The trash and its shadow: they are both real!
The globalist juggernaut is proceeding to its next phase unhampered. How is that possible, while more and more people realize they have been had?
You may have found yourself in unwelcome situations, in which you were not allowed to make your own decisions. Such experiences are mighty unpleasant, and your usual best chance is to remain invisible in the crowd. This time, when the crowd is being herded towards its slaughter, being invisible means only that the game-masters will kill you without even noticing it. You are forced to act, if you want to give yourself a chance.
The case of New Zealand applies everywhere
New Zealand’s Young Global Leader Prime Minister announced that “covid” edicts no longer apply. In the last couple of days, jubilant announcements have been made regarding the matter; here is one:
Doesn’t that make you feel good and even give you the idea that “the narrative is falling apart” and “the people are winning”?
Sorry to disappoint you. Jacinda is simply using an ancient method of brainwashing:
she gives you hope in order to stop you from thinking and acting on your own;
by “allowing” you to be considered a human being again, she is confirming her status: she is the master and you are the slave;
she is disseminating the usual ambiance of uncertainty by reminding you that what she gives you with one hand, she can take back with the other. During the plandemic, this strategy was referred to as “moving the goalposts.”
When the new edicts and policies arrive (and I can assure you, they will), people will be even more docile; they will be grateful for the little hope, the temporarily longer leash, and the mitigation of stress handed out like poisoned candy. Their positions as slaves will be confirmed again. Public protesters can be interned, their bank accounts can be frozen (as it happened in Canada during the “truckers’ protests”), fried with one of the crowd-control devices (Directed Energy Weapons or, in short, DEWs), or elegantly sprayed with harmful chemicals in the water from the water cannons used on the crowd (as it happened in Germany sometime last year).
Rescinded baits of hope also function well towards depriving people of any cognitive security (in English: people don’t know what to think anymore), assuming they have any left, which makes them more susceptible for accepting overt or subliminal suggestions, obeying commands, and accepting fake objects of hope as compliant subjects of an incarceration-experiment that evoked and fed their Stockholm syndrome.
How can hope work?
Hope is not necessarily bad. In fact, maintaining a healthy level of it makes life easier and more manageable by securing a direction. Those, who know what they want, are difficult to manipulate.
The problem starts, when hope is misplaced and granted to undeserving parties. In this case, the democidal maniacs deserve no trust, and trust must precede hope!
Trust or, shall I say, faith, must be well-grounded and must not be built on hope! Even more importantly, hope can only be directed towards carefully-selected objects of faith that unite and solidify the person’s sense of values, continuity, and integrity.
During the “covid” psy-op, “science” kept changing for the same reason: if even “experts” have to change their minds, who are you to dare to think for yourself?
Thinking for yourself must precede making decisions and responsible decisions must precede action. Messing up the sequential priorities can be petrifying. For instance, hoping that a worldwide trial will come up in which the perps will be condemned for their crimes against humanity places hope before trust: trusting obviously-corrupt judicial systems and even imagining that a fair global court that represents the people can exist contradicts reality. Placing hope before trust, in this case, is likely a fatal mistake. By the time it will turn out that there will be no trial, action will have been delayed to the point of becoming impossible. The barbed wire will fully encircle the semi-conscious herd, suckling on the legal drug of false hope.
Time is running out
My pep talk from a writer’s proverbial soap box amounts to exactly nothing, because only you can think, decide, and act for yourself and, perhaps, for a few people, whose lives you might be able to make a bit better!
In the last week or two, lots of evidence have surfaced as evidence against the globalist murderers. There is only one explanation for that: it is too late to do anything about what has happened.
The hero is coming to the rescue!
Still, you are not alone:
My view. It has a lot to do with local elections with final voting day (it's mostly postal) on October 8th. Everybody here has had enough of masks and once the mandate was over compliance fell to about 1 or 2%. There's also the theft of local water assets by the central government as an issue here, called Three Waters which is a big vote loser for the Government and the Greens. And just about no belief anymore in vaccine efficacy with the inquest into Rory Nairn's death from Pfizer as per the coroner having recently wrapped up. Apparently the information presented at the case, locked away from public, is even more damning than publicly available.
Who's still pushing it? Well nobody other than government paid shills such as Student Radio.
It's over here. Jacinda doesn't have a back up plan, all it was was an attempt to stop the haemorrhaging of votes these local elections. Which may have some more to play out as our voting forms have yet to turn up and voting started today. Fairly obvious that the polling is pointing to a rout in the local elections.
I’ve decided I’m no longer going to bother trying to fight against this thing. We’ve pretty much lost the battle. To be honest, I think we lost it before the fight even began. The madness has become far too interwoven within the fabric of society.. therefore things can’t realistically be turned around from this late point in the game. We’re only kidding ourselves thinking it can. Even though many are awakening, it’s far too slow a process. By the time enough have awoken, billions will have perished. So, from here on in.. I’m merely an observer of this thing. Just another documenter of our decline as a species.