I remember recycling. It was called "The rubbish dump" and it was the place that actual rubbish was collected from household bins and used as landfill. As one household's rubbish consisted only of a few bottles and cans, this did not mount to much. Plastic did not exist. The only items with wrapping were meat, butter, and cheese and these became garden mulch/fertiliser. Excess and large item rubbish, which was very limited because washing machines and fridges lasted 20 years or so, were carted by householders to the dump and anything conceivably recyclable was pounced on by other householders and taken home FOR FREE.

Sigh. I so miss the days of recycling.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

yes all fraudulant whereever one looks at. Keep your faith. Best wishes and thank you.

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"Recycling" is as environmentally "friendly" as being told we can no longer use plastic bags for our groceries due to the "negative impact on the environment," yet almost everything in the grocery store comes in plastic of some kind! The best is when I see paper straws wrapped in...you guessed it...plastic!!!!

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I Sing the Song of Salvage, both of body and of minds, of houses, barns and buildings, of our great society. I prove it can be done by acts, by examples that few see, and watch as others scoff at salvage and all that it can be. I write with pictures, millions of words, and ideas proven, concepts cured. These I offer to my surprise to few who will but real-ize. The changes that must come with time are not just based on facts or chimes about the problems but the cure, acted on to be quite sure they work and then to get them out when all you hear, so loud they shout, Nothing Works! It's All Going Down! The society solutions can not be found. Then if they could, well not for those who will be victim till they are old. I can not offer more than what the proof is that some of the glut of houses, barns, and things to be homes of elders like you and mii who don't have houses, a place to be, healthy. If you choose to age out fast or take the time, the work to last, to serve the needs of some to see that if Wii do, the Light to see will guide the children much like mii who needed such elders so as to see healthy, wise, and truly free, examples they could hope to BE. Thanks for your time on board exposing the traps, the matrices that some think is only a single but is many that combine to force conformity of thought and minimize resistance to controllers who think they have this next global battle in the bag. I protest and still fight on, blessing if you must be gone, but if you choose to get back in the game, ground and stay out of hospitals next time. 250,000 people a year die there for things they did not enter with, that would not have killed them, but for being there to get the cure.

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Just another mostly backwards liberal cornerstone never proven to be efficient.

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All the Best, Ray. I enjoy your writing!

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1. Ray, sendin' prayers an' blessin's fer your health, I hope you find recovery--your fierce an' tireless writin' is a gift to us all, hang in there! (An' whatever it may be I hope yer not bein' targeted like so many truthtellers but in case it iz that--mebbe reach out ta Ramola D (https://everydayconcerned.net/ ) who knows about healin' specifically from DAWs against humans...

2. yup, recyclin' is a JOKE... so I used ta know a mama whose hubby worked for the NYC Dept of Sanni-tay-shun an' she told me "oh yeah, the recyclin' all goes inta the same place as the trash, all in the truck to the landfills..." The REASON they set up the program was GROOMING! Yup, ta get folks "used ta" complyin' an' sortin' an' follerin' rules b/c they wuz "plannin'" on one day makin' recyclin' a reality (when it could be done faster, when theyre'd be large scale facilities...). Right. So play pretend all ya peons--like playin' "house" when yer a kid. At least with that latter one ya knew one day wull ya might've owned a house ta tend to... The chances of recyclin' bein' anythin' but virtue signalin' are near-nil... THUS the JOKE was on us! (I think've all that warter I wasted washin' out the recyclin' fer nuttin'!)

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I tried replying to your last email, but it did not go through. So I will post my comment here:

I'm sorry to hear about this ongoing health situation. I understand and empathize with your concerns about accepting treatments from the medical establishment.

I am also dealing with longterm symptoms from either Covid or spike protein exposure. And the last few days I have been having intermittent chest pains and shortness of breath. I do not choose to seek "help". I want nothing to do with the medical establishment.

I do pray, and have had answers to prayer many times. I will also pray for you.

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Ray how can I get in touch w you I just read your most recent post where you suggest people can email you- but I am not seeing your contact info

Very sorry to hear of your situation, may you find yourself experiencing the miraculous

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Excellent piece. What gets to Me is that 90%ish of the waste We see is as a result of "planned obsolescence." Things that used to last 20-30 years or more, now last 2 - so more sales can be made, or plastic that is discarded rather than used again, like glass bottles used to be. (Now, even glass bottles are tossed, either in the trash or in the "recycling," which is the same thing, it seems.

What if making money (gaining power over Others) was not a thing? What if earning respect for quality was what We could earn instead? What if honest and excellent solutions were offered rather than problems "solved" with bandaids or left to fester because there is no money profit in solving for them?

What would Our planet look like if We removed that archaic and VERY dangerous tool called "money?" In ALL forms, from trade/barter up to electronic bits? What if We did not need to account for the energy We add into the system with tokens that represent the "stored energy credits," as Jeremy Rifkin describes money in His book, Entropy?

What if We could ALL live as richly as We might choose, helping to solve problems Ethically when they arise? Would We see such waste on Our planet? I suggest that the problems created by the use of that tool CAN be solved for. And free energy technology is the key.

With free energy comes no point to accounting for Our energy added. No reason to issue "stored energy credits." And to any who suggest there is no such thing, My father worked on technology that offered both gravity control and energy from the aether. He would tell Us all about the experiments and what They were getting - until it went black. And then He spoke no more of it.

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

So much will be so much better without the need to "afford" to live on Our planet - of which We own a share of the wealth. (They hold Our wealth in "trusts" as "trustees..." You are a multimillionaire if not a billionaire!)

Trusts (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/trusts:0?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Money... Do We Need It? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-do-we-need-it?sd=pf

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

You Have a Choice – Will You Choose Wisely? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-have-a-choice-will-you-choose

Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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The world of packaging is all tied in with plastics is all tied in with petroleum is all tied in with Rockefeller. I am sure, if you took a poll, most humans would rather shop at a farmers market. If we could eliminate a quarter of food packaging that would be a great accomplishment, and it is a reasonable goal. We can do that in our own lives with some effort. Most plastics still contain endocrine disruptors.

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