The chicken used to save cows!
Two days ago, the most prominent crook in British telecasting, the BBC, came out with the idea of “saving red squirrels” from the cruel fate of dying of “squirrel pox”:
Remember “monkeypox” for monkeys and omicron for the moronic?
It turned out that the tiny particles re-branded as the “monkeypox virus” were so photogenic and narcissistic that they even allowed themselves to be photographed!
Of course, the massive 5G and 6G installations brought about plenty of “covid” symptoms. Here an article with two maps for Britain:
The UK was not an exception, and since the general poisoning1 has been expanded, birds have been falling out of the sky and insects have been going extinct.
So, the hired killers who saved a lot of grandmas2 from the terrible death from “covid” by killing them with Midazolam in Britain, an execution drug3, and the Remdesivir/ventilator protocol in the US (well, alert patients also had to be sedated to coma in order to be able to put up with a ventilator turned up to 90 cycles a minute), have turned their compassion to squirrels.
The fear porn has also been targeting wild deer, because hunting would be a survival skill that could prevent full dependency on the corporate world government:
The diagnosis, of course, is based on the same criminal PCR test that is used for discovering cases of the “bird flu.”
In a logical next step, the psyop has now reached the point that domestic animals are also targeted; it is confirmed:
This integral part of mass depopulation is dished out in the “safe and effective” manner that has worked before on TV-viewers:
Most peculiarly, all opposition is talking about mRNA “vaccines,” which these injections, just like the ones for “covid,” are NOT.
The FDA goes as far as allowing meat from GMO animals to enter the market:
Legal fights for accurate labeling have failed years ago, and the terms for GMO products are artistic enough to put Shakespeare to shame.
Organic farmers, especially, the Amish, are heavily targeted for providing clean meat:
For humans, “vaccine deaths” are piling up, but the figures are drastically underrepresented:
Considering the under-reporting scale on VAERS, the number of victims to the injections exceeded 10 million already several months ago.
On Vaccinedeaths, cases like young athletes developing “turbo” testicular cancers are not even counted (as lots of other cancers are also discounted), which turns the two million an extremely conservative estimate:
Experiments with cows must have started in the early 1980s with the introduction of “mad cow disease” that is most likely caused by a parasite, but based on the damages it causes in the bovine brain, it is considered a prion disease (not unusual in human illnesses, either, that the damage itself becomes the source in a diagnosis).
As you probably know, cows are under attack in the name of “climate change” in the Netherlands, but Ireland also culls them, perhaps as an experiment before it’s the human herd’s turn:
And don’t forget the 10k of cattle that were killed last August in Kansas:
Some might think it’s a joke for April 1st, but it is not: in 2022, Charles the Turd (a “prince” at the time) even backed the idea of muzzling cows. I guess, he only placed and equation mark between humans and cows after people complied with the muzzling mandates for a couple of years:
Perhaps it would be for bovine burps, but it’s only a question of time until bovine diapers will also be endorsed.
So, swine and bovines will be mercilessly protected against “covid.” What does that entail?
As the injections turn all living beings into part of the IoT4, they must contain the self-assembling graphene-based nanocomputers (transmitters, receivers, and control units). Consequently, eating pork, beef, or even drinking milk could present a severe hazard at best. "Vaccines" in food is coming up this month, anyway, although not mRNA as the otherwise honorable Griffin states:
Remember what happened to breast milk from injected mothers?
Dairy farmers in Australia are now forced to have their livestock injected with the poison. Nearly two out of ten die instantly:
Dying will not be the last assignment for the human cattle, because the technocratic system can, and will, make sure each useless eater who lost its (yes, they will be treated as objects) function in the system will be useful even after death:
Full control is now on the table, made possible by more than a 100 years of compliance training:
For those, who refrain from consuming animal products on the sly, will be offered worms, insects, and if they behave well, maybe even lab-grown “meat”:
People are told to call or to write to their representatives, the very same politicians who betrayed them in 1913 with the Federal Reserve act, but switched to high gear with their abuse in 2020. The taxpayer must foot all bills, and is offered scraps of the truth after damages are irreversibly done, and many swallow the bait, hook, line and sinker, and start believing in politicians and the court of law again5.
Also, the system must be able to distinguish between animals and renegade humans, when they show up on infrared satellite images.
Wow, Squirrelpox. Deerpox, Monkeypox, Insectpox, Cariboupox, it just keeps on keeping on doesn't it. And lab grown meat, anything like that pathetically gross "Mastodon" burger they showed the other day? Couldn't be any worse than cannibalism, which is where we're heading unless somebody does something. Isn't that an Omar quote?
Or we all already be dead from the radiation poisoning, or the dioxin poisoning, or the cfcxas poisoning, or, well you know what I mean.
Dr Ana does not say it's mRNA though-- the shots are called mRNA shots--they are certainly graphene hydrogels--Dr. Ana speaks often 'bout this. head's spinnin' too! We were takin' magnets to the grocery to check for even magnetic grassfed meat (yup, found some from time ta chicken too)--tho we buy mostly from farmers that ain't always possible...just we make exceptions (such as in travel) and boy golly what a nightmare!
Thanks for this link--hadn't seen it--there are MANY.
ALSO the connect-shun with MORGELLONS--from the c-r-a-p rainin' down on us an' the animals from the skies-- that Looooong preceded this plandemic--it's many deck-AIDS in the makin'!!!! Ani-mauls, poor things, are affected first!