You know there is a lot of people that are on the ground before Walmart even rolled in. https://www.facebook.com/mountainmulepackersranch/ who have been there since the beginning. There are a lot of other groups that have tried and were turned away even tho FEMA could not help. Thank goodness for people who do not follow the rules but help out people since our gov will not.

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damn the SWINE!!!! (I mean the human ones...) EVEN ORGANIC can git mRNA shots...eeeeeeee! this hot offa them presses (ham presses!):


..."organic standards do not have any rules on the use of vaccines, mRNA-based or otherwise.

Seeing how the Sequivity platform has been around for nearly five years already, it seems reasonable to assume nearly all large-scale swine producers have made this transition."

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I'm all fer "Build a Bear" (the non-commercial kind sans synth-etic stuffin'!) and 'll be glad ta take a look at that link too! welcome back (come on by the Stack when ya gotta few) I know it's hard ta keep up with ALL the great stuff folks write & post, even when yer not away--I'm waaaay behind in my readin' stacks an' wartchin' stuff myself! Happy Easter! (to one an' all!)

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Happy Easter Daisy Mae! (kissey emoji cuz I'm on my security laptop & not a dam cell phone)

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ya may be right but it IS another angle ta this mess (mebbe one given ta "invest-turds?")...an' bein' inefficient never stopped these dirty-devils so who knows? either way, between feedin' cows seaweed (which'll mess up their guts / create bromine & havoc in all that eat 'em...) an' injectin' everything that moooves... I'd say they are not only out ta destroy animal protein BUT ALSO to git in that graphene all ways 'til Sunday (which ain't good fer us human beans as we know!)

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Thanks Ray. Excellent post. Take a look at Dr. Ana's posts & see the contaminants in food animals blood. Another Dr. in Australia, through his contact with Dr. Ana, has found the same contamination in Australian food chain. With your excellent links & Dr. Ana's findings. Definitely looking like this has been going on, close to when GMO crops were trialed, then introduced into the human food chain.

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Dr. David Nixon. Soft spoken fellow, very credible.

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Thanks, Andy.

I do read Ana's posts (I mean to elevate her position by not calling her a doctor, because I also have double doctorates and I know how much they are worth). It looks like her findings are usually compatible with my predictions, except my predictions are based on conjecturing, and she actually proves that I was correct. Her materials also contain a treasure trove of information that I might or might not be able to process, but I do my best. :)

I am only a cognitive scientist who has extensive real-life experience in hospitals, with MDs, and patients.

Her findings in crops along with Bill Gates' projections scared the living daylight out of me. They point in the same direction, indicating that the danger of being exterminated is imminent.

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Ray indeed terrifying. Horrifying that it is. At least we have a major heads up to change our food sourcing.

Also blown my tiny old mind as to just how long have the "they" been exercising, & implementing this sort of control over the world.

I was also horrified by the fact that DDT is still traceable in soils & plants. Remember Rachel Carson's Silent Spring? That should have been the wake up call to pay attention to the evil doers. Unfortunately despite it being a best seller & did result in some legislative change. The majority of humanity relaxed back into their usual complacency.

My own defence mechanism has evolved into a quite loony & beyond daft sense of humour. Best topping ones self in despair.

Light at the end of the tunnel. No wake up & know that light is the engine's headlight bearing down on you. If we don't find the safety niches set into the tunnel walls. It will be a nasty mess in there.

Take care, stay safe, you & yours. Cheers! 1Love.

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Apparently, the killing fields are now open, and nobody will know what will hit them. Independent farmers are over-regulated and are often forced to comply with insane rules. For instance, in the EU, farmers cannot sell cheese without preservatives. With all the poisoning in the air, in water, and in food, I'm a bit concerned what will remain edible anytime soon.

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ps re eatin' bugs...so we don't have safe meat / fish / poultry... BUGS produce Graphene! No kiddin'! this is from a reader comment on Dr Ana's site:

"One of the reasons why they want us to eat more insects is the following. The exoskeleton of insects is made of chitin, a polysaccharide. Chitin is deacetylized to obtain chitosan. Through pyrolisis (900 -1000 °C) you get carbon. That carbon is exfoliated to obtain graphene oxide. So basically you are using biomass to synthesize graphene oxide. "

the commenter adds:

"It's pure madness that insects are introduced into our food.

Link between Alzheimers and chitin:


They also contain allergens, parasites, alkaloids etc. There's a reason why we humans are disgusted by insects. It's a protective mechanism. "

DANG. them Dr Evils 'r clever Evil-can-Weevils!

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THANK YOU for all this. I didn't know even about half of it, but it makes sense to me.

I did know that bug-based diet marks the end of its consumers.

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Apr 7, 2023Edited
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Please, introduce yourself and start writing in a fashion that would make sense to other commenters. Yes, I have received complaints. Unless you care for people understanding you, I'll have to assume your comments come from an AI as a distraction and I will have to ban you.

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Apr 7, 2023
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Look, I don't even know your name and your profile shows exactly nothing.

Actually, AI is very well capable of combining various sources and come out with something "original."

Please, explain what happened between you and Roman.

Maybe, if you said one thing at a time, I could point out where I'm missing something, but your posts are overwhelming, which matches the pattern of previous attacks on my comment sections.

Most of the time, I cannot even read through long comments; I reserve that for paid subscribers and for cooperating fellow authors. You REALLY want to keep things brief, if you want to engage in a conversation with me. I have to work 8-16 hours a day on this site and I am simply unable to cover certain aspects.

Yes, please, keep it simple. As Einstein said, if you cannot explain what you mean to say to a six-year-old (they were a LOT more mature at his time), you don't know what you are talking about.

As you may have noticed, I also avoid heavy terminology to the benefit of all readers. You might also notice that your posts are also for other commenters, and they are not exactly "dumb" here, although many of them might lack the expertise or even the vocabulary to evaluate complex problems without you or I presenting them in a widely- accessible manner.

It's your choice if you want to leave, but I'll certainly ask you, if you feel you cannot accommodate the variables. Truly sorry about that.

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Apr 7, 2023
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Thank you for your understanding.

For that matter, you seem to have a lot to say, so starting your own Substack might be a good idea. In that case, you can refer readers in other authors' comment sections to your articles. Of course, I do that only when my piece is related to the author's and I explain how in a sentence or two.

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Yup, Dr Ana has been one've 'em sayin' that their ain't no mRNA in these shots--Sasha Latypova too! Early on there wuz some cooked up "frag-mints" of mRNA mixed in the slurry--no more in most batches. Dr Ryan Cole, ya know, strong armed Dr Astrid Stuckelberger offa the stage at big conference in Sweden cuz she started talkin' bout the graphene + 5G an' the cull. I think Dr. Cole's now a pharma stooge (sadly as they likely got ta'im...he was purdy bold at the start...)

NOW--why d'ya say this?--jus' curious...

" My best guess is that the globalists will clean up their mess later, "

They have their clean meat / their "no fly zones" where little if any chemtrails wander... they have their private farmers too! Why clean up the mess (if it's even doable?) when their phew!tures are secure?

RE there will be nothing harmless to eat or drink for five years. Farmer's crops are also exposed to chemtrails, as are water and air.

5? 25? 105? I fear longer--this stuff STAYS in the soil! I heard the worse-than-pvc chemmy-culls in the Ohio (+) spills' last fer about 200 years--lordy....bad news indeed... Some say mushrooms (no joke!) kin clean up chemmy-culls... not sure of the deets tho... on land as well as in water?


Doing my best to avoid being poisoned, but the best thing is probably to eat VERY little (organics are also tainted, but less than the cheap stuff).

Intermittent fastin' yup--but some (like kids) can't really do this.... Anyone 'at saved canned goods (pre-BPA) from the war years when pesky-side use ramped up (my granny used ta do this!) likely has the safest source've food in the planet!

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Hi Daisy - Re: "Doing my best to avoid being poisoned..." well, you & me both & fasting is useful.

Believe that we *must* think long-term related to building communities of our own locally - like the Beartaria/Bear communities, if you know what I mean. Absolutely serious need for this as the world goes to hell & things get increasingly sketchy & scary around us. Need our peeps around us, helping to resist & sharing support, understanding & communal caring.

Building Beartaria Part One | Foundations Owen Benjamin


p.s. Been off substack for a couple of weeks so I've missed your posts, Daisy. See you there soon.


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Dr Ana does not say it's mRNA though-- the shots are called mRNA shots--they are certainly graphene hydrogels--Dr. Ana speaks often 'bout this.

YUP...my head's spinnin' too! We were takin' magnets to the grocery to check for even magnetic grassfed meat (yup, found some from time ta time...in chicken too)--tho we buy mostly from farmers that ain't always possible...just mostly...so we make exceptions (such as in travel) and boy golly what a nightmare!

Thanks for this link--hadn't seen it--there are MANY.

ALSO the connect-shun with MORGELLONS--from the c-r-a-p rainin' down on us an' the animals from the skies-- that Looooong preceded this plandemic--it's many deck-AIDS in the makin'!!!! Ani-mauls, poor things, are affected first!

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Calling these mRNA shots is like calling boys girls...

I've been reading a lot about the subject in the last 30 months, and no matter who says what, my conclusion was that these are graphene in hydrogels. I'm glad that Ana agrees with me, but even if she didn't, she would have to come up with something that could convince me otherwise. On the other hand, that boat is gone; it's clear to me what these poisons are, at least at the general level, because there are hundreds of other options regarding the contents. Several other materials/toxins/parasites/pathogens are also involved, and they can activate each other and/or can be controlled through the nano-graphene control unit by 5G or comparable technologies.

I do mention morgellons (artificial parasites) in my flagship on health:


My best guess is that the globalists will clean up their mess later, but very soon, if not already, there will be nothing harmless to eat or drink for five years.

Farmer's crops are also exposed to chemtrails, as are water and air. Doing my best to avoid being poisoned, but the best thing is probably to eat VERY little (organics are also tainted, but less than the cheap stuff).

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Pfizer's own documents state that there is graphene in the injections, as reported by The Exposé


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Thank you for the link. I am usually too upset to read the murderers' stuff, so it's good you are contributing with this source. Of course, I have been familiar with the information, but that probably doesn't apply to quite a few readers.

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I know what you mean - I also rarely read the murderers' stuff.

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Behind in my readin' but so glad ya posted this--AND lookee here what Greg Reese just added:


(ps fwiw, I like Dr. Ana very much, Reese refers to her recent observations, an' do NOT think she's dishin' out BS or is controlled-op or anythin' such-like (quite the contrary!)--Addin' this b/c a prior postin' from one of your guest posters had made such purdy negative statements about her--'course we all have our right to an opinion (!) but in mine, all Dr Ana found is WELL backed up with patents and even a few MSM stories... jus' sayin'....). Also she doesn't tell folks to come use her services as accused--no sirree, she tells 'em to go buy their own supplements AND a dark field microscope to see what's up with their own blood!

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Something weird is going on. Here is another piece:


My head keeps spinning.

What I don't get is that all "alt" sites say it's mRNA, whereas it's graphene constructs in hydrogel.

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Charles the turd LOLOL. Great article. I am in between 2 cellphone towers but both are 3 and 5 miles away. I am not sure how far these things ring.

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I borrowed the witty phrase from a fellow author's comment after one of my recent articles (I believe, it was on RFK, Jr.).

5G normally works up to 500 yards, but I cannot say how much the range would increase, once they turn up the power. It is sensitive to changes in the landscape; reflection and interference can enhance or weaken it. 4G travels a lot farther, depending on the strength of the emission.

Not all towers are created alike, and if the one only two miles away has a lot of antennas on it, it's likely to be quite harmful. For several years, the closest tower from here was 7 miles away, but the signal strength went up to three from one or two, if I held the phone, because my body became an antenna. My cell is usually off, with the battery out.

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Wow, Squirrelpox. Deerpox, Monkeypox, Insectpox, Cariboupox, it just keeps on keeping on doesn't it. And lab grown meat, anything like that pathetically gross "Mastodon" burger they showed the other day? Couldn't be any worse than cannibalism, which is where we're heading unless somebody does something. Isn't that an Omar quote?

Or we all already be dead from the radiation poisoning, or the dioxin poisoning, or the cfcxas poisoning, or, well you know what I mean.


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ps. About halfway through your piece and it is brilliant.

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Thank you, Edwin, I'm glad you appreciate it.

In a way, cannibalism is already here:


Still, I don't think I'll know what will hit me. :)

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Soylent Green is people.

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Apr 6, 2023Edited
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There is a link in the article claiming that fruits and vegetables are about to be used for "vaccination" as well.

How can anything be grown naturally with all the chemtrails around?

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Apr 6, 2023
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Chemtrails became more sophisticated in the last year or two. They are intermittent, but still showing a pattern most of the time. Another marker is an unusually black cloud resembling graphene in water, usually longer vertically than horizontally. Also, notice the plasmic materials I had on the windshield, when I was driving cross-country:


This is an ongoing project that has been planned for decades and is being implemented without public announcements.

Besides heavy metals and who-knows what other toxins, chemtrails can also contain fungal spores and nematodes, plus artificial parasites. In the last 20 or more years, there have been reports that confirm this assumption.

If I were one of the elites, I would live on my self-sustaining private islands.

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reante & Ray - Also noticed difference in numbers of streams daily or weekly here too. but they never disappeared, even during the first part of the C19 roll-outs. I've esp noticed (over the past decade) that the chemtrails here in the northeast went from long parallel streams to curvy & wavy streams (like sky-writing) & now there are big crossed " X's" as if they're saying: We're crossing you all out now.

Chemtrails piss me off so much I often give the sky the bird when I see them - Xs.

One positive I've noticed is that finally many of my family & friends are noticing the chemtrails for real & aren't telling me that I'm crazy & it's normal airplanes anymore. Prob too late to rush Congress, but at least their recognition is dawning. That's something. <sarc>

Whistling on the planet chain gang as the prison warden & his crew of petty tyrants harasses all of us hardass truthers for our critical thinking & bad attitudes.

“[putting Luke in the box when he learns that his mother has died] Sorry, Luke.

Just doing’ my job. You gotta appreciate that.” – Boss Paul, ‘Cool Hand Luke’

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Yes, changing the pattern actually gives them away.

I had one of the gentle giant friends in life, whose favorite was "Coll Hand Luke." I personally found the movie depressing.

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It IS very depressing. Kinda like exactly what we're experiencing now w/this scam. Dam depressing. But Paul Newman is such a hunky cool every man resisting the PTB establishment. Love him so much in this film especially. T-shirt Paul. *sigh*

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Apr 6, 2023
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I am usually days, weeks, months, or even years ahead, which prevents me from making a lot of money, because the timing is premature. However, if you pay attention, quite a few other sources are using my ideas (from the data, I also draw logical conclusions and conjecture in ways that usually turn true later). I estimate that about 300 of my subscribers are new agencies, other authors, and agents whose job is to size up the public's preparedness.

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