There are actually trained “Compliance Officers”; one of them made sure my bank account was closed immediately during the plandemic, when I asked the bank rep which rule should I break: the federal law that prohibits entering a financial institution in a face cover or the bank’s policy of mandating one.
Yesterday, I temporarily picked up the role of an armchair philosopher and an armchair politician. This time, I am offering a list of events that made people more pliable to shameless manipulation and even complicit with entities that have been slowly devouring people’s independence.
A while ago, I published an article showing that the globalist takeover didn’t start yesterday:
This time, I will focus on the way the state has been exercising exceeding control over Americans. Every restriction conditions people to become more and more docile until they lose all sense of personal responsibility, because they are “only following orders.”
The most obvious sign of obedience-training emerges, when the state treats citizens as its own property. The fact that all the following were possible to do without public resistance shows that the method has been, and is, working. Usually, nobody protests and, when they do, they achieve nothing.
The list is obviously incomplete, but it’s enough to initiate further involvement:
1853 (more stringent version passed in 1867): The first mandatory “vaccination” results in catastrophe (this is where my recommendation of the source ends):
Public protests achieved nothing.
1863 (The Draft Act): Northerners were drafted during the (Un)civil War; forced conscription is the most violent way of flexing the power of the state over its subjects. The draft ended only in 1973. By that time, people realized that the “rulers” could incarcerate everyone, and the ones who were were willingly did their job…
The Articles of Confederation (1777) is replaced with the Constitution (1787), granting excessive power to the Federal Government;
Mandatory killer injections and the killer muzzle were enforced during the 1918 plandemic. In a 2008 NIH study (with Fuxxi involved) showed that 95% of deaths had been caused by bacterial pneumonia, as a result of the muzzles.
Advocates for universal suffrage (granted to women in the US in 1920) address the state as the one that has the exclusive right to hand out rights to its citizens; by that, the suffragettes willingly submit themselves to the mercy of politicians.
1913: In the greatest financial crime in history, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 turns Americans into submissive subjects of a private bank! The owners of the bank now control the global money flow, ensuring their full control over the world’s governments. At the same time, federal income tax was also introduced (please, notice that I am not recommending “2nd” anymore):
1918: Passports are introduced, “only for wartime,” but somehow, they stuck around!
1914: The National Guard kills women and children (the “Ludlow massacre”), when used against striking miners by the governor’s order. The Rockefellers are involved.
From the 1920s: The meticulous destruction of farmlands and water begins with large-scale application of pesticides and industrial farming (again, this was a result of the Rockefellers’ petrochemical business activities).
The Rockefellers are buying up and starting to control allopathic “medical” training and practice, oppressing all alternatives more and more in the next 100 years or more.
1929: Compulsory public education starts to be enforced.
1933: Americans are ordered to submit their gold to the state during the (not-so-)Great Depression.
1945: the fraud of water fluoridation begins; the public pays for being poisoned with industrial waste.
1947: chemtrailing starts, but that’s only the start of the story:
Mandatory “vaccinations” laws proliferate from the 1950s, when the “polio vaccine” was used to cover up DDT damages.
1960s: The single-earner family model lethally wounded under the guise of female equality, yet nobody noticed that what one earner made in the 50s was enough for a family, started to necessitate two earners, which may be one of the many reason for “civil unions.”
1972: the gold standard is gone, the USD is turned into fiat, supported by the oil trade, giving birth to the “petrodollar” that is dying now, along with the fake currency. Of course, it’s part of the controlled demolition of the country as well as of the USD.
1986: Manufacturers are granted exemption from liability for childhood “vaccines.” The Supreme Court rules that “vaccines are inherently unsafe,” but the number of childhood injections is raised to 72, likely resulting in many injuries and deaths. Financial liability is transferred to the US taxpayer. “Vaccine” injuries/deaths are highly opposed, and the idea of an infant dying in the crib was promoted… Oh, adults were added during the plandemic:
1950s – Present: Chemtrails and weather manipulation (HAARP) cause long-term damages to the biosphere over several decades. Americans are exposed to experiments that may have made them sick or killed them.
1965 In an executive order, “President” Johnson introduced the rule that has been used for affirmative action, which only Trump abolished a few days ago. Is he a hero if the people?).
from 1990: Cellular technology (aggravated by other forms of poisonings) causes mitochondrial and DNA damage, cancers, and autoimmune diseases, but that didn’t start there:
2001: Based on a false flag on 9/11, the criminal “Patriot” Act annuls the Constitution (habeas corpus, right to a speedy trial, right to privacy etc. suspended indefinitely). Of course, the Constitution superseded The Articles of Confederation, where states had all rights and there was no personal income tax. The “Constitution,” no matter how revered it is, only gave the Federal Government the power over states.
TSA checkpoints start harassing and humiliating air travelers. Its device is also dangerous.
Fracking destroys potable water, causes earthquakes, and emits radioactive radiation in many states.
Potable water is bottled and sold to Americans stolen from them, while public water utilities do not even maintain their infrastructure (Flint, MI and Jackson’s 180 thousand residents can attest to that). A corporation, just by owning a single piece of property, has the right to rob everyone else in the vicinity from their potable drinking water, coming from the earth…
Biometric data, including DNA, is collected from all possible sources.
2012: Six corporations own 94% of the media.
The consolidation of ISPs and cell phone providers continues.
2010: Corporations are considered “persons” by the Supreme Court with the right to Free Speech in the form of campaign donations. There is a long history of the legal definition of a corporate legal entity in the US:
For several decades, pharmaceuticals have been allowed to poison and kill people with their “medications” without severe legal repercussions (slaps on the wrist for companies, but no decision-maker ever held responsible).
2020 - present: The progress of the 2030 agenda is accelerated:
mandates to lock down and destroy small- and medium-sized businesses introduced;
massive 5G installations are performed, but MDs refuse to diagnose radiation poisoning even in clear-cut cases (well, in Britain quite a few installation workers were admitted to receive worker’s comp, but that’s not the US);
in August, 2020, mortality rates in the US, Canada, Germany, Britain, Sweden, and Hungary show that fewer-than-usual people died in 2020, but the propaganda of a non-existent “pandemic” is pushed at full steam everywhere;
people are forced to be muzzled and tortured/poisoned/humiliated with fraudulent “tests” that also steal their DNA (which is what the PCR was originally for);
the elderly are systematically eliminated in nursing homes;
DNR (“Do not resuscitate”) orders are issued at hospitals for patients over 60 as a default;
“medical” treatment for the non-compliant is denied, but they might be the lucky ones;
fraudulently diagnosed “covid” patients are treated to death by hospitals that receive $12k after each “diagnosis” $39k after each “covid” death (so people dying in/after motorcycle accidents, but their corpses testing “positive” bring in up to $39k for the hospital);
people are maimed/killed by lethal injections (manufacturers of “experimental vaccines” exempt from liability, but the injections forced on soldiers and a lot of employees);
autopsies of the injected are repeatedly denied (the deaths are ascribed to the non-existent disease, “covid”); only a few undertakers make some noise, because they discover unnatural plastic-looking strips in the deceased’s veins;
glyphosate levels are 400 times higher in produce than in 1990;
microplastics are present even in people’s blood;
free speech is attacked from all sides;
food and energy sources intentionally destroyed;
farmers bankrupted through weather manipulation; their lands being bought up by billionaires for pennies on the dollar;
farmers and livestock-keepers offered incentive to STOP growing and tending to animals.
Crazy random limitations:
Collecting rainwater in your property is forbidden in certain jurisdictions.
“Gun-free” zones, where most mass shootings happen (but lots of false flag “mass shootings” reported on the MSM), are enforced.
Besides Eritrea, the US is the only country that taxes its citizens abroad (if they make over $100k a year). Applying for a green card and for renouncing one’s citizenship carry about the same costs, around $4.5k. The ones renouncing their citizenship (a growing number in recent years) must also jump through the hoops of an IRS audit for the last 10 years.
Legal immigrants are forced to take the murderous “covid” shots as well as quite a few other “vaccinations” that are not mandatory in most other countries. The injections are administered all at once, with no safety studies supporting their cumulative effects. Illegals are not mandated any of the injections.
Those signing up for (anti)Social Security or SSI must register with a “doctor” (to be tracked, evaluated, and “treated” for illnesses they didn’t know they have).
Most life insurance policies require a blood test. Don’t chase illusions; they check and sell your DNA, just like those performing “genetic testing.” Simple blood tests are also under suspicion, and in Britain, even roadside breathalyzers are used towards the purpose (in Britain, all suspects biometrics are collected by the police even without an indictment).
Unconstitutionally-restrictive NY, CA, NJ, MA etc. “gun laws” make it nearly impossible to own/carry/transport a firearm.
Drinking age is 21, as opposed to the right to die in the armed forces at 18.
Eating a poppy seed cake will give you a positive drug test at your employer!
Please, add your entries to the list in the comment section! I’ll do my best to add them tot he text.
That's a big effort Ray... well done. Pretty comprehensive list! And unbelievably, it's all true! Reads like an outline for a horror movie.
The government schools/indoctrination prisons. Americans enthusiastically approve of being taxed to indoctrinate all children in American government "schools". They nearly always vote for levies and bond issues that raise their taxes even higher. If a levy is voted down the government parasites just run it again and again until the levy passes. The beloved teachers brainwash your children, even to telling them to get their parents to vote for higher taxes (so the teachers will be paid more). The school employees do so much evil and parents look away from it and vote for higher taxes. Most Americans see nothing wrong with this wicked operation. It furnishes them babysitters. Though they pay dearly for that. If anyone reading this does not agree that the government school system is one of the most evil things we are taxed for then he/she is blind.