No Need for Any More "Vaccinations"!
Genetically-modified Mosquitoes Are Injecting You Now! Plus more...
Technology has reached amazing levels. “Vaccines” can now be aerosolized, administered through a patch, or implanted in a “covid” test, but it turns out, there is a more romantic and, possibly cheaper and faster, way to produce the same result! The idea of informed consent has been moot for decades, so nothing really changes.
My wife and I live in rural Central Kentucky. She was doing some gardening yesterday, when a mosquito tried to bite her. She didn’t care for feeding the poor, starving creature, but noticed that this one was smaller than regular mosquitoes and larger than the ever-so-common nasty tiny bugs around here that also have vicious bites.
She has the habit of identifying peculiar insects she encounters during her gardening adventures, so it was only normal for her to become curious and search for matching photos on the Internet. Eventually, she found a photo that looked like the one from her close encounter:
She suspected that this might be a GM insect, so she told me about it and we extended the search. It turned out, it was…
The following linked article contains one of the first announcements about GM mosquitoes being released in the wild. It must raise a red flag right away that “US Health Regulators Say GE Mosquitoes Are Safe.” It might further elevate your “trust in the science,” if you consider that “To achieve this feat, Oxitec has inserted protein fragments from the herpes virus, E. coli bacteria, coral and cabbage looper moth into the insects. The GE mosquitoes have proven lethal to native mosquito populations.”
In 2021, people in Florida were furious after learning a large-scale deployment of the creatures in their Lebensraum:
News about widespread releases: “For the separate Wolbachia method, field trials of Ae. aegypti containing Wolbachia are being carried out in Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and Vietnam. Mosquitoes containing Wolbachia have also been released in Kentucky, California, and New York.”
Large-scale international releases
For good measure, here are the mosquitoes that are native in Kentucky:
As a final shocker, combine the following “scientific achievement” from 2010:
Researchers turn mosquitoes into flying vaccinators
Officially, these freaks of nature have been released “only” in California, New York, and Kentucky, which suggests that they will soon cover the East Coast, Flyover Country, and the West Coast. It might not take them long to show up in your neighborhood soon, unless they are already there.
What are these “flying vaccinators” injecting you with? Pathogens, parasites, perhaps some nice toxins, spiced up with tiny amounts of graphene derivatives are logical choices. After all, why would the contents of the “covid” injections be altered, when they have been working out so well? The ensuing diseases will be blamed on mosquitoes so that more of the little monsters will receive authorization to further advance the world into the Nirvana of the “vaccinated.”
“Slip Of The Tongue By Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Confirming Vaccines Are Weapons":
Here is the latest from Australia, where chemtrails are approved for “vaccinations”:
The food supply is also targeted:
To make sure you’ll never know if you are “vaccinated”:
For good measure, forced “vaccination” is also on the way:
Snowden ,Assange...
utterly beyond belief. I hope guys like you keep telling people about it. If we keep trying to get the message out, let's see if anything comes of it.