My "Balance Theory" of Health and Illness Goes beyond "Germ Theory" and "Terrain Theory"
Yet it must be developed further, possibly by the remaining few honest sick-care "professionals," who didn't sell their souls during the Plandemic
Here is an icebreaker, picturing a “balanced diet”!
Note: As it turns out, “Balance Theory” also has been around in Psychology since 19471, but I learned about it only after I completed this essay. I have not been familiar with it, and you know my opinion of psychologists: they excel at harming and manipulating, but next to no good at lastingly helping people (hearing out the patient is just about the only method that nearly always works, although service dogs also work for PTSD, but you don’t need a psychologist to know that). Consequently, if there is anything in common with the psychological version of “Balance Theory” in my article (I don’t think there is), it’s a coincidence. Anyway, as opposed to my current proposition, the psych version is not a paradigm, only a theory of personal relationships in the cognitive space.
Now, that truly applies to Madicine! How about fake news, fake history, and fake science?
An ambitious project whose time is running out
The following is perhaps my most essential publication ever. Perhaps the only exception happened, when I refused to publish my second doctoral dissertation, which was a prolegomena on all future communication between AI and humans in natural languages in 2005, because I realized that my five-page-long algorithm would enable those who possess it to own the world, but someone else was already using the same line of thought by 2012, so all I was able to do was delay the inevitable; as one of my favorite “adages” claim, “If something can be done, sooner or later, someone will do it.” Still, most of my readership is still treating my articles as if they were products of journalism that go obsolete in a couple of days. This essay will also demonstrate that they don’t, because it involves a lot of my previous posts that are mostly fully compatible with my current essay.
The following is becoming an outline for a book, disguised as journalism only in order to make it easier and, perhaps, a bit more entertaining to read than a “scientific” treatise. After contemplating the subject for decades, this time, I’ll summarize and re-evaluate my findings. I am also modifying, correcting, and expanding my article from November 28. 2022 and combining it with information included in my other relevant pieces and a few new sources. (I also want to apologize for my previous typos, but I am a one-person source, except when my wife helps me out with ideas and memes.) The resulting synthesis is unique; you cannot find it anywhere else, but it also desperately needs others to join in and participate in the project. I cannot do it alone.
This is NOT the time to “get a move on”; this is a time to reconsider all the gaslighting, red herrings, and limited hangouts out there. The world needs at least a halfway-decent medical paradigm that could be developed from or, at least experiment with somewhat effective protocols based on functional working hypotheses for particular projects. I understand that although much of “deep science” is a farce, honest and serious efforts need equipment that only the most affluent can afford. Those are usually corporations, whose workers sign away the right to their findings and produce “results” that are in the best interest of their employers. Those corporations are also usually powerful enough to sue or scare private competition out of existence. Smalltime researchers’ best hope is a buyout by the Big Whales…
Still, the survival of the human race is at stake here.
I am calling for a new medical paradigm.
There is enough material here to fill an encyclopedia, but I am doing my best to make it accessible for those who don’t have the time, but still possess the interest in the subject and the acumen to process the details. All notes and links are also integral parts of this piece, ensuring its current “brevity.” I realize it’s bothersome to click on links, but you can always open them in new tabs or new windows so that your reading of the article stays uninterrupted.
Allopathic Madicine contains irreconcilable paradoxes
The mass poisoning, unless the mandated smallpox “vaccines” also count from the 19th century, started around 1920 with industrialized agriculture and the Rockefellers taking over madical training and selling their industrial waste to the plebs as “medicine,” which became such a successful idea that by around 2003, the placebo-effect exceeded 60 percent…
The con-man Pasteur’s Germ Theory, as most, if not all my readers know, has been embraced by the Rockefellerian training of madical “doctors,” who usually cannot cure a thing, and while treating symptoms, remain busy finding invented illnesses in their victims (apologies, patients) that they can “treat” with more toxic substances for which they are often heftily rewarded by pharmaceutical manufacturers (“vaccines” also play such a role). Madical diagnostics itself remains a bad joke:
The only common alternative is Terrain Theory, published by another scammer (no, Béchamp was anything but a hero of the people, but eliminating Germ Theory would still not save a single soul from government overreach), but at least it posited that illness is a result of poisoning, deficiency, and/or resonance (or of a combination of the three), which definitely holds water, while failing to complete the picture:
What does it mean be sick or healthy?
So, without further ado, let me present my own theory that seems to surpass both. On April 3rd, 2023, I have published the following, but this time, I am also naming my idea “Balance Theory.” Although I am usually years early to come out with something new, this time, my audience might be more receptive than previously.
The nearly fully defunct Germ Theory still prevails in allopathic “Medicine,” just like Psychiatry “treating” patients with an authority without a foundation, urgently needs a new paradigm that would at least work more often than the current one.
I thought about breaking it up into pieces and publish them separately, but that would defeat the purpose of presenting a synthesis. As you are unlikely to have the time to read it all at once, I am asking you to read it in installment, while keeping in mind that the compilation amounts to a single whole.
Establishing a functional working paradigm for Medicine has been overdue for ever
Medieval Madicine (lasting into the 20th century, and its deceptive methods have been inherited by the next “doctors”) was as mad as hell, but it is not a secret that modern modern Medicine is a disaster:
On July 3, 2022, I published my first corresponding article as a newbie on Substack, which resulted in quite a few valuable comments and the number of my subscribers suddenly increased by 176 in two days. After that, I added significant details to the original text.
As you probably know from my previous articles, I concur with Dr. Kaufman by promoting Terrain Theory and calling “viruses” exosomes. However, I’ve never been any good at representing anyone else, because I think for myself, which what I expect from my readers. While that places a limit on the size of my audience, it is only considerate and responsible people who can make a difference out of those who are wielding no power.
Please, notice that I am not posing as an “expert” here. Despite my numerous qualifications and several years of direct experience of working with doctors and nurses, or perhaps because of those, I don’t believe in “experts.” Consider the following a challenge that you can take to further research the subject, critique my ideas, and expand or replace them with something better.
Autoimmune conditions seem to exhibit most, if not all elements of “illness”
From all the ingenious and most unexpected sources of exotic varieties of poisonings, some of the toxins can become integrated into the body and cause significant changes. Such toxins include, but are not limited to foreign substances like heavy metals, weaponized bacteria/nematodes/fungi, morgellons, pesticides, microplastics, forever chemicals, hydrogels, and graphene oxide; the impact of radiation poisoning must not be ruled out, either, because if food can be microwaved to the point that the body doesn’t recognize what a person is eating, microwaving the body doesn’t promise much good, either. Microwaved food tends to become fatty tissue in its consumer or, if they are microwaved to the point of unrecognizability; DNA damage has been proven to happen even as a result of cell phone usage.
Moreover, the last 60 years of “scientific” research has shown that people can be affected and even controlled by radiation:
So, these new kids on the block can can settle in the body, but the immune system sometimes determines that the body parts where they accumulate are foreign objects and insists on eliminating them. The process seems to describe the mechanism of an “autoimmune disease” whose occurrence also eerily resembles the way “allergies” emerge. It is not an accident that autoimmune conditions are “treated” with immunosuppressants.
A simple start down the road: Consider the disruption of bacterial and parasitic balance
It looks like each “terrain” has its own bacterial and environmental balance, and once the balance is broken, symptoms of illness can occur. The body eventually handles the situation most of the time. The peculiar thing is that western “medical” examinations, mostly based on shamefully primitive and often incomplete or misinterpreted ECGs, various types of imaging, blood and urine tests, usually don’t show anything “abnormal,” because there is nothing new, and they can’t check for bacterial or parasitic (im)balance in the body or for a combination of toxic exposure. Also, as I experienced at the time when I nearly died, modern Madicine is simply unable to interpret anomalies in blood work, and its treatments often do not work, which allows for the registration of more invented illnesses...
MDs are usually prohibited to investigate 5G and “vaccine” damages, just like coroners don’t even have a code for “death by vaccine.” As a result, the patient is treated for symptoms with chemicals that produce new symptoms that are treated with new chemicals, and the chain reaction perpetuates further illnesses and more and more drastic “treatments” that generate a revenue for the providers and the process slows down inflation… That, of course, doesn’t disrupt the controlled demolition of the country and the USD.
For example, the fungal Candida “infection” certainly exists, but not as an “infection.” Some MDs prefer to deny its very existence, perhaps because they are even more clueless than usual (E. Coli often seems to be a similar case). This is a good example of a case, when a fungus is usually there in the intestines, but it causes trouble when its culture overwhelms other bacterial/fungal/parasitic components (which may be caused by excessive sugar consumption), upsetting the bacterial/parasitic/fungal balance.
It is easy to get “sick” in an environment to which the body has not managed to adjust, and a newcomer in town can also “spread” completely normal bacteria/fungi/parasites that are out of proportion in the location, which can turn locals “sick,” while the local cultures can make the newcomer sick. Is that an “infectios disease”? Not exactly. On the other hand, it’s easy to fake a contagion or even a plandemic like this. The poisoners don’t even have to attack the humans; the intestinal flora will do, which makes me wonder if pre- and probiotics can accomplish something like that; after all, they are manufactured by the same poisoners as madications and “vaccines.” Candida is simply an example of an organism that lives in symbiosis with humans, while other pathogens can cause illness, because they don’t belong in the body (e.g. antibiotic-resistant “hospital infections”).
Adaptability is another variable. Children are better at it, because their immune system is still in “rapid-learning” mode (but it looks like it doesn’t start to fully function below the age of two). Perhaps that’s why they didn’t develop “covid” symptoms so often, when newly-introduced toxic exposures (most likely the new 5G installations) created the symptoms.
“Medical experts” tend to overlook parasitic infestations (parasites can feed on other microorganisms without attacking the human host, but the process still upsets the intestinal balance), and when they don’t, they approach them with the usual compartmentalized manner that gives the mercy-killing thrust to modern “Medicine”:
Compatible parasites live in symbiosis with the body, and similarly to bacteria and fungi. They only cause problems, when they grow out of proportion or take over body parts where they normally don’t belong.
Morgellons are artificial parasites (apparently, there are new breeds as well) that seem to have been around for a decades. MDs, when they have no idea or are forbidden to say what’s going on, seem to have been instructed to call suffering patients delusional:
Such patients, by default, are referred to psychiatric butchery. As a result of the pain and the madical abuse and neglect, many of them commit suicide.
Bacterial/fungal/parasitic balance directly influences metabolism, but the metabolism is also affected by hormonal and lymphatic functions. They are in constant flux as they adjusts to the circadian rhythm, to the environment as well as to aging.
Hormonal balance
In the 1950s, statistically, one or two in a thousand people were gender-confused, probably as a result of toxic exposure resulting in mutation. All forms of mutation seems to have gone mainstream by now. According to the official figures, the number of gender-confused is now about five percent, which is 25-50 times higher than 70 years ago (but “drag-queen hours” and other means of manipulation at public schools must also contribute to the figure):
There is also probably quite a bit of propaganda in the latest statistics, but endocrine disruptors have been around for decades:
By now, male frogs turn into females from pesticides:
and from estrogen in human waste (well, it’s in your tap water, too), from plastics, forever chemicals, and from contraceptives (radiation can cause infertility, but I’m not sure how far it affects hormones):
It is only logical to assume that all humans have been altered.
Sex hormones are only the tip of the iceberg. Thyroid malfunction has become an epidemic, and iodine deficiency alone cannot be blamed. As the causes cannot be fully determined, it’s a case of Russian roulette if one’s body can cope and maintain its hormonal balance or not.
Real poisons surely sicken and kill; some fast and others are not in a hurry
Recently, an AI was given the task of developing bioweapons for which there is no antidote or cure. It came up with 40k in only six hours:
As the adage goes, “If something can be done, someone will do it” applies, it is reasonable to assume that in this final phase of the globalist takeover, toxins and pathogens are deployed against the unsuspecting populace that are even told it’s a “pandemic.” Even the posted remedies are more than likely only accelerate the process:
Surely, nibbling on cyanide or Belladonna (still better than the combination of toxins released in East Palestine) doesn’t do much good to human health and they elegantly finish off their volunteering or haphazard consumers. There also way too many toxins around, and they can converge. Municipal water contains fluoride and chloramine (a 100 times more toxic than chlorine and it can be removed only by using carbon filters). Mercury fillings release mercury, which nobody would consider part of a healthy diet. Arsenic is plentiful in German beer, in California wine, and most water sources in Europe. As all heavy metals (aluminum included) that also rain down from chemtrails, it accumulates in the body and eventually causes illness, the end of which takes you six feet under after a stretch of agonizing time, during which your quality of life becomes comparable to the one victims of “chemotherapy” (also called “immunotherapy” after chemo developed a bad name among patients) must endure. From products using “precision fermentation,” (according to the FDA, lab-made organisms and chemicals they are acceptable in “organic” foods/drinks, too) you ingest GMO organisms, and I don’t need to get started on lab-grown cancer cells advertised by Bill Gates as meat. The disposable muzzles contained two carcinogens and graphene oxide, giving you, among other things, an escalated risk of lung cancer:
Graphene (and its delivery coating, hydrogel) is all over the place by now, and the forces of evil are combined:
Harmful nanoparticles are not limited to graphene:
Radiation provides another source of deadly poisoning:
Of course, the story doesn’t end there:
Polio was caused by DDT and polio “vaccines” actually caused meningitis. The first mandated “vaccines” in the world were for smallpox; they were already fraudulent and potentially deadly, as were the later ones, especially the ones for the non-existent “covid”:
Electricity itself can cause illness:
Even the Black Death was likely caused by a combination of solar activities that weakened the Earth’s magnetic shield and general poisonings occurred, when too many people and/or animals died in one location, poisoning drinking water:
Everyone knows about scurvy, the first “deficiency,” that turned out to be a hoax, because it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with “Vitamin” C:
Even “Vitamin” D3 seems to be a Rockefellerian psyop, and it can kill you, especially when taken with blood thinners and, perhaps, with blood-pressure-lowering toxins (apologies, madications):
However, there is a type of deficiency that is never called what it is, because they are mistakenly or even misleadingly called “withdrawal symptoms.” When the body finds its equilibrium after being poisoned for a while (remember? many madications must be started in small doses for this very reason!) and remains able to detox itself and survive, depriving it from the poison can even kill the person, because the body sometimes cannot adjust fast enough. This phenomenon is spectacularly present in madications, but environmental poisonings are also permanent players. Quite unexpectedly, but supporting my paradigm, here is a man who died of cleanliness:
Besides, his “helpers” also may have given him something his metabolism couldn’t handle at his age.
Frequency transfers
Testers of Terrain Theory produced the famous experience of transferring syphilis without contact, and explained the phenomenon with resonance. I found that a bit far-fetched at first, but I have also found data for specific health conditions emitting specific frequencies that can cause illness in others and specific frequencies causing illness, both sound and light, besides the obvious EMF exposure. To add insult to injury, it has been proven possible to emulate the path along which a person who got sick or died had to go through, and sicken or murder new victims with the technology:
The power of analogy: the body remembers both illness and pain
Immune reactions, beside genetic memory, can to rely on previous memories of specific events, and they can instigate the body to produce remedies that worked before in similar cases. There is no need for “antibodies” constantly circulating in the bloodstream (they don’t do that, anyway, only linger on for a few weeks or months, or as long as the poisoning is present to compensate for it), because the body, based on its “immune memory,” can produce what it finds relevant and appropriate in order to combat a certain condition. Most of the time, the analogy works, except when it doesn’t.
Herniated disks are an example of the body remembering pain. In a classic case, the membrane of a disk bursts and the juice that comes out presses against a nerve, causing inflammation and excruciating pain. Although the juice is absorbed by neighboring tissues in a week or so, the nerve remains inflamed, and the pain lingers on. “Pain clinics” can poison their victims (sorry, patients) with steroids and as they are legit pushers, they can turn them into junkies. Surgeons can also do more damage than good.
The condition nearly always seems to be due to sitting on a chair and looking at a computer screen for years. By now, employees could start a class action suit against employers that required such working conditions, but “doctors” do their best to blame the patient whose condition must have started at a time of unnecessary exertion. Moreover, the rapid deterioration of cartilage due to synthetization must also play a role, and it’s hard to pinpoint a single poisoner, and who could win in court against a corporation, unless the corporation wants it to happen?... As you must suspect it by now, all this may have also been on purpose. A non-reclining chair without lumbar support and a foot rest spells disaster in the long run.
The strongest pain killers reduce pain by about 30 percent (plus the placebo effect, which exceeded 60 percent already in the early 2000s), but the doses must be increased as the body gets used to them. Eventually, they don’t work at all, except to the further detriment of the liver that might or might not be able to detox from them. I also developed the condition after sitting on a computer chair for years. In my case, I experienced a debilitating flare-up about 14 years ago. I lost about half of my thinking capacity, and I had to take a pain killer before teaching my classes in order to be able function as a teacher at the local college. As for the pain itself, nothing helped. I was not taking pain killers, except before my classes, because I knew how bad they are. After two months of mindless suffering, I was saved accidentally by my friend, who invited me to his external pool and his Jacuzzi on a late October afternoon. Sitting in cool (but not cold) water for half an hour ended the pain, finally cooling the nerve. Using lumbar support at home and in the car, reclining and elevating my legs during work, controlling my weight (not that I’ve ever been much overweight, maybe a few pounds occasionally), and correcting my posture by relaxation have kept me out of trouble since then, but as everyone else, I am on borrowed time.
I cannot claim it will work for anyone else, but it worked for me. Also, it must be noted that ice-cold water would probably elevate the flare-up, and in my case, the combination of the ambient temperature and matching the water temperature must have been significant, if not decisive.
The alternative for lumbar pain is surgery, which statistically (do you believe in statistics?) helps one in three, makes no difference in one in three cases, and worsens the condition for the remaining one in three. One thing is certain: it’s a $100k surgery for which, most of the time, the taxpayer pays…
Execution by belief
In a well-known real-life experiment from India in 1936 in India, as Nobel Laureate Bernard Lown recounts in “The Lost Art of Healing,” an astonishing experiment was conducted on a prisoner condemned to die by hanging:
He was given the choice between hanging and having his blood let out,and he picked the latter. He was strapped to a bed and blindfolded, and an IV was inserted into his arm. He didn’t know that his blood was not drained. Instead, he heard drops of water in a bucket and an hour or two later, the perfectly healthy person died. Of course, experiments on the public in the US since WW2 far superseded this amount of cruelty (which may have been justice, if you believe in the legal system and the available methods of judging anyone) or Dr. Mengele’s experiments that were imported into the US in Operation Paperclip, anyway.
When my sister was dying of cancer (possibly caused by mammography) at the age of 32, she used to visit a lot of support groups in Toronto, Canada. In one of her stories, there was this elderly lady, diagnosed with cancer and given a few months to live. She decided to go for alternative treatments (so she was not poisoned by “immunotherapy” and must have been misdiagnosed to begin with), and two years later, she bumped into her old “doctor,” who looked at her like he was seeing a ghost and asked, “How come you are still alive?” She went home and died the same day, literally scared to death…
Yes, people can be made to believe to have (or, maybe, not to have) a fatal condition, and yes, they can be scared to death (or brought to recovery?). This is why I don’t exactly support the “died unexpectedly” reports that are, nevertheless, perversely popular.
The first occurrence of an allergy is likely to start with some kind of toxic overload (e.g. inhaling toxic pollen or the fumes of pesticides in a field), and later, based on the same or similar circumstances, immune reaction is based either on further poisoning or on false alarms, because the body is either still receiving more of the toxin for confirmation or it recalls the previous incident(s) and reacts with a reflex. When the reaction is a reflex, it meets the description of Pavlovian conditioning. After all, “immune reactions” nearly always employ analogy…
When it comes to personal diet, eating traditional dishes from the same ingredients as one’s ancestors ate usually works, but that is becoming harder and harder to accomplish, with multinational companies owning much of the Earth’s food supply and putting GMOs and worse into nearly everything. (I am starting to suspect that flour now contains “bug powder” to which many people can react as if it was “gluten allergy,” although it can also be as simple as poisoning by pesticides or being intolerant to the indigestible cellulose in American flour.) People can get to their own poisons as long as they don’t kill them too fast (preferably before retirement, when they become “useless eaters”). There is a reason why crews on international flights bring their own food; the body can easily digest only what it knows (which is why I am against miracle “medications” from exotic places), which usually comes from bottom-feeders targeting the desperate:
Genetic “knowledge” of how to handle one’s food seems to be inherited, too. In another example, most people in Far-Eastern Asia lack the enzyme to digest lactose, so they prefer to avoid dairy products, because they don’t want to flatulate in polite company. Are they “allergic”? Certainly not.
The body contains about ten times as many microorganisms as its own cells:
Proper metabolism maintains a general equilibrium of “benign” and “malicious” bacteria, fungi, and parasites, and if the fragile balance is broken, illness ensues.
As for treatments, sometimes the body sometimes needs assistance in its “healing process” to regain or reconstruct its balance. It’s in the guts:
The maintenance and stimulation of neural paths are essential for health. The current success of certain ancient traditional practices supports this theory. For example, staying away from eating/drinking from plastics, non-stick pots and pans, processed food, or using a microwave can help. Acupuncture can revive or stimulate certain neural paths that can accelerate the healing process, but there are a lot of practices that produce results that modern “doctors” can only find coincidental or “quackery,” because the methods fundamentally contradict or even disprove the validity of their training that safeguards the tacit consensus among them even when their treatments don’t work or cause more harm than good. How much do they “know”? It might suffice to look at their “preferred nutritional drink,” Ensure:
The vast majority of “healthcare” personnel showed their true colors during The Great Plandemic of 2020:
There are honest doctors and nurses out there, but most of them are old. Doctors are aware of that. They prefer to be seen by a colleague who over 50, because recently, it has become a walk in the park to get a madical degree; all the newcomer to the profession has to do is pay for their indoctrination in madical school and put up with the hazing during residency. As for well-meaning and intelligent doctors in the current system, in the last 12 years, I’ve seen good and honest doctors burning out or fired in less than three years and, sometimes, even their licenses were revoked.
As a result of the current state of affairs, I can only wish good luck to doctors who are really trying to heal. First, they have to fight the system, when the majority of patients demand “medications” and threaten with lawsuits for “lack of care.” It only makes things even more convoluted that it has become nearly impossible to identify the causes of health conditions, because the poisoning is coming in from all sides and the body often cannot keep up:
In fact, ultimately, I collected 13 major sources of poisoning, and the can all converge, making a diagnosis impossible:
Chances are, the rate of poisoning from all sides is now faster than the most aggressive detox methods could handle, and protections from being irradiated by all forms of technology have become sideshows of a fool’s errand, too.
The quality of care has superseded the one in the movie, the 2006 movie, Idiocracy. Here is the hysterical scene at the clinic:
Still, it’s not totally hopeless. You might have a good doctor, as the one I had, when I was young. When I went to see him, he usually finished examining me by saying,
“Raymond, we doctors have no idea what we are doing, but let’s try this.”
It usually worked.
Of course, as I observed already at 19, all good doctors have to kill dozens of patients until they learn how to help the ones who are still alive.
Even better than finding a good doctor or healer, you might be the person who is most familiar with the way your body works, and whatever works for you, when you feel unwell. “Consult your doctor” is only a marketing tip, because the first thing you have to do in a doctor’s office is sign a consent form in which you take over all responsibility for your “treatment,” and “doctors” often receive kickbacks from pharmaceuticals for administering “vaccines” or madications. Your only recourse might be to sue for medical malpractice, but in most cases, healthcare personnel protect each other and in order to sue “vaccine” manufacturers, you have to prove “intent to harm.” That wasn’t all that impossible already in November, 2021, but still no progress. Anyway, being paid after your life is destroyed or you are dead doesn’t do you much, if any good.
Tai Chi and personalized types of yoga can be helpful, and not only for psychological stress, because they activate and maintain self-consciousness and neural paths.
Food is only one way to ingest toxins; anything you put on your skin or take into your mouth also gets absorbed. What you inhale can make or break you, too. Clean air and water are also essential, because all forms of stress add up and once the body reaches its threshold of tolerance, illness occurs. Even a single substance can cause symptoms of illness or kill you. Skating on the thin ice of protecting oneself from inhaled and ingested substances and from radiation, as well as regaining and keeping balance are now unimaginably complex and probably prohibitively expensive, too, not to mention it is likely to be illegal for some of the inquisitive.
So, what is “illness”?
The body can certainly reach such a phase, either when the accumulated toxins can no longer be discarded, cannot be discarded faster than the poisoning is being repeated, or if the endocrine system is tricked into “believing” that it is done with the detox process. It is a job for the liver and the lymphatic system to do most of the job of discarding toxins, but perspiration and even exhalation are also part of the whole. As each chain is as strong as its weakest link, an illness is usually diagnosed by the link that breaks first, which doesn’t mean that the rest of the system is intact and fully functional.
The three options produce the same result, although there are also a lot more possibilities that do not fit into the confines of my article or simply exceed the scope of my current knowledge.
If there are indeed toxins that the body cannot get rid of, those ensure long-term incapacitation or even a death sentence.
Besides the aforementioned power of what one believes (besides the “healing power” of placebos, hypochondriac cases also exist), physical and psychological stress can also add to the mix. It must be noted that once stress from various resources exceeds the person’s thresholds, the person falls ill.
Symptoms of illness can occur even in healthy persons, whose immune system reacts to a specific environment and activates its defense mechanism for no reason, attacking itself, which is by “definition,” is another invented condition, “autoimmune” disease. The many synthetic chemicals humans have had to live with in the last 60-70 years, must have been integrated into the human body, by deceiving it
successfully presenting themselves as natural;
as protectors against other synthetic substances;
or by being accepted by the body in lieu of something worse…
The following article sums up all my previous research on how proteins have been synthesized or how synthetic proteins have been embedded into humans since around 1960, causing many of the “modern illnesses” (please, notice that the embedded links also contain essential pieces of information):
Intercellular (mitochondrial) and neural communication is indispensable for staying healthy. In that department, besides stimulating neural paths, antioxidants might also help.
Illness can also occur, when the body is misled by severe disruptions the person’s intercellular communication that would normally regulate cell functions and cell proliferation (this is, where cancer also enters the picture, but that can also be caused by DNA damage, which seems to be happening to many of the injected). Such disruptions can be caused by contaminants (e.g. nanoparticles, or certain chemicals), by hormone-disruptors (e.g. microplastics, even inhaled from wall-to-wall carpets or contraceptives, and plentifully present in drinking water), EMF/ELF/Wi-Fi/cell phone radiation/military radars/Directed Energy Weapons, and one can only guess what else.
Neurologists are the obvious “experts” to investigate such possibilities with their astronomically-priced fancy equipment, but I have known a few of them and most of the time they only maintain an air of superiority, while remaining embarrassingly clueless.
What about healing?
As you must know by now, everybody is a doctor:
Oh, well. Peasants of old even used bovine urine on wounds as a disinfectant and the learned physicians of the Middle Ages bled you, which worked, because the blood loss activated the reserves of your immune system. Homeopathy can also gently poison you in order to activate or invigorate immune reactions.
Some sources offer to heal AIDS or “covid,” although both are invented illnesses diagnosed with fraudulent tests and symptoms that can be, and certainly are, caused by things other than a “virus.” mRNA/spike protein technology does exist, but it’s unlikely to be used in public and the publicity it receives only serves as a cover-up for other types of poisoning. Some go as far as to claim that Ivermectin (allegedly it cures the non-existent “covid”) would fix you up even if you had cancer:
As it turns out, Ivermectin was a bait-and-switch psyop.
Fenbenzole is another cure that has been allegedly demonstrated to work for cancer on occasion:
Of course, the business of curing cancer is vast, and I can’t help thinking that as lucrative as it is, it’s full of bottom feeders. Only for recovering from the convid injections or for protecting oneself from radiation, plenty of methods have been circulating, and they are not without a risk.
The embarrassing part of curing “cancer” is that the word cancer denotes various conditions; “cancer” is not a single illness, even if various methods have cured some of its varieties here and there. One will never know how far a “cancer survivor” was misdiagnosed, whether it was the body that did the lion’s share of the job, while supported by the placebo-effect and a little bit of biochemistry, bioelectric manipulation, or whatever else.
The Internet is also full of miracle cures for all ailments, and several of them have never been proven to do more good than damage. As such, they remain a hit-end-miss, especially when they are advertised by companies that are selling them, which is what I might call a “business practice”:
Some protective gear for all forms of radiation are obviously gimmicks that do nothing and some are most likely harmful, while others might do more than nothing, albeit usually at a hefty price. Military-grade technology is in use against the populace in so many ways that full protection is impossible and sufficient levels of protection are unlikely to be affordable for the average mortal, who cannot spend a hundred thousand on stem-cell therapy, either.
Alkalization of the body has been advertised for decades, and it seems to produce results. Light and sound therapy are also available. The choices are endless.
Ultimately, it is your choice.
The question is: Do you really have one?
The theory of “chemical imbalance in the brain” fell into its own shadow about five years ago (at the same time, when the cholesterol myth was cleaned up), so the mental “professionals” operate without a single test that would diagnose anything, use a list of nearly 400 “disorders,” two of them can hardly ever come up with the same diagnosis independently, yet possess powers that can easily destroy lives either as a result of “expert” recommendation or as chemicals given to the victim (sorry, patient) that can easily cause irreversible brain damage.
“Contrast materials” for CTs and the like that are not exactly cotton candy, and an abdominal CT exposes the patient to about 1,500 times of the radiation of a single X-ray.
5G is the new Terminator:
Light can also kill:
There is also a catastrophic shortage of coroners in the US, but they have not been provided an option to fill out death certificates stating “death by vaccine,” anyway.
5G-injured patients are typically sent to a brain scan for dizziness, a chest X-ray and ECG for shortness of breath, and all types of tests for thyroid malfunctions. Except for the disturbed thyroid, all test results come back as “normal,” although you are likely to be prescribed statins for your “cholesterol,” which seems to be just another dangerous scam in sick-care (the most lucrative madicine in the history of the world was Lipitor). Ever since the 5G installations proliferated in huge numbers, I haven’t seen a practicing MD who dared to check for radiation poisoning; they preferred to keep their livelihood as hired killers:
How does “science” work? The old joke applies:
A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “this is where the light is.”
“Corn sugar” or, previously mostly labeled as “high-fructose corn syrup” (which has just about as much to do with sugar as corn has with engine fuel) was the culprit, and it is definitely made of GMO corn, just like your cheap comestibles contain GMO “soy oil” (which is the most likely oil, along with “canola oil” that you can expect restaurants use, and both kill rats in experiments that may have been conducted to make sure they’ll kill you, too). An additional twist is to convince people to consume “low sugar” crap with artificial sweeteners that will mess up your metabolism faster than you can spell “Mississippi.”
I have heard from a patient, whose doctor recommended the surgical removal of his thyroids, which would have put him on a pharmaceutical product for the rest of his life, but he chose to take iodine supplements, and his symptoms vanished. Of course, there is a difference between over- and under-functioning thyroids, so iodine doesn’t fix both, and too much is too much even of a good thing.
And running the world based on processing live data, has been assigned to such an AI. It will determine who will and who die. Oops; it already probably does…
In fact, using a single event for multiple purposes and multiple events towards the same outcome seems to be the signature of the AI:
Even wild-caught fish contain mercury. Microplastics are also present in fish as well as in “sea salt.” Not sure how far Fukushima affects humans who eat fish from the Pacific. Allegedly, the smaller the fish, the less toxic it is, because the substances don’t have enough time to accumulate in it in its cursory lifespan. Farmed fish are worse by orders of magnitude and, according to recent reports, GMO salmon, the so-called “Frankenfish,” is not going to be labeled. Not that it matters a whole lot; “vaccination” through the food supply has been legit since May, 2023:
And who knows what’s in food, anyway? Regulations are not there to protect anyone…
Even when GMO labeling is used, it has become wildly poetic, so the contents of the package it’s on might be impossible to discern as something harmful or unnatural. “Precision fermentation” is a good example of fermentation performed with GMO yeast. That, of course, is only part of the gaslighting that operates by the compartmentalization of information, which is the highest level of manipulation to confuse people:
Even in baby food, heavy-metal levels usually exceed what is supposed to be permissible, while the actual “permissible” amount should be zero.
By definition, cancer grows, because the proliferation of certain body cells goes out of control, which is the mechanism used in lab-grown meat.
Chudov is not one of my favorites, but he seems to be right on this one:
The ones in charge were also essential to keep up the appearances of a “pandemic” and make sure the slaves line up for the slaughter:
My next-door neighbor developed lung cancer after wearing the muzzle for a year in the store where he worked. He is now dying, but he also believed in “covid” to the point that when, at the beginning of the convid show, I wanted to shake his hands, he jumped six feet away at a speed uncharacteristic of his age of 74 at the time. His grave might as well say, “Watched too much TV…”.
Living closer than 150 yards to high-voltage power lines also seems to ensure cancer within 10 years on average, at least statistically speaking. Actual figures can be worse.
The topic itself conjures up the problem if “viruses” exist, because relatively homogeneous particles do appear during poisoning, and the body does produce “antibodies” (active relevant agents, whatever they are) against the poisoning, while the particles are advertised as “viruses” during the disease, while they are most likely exosomes that the lymphatic system discards, and the dead cells still contain partial human DNA. They also exhibit a characteristic pattern that is due to the type of poisoning, but I’m still waiting for someone to examine that.
As heroic as DeSantis sounds, he mandated the muzzles and condoned companies firing workers who refused the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections, and he also distributed monoclonal antibodies in Florida at the taxpayer’s expense, while the technology matches the results of the “covid” injections:
“Professional” sources confirmed my suspicion a few months after my article on that.
I have even read about an expecting mother, who needed a liver transplant after taking “over-the-counter” pain killer; only a single dose…
Please, notice that since then, “fight-or-flight” has been complemented with the most common human reaction under duress: freeze (“bargain” was added as a fourth option recently).
Conditioning works. I only wish psychologists were as able to help people as they are able to harm them!
… and every cell is replaced about every seven years, so who exactly are you? :)
“Celiac disease” can be due to pesticides or, perhaps, even bug powder mixed into the flour, but it can also be caused by pesticides or even by the flour itself. In the 1930s, European wheat was crossed with American grass. The hybrid provides flour for America, but some of the cellulose from the grass in it is indigestible for most people, and the only question is how well one can tolerate it.
Some people switched to become naturopaths, but that’s not a path without a risk, either. First, naturopaths seem to have been targeted:
Next, being a naturopath doesn’t guarantee that a doctor is any good.
Just like many doctors and chiropractors cannot provide for their patients’ needs, the same applies to naturopaths. While traditional doctors in Tibet were able to diagnose conditions by feeling the patient’s pulse for a few minutes (which can work only in isolated communities), the latest brand of naturopaths want blood tests. As inconsequential as blood tests are most of the time, there is a good chance that your DNA is also stolen and sold, if you allow your blood to be drawn (nearly all life insurance companies demand a blood test). The test results are anything but clearly symptomatic of an illness (well, illnesses in the traditional sense, don’t exist, anyway, as I outlined it before).
The enablers and the enforcers vigorously injected people with poisons and started to protest only when it was their turn, because they had witnessed the results. Some of them were obstinate enough to get injected, maimed, or even died for the Convidian sect.
The evidence for “intent to harm” was there already in November, 2021:
Still, not much happened in courts, except for a bit of procrastination or a few verdicts after which the results simply caused the conspirators to change strategies.
Deodorants, antiperspirants, beauty products, sunscreens, dermatological goodness-knows-whats, mouthwash, and toothpastes are all participants. Even dental floss contains Teflon, a “forever” chemical.
While in the holistic approach, an equilibrium is needed for the body, the mind, and the soul, I am focusing on the body in this article, because modern Madicine is treating it as a witch’s cauldron in a materialistic manner, and I have to address the problems at the level where it emerges (I mew to a cat and bark to a dog).
Acupuncture can activate or de-activate neural paths. In China, some surgeries are performed using only acupuncture for anesthesia.
The methods that work in specific cases, however, should be reverse-engineered in order to devise the cause(s) of the illness. As far as I know, only a few studies are available for a few methods that use the conclusions for preventing the condition; such studies are expensive and take decades to conduct, and it took the mass murderers decades to develop their methods... While all “vaccines” have proven toxic and many of their toxins accumulate in the body, there has never been a clinical trial with them that tested them against an inert substance like distilled water.
mRNA also seems like a red herring, deployed in order to divert public attention from the actual threats:
Attempts have been made to protect and to cure people, but most of them are precarious at best:
For example, harm done by 5G and comparable technologies must be reverse-engineered, but that is most likely impossible:
Not much of what I have said here seems to fit into the pathetic paradigm of Germ Theory, but it doesn’t prove that Terrain is correct, either.
In order to recognize imbalance, the state of balance must be described, but it tends to be a dynamic system, so complete description is nearly impossible. As I previously stated, hormonal, metabolic, and bacterial/fungal/parasitic balances are in constant flux as they adjusts to the circadian rhythm, to the environment, and to aging. Liver functions and the efficacy of the lymphatic system are also essential to maintain a healthy balance among all the players involved.
Oops! They left out hospitals during convid and psychiatric wards for the last 150 years!
Heider, Fritz (1946). “Attitudes and Cognitive Organization”. The Journal of Psychology. 21: 107–112. doi:10.1080/00223980.1946.9917275. PMID 21010780.
Your 94-year-old Iranian hermit is the best proof that the human body is a super-precisely designed machine, which, if not tampered with with various poisons - inside and out - produces everything that the human body needs for life and health. And with a very minimal and even not very varied food intake. We can't even judge the badness of old dirt, because by the look of it, it might not have been washed for 60 years... If at all...!
There are people in the Caucasus who are over 100 years old, but have never been sick. In fact, they still do agricultural work, with about the same stamina as 40-year-old people treated by "Western" "medicine"...
But let's also take China, India and other Asian countries, where most people received 1-2 handfuls of rice a day and still lived long and healthy lives. So I think the perpetrators figured this out a long time ago, and that's why they invented the continuous poisoning, which they call medicine. Of course, in addition to systematic genocide, the earning potential should not be underestimated. I don't know whether "healthcare" or weapons production is the more profitable industrial activity?!
Nowadays, healthcare also includes food production and processing.
You've got lots of great stuff here, Ray, thanks for the shout out!