This is an excellent write-up on the failed slash and burn Allopathic medical scam ongoing for 100 years. Basically nothing more than pseudo-medical quackery. Although you nailed it Ray, I would like to add that during the US Congressional (idiot liars) Hearings on the Iodization of Salt with Potssium Iodide (a drug), it was the Dermatologists who implored congress not to mass medicate the public (with a drug). They did it anyway and used propaganda to sell it to the unsuspecting masses.


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Pinning your comment, because so little attention is paid to "iodized salt."

Politicians are puppets, as usual, and as you are also intimating, one has to be remarkably idiotic to become a slave like that.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Very very worthwhile information!

One little but essential correction might be neccesary:

You started you brilliant piece, of course, by posing the question:

'What is MENAlization?' If I do spell it correct now...but I am talking about the part of the word written by me in capitals.

I guess you have to add a 'T' among the 'N' and the 'A'.

Am I not a native english languaged person as you can see on the way I write ;-), and then it looks like another word/term then the word you mented:


And I consider your information as extremely important so it must be like perfectly clear immediatly to all people globally by preference in my opinion and I have the overall feeling when lookingat you spending your energy and intellect on efforts to show all people what is threatening us very seriously, your opinion is at least the same as mine:-))

Keep up the good work and remain sane;-)

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Thank you kindly. Corrected.

I'm pretty sure that people who keep thinking tend to arrive at similar conclusions. The difference is localities and some asynchronicity.

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The sanderman... Booze and drugs have ruined many a good person, and their potentially valuable contributions.

Bless the sanderman.

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022Author

I've been praying for him, but he has vanished. He was definitely a genius, but in later, he discovered enemies even in me... :(

In the end, he recommended my site, but he faded away...

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All like him are tortured souls, and are worthy of our prayers.

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I was only 19, when I realized that people who look the most reprehensible are the ones who needed my love the most... This guy was not all that bad, but still acted as someone who had lost it...

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Yes, it's not easy for too many to address their psycho-spiritual ailments (nor, sadly, even their physiological ones), as the "illness" usually has either no outward physical symptoms, or such are so subtle as to be imperceptible, and the supposed doctors (of psychology, psychiatry, etc.) only regularly treat "chemical imbalances in the brain", or merely offer half-assed, near-worthless suggestions that never seem to achieve true healing, but might dope them up enough to relieve only symptoms,, while their peers and family often retreat, often only offering such a one the prescribed Tough Love (or worse) out of their own feelings of futility - not even knowing how to approach such illnesses, and are rarely ever to discover the source of the aberration.

Sounds pretty rough, and it is, as many such illnesses manifest fairly early in a person's life, and can usually be healed with the cathartic method alone, in most cases- though the ptb have succeeded in burying the knowledge in their own locked vaults.

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Apparently, Sanderman deleted his contributions here.

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Hi, Ray Horvath, it's altogether peculiar that my genuine and honest comment to Rosalind turned into an 'issue' on your thread. I have no interest in exchanges with the commenters. Cheers!

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Sanderman is high and on booze all the time. While he makes valuable contributions, he is acting psychotic...

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Hi Ray, thanks for addendum. Yeah, I've been online enough to know when to RUN in the opposite direction. Useful to have seen the exchange in order to now avoid both. :-)

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May 26, 2022·edited May 27, 2022Author

Actually, it is the madman who retracted his stuff here...

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I never returned to the thread after the first bizarre replies by the male and the supporting female. And I found in 'Settings' what may be the way to block them both from commenting on my site, so I did that (no idea if it functions the way I filled it in). If I ever hear from them I'll contact Tech Support. Life's too short!

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Don't worry about it; it started information exchange between people, which is one of the primary goals of this site.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Little by little, without us realizing the extent of it, pharma took over the world. Amazing.

This week I was reminded of a woman I had known when our kids were little. Looked her up. She has a 'master's' now in some meaningless 'public health policy' area; and now works in our provincial government's health department, in some type of 'public health administrative policy' position. Medicine is now just a pharma delivery system, and a good chunk of government is, too.

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After months of a light therapy treatment for my psoriasis, the treatment was so painful I stopped. My doctor told me to get 20 minutes of sunshine a day without sunscreen. I was taking turmeric and black seed oil for a different problem… my psoriasis seems to be better than it has in years just with the black seed/ turmeric ( helps the psoriatic arthritis too) A friend in Minnesota isn’t jabbed but her hair is falling out.. big new tower nearby around Christmas time has devastated her health. Have a good weekend! Thanks for writing

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Thank you for your message. I don't pretend to advise you; all I can share is my own experience. Still, I hope, it works sometimes. Everybody is responsible for their own decisions, so whatever works for me, doesn't necessarily work for anyone else, and they have to take the resposibility for their own decisions...

According to my experience, you apparently had a good doctor, advising you to have sun exposure (sunscreens/deodorants/anti-perpirants contain dangerous chemicals that might be the major causes of breast cancer). Actually, gentle sunshine has been shown to cure a lot of ailments. Also, I'm happy it's been working out for you (the same thing worked for my friend's 13-year-old son a good while ago).

Depending on one's latitude, sunbathing is good mostly, when the sun is gentle. Around here, chemtrails recently destroyed some of the ozone layer to the point that being in the sun is burning my skin even through my T-shirt after a few minutes. And I have "good" skin.

Turmeric combined with fresh-ground black pepper is supposed to decrease inflammation and, allegedly, has anti-cancer properties.

Most stuff on the skin indicate poisoning and is due to lymphal detoxification. Still, hair falling out might be due to radiation exposure. The only thing your friend might be able to do is move off-grid for a few weeks and see, if it works.

My best bet is that the most important thing is not what we have or put on our skin, but what we do NOT use for food or anything else.

Everybody's metabolism is different and it even changes from time to time, so a person's best "doctor" is him- or herself. For me, accepting and offering up my predicaments strangely takes out the edge most of the time...

Supplements, I believe, are mostly good for emergency use; otherwise, the body gets lazy and stops producing the stuff it needs, because it's getting it, anyway. As for food, our bodies seem to possess inherited metabolism that probably works best on a diet that our borebears have been eating for several generations.

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Excellent reply, if I may say, and so very true on all of the points made.

Our health can be so easily acquired by backing off from all that is mechanized and artificial, IF that is simple...

The more we indulge (if such is the correct term, here) in the mechanized pseudo-life, the more poisoned we will become, plain and simple.

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Thanks greatly for taking time to write!

I have cirs and leaky gut, my absorption of water and food is so low, I do depend on supplements right now. I’m sensitive to WiFi, as is my friend with hair loss. Many people are taking glutathione, my dr said I will stop making it naturally if I supplement.

It’s funny to me that my dermatologist mentioned it only after months of expensive treatments , 45$ Copay twice a week for 6 months , then he gave me sound advice. My mom (79) didn’t believe me about 20 minutes sunshine “ a doctor would never say that “. ( she’s fully boosted of course)

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deletedMay 22, 2022·edited May 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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Thanks very much! I’m doing everything except msm & ds m o . I’m dependent on a thyroid replacement hormone & I have to detox gently to not mess up my thyroid. I am off the 8 prescriptions insurance dictated doctors had me on. Just getting off them helped everything! I got an integrative medicine doctor around 47 or 48. I honestly didn’t think I would make it to 50, and I’m 56 now. A pure resin powder for my leaky gut, thyroid medicine and a mold biotoxin nasal spray for now. I need to be in a clean environment before we do the next phase of mold biotoxin treatment. The insurance industry hasn’t acknowledged mold so the insurance dictated doctors won’t admit it exists until then.

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I hope that you are feeling better and better as you detox.

Perhaps some time spent in an arid environment, where molds are much less frequent.

When I lived in the Pacific NW I would literally begin to grow mold on my feet and hands, and lung ailments we're frequent.

Leaving that environment, though I enjoyed many aspects, cleared me up quickly.

I was born in the southwest, and have realized that it is the only environment that I flourish in.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Hi, Rosalind. Mold? Our toxic world has made this formerly common thing that we all used to live with, into a monster. (What environment on earth is "clean" for your next treatment phase?) My family is in a humid, maritime climate and a few years ago our house developed mold from a minor leak. Nothing minor about the effects. I scratched 24/7. One of my sons exploded in autoimmunity. Our TCM practitioner suggested we try lufenuron. Human-grade pet lice killer. It stops the reproductive capacities of the mold spores. We took several envelopes each (three tiny 1/4ish teaspoons in a HIGH-HIGH fat meal [egg yolks in olive oil in avocado!] over three days, if I recall) over the course of months (spaced out, to give time). ZERO side effects. Completely effective. Talk to your Integrative clinician about it. (Feel free to contact me further 2zeldasydney@gmail.com) A UK MD in Czech Repub apparently figured it out. https://buylufenuron.com/

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Thanks for that info!

I was not familiar with such.

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This thread was from months ago and I commented from my other Substack.

Yes, lufenuron is amazing. Affordable, non-toxic, no "side effects". But I would only order it from this place (it's "human grade"), because we've taken it repeatedly. It's not a one-gulp-and-cured. Take an envelope exactly as directed. Wait a few weeks. Take another envelope exactly as directed. The goal is to kill spores in your body and stop them from reproducing. It worked. We're in the same house, with the same air, and the same wood, etc., but no more mold issues.

Good luck to you or whoever you pass the info on to.

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deletedMay 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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I hear you. And I respect whatever people choose to use or not (while not harming others). The TCM practitioner is "true"; we did indeed "use that shit"; and we're happier and healthier for it. Cheers and good health to you. :-)

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deletedMay 25, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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May 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Everything from laundry soap to the fabric in clothes- they all factor in. I developed CIRS & if I use a standard shampoo, I can taste it in my mouth after a few minutes, literally a leaky body, my skin ,& blood/ brain barriers are weak, sensitive to so many things.

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deletedMay 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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The other thing associated with my "incident" other than Kombucha was that the phone rang at the same time. But I gagged a bit on the Kombucha, so tend to favour that one over the old '5g tricks'.

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deletedMay 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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Testing and expanding their system was the primary objective of antisocial distancing; in the initial phase, the distance was necessary for the AI to identify people accurately. The fact that muzzled people had a hard time communicating and whatever they said in public just added to the flavor.

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If you were to believe all of this, 5g, chemtrails, water, food then you'd have a hard time convincing me that the whole of the biosphere wasn't being poisoned. Why would you foul your own nest?

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It gets even more insidious than even the David Icke types will fathom, but a short answer is that "the boss" wants to destroy this whole earth and everything on it, as a petty revenge against the reality of life's restrictions.

Or, you might imagine the spoiled little brat of a tyrant king screaming at the top of his lungs "if I can't have it, then NO ONE can!!!", as he pushes the Magick button that destroys all that he cannot possess.

Such is the life of deception .

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"The boss"?

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I do not like throwing around personal names of some entities, but "the boss" can be substituted for That old serpent, or better yet, a good point at hand- Elon Musk, who recently dressed himself up as The Defender of a certain demonic entity for Halloween, and calls it a joke...

These people are not joking when they kill so many, and subdue the rest with their filthy practices; and do not believe for a single second that such are "accidental" or "coincidental" "simulations", or mere jokes they are pushing.

These "people" in Hollywood that are buried in pedophilic filth, and are beyond the law, by and large, with a token, expendable Weinstein -type, who is past their prime use, anyhow, thrown to the lions on occasion...

These politicians, and judges, and CEOs of fortune 500 companies that get to commit all manner of filthy and perverse acts, and should they get caught, they only get a slap on the wrist, as that is a form of gloating in their acts in front of all, defying the good folks to defy their wickedness.

Stay alert, and Be Blessed!

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Definitely. I pin down "the common cold" to pollution and "the flu" to electronic pollution.

Chemtrails are even worse.

Here is a quote from one of my friends:

"...the primary constituents of chemtrails is basically low grade radioactive coal fly ash, glass like nano shards with mercury and lead laced aluminium and strontium... A waste product of high toxicity levels, especially against brain health and function, everything you need to increase exposure (glass like nano shards) and brain barrier crossing neuro toxins."

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