I briefly worked in a kindergarten classroom for special needs, mostly autistic children. In 2001-2003. The booster shots required wrecked my immune system. So ironic. Most rewarding job I ever had. Didn’t pay much so I had another part time job. I honestly didn’t figure out the mmr booster hurt me terribly for years. No insurance dictated doctors ever have any answers on my many autoimmune disorders that started back then. I really thought some progress would have been made by now. The doctors around the time of Dr Bradstreet’s untimely death & a dozen or so other researchers & doctors sent a clear message to the community. I believe he & others had proof autistim is related to vaccines and possibly pesticides. The children whose parents were able and willing to change their diets made improvements. We had a couple of children who’s Mom’s had been using “ crack” cocaine during pregnancy. The rest were autistic. Back then it horrified me that one of every 148 children was on the autistic spectrum. Now I think it’s near on in 30. I know a local 9th grader in central Florida ( Alva) whose classroom has 15 girls and 4 or 5 boys, a dozen peers ( all male) are homeschooled because of their autistim. That generation will have a shortage of mates to raise families.

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Looks like anarchy to me for awhile too. People always ask "when?" Wrong question as there is no answer. A "realistic" look at history explains alot.


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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Before considering there are no viruses I believed there were trillions (of species) of which I then made the choice I wasn't going to be injected with one type because then I would need dozens or hundreds of injections to protect me against any particular one the profiteers decide to highlight.

This injection event is getting quite ridiculous in people to exist now think their children need injections to make it to adulthood.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good day Ray, your writings are appreciated here. Time is my most precious asset as gallery, open 7 days a week, garden- attempting to put up the amazing abundance, can, dehydrate, freeze and freeze dry- I enjoy experimenting -the fruit jerky is fabulous! Peach pie cherry and blueberry crop quit good this year. covering the bases for no energy storage.

Anarchy is in the air, that silly FBI show has kicked up the angst, for the drama I’m pretty sure. I’m not biting just observing. I get to hear many release their thinkings while tending my shop! Kind like a bartender without the beverages. 😝

Been working on alternative purchasing media for years- barter as much as possible with my work- goldsmith, gallery called Virtu at the Greenbrier Hotel. Decades ago wanted to create a ‘bank’ with hard currency- gold and silver.

I also have concerns about the 5G . Hate this cell phone I use, yet the communications with clients, staff and of course finding humans who just might view the world with concerns that I share makes it hard to stay away from for extended periods.

There are currently no 5 G towers in our rural area, or three county area-for now.

May just be ditching this cell phone soon.

From reading your previous essays I gather you are not too far from southeast WV.

Take care and keep writing.


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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

One observation I’d like to put forth if I may... I still see the vast majority of people using the word “genocide”. I think what’s going on is more a case of ‘democide’. They’re not targeting any one particular specific genetic subgroup of people. They’re out to drive the numbers down right across the board, regardless of one’s genealogy.

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I have no idea of what people want except what they think is best. And this is a result of sociomorphism. Most of us trust experts. We rarely do more than shop for experts who agree.

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I agree with you!

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