That quote by Jacinda is from 2021.

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Sorry it's from 2020 sometime. Here's the leader of the opposition at the time referring to it;


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All these "young global leaders" were only good for one thing: they showed how disempowered, stupid, and obedient people were.

Does it matter anymore?

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No not really. And I don't see them having too much of a role either. Although Sunak in the UK is not a good sign that they're on the back foot.

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Sunak is one of the YGLs...

The people are royally screwed...

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fyi the Jacinda link isn't working now. Hmmmmmmmmm

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Fixing it.

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Thank you for checking it out. It basically said that "If we are not saying it, it is not true."

It must be available in Internet archives... Well, theoretically...

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In the report made regarding the knowledge gained during the Event 201 "simulation", it was interestingly remarked upon that when the message to the populace is inconsistent, back and forth, and one has to pick and choose to trust the supposed experts, or the clownish politicians, or their own guts and brains... well, it had the effect of a copper wire being bent back and forth , until it BREAKS, the human will being the wire.

This is the willful intent to commit the psychological torture that is still going on full speed ahead.

If we did not have some rock of sanity to cling to, then I suppose that many would be washed away in this flood of filth and terrible lies that surrounds us.

We tiny, little human-ants may not amount to much, but our choices and actions made are not without potential merit, and do not have to stay relegated down to the realm of greedy, gluttonous sensuality alone.

We are free , if not encouraged, to expand into our spiritual aspects, and I believe that when this occurs ( which it is, at a growing pace ), the battle line will be very obvious to All, and not just to a few of us.

There is undeniably a glut of wicked perversity among our upper echelon movers and shakers, and all of the humans that are busy trying to imitate those bozos are obviously on the wrong team... and there seems to be plenty of sycophants touting the glories to be held when one makes the grade, ascending to billionaire financial status, still dangling the golden carrot afore one and all of those that choose to follow along behind.

Rough waters ahead , no doubt.

Chins up. Shields of Faith in place.

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Marcus, it is rewarding to read your comments; both the thoughts and the images are in the right place.

Gaslighting has been around forever.

Still, I believe that the priority I have pointed out in my article today must be emphasized, publicized, and handed down. I HAVE JUST HIT A BULL'S EYE THAT, TO MY BEST KNOWLEDGE, IS NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE, BUT IT FREES THE MINDLESS FOLLOWERS OF POPULAR SHILLS FROM THEIR BONDAGE!

Even the craziest morons might realize the way it works and stop buying into the BS.

Everyone is an expert of their lives, if they choose to do so!

Frankly, I just don't get it. Are people masochists to follow the propaganda? As you are also observing it, it must be painful!

As for being free, primary socialization determines most human thoughts and actions. Basically, it is mandatory to revise and re-learn what is right and what is wrong, as opposed to what a child is exposed to before the age of five. To put it bluntly, humans are pre-programmed to fail in the tracks of their forebears and of the members of their immediate surroundings at an early age, while they are only learning the basics and are completely defenseless against evil or nonsense. It IS possible to get rid of the heritage, but in my experience, it would take a lot longer than a human's lifetime, even if it is maxed out to the Bible's 120 years.

Also, I don't think that the battlelines are all that obvious, because those, who keep misleading the crowds often happen to be well-meaning, nice, or even charismatic people. It's a lot easier for a person to submit than to resist.

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"I believe that the priority I have pointed out in my article today must be emphasized, publicized, and handed down. I HAVE JUST HIT A BULL'S EYE THAT, TO MY BEST KNOWLEDGE, IS NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE, BUT IT FREES THE MINDLESS FOLLOWERS OF POPULAR SHILLS FROM THEIR BONDAGE!"

By all means!

Faith grown and firmly rooted is a force beyond reckoning.

I agree that while the current picture on the TV is full of the heartache of watching our very own human cohabitants make such poor decisions regarding this Gift of Life, we tend to our garden the best that we can, remembering what has been forgotten ( if we Permit Ourselves ), and powered by the Faith that gives one pure hope, then allowing for the kind, correct acts that will surely follow such hope, spreading forth like the honest, good medicine that it was intended to be... patiently enduring the stumbled steps of the madmen and women that need the medicine the most, it would seem, but are somehow stuck against it, at least for the moment.

Very Trying for such as can think and feel to be forced to embrace the reality that some amongst us are very damaged, and yet still remain our psychotic, sociopathic overlords, of sorts, in their various guises, people that many look up to, as you said, mainly as the visible politicians and bureaucrats, judges and lawyers, and the industrialists and corporate oligarchs, all going goo-goo for the "stuff", the stuff of power, wealth, dispensation of Life, and the will to take away Life...all just so much stuff...

The poor damned tyrants just can't seem to hop on the humble trail of dignity and respect for compassionately held truth, so are almost like hoarders in that they use all their stuff to shield theirselves from the Reality of Life, preferring their fancy fictions, and quenching their deviant's taste for our own not-so-sweet nor pure blood to sustain them. Pure bliss???

Only to a foreign and diseased sort, I will have to hold, and not to one operating from a relatively balanced position, it should be obvious, but yet...

Blessings along the narrow trail, for there are plenty yet waiting to be appreciated.

And thanks for your efforts on this behalf! Keep sharp.

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I’ve decided I’m no longer going to bother trying to fight against this thing. We’ve pretty much lost the battle. To be honest, I think we lost it before the fight even began. The madness has become far too interwoven within the fabric of society.. therefore things can’t realistically be turned around from this late point in the game. We’re only kidding ourselves thinking it can. Even though many are awakening, it’s far too slow a process. By the time enough have awoken, billions will have perished. So, from here on in.. I’m merely an observer of this thing. Just another documenter of our decline as a species.

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That's the timetable.

Still, being aware of what's coming, it is possible to prepare to a certain extent, and share our knowledge. It might be better than nothing.

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I'm still going to continue throwing a big fat spanner into the works wherever I can though. I refuse to make it easy for the mongrels.

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Surprised I found you only that late in tbe game- but happy I did. You mirror many of my own perceptions, thoughts and conclusions. This is good news as it means that thete are more of us out there then we realized. I wonder if you noticed a lifting of a shadow ban since end of November too? I is very unlikely to last and probably due to the changing over of admins and creating new lists but after getting nowhere for two years (stuck on 500+ subscribers), my subscribers suddenly trippled within two months) without me doing anything different. And I suddenly discovered more real dissidents and brave realists than ever before...including yourself. Let's enjoy it while it lasts and before the next round of atomization.

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Never giving up is a good start! :)

Dropping tools between the cogwheels is one thing that can be done. Gaining time can postpone the globalists' next moves until they run out of moves! I would give it about six years and they will be gone, but as you are also saying, billions will precede them.

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One of your best articles, Ray.

A flawless description.

And I agree with you and John, billions!

Hope is the cruelest, unless it is based on Faith, then it is oh so powerful.

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More often than not, I can be a moron, but this article does kill the beast!

Oh, boy, wasn't I constantly frustrated by reading the bullcrap about "Nuremberg 2" and all that...

This article points out the cognitive fallacy that turns the masses into docile and inactive subjects of democide.

In my opinion, my idea is light-years ahead of fashionable crap like "mass formation"!

I only wish people were spreading the news! I never started this Substack for money (although I am grateful for the pennies I am receiving per hour, especially because my wife is always worried about our otherwise extremely moderate finances, but living halfway-poor is the best position for those, who want to be relatively independent). I did hope to make a difference before I die, all the more so, because I've never promoted myself and never wanted to be rich or famous (actually, I detest both).

Hope, as long as it is built on Rock, is a must.

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Ray, slower than normal to respond to this due to what might have been an high level attack on my computer system. Anyway mostly back up with a little better security. Upgraded my Linux & other security insulation. Mac upgrade had some problems they may not have expected.

The only kind of "moron" you've been is a brilliant one at least in my opinion.

Sure as hell wouldn't want you working against me, brother.

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The Rockefeller Foundation, the National Science Foundation and other nonprofits are pouring millions of dollars into a research initiative “to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and other recommended public health measures by countering mis- and disinformation.”


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Yes, they are funding such "research," but "vaccines" are moot, anyway. There are many alternative delivery methods:



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Both pieces of news are, to a certain extent, red herrings:

1. "covid" never happened, so there was no failure "treating" it. Now that much of the conspiracy has been revealed, nothing is happening about indicting the globalist criminals and their lackeys (anyway, I would prefer to banish them to their own island instead of financing their prison sentences).

2. Abortion raises the question whether anyone can impose their preferences on others, and currently, it is used for diverting people's attention from imminent threats. Yes, abortion kills babies, but how many pro-lifers would take in some junkie's unwanted babies, who will be "vaccinated" lame or dead, anyway? Yes, humans are their brother's keepers, but they can do only so much... (Disney is losing most of its audience now, anyway.)

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My view. It has a lot to do with local elections with final voting day (it's mostly postal) on October 8th. Everybody here has had enough of masks and once the mandate was over compliance fell to about 1 or 2%. There's also the theft of local water assets by the central government as an issue here, called Three Waters which is a big vote loser for the Government and the Greens. And just about no belief anymore in vaccine efficacy with the inquest into Rory Nairn's death from Pfizer as per the coroner having recently wrapped up. Apparently the information presented at the case, locked away from public, is even more damning than publicly available.

Who's still pushing it? Well nobody other than government paid shills such as Student Radio.

It's over here. Jacinda doesn't have a back up plan, all it was was an attempt to stop the haemorrhaging of votes these local elections. Which may have some more to play out as our voting forms have yet to turn up and voting started today. Fairly obvious that the polling is pointing to a rout in the local elections.

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Thank you for the details. I was not familiar with many of them (not that I am knowledgeable now).

Although elections are always rigged, Jacinda will need some visible popular support in order to win again. In a fair election, she would be probably buried alive, but there are no fair "national" elections. Local can be fair, if you are going to have enough observers. She doesn't need any plans, because she simply follows instructions.

It would be an interesting initiative that even "national" electoral candidates should be elected in a fair election locally in order to become eligible for running nationally, but that ain't gonna happen. :)

Look at the US Congress: whoever hasn't been bought (I doubt that there are more than 1-3 reps), has been intimidated and/or offered survival after the SHTF. It doesn't matter who gets elected, because the system itself is rotten and newbies have to fall in or fall out the window from the 50th floor and close the window behind them! :)

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I agree: if you think something has changed, you are way off the mark.

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Great points, thanks. Fits into where my thinking is leading. The two dimensional reality of digital and “biotechnology” (ruled by the two dimensional reality of 0’s and 1’s) destroys the vast amount of common sense we humans engage in within our natural multidimensional world. Segregated into isolation with our fake stupid Meta realities we descend into frank psychosis.

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Actually, the hope for "courts" has always bothered the heck out of me, but this time, I have managed to verbalize my stance: faith must not be based on hope. It has to be the other way around!

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Sep 16, 2022Edited
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You cannot say it often enough! And it does look like Armageddon.

I think, many will end up in Hell and believe they are in Heaven! The Devil (an extremely nice-looking and kind person) will make an offer to the freshly departed: "Come with me, and all your wishes will be fulfilled!" That's one of my definitions of Hell (the other one is that Hell is this life, if it lasts forever), because I keep missing the mark determining what's good for me. :)

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Sep 16, 2022
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Nope, I never watched much TV, and I completely missed The Twilight Zone, but I can remember a few episodes of Get Smart!, All in the Family, and Mork and Mindy. :) This episode is apparently about the same idea as the one I developed around 1978. Thank you for the link!

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The "Cone of Silence."


The other day I was coming back from the Post Office, it's a pretty busy road, and this stupid lady tried to jump across 4 lanes of busy traffic in her Mercedes. Right in front of me in the Audi. Everybody was going about 50+ mph and cars scattered everywhere, me jumping back and forth a couple of lanes while heavily on the brakes and then there was a County Sheriff car sliding sideways right at me. We all came to a stop with no collisions, a literal miracle, the Sheriff about 3mm from the side of the Audi. I still don't know how we didn't swap mirrors, his driver window directly opposite mine. I rolled down the window as he did the same, looked at the near zero gap between our cars, then I held up my thumb and forefinger and said:

"Missed it by that much."

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