as we say in up north down south "in French," mazel tov! that's a lotta eyes on yer writin'--lots ta keep up with -- but never disappointed stoppin' by! so... as we also say... "Keep on Truckin'!"

('specially in Daisy land: https://rumble.com/vzkwq5-keep-on-truckin-against-tyranny.html )

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Thank you for all you hard work and helpful posts. Cannot afford to be a paid subscriber but I bought you another coffee

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Jun 27Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Congratulations Ray. I only came to substack early this year. I came across Karl and the microscope lot and decided they weren't worth much attention eventually, especially when i saw the toxic substances they encourage taking to get rid of stuff from the blood (or so they claim). then saw your perspective and felt suitably reassured that my instincts were correct. i don't spend as much time on here as at first but i generally do try to read most of your posts which make sense to me.

i don't pay for subscriptions to anyone as i don't earn much, but i will buy you a coffee today in honour of your achievement and a thank you.

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Thank you kindly. I hope, you'll find my articles helpful.

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The Chinese already crossed pigs with humans... Whatever can be done, will be done, is done, or has been done without anyone being told...

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Jun 27Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You are all the bricks in the wall REAL. Learning lots from you :) about me ultimately, as I self examine while digesting your life in your writing and navigating the thought trains to make really accurate pictures of what is/has been done to all life. 💕

Just read- dr Ana posted this from ZeroHedge - not so surprised to hear but dismayed nonetheless. Lab grown brain cells power computer -saves energy (lots of course) problem is they keep dying- at first lasted only a day- with hydration and nutrients the brainletts can now last 100 days. When the brainlettes perform well they get dopamine, when not-electric zap.

A line has been crossed - again

Hugs to all who love the quiet of picking blueberries for hours. Wisdom, discernment and creative navigation of this short jaunt of life is my wish for you as well as myself 🤪.

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Thank you, Susan, for your appreciation; it means a lot.

Our blackberry tree is only three years old, and we already have fresh organic berries every week. :)

Zerohedge used to be good (or maybe I just knew a lot less at the time), but eventually bots and idiotic commenters destroyed it. These days, they publish only red herrings and limited hangouts. How does that pertain to Mihalcea's article?

Actually, nanocomputing has been simulating the human brain at least since 2012, and the nanochips anchored in the body can operate on bioelectricity (but "cordless charging" is probably at work, too through the electric grid or the cell towers). Still, one technology doesn't exclude the other, and it looks like there is more to learn from the actual human brain. To me, it's more or less clear how the brain operates, and they must be using human brain cells in order to teach the AI about its operation.

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Jun 27Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

There are sooo many Substacks and so little time to read them all, but I do enjoy yours Ray. Some days there is so much mail in my inbox I can barely keep up with all the reading. Keep on doing your thing, your efforts are appreciated more than you know.

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Thank you for your kind words. As for reading my sources, I'm having the same problem. I sometimes have to miss even my favorites for weeks, and go back later. It's just too much to process. The good news is that it's hard to miss anything else, because the rest is only out there in order to distract people's attention from the actual problems, and in order to make sure the public doesn't completely lose faith in the system, and most folks decide to hope for a miracle.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 29Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Sorry to her that. Spoken to Matt and he seemed like good guy.

Limited interaction with karl and he seemed ok too.

Same same for you mate. Just keep doing your thing.

The incentivisation is an issue I have, money is power and power corrupts. Like yourself they have hve the right to earn money but thats a lot of pressure when its a massive figure.

Personally I've stopped writing because there are now enough out there educating and showing the issue's thqt I'm not needed like at the start

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It's good that you are familiar with all that, because it enables you to make up your own mind. Still, basing one's thinking on the wrong sources can prevent stepping out of the box, which is why, for instance, I am against anyone using the allopathic "medical" terms or the current "medical" paradigm. The same applies to taking sides in politics, while the whole circus is only a show for the masses.

When it comes to contents, it can be a problem that once someone makes too much, they can be blackmailed into corruption. That sort of thing happened to several authors, and perhaps Mercola is the greatest loss. I am a long way from the kind of revenue that would suffice to blackmail me, but I would not give in even it that means the end of my life. Everybody dies, and what matters for me is the way I live.

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Jun 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I'm hoping for the best but for me its more the justifications that may be made internally, for the greater good so to speak.

Lucky in that, I don't trust anyone and stay isolated. I fight the battle in a manner that I think is best and need make no compromises for others beliefs.

Few seem to be able to say I don't know, I'm one though.

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That seems to be the only way to do it.

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Jun 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Go get em Ray!

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I only provide the playground and the toys; each dog must fetch for themselves! :)

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Jun 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

When I was in my early 30s I worked as a mechanic in a factory that made fiberglass panels. There was an old mechanic that I worked with who, when we'd all get together for lunch and talk about world affairs, would come across so negative about any optimism I had about politics or government policies or the general state of the union. Used to make me furious. I can hear him now: it's all about money, power, and greed. Nobody does anything unless they're getting something out of it.

A decade later when the company was closing (early 90s, happened a lot) he and I were about the only ones left, and surprisingly he opened up about his early life. He was born in Indonesia, and was in his early teens when the Japanese took over. His idyllic life changed overnight, and he spent years in a labor camp, slaving away for the empire. They were kept in pens with maybe 15 prisoners each. They were starving and had dysentery, and when one of the prisoners would die, they would sit him up to be counted by the guards so they could still receive his rice ration.

He passed long ago, but whenever I start complaining about first world problems I think about what he went through just to survive, and I have discovered over the decades since that what he said about greed, money, and power running the world was absolutely true.

People need someone to say the hard things, and that's what you do. Yours is not a Pollyanna substack, and that's why I'm here.

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The real heroes are the ones who can deal with the facts...

Strange, I also started out as a factory worker before my time in the military (which ended up short after a training accident, so I spent the working in a military hospital until discharge, but all that time was invaluable; it taught me things about myself I would not have ever found out without being pushed to my limits).

Apparently, today's enemy is not concerned about the money anymore; they can lavishly spend the people's. About a hundred years were needed until this murderous clique amassed enough global power to own or at least control everything that matters, including governments. It's already not pretty, but some more time is left to prepare...

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I know you're real because I sniffed you.


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Thanks for all you do Ray! Congrats on 3️⃣🅾️🅾️🅾️❗❕🎉🥳 🎈

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Thank you for your kindness.

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Jun 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

grateful subb here: your writings usually invite doing more reading/research, for which I'm very grateful. one thing leads to an other and so we prod on. currently healing from a major operation I wake up very early each morning, observing the waning moon on its eternal course through the early morning sky (no visible toxic sky-soup, bless their heart!). refraction, perspective, gravity, whatever, it's a beautiful mystery. life's precious.

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You seem to have more of the gist of it than I do. :)

My wife is my instructor!

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Jun 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Congratulations Ray. I would have thought you had more.

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Thank you, Paul. Considering the demanding tasks of being able to read and make one's own decisions, even this number is a miracle. :)

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Got you covered for some brown brew, Ray. God Bless and Thank you!

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Thank you kindly. Same to you. :)

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