journalists” are just the malicious frauds, distraction, and a tool for dumbing down and shaping opinions.
Certainly, “popularity” has nothing to do with quality, value, or uniqueness of the content, just with marketing, brainwashing, and advertising (again, many such “alternative writers” are literally being aggressively promoted by the most powerful mainstream media outlets).
How do I know? For years, I have been trying to find at least one honest and genuine “investigative journalist” or “gov. accountability” establishment, offering various documents and evidence of the truly ghastly government misconduct (tampering with court dockets, falsification of the court’s “opinions,” fabrication of the police reports (here, I provide the portions of the actual police report and email exchange with the dirty cops, the portion of the deposition, and an audio file: https://1dissident.substack.com/p/the-police-report-that-the-dirty), entirely barricading meaningful access to courts, and much worse.
The result was ALWAYS the same: NO ONE was “interested” although everyone was claiming that they “fight corruption,” “investigate gov. misconduct,” etc. And then I started to research – do they ever cover any truly incriminating stories of the criminal gov. conduct? No. They only cover some rubbish, distract, lie, and defraud (as they literally suck money out of people under false pretenses – for example, malicious fraud Berenson makes well over a million on his substack subscriptions alone: https://1dissident.substack.com/p/the-censorship-wars-engineered-by).
Finally – because I mostly write about the actual dirty gov. misconduct, and people have been specifically “trained” to dismiss such narrative unless it comes from a fraud that works for the gov. – and of course, neither of those frauds would ever “cover” anything that the gov. wants to suppress – many people do just that – they dismiss such information. I had people subscribing to my journal, “liking” some posts, and then discovering that I actually write about real things, and my blog is not for empty demagoguery, pandering, endless generalizations they are so used to. Upon discovering it, they would immediately unsubscribe and even “unlike” the posts that they “liked” before.
As only the ones promoted by the media and those who masterfully “sell” their rubbish to clutter people’s minds really amass thousands of followers, then yes, compared to those - “hardly anyone reads” my blog. But that would not change because the narrative is being very well controlled, people are being conditioned to “reject” certain information, and, unfortunately – as you yourself said – people are so easy to manipulate.