After all, that is all the playing field you have.
In the last couple of years, farmers have been offered $3.6-6k per acre of taxpayer’s money to farmers for NOT growing anything.* That’s hardly in the citizens’ best interest, but when was the last, or even the first, time, when the government actually cared for you?
While food production and distribution are being destroyed from all sides; all of the following point in the same direction: derailing wagons delivering fertilizers, setting over a 100 food production/packing facilities on fire in 12 months, creating energy/fuel and shortages, making truckers’ expenses unaffordable and mandating them to become employees (in CA), buying up farmlands and leaving them fallow or growing GMO stuff that renders neighboring fields infertile, while allowing the GMO planters to sue traditional farmers (by claiming that the farmers “stole” the patented seed technology), passing laws that will eliminate traditional agriculture and animal husbandry (as is the case against the Amish), killing 10k heads of cattle in Kansas and blaming it on hot weather (without any similar precedents in history), causing catastrophic weather through geoengineering, when droughts and floods destroy crops, using microwave weapons to set property on fire, regulating any decent food out of existence, letting water pipes rot until the water is undrinkable, destroying water reserves with fracking and mining, hacking pipelines (or just blaming it on hackers, when the pipelines are simply turned off by their “operators” that are usually computers); it all points in the same direction to the extent that you must have succumbed to the American Dream in order not to notice that you are being played. As George Carlin said, you had to be asleep to believe that you stand a chance in a country owned by bankers that organized monopolies and cartels, while playing with your money on the Stock Market, making sure you lose and they win.
And that is the side show, because by the time the globalists’ publicized plan is completed, you will be dead or become a cyborg slave until the AI running the technocratic system deems you useless and activates your kill switch.
What if your government cared for you?
It would respect and ensure that your constitutional right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” would be honored.
That would mean turning arable land and potable water into public assets by using the principle of “eminent domain” that has so often been used against the people, but never in favor of them. It would mean that bankers would not own the country based of debts on their fiat money, created out of thin air at your expense and being constantly destroyed by inflation caused by illegitimate charges, usury, and interest charges that have no viable bases:
A responsible government would not tax you for anything else but home defense, but nobody has ever attacked the country for real. A responsible government would not charge you for destroying foreign countries until they agree to submit to the “elite’s” dominance (the “elite” is often not even from the US, but the American military and secret agencies have been widely utilized towards the purpose). A responsible government would obey the Constitution and would not have nearly 1,000 military bases in the time of peace, and would not allow a sock puppet called “president” to start wars without congressional approval (not that Congress has been any better, just about unanimously voting for $50b untraceable “aid” to the clown in Ukraine, while many Americans cannot even pay their own bills). A responsible government would protect you from pseudo-medical mass killers and quackery in the business of making people permanently sick for the sake of profit, control, and depopulation. A responsible government would not allow its current masters to kill you with a thousand cuts, with fear porn, deadly chemicals, and toxic radiation.
A responsible government could claim eminent domain over all the domains of the mass killers’ projects, and allow Lebensraum for you.
I know, it ain’t gonna happen, but I still have the dream:
* As far as I know, the practice goes back to the early 1990s, although it was only politicians and their ilk who collected the subsidies. These days, it is safe to assume that the largest landowner in the country, Bill Gates, is also eligible for receiving the taxpayer’s money for not growing anything.
Up until my wife was assassinated by their lethal injections I always ensured that I could sustain my family in my garden and allotment.
However the Allotments were, as usual, within the purview of the Masonics and it only took them two years to suss that I wasn’t one of the flock and was traditionally ‘sin died’ and excluded.
When I moved thereafter to Glasgow, my elderly neighbour who was diagnosed with Dementia (Yet she only suffered from the disease of hating her abusive husband and truth-telling)), told me how she just loved her allotment, and where, at the age of 76, could drive a small excavator and dig all her neighbors trenches.
And then, the Wokist middle classes descended and organized a Committee which told her she and her friends were too frail to work in the allotments due to Health and Safety issues….
And she then became trapped with her psychotic man, whom she told me everything about, over seventy long years, since schooldays.
And then, she was followed home by a twenty eight year old Pakistan local and after a terrifying journey through the streets, she gained entry to our ‘Secure Retirement Complex’ and sat down exhausted in the Lounge.
And then her stalker walked in, aided to enter, by his Pakistan ‘refugee’ aunt, and sexually molested her.
That was eighteen months ago, and although everything was recorded on CCTV, no one was apprehended.
It was evidently, yet again, too ‘racially sensitive’ in an Islamic Community.
And, in retrospect, it was simply the establishment of Sharia Law on White folks, daring to assimilate with their elite culture.
The Biden gang gave $1 Billion to Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover and theTreasury Department and USAID won’t say where the money went.
$1.7T Omnibus Spending Spree Hits Title 42 Snag, Dems Scramble for Quick Fix
Yet another massive dose of largesse for Ukraine, nearly $45 billion, was part of the omnibus that could be derailed, even as Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, also on Wednesday, was being feted and praised as he hit the U.S. up for more cash.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, RINO-Swamp, was helping to lead the cheerleading, insisting that Republicans thought giving more loot to Zelenskyy was a top priority.
GOP backs massive spending bill days before taking control of the House
Lawmakers from both parties had sought to lock in $50 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine before the new Congress is sworn in. And that despite multiple reports that the U.S. is not clear where its aid dollars have gone and unanswered questions about why Republicans would be supporting the war effort.
By Voting for the Omnibus, Conservatives Would Be Endorsing Mass Illegal Immigration
Americans Falling Behind on Credit Card and Loan Payments as Inflation Persists
Social Security Increases Could Cause People To Lose Eligibility For Other Aid Programs
Misery for millions as economy slumps into recession
A majority of households will be worse off as a result of Mr Hunt’s decisions, which will see the cap on energy bills increase and the tax burden rise to its highest sustained level since the Second World War.
Inflation is expected to be 9.1% over the course of this year and 7.4% next year, contributing to a dramatic fall in living standards.
Report: Forever chemicals have been dumped into the Mississippi River for more than a decade
Ever heard of the PIG BOOK? It tells you about government waste.
GOP Rep. Dan Bishop Releases the Most Audacious Items Included in the $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill – This Is the Raping of America
Allocates $410 million towards border security for Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman.
$3 million for bee-friendly highways, & another $5 million for the salmon.
Talk about a buzzkill.
GOP backs massive spending bill days before taking control of the House
Lawmakers from both parties had sought to lock in $50 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine before the new Congress is sworn in. And that despite multiple reports that the U.S. is not clear where its aid dollars have gone and unanswered questions about why Republicans would be supporting the war effort. Already gave him $66 billion.
"If anything is clear, it's that Lee is seeing success in rallying the GOP to make a stand for something conservatives actually care about and see as a dire situation that needs to be addressed now, not in another nine months when the current omnibus would expire and allow debate on funding again".