I briefly worked in a kindergarten classroom for special needs, mostly autistic children. In 2001-2003. The booster shots required wrecked my immune system. So ironic. Most rewarding job I ever had. Didn’t pay much so I had another part time job. I honestly didn’t figure out the mmr booster hurt me terribly for years. No insurance dictated doctors ever have any answers on my many autoimmune disorders that started back then. I really thought some progress would have been made by now. The doctors around the time of Dr Bradstreet’s untimely death & a dozen or so other researchers & doctors sent a clear message to the community. I believe he & others had proof autistim is related to vaccines and possibly pesticides. The children whose parents were able and willing to change their diets made improvements. We had a couple of children who’s Mom’s had been using “ crack” cocaine during pregnancy. The rest were autistic. Back then it horrified me that one of every 148 children was on the autistic spectrum. Now I think it’s near on in 30. I know a local 9th grader in central Florida ( Alva) whose classroom has 15 girls and 4 or 5 boys, a dozen peers ( all male) are homeschooled because of their autistim. That generation will have a shortage of mates to raise families.
Autoimmune, as far as I can see at the moment, is due to poisoning (there are various detox options), to parasites (Ivermectin) or fungal injections (hydroxychloroquine). Of course, this is not “medical” advice, only anecdotal information.
Yes, and auto immune is directly related to several vaccines and the adjuvants therein. Autoimmune issues are listed on the vaccine manufacturer inserts as being one of dozens of possible adverse affects of the vax. Juvenile diabetes and several others all
fall into that category. If you grew vax proteins IN both male and female aborted baby cells, it’s highly
likely your vax, which tells you to make antigens to the vax ingredients, say polio, will ALSO make them for human cells and everything else in the vax. You told yourself to make yourself attack human cells—- auto immunity. The aborted fetal cells are HEK(2digits) and one of 2-3 other numerical code names. These are aborted infants from decades ago— they use to grow proteins. They also use canine, equine, porcine (porky pig!) cells and monkey kidney, and peanuts or eggs. This is why soma y kids are allergic to eggs, peanuts, animal dander, whine NO ONE ELSE in the family tree has ever been allergic.
Find Ashley Everly on FB or Telegraph. She has all the vaccine inserts, ingredients and what they do, as well as all the black box warnings. Terrible things! See #realnotrare,
Vaxxed 1&2,
read A SHOT in the Dark,
The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK, Jr. (whom I adore, though I’m a conservative!) and
In central Florida I was blessed to find an integrative medicine doctor who is helping me with biotoxin mold illness. Dr Alan Gruning. I pay out of pocket for visits, gives me as much time as needed. Been dealing with that about ten years. Found him 5 years ago.. God was looking out for me! In the Syracuse area (NY), my doctors denied treatment based on my income. Upstate university hospital. I had detoxed slowly from 8 or 9 prescriptions before I met my dr. So he was able to give me a heavy metal detox by Metagenics. Very painful but so worth it.I was overloaded with parasites as well, they love heavy metals. Another blessing- my husband of 2+ years sold his house so we could be in a healthier house & had remediation . Soon I should be able to start a medication called VIP that will reverse some of the damage in my brain. We’re going by the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for mold. I’m 56 & ten years ago, never expected to make it to 50. ( as a bonus blessing, my “ gangstalking “ stopped when I moved). Sorry for going on & on.. appreciate your comments!
Maybe somehow in the near future I can help the community again, hopefully!
When is ask Dr about parasite overload, they’d suggest antidepressants. My real doctor did simple but expensive blood work and I had quite an overload. I felt so much better after the detox, it was very painful though.
If this is done with any wisdom whatsoever it will be a ground up, grass roots movement beginning like the roots of the American Revolution. The most successful type for these circumstances. Like our nemesis we must suddenly be everywhere at once. We must also not forget to support and protect each other while we do what is necessary. It won’t be pretty. But sons and daughters will survive.
Maybe, My "When" is asking when it goes Kinetic. Food shortages are more "Conditions" that ignite with a "spark". Michael Yon speaks of Conditions rather than the Spark as sparks don't ignite unless conditions are prevalent.
But, I totally get your point and hope everyone is laying up stores of food and other supplies as well. I've seen estimates of 6 months, but that doesn't get us through to Spring planting let alone any harvest. This could very well be a Biblical Disaster, that's not factoring in the continuing Die Offs from the VaXXXes and effects on the supply chain and production. Christmas 1865 wasn't much joy in the South, sure hope that doesn't come around again.
It will be like Christmas in the South 1865 on steroids. After all the goal here was to crush any and all opposition to the rise of an industrialized State. They were successful and now we are here.
Before considering there are no viruses I believed there were trillions (of species) of which I then made the choice I wasn't going to be injected with one type because then I would need dozens or hundreds of injections to protect me against any particular one the profiteers decide to highlight.
This injection event is getting quite ridiculous in people to exist now think their children need injections to make it to adulthood.
Good day Ray, your writings are appreciated here. Time is my most precious asset as gallery, open 7 days a week, garden- attempting to put up the amazing abundance, can, dehydrate, freeze and freeze dry- I enjoy experimenting -the fruit jerky is fabulous! Peach pie cherry and blueberry crop quit good this year. covering the bases for no energy storage.
Anarchy is in the air, that silly FBI show has kicked up the angst, for the drama I’m pretty sure. I’m not biting just observing. I get to hear many release their thinkings while tending my shop! Kind like a bartender without the beverages. 😝
Been working on alternative purchasing media for years- barter as much as possible with my work- goldsmith, gallery called Virtu at the Greenbrier Hotel. Decades ago wanted to create a ‘bank’ with hard currency- gold and silver.
I also have concerns about the 5G . Hate this cell phone I use, yet the communications with clients, staff and of course finding humans who just might view the world with concerns that I share makes it hard to stay away from for extended periods.
There are currently no 5 G towers in our rural area, or three county area-for now.
May just be ditching this cell phone soon.
From reading your previous essays I gather you are not too far from southeast WV.
Are you sure there aren’t 5 G towers? I’m finding them stuck on the sides of buildings, camouflaged in front of our noses. They’re on top of buildings and behind trees, too. It’s getting scary.
Eyes to see is the best way to start. Knowing it’s not necessary to put these machines on a tower you’ll notice them on buildings. I’ve also noticed cameras of all sizes everywhere on the sides of highways and all intersections.
I’m trying to figure out what questions to ask whom! I’m a newbie but it’s kinda looking like society really doesn’t care…. Even I was fast asleep up until this last year😳
I think telecom companies solicit private land/landlords of office buildings to rent their property for big money on a month to month basis so that citizens can’t question (or FOIA) them.
If you are vertical and respirating it’s a good day! things look bleak but hopeless🤫🤔.
I’m concerned that the AI knows more about individuals than they know themselves. That Homo Deus book lays out the AI plan. Humans won’t be human anymore. All controlled - AI can chill one out, stir one up to insanity, and thought control to drive action and non action. All nice and tidy in a Utopian world- Man God. Huge problem- the view these guys who program this nightmare have is man separated from the natural world!
Up side - From my noticing Nature conspires to save that which embodies compassion❤️
The inverse works too- so the plan is doomed- but just might destroy all humans in their attempt.
I have read IBM annual report ‘20 and ‘22, ironic that corporate president is named Krishna (Hindu creator and destroyer) the company is utilizing over a dozen other companies- communications ATnT, GE etc, most of the tech companies and a new spin off company (from my readings it seems this one is to cover their ass for liability issues)
The buzz is all about the new launch of Quantum computing- happening NOW and building out for the next two years- much faster and an entirely different operating system- not binary as is currently in use-
Freeze-drying is fabulous, but all we can do is dehydrate, for lack of equipment (basically, only good for mushrooms and spice plants). On the good side, there are plenty of deer around here and the neighbors are good.
The bad news is that 6G is on the way in (some "smart meters" have been operating in that range for over a year by now), and 5G is utilized even when cell phone charts do not show availability. For a little while, the $180 measuring equipment might wor, because all installations start at 4-6GHz. After that, the operators can adjust both frequency and output as they wish, and no mortal can measure above 10GHz.
Ditching the cell will make little difference, except you are not going to provide direct connection to yourself as long as you have not been injected (Wi-Fi will do it, anyway, because that is already linked to your cell, and the new routers all have the spy tech built in, just like the latest SIMM cards for cells). If you have been injected with any of the "vaccines," you will light up like a Christmas tree on their 5G map. If they have your DNA from a blood test or a "covid" test, they can target you in person... Also, military tech is used in areas not covered by 5G. The operators drive a little truck and on a hilltop, they unpack their equipment, which is not any more conspicuous than an old-fashioned video camera...
I am is central KY, somewhere between Bardstown and Elizabethtown.
This is new! Thank you for the link. I don't quite understand why it needs a GPS and geolocalization, unless it's reporting somewhere and, if it is, chances are it modifies the output per remote instructions... On second thought, that's probably exactly what it does...
I appreciate the link. Quite an assortment of devices and strengths. This also gives me an idea of how behind the curve I am as the ‘all the money in the world gang’ most likely uses these tools to assesss what May be in various homes.
I’ve had the freeze drier for five years now, dehydrator is new toy- was using sun . It works well but takes anywhere from 24-50 hrs to complete a cycle depending on moisture content - plus maintenance on the vacuum pump- oil change, filter it, after each run, I’m familiar with it from the one I use to vacuum invest wax models for lost wax casting.
Not into the gene therapy here, read about it years ago and could sense some drooling over a big chance to use it. Ugh. Hubby and live in buddy also avoided for other reasons- daughter 25 next week went for it as I am ‘crazy’ and she prefers to trust others- guess my attempting to instill a trust yourself ethic was a fail.
5G info very helpful, wishing to aim for low profile, at this point invisible is not realistic. We did have a fun discussion at dinner table about collecting ones own blood up to ‘seed’ a flaming car crash over a deep ravine . 😂
I’ve had the freeze drier for five years now, dehydrator is new toy- was using sun . It works well but takes anywhere from 24-50 hrs to complete a cycle depending on moisture content - plus maintenance on the vacuum pump- oil change, filter it, after each run, I’m familiar with it from the one I use to vacuum invest wax models for lost wax casting.
Not into the gene therapy here, read about it years ago and could sense some drooling over a big chance to use it. Ugh. Hubby and live in buddy also avoided for other reasons- daughter 25 next week went for it as I am ‘crazy’ and she prefers to trust others- guess my attempting to instill a trust yourself ethic was a fail.
5G info very helpful, wishing to aim for low profile, at this point invisible is not realistic. We did have a fun discussion at dinner table about collecting ones own blood up to ‘seed’ a flaming car crash over a deep ravine . 😂
One observation I’d like to put forth if I may... I still see the vast majority of people using the word “genocide”. I think what’s going on is more a case of ‘democide’. They’re not targeting any one particular specific genetic subgroup of people. They’re out to drive the numbers down right across the board, regardless of one’s genealogy.
They were the most targeted group, the most vulnerable, but only a small fraction of them fell for the scam (last time I checked, it was around 15%); they have seen such "efforts" before...
In both Central and Northern Australia, yes. Absolutely sickening what they did to those people! Government militarised goons squads raided their peaceful communities, often times holding people down and jabbing them against their will! Many who were deemed (by the bogus test) to be C-19+, were taken off to temporary government 'holding facilities'. People were literally running scared for their lives, as they know the lessons of their past. Paranoia runs deep in these communities... and for good reason! And of course our 'public funded ABC' said not a single word about these atrocities!
I have no idea of what people want except what they think is best. And this is a result of sociomorphism. Most of us trust experts. We rarely do more than shop for experts who agree.
You and I diverge on this account. I never trust "experts," even after they prove themselves. I listen to them, but prefer to find out about the details and make my own decision. Sorry, burnt too many times by "experts." :)
Hey, I'm with you guys. If somebody really is an expert, he is his own toughest critic. That I can respect. Years ago, back when "discussions" were still allowed on college campuses, this one really smart guy I would get into conversations with would tell me where I should have taken the argument, and explain why.
Then he would tell me, "Hey, you are not like most of these people, you like to think! That makes you dangerous. I am really glad you are on our side."
I briefly worked in a kindergarten classroom for special needs, mostly autistic children. In 2001-2003. The booster shots required wrecked my immune system. So ironic. Most rewarding job I ever had. Didn’t pay much so I had another part time job. I honestly didn’t figure out the mmr booster hurt me terribly for years. No insurance dictated doctors ever have any answers on my many autoimmune disorders that started back then. I really thought some progress would have been made by now. The doctors around the time of Dr Bradstreet’s untimely death & a dozen or so other researchers & doctors sent a clear message to the community. I believe he & others had proof autistim is related to vaccines and possibly pesticides. The children whose parents were able and willing to change their diets made improvements. We had a couple of children who’s Mom’s had been using “ crack” cocaine during pregnancy. The rest were autistic. Back then it horrified me that one of every 148 children was on the autistic spectrum. Now I think it’s near on in 30. I know a local 9th grader in central Florida ( Alva) whose classroom has 15 girls and 4 or 5 boys, a dozen peers ( all male) are homeschooled because of their autistim. That generation will have a shortage of mates to raise families.
Such a sad story.
Those poor children needed you a lot…
Autoimmune, as far as I can see at the moment, is due to poisoning (there are various detox options), to parasites (Ivermectin) or fungal injections (hydroxychloroquine). Of course, this is not “medical” advice, only anecdotal information.
Lots of injured children in the US.
Yes, and auto immune is directly related to several vaccines and the adjuvants therein. Autoimmune issues are listed on the vaccine manufacturer inserts as being one of dozens of possible adverse affects of the vax. Juvenile diabetes and several others all
fall into that category. If you grew vax proteins IN both male and female aborted baby cells, it’s highly
likely your vax, which tells you to make antigens to the vax ingredients, say polio, will ALSO make them for human cells and everything else in the vax. You told yourself to make yourself attack human cells—- auto immunity. The aborted fetal cells are HEK(2digits) and one of 2-3 other numerical code names. These are aborted infants from decades ago— they use to grow proteins. They also use canine, equine, porcine (porky pig!) cells and monkey kidney, and peanuts or eggs. This is why soma y kids are allergic to eggs, peanuts, animal dander, whine NO ONE ELSE in the family tree has ever been allergic.
Find Ashley Everly on FB or Telegraph. She has all the vaccine inserts, ingredients and what they do, as well as all the black box warnings. Terrible things! See #realnotrare,
Vaxxed 1&2,
read A SHOT in the Dark,
The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK, Jr. (whom I adore, though I’m a conservative!) and
Thank you.
In central Florida I was blessed to find an integrative medicine doctor who is helping me with biotoxin mold illness. Dr Alan Gruning. I pay out of pocket for visits, gives me as much time as needed. Been dealing with that about ten years. Found him 5 years ago.. God was looking out for me! In the Syracuse area (NY), my doctors denied treatment based on my income. Upstate university hospital. I had detoxed slowly from 8 or 9 prescriptions before I met my dr. So he was able to give me a heavy metal detox by Metagenics. Very painful but so worth it.I was overloaded with parasites as well, they love heavy metals. Another blessing- my husband of 2+ years sold his house so we could be in a healthier house & had remediation . Soon I should be able to start a medication called VIP that will reverse some of the damage in my brain. We’re going by the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for mold. I’m 56 & ten years ago, never expected to make it to 50. ( as a bonus blessing, my “ gangstalking “ stopped when I moved). Sorry for going on & on.. appreciate your comments!
Maybe somehow in the near future I can help the community again, hopefully!
When is ask Dr about parasite overload, they’d suggest antidepressants. My real doctor did simple but expensive blood work and I had quite an overload. I felt so much better after the detox, it was very painful though.
Looks like anarchy to me for awhile too. People always ask "when?" Wrong question as there is no answer. A "realistic" look at history explains alot.
If this is done with any wisdom whatsoever it will be a ground up, grass roots movement beginning like the roots of the American Revolution. The most successful type for these circumstances. Like our nemesis we must suddenly be everywhere at once. We must also not forget to support and protect each other while we do what is necessary. It won’t be pretty. But sons and daughters will survive.
If they keep it on schedule, food shortages can start as early as in September, but no later than around Christmas.
Maybe, My "When" is asking when it goes Kinetic. Food shortages are more "Conditions" that ignite with a "spark". Michael Yon speaks of Conditions rather than the Spark as sparks don't ignite unless conditions are prevalent.
But, I totally get your point and hope everyone is laying up stores of food and other supplies as well. I've seen estimates of 6 months, but that doesn't get us through to Spring planting let alone any harvest. This could very well be a Biblical Disaster, that's not factoring in the continuing Die Offs from the VaXXXes and effects on the supply chain and production. Christmas 1865 wasn't much joy in the South, sure hope that doesn't come around again.
It will be like Christmas in the South 1865 on steroids. After all the goal here was to crush any and all opposition to the rise of an industrialized State. They were successful and now we are here.
Power and fuel shortages are also planned. The only question is whether the monsters are ready.
The War of Northern Aggression is now on against the whole country.
Before considering there are no viruses I believed there were trillions (of species) of which I then made the choice I wasn't going to be injected with one type because then I would need dozens or hundreds of injections to protect me against any particular one the profiteers decide to highlight.
This injection event is getting quite ridiculous in people to exist now think their children need injections to make it to adulthood.
This would have been hilarous, if it were not so sad...
Good day Ray, your writings are appreciated here. Time is my most precious asset as gallery, open 7 days a week, garden- attempting to put up the amazing abundance, can, dehydrate, freeze and freeze dry- I enjoy experimenting -the fruit jerky is fabulous! Peach pie cherry and blueberry crop quit good this year. covering the bases for no energy storage.
Anarchy is in the air, that silly FBI show has kicked up the angst, for the drama I’m pretty sure. I’m not biting just observing. I get to hear many release their thinkings while tending my shop! Kind like a bartender without the beverages. 😝
Been working on alternative purchasing media for years- barter as much as possible with my work- goldsmith, gallery called Virtu at the Greenbrier Hotel. Decades ago wanted to create a ‘bank’ with hard currency- gold and silver.
I also have concerns about the 5G . Hate this cell phone I use, yet the communications with clients, staff and of course finding humans who just might view the world with concerns that I share makes it hard to stay away from for extended periods.
There are currently no 5 G towers in our rural area, or three county area-for now.
May just be ditching this cell phone soon.
From reading your previous essays I gather you are not too far from southeast WV.
Take care and keep writing.
Are you sure there aren’t 5 G towers? I’m finding them stuck on the sides of buildings, camouflaged in front of our noses. They’re on top of buildings and behind trees, too. It’s getting scary.
Scary indeed! Fairly rural here, the county seat town I’m in has population of 2,400. Is there a way to know?
Eyes to see is the best way to start. Knowing it’s not necessary to put these machines on a tower you’ll notice them on buildings. I’ve also noticed cameras of all sizes everywhere on the sides of highways and all intersections.
I’m trying to figure out what questions to ask whom! I’m a newbie but it’s kinda looking like society really doesn’t care…. Even I was fast asleep up until this last year😳
I think telecom companies solicit private land/landlords of office buildings to rent their property for big money on a month to month basis so that citizens can’t question (or FOIA) them.
It seems a hopeless situation.
Hi Christine,
If you are vertical and respirating it’s a good day! things look bleak but hopeless🤫🤔.
I’m concerned that the AI knows more about individuals than they know themselves. That Homo Deus book lays out the AI plan. Humans won’t be human anymore. All controlled - AI can chill one out, stir one up to insanity, and thought control to drive action and non action. All nice and tidy in a Utopian world- Man God. Huge problem- the view these guys who program this nightmare have is man separated from the natural world!
Up side - From my noticing Nature conspires to save that which embodies compassion❤️
The inverse works too- so the plan is doomed- but just might destroy all humans in their attempt.
I have read IBM annual report ‘20 and ‘22, ironic that corporate president is named Krishna (Hindu creator and destroyer) the company is utilizing over a dozen other companies- communications ATnT, GE etc, most of the tech companies and a new spin off company (from my readings it seems this one is to cover their ass for liability issues)
The buzz is all about the new launch of Quantum computing- happening NOW and building out for the next two years- much faster and an entirely different operating system- not binary as is currently in use-
Plans to hire 40 million world wide !
It's good to hear from you!
Freeze-drying is fabulous, but all we can do is dehydrate, for lack of equipment (basically, only good for mushrooms and spice plants). On the good side, there are plenty of deer around here and the neighbors are good.
The bad news is that 6G is on the way in (some "smart meters" have been operating in that range for over a year by now), and 5G is utilized even when cell phone charts do not show availability. For a little while, the $180 measuring equipment might wor, because all installations start at 4-6GHz. After that, the operators can adjust both frequency and output as they wish, and no mortal can measure above 10GHz.
Ditching the cell will make little difference, except you are not going to provide direct connection to yourself as long as you have not been injected (Wi-Fi will do it, anyway, because that is already linked to your cell, and the new routers all have the spy tech built in, just like the latest SIMM cards for cells). If you have been injected with any of the "vaccines," you will light up like a Christmas tree on their 5G map. If they have your DNA from a blood test or a "covid" test, they can target you in person... Also, military tech is used in areas not covered by 5G. The operators drive a little truck and on a hilltop, they unpack their equipment, which is not any more conspicuous than an old-fashioned video camera...
I am is central KY, somewhere between Bardstown and Elizabethtown.
What about this one? New: WaveMon RF-60 personal safety monitor for electromagnetic fields up to 60GHz. https://www.mrc-gigacomp.com/Wavecontrol.php
This is new! Thank you for the link. I don't quite understand why it needs a GPS and geolocalization, unless it's reporting somewhere and, if it is, chances are it modifies the output per remote instructions... On second thought, that's probably exactly what it does...
I know in a couple of days you'll tell us more about it.
Even if you can disable the the altimeter and the GPS, nanotransmitters are now even in cell phone SIMM cards with battery backups...
Comparing the results with traditional meters could make a difference, but only in lower ranges.
In that case in can be accurate till 10 GHz and above that level not accurate.
I appreciate the link. Quite an assortment of devices and strengths. This also gives me an idea of how behind the curve I am as the ‘all the money in the world gang’ most likely uses these tools to assesss what May be in various homes.
I’ve had the freeze drier for five years now, dehydrator is new toy- was using sun . It works well but takes anywhere from 24-50 hrs to complete a cycle depending on moisture content - plus maintenance on the vacuum pump- oil change, filter it, after each run, I’m familiar with it from the one I use to vacuum invest wax models for lost wax casting.
Not into the gene therapy here, read about it years ago and could sense some drooling over a big chance to use it. Ugh. Hubby and live in buddy also avoided for other reasons- daughter 25 next week went for it as I am ‘crazy’ and she prefers to trust others- guess my attempting to instill a trust yourself ethic was a fail.
5G info very helpful, wishing to aim for low profile, at this point invisible is not realistic. We did have a fun discussion at dinner table about collecting ones own blood up to ‘seed’ a flaming car crash over a deep ravine . 😂
Have to finish fixing dinner- enjoy your evening
I’ve had the freeze drier for five years now, dehydrator is new toy- was using sun . It works well but takes anywhere from 24-50 hrs to complete a cycle depending on moisture content - plus maintenance on the vacuum pump- oil change, filter it, after each run, I’m familiar with it from the one I use to vacuum invest wax models for lost wax casting.
Not into the gene therapy here, read about it years ago and could sense some drooling over a big chance to use it. Ugh. Hubby and live in buddy also avoided for other reasons- daughter 25 next week went for it as I am ‘crazy’ and she prefers to trust others- guess my attempting to instill a trust yourself ethic was a fail.
5G info very helpful, wishing to aim for low profile, at this point invisible is not realistic. We did have a fun discussion at dinner table about collecting ones own blood up to ‘seed’ a flaming car crash over a deep ravine . 😂
Have to finish fixing dinner- enjoy your evening
One observation I’d like to put forth if I may... I still see the vast majority of people using the word “genocide”. I think what’s going on is more a case of ‘democide’. They’re not targeting any one particular specific genetic subgroup of people. They’re out to drive the numbers down right across the board, regardless of one’s genealogy.
Collaborators won't be having clotshots, nor their families, and that's a genetic subgroup.
Do you imagine Prince William and Catherine have had it. Their bloodline will survive, and other elites, many of whom are related.
Absolutely; in the end, it is democide.
However, they are starting with "whities," which is genocide.
White is the only race that might be able to foil the plans, so the priorities are essential...
Take your pick! :)
A lot of black people have also been killed and maimed by these jabs.
They were the most targeted group, the most vulnerable, but only a small fraction of them fell for the scam (last time I checked, it was around 15%); they have seen such "efforts" before...
Yep. New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has her hands full with the indigenous people of the land. She's got em totally off side! They weren't so easily fooled. https://johnbotica.substack.com/p/jacinda-ardern-new-zealands-much?r=tz7cx&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
In Northern Australia the butchers used forced injections for the aboriginals!
In both Central and Northern Australia, yes. Absolutely sickening what they did to those people! Government militarised goons squads raided their peaceful communities, often times holding people down and jabbing them against their will! Many who were deemed (by the bogus test) to be C-19+, were taken off to temporary government 'holding facilities'. People were literally running scared for their lives, as they know the lessons of their past. Paranoia runs deep in these communities... and for good reason! And of course our 'public funded ABC' said not a single word about these atrocities!
I have no idea of what people want except what they think is best. And this is a result of sociomorphism. Most of us trust experts. We rarely do more than shop for experts who agree.
You and I diverge on this account. I never trust "experts," even after they prove themselves. I listen to them, but prefer to find out about the details and make my own decision. Sorry, burnt too many times by "experts." :)
Not me. Indeed I agree. Qua man trusts not just experts but reality as real.
Sorry, my bad. :)
Hey, I'm with you guys. If somebody really is an expert, he is his own toughest critic. That I can respect. Years ago, back when "discussions" were still allowed on college campuses, this one really smart guy I would get into conversations with would tell me where I should have taken the argument, and explain why.
Then he would tell me, "Hey, you are not like most of these people, you like to think! That makes you dangerous. I am really glad you are on our side."
Never got a higher compliment.
The same one I offer to both of you.
People don't get hired to become cops, if their IQ is over 110! :)
I agree with you!
Sounds good enough; I subscribed to your page. If I can be of any help, please, let me know.