Yea, a comments facility. Got nuffin to say, Ray, just wanted to let you know the comment section is visible, which it wasn't earlier. Cheers, Tony

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I used to carpool with a guy who's mother died from a blood transfusion. Apparently, she caught AIDS, or whatever was in that blood. So when I had my surgery in 1993, the anesthetist asked me why I checked off on the sheet the hospital gives you to agree to all their barbaric procedures that I did NOT want a blood transfusion no matter what, I told him I didn't want to catch any diseases, especially HIV. He said they check the blood 15 times (like that was supposed to mean anything to me?). I said, you check it 15 times in one day? He was not happy about my decision. I lost 3 pints of blood, but survived. Took a lot of iron supplements over the next several months. And no, I did not give blood to myself ahead of time. I just had another surgery a month before that and they don't inform you about that procedure. But who in hell knows if you are actually are receiving your own blood anyways? What I told this guy was if I die on the operating table, then it was meant to be. Case closed.

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Turning down blood and blood products was a good idea, and it has become imperative since convid. Actually, these days, there is a synthetic concoction that replaces blood, and I wouldn't trust that one, either. "Doctors" seem used to be able to scare patients with all kinds of lethal prognoses, and they are shocked, when someone tells them that everybody dies, so being afraid makes no sense, unless it provides motivation for preparing for the event.

I'm still not sure what they are calling HIV, because although "viruses" (exosomes) exist, they haven't been proven to cause illness. AIDS is purely fictional and deaths were caused by its "cure," AZT (Fuxxi was involved in that operation, too).

Hospitals are the most dangerous places in the US. If tests don't kill the patent, "therapy" most likely will...

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Any transplant or transfusion is useless as “the source” material for all is now in complete question. No thanks

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The song must be "Oh, the fox went out on a chilly night, And he prayed to the moon to give him light, For he'd many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o."

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Apparently Rockefellerian medicine preceded Rockefeller by a few years -

"In 1889, A. Paltauf of Vienna proposed that the cause for these “sudden deaths” was the result of an ‘enlarged thymus’ that could cause suffocation or strangulation at a moment’s notice–in young, healthy people. He coined this condition: status thymico lymphaticus. It was immediately widely accepted.

Each time a young person would die suddenly, especially during medical procedures, like the son of German Professor Paul Langerhans who died instantly after his father gave him Diphtheria antitoxin in 1896: the answer would be status lymphaticus.

Doctors began treating infants and children for this “condition”. Surgery came first, but removing the ‘enlarged thymus’ had a fatality rate of about 33%, or 1 in 3 patients. This operation was performed on completely healthy children who had nothing wrong with them. "

Do you think that barbaric procedure was discontinued over a century ago? Think again. I find this shocking and horrifying. From the parent of a child whose thymus was stolen without consent :


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Thank you for the link! The author presents severe cases of intentional "medical" malpractice in this article and some of her others, much in the manner I do.

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Having learned the hard way ...☹️ You both are so valuable.

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I only do what I can, but she is amazing. :)

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Also, the first "vaccine" (for smallpox) were deadly and they were definitely "experimental."

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“Checking for poisoning and diagnosing/treating radiation injuries, however, are nearly unheard-of in everyday medical practice.”

What a sad and tragic commentary on modern medical science!

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It's only a description. Comments are open. :)

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I would never consent to it, simply because they have to kill off your own immune system to accept the transplant, seems a poor choice and makes hospitals lots of money, again.

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When somebody is supposed to be dying, anyway, can be easily enticed into it. However, "doctors" have too many incentives to come up with such diagnoses, and even their statistics is most likely tainted...

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Daily, I toy with getting 'Do Not Recessitate' tatooed on my forehead, along with 'Please Bartender, No Well Drinks' underneath. Would be my first tatooes.

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The book in that picture looks like a musical score. I think they are singing and the dog is conducting!

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The wolf is instructing and the fox is waiting for his turn after class. :)

Doctors, apparently, make great singers!

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Nov 5, 2023
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What about it?

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