Great article, Ray!! The Rockefellers are the real criminals and were instrumental in making Cannabis illegal because they could not patent a plant that was healing people for multiple diseases. It was not until 1992 that the Endocannabinoid system of the body was researched and found to be important in the holistic homeostasis of the body (Complete Balance of the Disease Process). Do not listen to religious (coming from a devout Christian), political, or law enforcement leaders regarding the dangers of Cannabis as a medicine. It is all BS buffoonery.
Thank you kindly. Still, I insist that this is an essay written in a journalistic style in order to make it accessible for those who care to read it and have the resources to process it.
On my end, I fully support medical cannabis (it works for more than pain, but the 27 or 28 strains, I forget, must be used appropriately). I can still recall the young pothead who rammed my car from a side street 10 years ago, and was smiling like a Cheshire cat with a reaction time of about 5 seconds... Frankly, I don't care if they want to wreck their brains, but they might want to do it without driving a vehicle in the process. :)
On second thought, it may have been 'shrooms, but it makes no difference by now.
Just like "don't drink and drive" beyond your capacity and state laws, users might want to consider doing the same AND realize the responsibility behind it...
I agree; it's not a religious or a political problem, it's a legal one; everyone has the right to their own body, even against governments that have been treating their subjects as personal property:
I am enjoying your detailed article on "vaccine" frauds at the moment. For some reason, I missed it (have you used paywalls? I used to unsubscribe from sites that did):
And I only read, and I am still subscribing to your stack. I guess, you haven't published all that much and they were rarely in my scope of interest, but when they are, you are excellent! You and I don't have to agree on everything; thinking people never do, but that must not prevent mutual respect.
By the way, I posted the link to your rabies article on Agent's comment section for his recent rabies article. I don't think he says anything new after you. I also posted that in 2023, I used your article as a source for including rabies among the most spectacular invented illnesses! :)
Thank you for your appreciation. It's been in the works for weeks and it summarizes my progress as well. As a result, it's long, but cutting it up into pieces would have just confused readers.
I heard that drugs are tested against placebos, cos placebos are real! What you believe is what you create! So if the drug works as well as placebo, they are good to go! Clever
"Clinical tests" are performed by the manufacturers and they usually end as they are meant to be; the details are inconsequential. The fact that around 2002, placebos exceeded 60 percent efficacy (over 70, it would be a "madication"!!!) shows that "human intelligence" might be the latest best oxymoron. :)
Well, i only got half way through and I thought, just reading this creates enough fear and doubt to create stress and illness lol! Why is it that at 69 I am perfectly healthy as far as I know. No medications, no arthritis, whatever. Fit, flexible. Drink plenty of wine, sometimes eat shitty food! My mother was the same. She died of dementia (couldnt swallow anymore) at 95 i believe from flu jab accumulation (the only allopathic junk she fell for) (oh and of course a third covid jab cos rest home just did that stuff of course) cos she refused supplements and other medications, tho she didnt need them. She had all her own teeth, was physically fit, walking like a mad thing around the rest home! So…When I hv time (its getting late!) i will skim the rest of the article to find out what your answer is Ray, thanks!
Nice post Ray. Lots to consider. On Murphy and how illness spreads, the part on Hunt, you may remember my comment that it seems these "experiments" were not blinded and so nothing can be said about them.
The therapist (healer) was also not blind it seems. "the recipient’s field changed to match the healer’s, and at this point the healer intuited it was time to end the session"
I can't find a paper with the detailed methods but that would mean there wasn't a double blind.
You need to be very careful about the methods involved lest you inadvertently support some invalid experiments.
Thank you, Proton; have been working on this for three weeks and it includes my previous work as well, possibly showing that I think along the same path.
Sometimes even I don't know what to think; even my current position is tentative, because my picture of the whole is a projection and it's always incomplete in the details. Whatever I write is for my readers to think about and perhaps pick up where I finish.
No worries Ray, it is quite informative. On Hunt and the blinding, another importance is that non-allopathic practitioners may just as likely do sloppy work and/or intentionally domisleading work.
I agree esp when it comes to clinical trials, though there is a spectrum from absolute garbage (viruses) to interesting info (bacterial overgrowth) to likely true (person has pneumonia of some cause) to absolutely true (bone is broken)
Your 94-year-old Iranian hermit is the best proof that the human body is a super-precisely designed machine, which, if not tampered with with various poisons - inside and out - produces everything that the human body needs for life and health. And with a very minimal and even not very varied food intake. We can't even judge the badness of old dirt, because by the look of it, it might not have been washed for 60 years... If at all...!
There are people in the Caucasus who are over 100 years old, but have never been sick. In fact, they still do agricultural work, with about the same stamina as 40-year-old people treated by "Western" "medicine"...
But let's also take China, India and other Asian countries, where most people received 1-2 handfuls of rice a day and still lived long and healthy lives. So I think the perpetrators figured this out a long time ago, and that's why they invented the continuous poisoning, which they call medicine. Of course, in addition to systematic genocide, the earning potential should not be underestimated. I don't know whether "healthcare" or weapons production is the more profitable industrial activity?!
Nowadays, healthcare also includes food production and processing.
Several decades ago, there was a study among centenarians. There were sedentary and active people among them, some of them were smokers, and others drinkers. They had only one thing in common: they all ate VERY little.
Ever since the central banks took over several countries (Hitler kicked them out and Gaddafi wanted a gold-based African currency, which explain what happened to them), western "Madicine" has also been enforced. (Wondering about Albert Schweitzer again, who was supposed to "save lives" and received a Nobel Prize for it: Can anyone still believe that Nobel-Prize winners are not insiders serving a purpose?
The kickbacks to the bankers from their sick-care systems only made inflation more manageable. It has always been the taxpayer's money spent.
The fact some idiot wanted to do Covid trials on pregnant women, was the crucial fact. Even if it was A UK ONE. Gives our idiots ideas. Wad my take on it.
It's always intentional, not stupidity, unless one goes to the lowest rung on the ladder, where the useful idiots reside, but they are "only following orders" for fear of losing their miserable jobs...
The Epoch Times is a shill. Stopped reading it three years ago... They probably publish the usual crap: limited hangouts and red herrings, but I don't have the time and the inclination to read them.
Actually, it's "doctors" who find out about "conditions" people don't have, and hospitals are only there to rake up some money before putting the patient out of their misery.
Or create more. And the Feds/Pharma set the 'stats' for the drugs they make. The obesity stats were changed under Obumber. Using large men like truckers/weight lifters. Who are not the average person! I'm 5 ft, weighed 125 lbs, on average. Next GP visit was told I was obese by 10 lbs. I worked hard to maintain the 125. Being Hypothroid works against you when under-treated.
Took them decades to get an EKG to show the occasional Pre-beat that caused pain for my husband. He got a 1/2 heart pill more. Nor was I ever told me I had an enlarged heart with a small Mitochondrial valve leak. Which is not repairable or either condition worse than a heart murmur. I just canceled the Cardo appt for this week. Only see them once a year.
And I avoid "doctors" like the plague. They invent illnesses and poison people with toxic stuff that requires more toxins to get rid of the "side effects" (of the toxins). That journey never ends. I usually say, "Here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes." :)
Of course, to each, their own. Only the person is responsible for their lives, and the first thing a "patient" does in a "doctor's" office is sign a form of consent in which (s)he takes ALL the responsibility for all "treatments" and "medications." The idea of "informed consent" is a joke, because even the "doctors" are only guessing based on statistics and their faulty "madical" paradigm, and the diagnostic results are mostly a travesty:
In a May 2022 Orange County Register column warning a ban would ignite a black market in menthols, I wrote: link
Remember Eric Garner? New York City’s exorbitant taxes on cigarette packages generated an underground market in untaxed individual cigarettes, called “loosies.” In 2014, police infamously encountered 43-year-old Eric Garner selling loosies on a street corner, and a policeman’s chokehold led to his death as he repeated “I can’t breathe.” And this happened without a menthol ban. With menthol cigarettes more prevalent among Black and Hispanic Americans, expect police to focus their attention on minority communities. This might make inequities in criminal justice even worse.
That same month, I submitted written comments to the FDA opposing the proposed ban. I included evidence that menthol cigarette smokers consume fewer cigarettes than regular cigarette smokers and may have a slightly lower risk of getting lung cancer.
President Trump did not sign an executive order to withdraw the menthol ban proposal. The FDA withdrew the proposed ban through an administrative action. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs formally documented the proposal’s withdrawal on January 21, 2025.
The Trump FDA’s withdrawal of the menthol ban proposal strikes an essential balance between health concerns and individual freedoms. It is rare but refreshing for a government agency to appear to consider the unintended consequences of its actions.
The choke hold is familiar from the summer of 2020, but that was obviously a psyop for unleashing BLM and Antifa criminals (35k were released from CA prisons and were bused around to wreak havoc). The black guy, whose name I forget, also said, "I can't breathe." Who would pay with a fake bill at a gas station and wait for the "Police" to show up 20 minutes later? :)
I do remember the menthol ban, but I was naive at the time and believed it was it smokers' best interest... That was a lot earlier than the monkey called Trump appeared on the political TV screen. When was the last time that ANY pseudo-govt "organization" (financed by the taxpayer) ever protected the people without allowing something more toxic than what they "banned"? :D
If the FDA is now allowing menthol, that kind of reminds me of the Ivermectin scam:
The "Police" usually take out competition against the three-letter agencies...
American Spirit is supposed to be the only organic tobacco (at this point, it's become quite clear that "organic" might mean not much more than a little less toxic) that allows people to roll their own without directly hurting themselves with pesticides and preservatives. However, cigarette paper, last time I looked, which was a least seven years ago, contained 104 toxins.
I've never smoked, both my parents did, mom at half a pack a day, dad multiple packs. Both died of lung cancer. A decade apart. My boys hated it till peer pressure. Eldest COPD, now vaping. Youngest vapes too. Whether that is an answer I don't know. Just not in my house. These types of Government bans usually backfire on them. 600 chemicals, 69 cancerous. You'd think people would wise up. They don't seem capable of adding 2+2=4. They were told any answer was right for too long.
Hub who is a Math Major took 1 look at Commiecore and said that is just Algebra. A class I wasn't required to take.
Now Hollywood Chubbies are on the Weight Loss jabs. How long before Thyroid cancer/tumors and Gastroparesis begin to be a huge problem for Pharma? Even microdosing won't stop it.
The idiots who think these weight loss jabs won't come back and bite them in the long term are fooling themselves. They ignore the Warnings on thyroid cancer, tumors, and GI issues, which is just GASTROPRESIS. They don't want to give up junk food, or read labels.
NOR do docs, think outside the box. Antibiotics/Steroids destroy the Gut Flora. Your only recourse is to take Pre/Probiotics 2 hrs after each dose. But in a hospital setting that will not happen.
We still have too many malpractice doctors. Not enough educated families.
6 months ago a friend, a lady about my age 76, had delayed gallbladder surgery TO REMOVE OLD STONES, It was botched and ruptured into the abdomen, BAGS OF INFECTION-STUF WERE REMOVED, and 2nd INFECTION STARTED. She is a Type 2 on insulin. She has been in the hospital most of the time. Kidneys damaged, by to low potassium, Dr caused, and constant antibiotics/steroids. Every 2 days Dialysis. Lung infections and trach tube scarred throat, which had to be repaired, another infection. Wrong meds, Dr refused to consider that gut flora was damaged. Nearly died several times. NO oxygen at home. Lungs are 'sticky' and fill with fluid from the lung infections. Thursday she stopped breathing. Sepsis. No way to do CPR because of lung damage. No other way to restore breathing. Her Sister did a Breathing procedure for her. EMT's called. More antibiotics. Had her on Morphine which suppresses breathing. Family said NO. Moving to a chest Lidocaine patch. The family kept a big stack of records documenting all that has happened. SHEER INCOMPENTENCE, BY IGNORANT DOCTORS.
Your comment is also a recurring (copy-and-paste) comment to one of my previous articles, and I have already addressed the entries, but I am doing it here one by one, just in case.
I'm sure I am missing more than one, but this is all I can do. Preparing a post about what I think I've been missing, but that project has been going on for about two months, and it's not ready.
Still, I may not have missed entries that are not mentioned anywhere else. :)
Madicine? That is perfect. I think I eat a balanced diet because I am always able to keep my balance after eating.
There is no such thing as a balanced diet just as there is no such thing as public health. Each of us are on our own because no two humans are exactly the same and there is never any of this one-size-fits-all crappola so prevalent in madicine.
Of course, nutritionists recite their brainwashed nonsense to their victims, and most comestibles are highly toxic, so eating little might be the only recourse.
Please, send personal messages in a private message.
Great article, Ray!! The Rockefellers are the real criminals and were instrumental in making Cannabis illegal because they could not patent a plant that was healing people for multiple diseases. It was not until 1992 that the Endocannabinoid system of the body was researched and found to be important in the holistic homeostasis of the body (Complete Balance of the Disease Process). Do not listen to religious (coming from a devout Christian), political, or law enforcement leaders regarding the dangers of Cannabis as a medicine. It is all BS buffoonery.
Thank you kindly. Still, I insist that this is an essay written in a journalistic style in order to make it accessible for those who care to read it and have the resources to process it.
On my end, I fully support medical cannabis (it works for more than pain, but the 27 or 28 strains, I forget, must be used appropriately). I can still recall the young pothead who rammed my car from a side street 10 years ago, and was smiling like a Cheshire cat with a reaction time of about 5 seconds... Frankly, I don't care if they want to wreck their brains, but they might want to do it without driving a vehicle in the process. :)
On second thought, it may have been 'shrooms, but it makes no difference by now.
Just like "don't drink and drive" beyond your capacity and state laws, users might want to consider doing the same AND realize the responsibility behind it...
I agree; it's not a religious or a political problem, it's a legal one; everyone has the right to their own body, even against governments that have been treating their subjects as personal property:
This is utterly huge in scope!!!
Thank you; it's meant to be, but I cannot do it alone...
(non, Béchamp était tout sauf un héros du peuple) : pourquoi dites-vous cela ?
In English, your comment reads as "No, Bechamp was anything but a hero of the people): Why do you say that?"
I am saying that, because he was also going for the money, but he was outclassed...
You've got lots of great stuff here, Ray, thanks for the shout out!
I am enjoying your detailed article on "vaccine" frauds at the moment. For some reason, I missed it (have you used paywalls? I used to unsubscribe from sites that did):
I generally only paywall the audio versions... :)
And I only read, and I am still subscribing to your stack. I guess, you haven't published all that much and they were rarely in my scope of interest, but when they are, you are excellent! You and I don't have to agree on everything; thinking people never do, but that must not prevent mutual respect.
By the way, I posted the link to your rabies article on Agent's comment section for his recent rabies article. I don't think he says anything new after you. I also posted that in 2023, I used your article as a source for including rabies among the most spectacular invented illnesses! :)
Thank you for your appreciation. It's been in the works for weeks and it summarizes my progress as well. As a result, it's long, but cutting it up into pieces would have just confused readers.
I heard that drugs are tested against placebos, cos placebos are real! What you believe is what you create! So if the drug works as well as placebo, they are good to go! Clever
"Clinical tests" are performed by the manufacturers and they usually end as they are meant to be; the details are inconsequential. The fact that around 2002, placebos exceeded 60 percent efficacy (over 70, it would be a "madication"!!!) shows that "human intelligence" might be the latest best oxymoron. :)
Well, i only got half way through and I thought, just reading this creates enough fear and doubt to create stress and illness lol! Why is it that at 69 I am perfectly healthy as far as I know. No medications, no arthritis, whatever. Fit, flexible. Drink plenty of wine, sometimes eat shitty food! My mother was the same. She died of dementia (couldnt swallow anymore) at 95 i believe from flu jab accumulation (the only allopathic junk she fell for) (oh and of course a third covid jab cos rest home just did that stuff of course) cos she refused supplements and other medications, tho she didnt need them. She had all her own teeth, was physically fit, walking like a mad thing around the rest home! So…When I hv time (its getting late!) i will skim the rest of the article to find out what your answer is Ray, thanks!
You must live in a rural area and/or have access to clean water and food. :)
Looking forward to your reflections once you finish the post!
Nice post Ray. Lots to consider. On Murphy and how illness spreads, the part on Hunt, you may remember my comment that it seems these "experiments" were not blinded and so nothing can be said about them.
The therapist (healer) was also not blind it seems. "the recipient’s field changed to match the healer’s, and at this point the healer intuited it was time to end the session"
I can't find a paper with the detailed methods but that would mean there wasn't a double blind.
You need to be very careful about the methods involved lest you inadvertently support some invalid experiments.
Thank you, Proton; have been working on this for three weeks and it includes my previous work as well, possibly showing that I think along the same path.
Sometimes even I don't know what to think; even my current position is tentative, because my picture of the whole is a projection and it's always incomplete in the details. Whatever I write is for my readers to think about and perhaps pick up where I finish.
No worries Ray, it is quite informative. On Hunt and the blinding, another importance is that non-allopathic practitioners may just as likely do sloppy work and/or intentionally domisleading work.
In my opinion, the "scientific method" is nothing but a myth, no matter which "scientists" are employing it:
I agree esp when it comes to clinical trials, though there is a spectrum from absolute garbage (viruses) to interesting info (bacterial overgrowth) to likely true (person has pneumonia of some cause) to absolutely true (bone is broken)
Your 94-year-old Iranian hermit is the best proof that the human body is a super-precisely designed machine, which, if not tampered with with various poisons - inside and out - produces everything that the human body needs for life and health. And with a very minimal and even not very varied food intake. We can't even judge the badness of old dirt, because by the look of it, it might not have been washed for 60 years... If at all...!
There are people in the Caucasus who are over 100 years old, but have never been sick. In fact, they still do agricultural work, with about the same stamina as 40-year-old people treated by "Western" "medicine"...
But let's also take China, India and other Asian countries, where most people received 1-2 handfuls of rice a day and still lived long and healthy lives. So I think the perpetrators figured this out a long time ago, and that's why they invented the continuous poisoning, which they call medicine. Of course, in addition to systematic genocide, the earning potential should not be underestimated. I don't know whether "healthcare" or weapons production is the more profitable industrial activity?!
Nowadays, healthcare also includes food production and processing.
It was my wife who found the hermit. :)
Several decades ago, there was a study among centenarians. There were sedentary and active people among them, some of them were smokers, and others drinkers. They had only one thing in common: they all ate VERY little.
Ever since the central banks took over several countries (Hitler kicked them out and Gaddafi wanted a gold-based African currency, which explain what happened to them), western "Madicine" has also been enforced. (Wondering about Albert Schweitzer again, who was supposed to "save lives" and received a Nobel Prize for it: Can anyone still believe that Nobel-Prize winners are not insiders serving a purpose?
The kickbacks to the bankers from their sick-care systems only made inflation more manageable. It has always been the taxpayer's money spent.
BUTTHOLE IGNORANT POL. UK Whitty Says Vaccine Trials Should Have Included Pregnant Women
There have NEVER been ANY "vaccine" trials against inert substances like distilled water...
The fact some idiot wanted to do Covid trials on pregnant women, was the crucial fact. Even if it was A UK ONE. Gives our idiots ideas. Wad my take on it.
It's always intentional, not stupidity, unless one goes to the lowest rung on the ladder, where the useful idiots reside, but they are "only following orders" for fear of losing their miserable jobs...
The Epoch Times is a shill. Stopped reading it three years ago... They probably publish the usual crap: limited hangouts and red herrings, but I don't have the time and the inclination to read them.
Surge Of Respiratory Virus Cases Strains U.S. Hospitals
Traws Pharma Advances Bird Flu Treatment with Successful Phase I Trial
Actually, it's "doctors" who find out about "conditions" people don't have, and hospitals are only there to rake up some money before putting the patient out of their misery.
Or create more. And the Feds/Pharma set the 'stats' for the drugs they make. The obesity stats were changed under Obumber. Using large men like truckers/weight lifters. Who are not the average person! I'm 5 ft, weighed 125 lbs, on average. Next GP visit was told I was obese by 10 lbs. I worked hard to maintain the 125. Being Hypothroid works against you when under-treated.
Took them decades to get an EKG to show the occasional Pre-beat that caused pain for my husband. He got a 1/2 heart pill more. Nor was I ever told me I had an enlarged heart with a small Mitochondrial valve leak. Which is not repairable or either condition worse than a heart murmur. I just canceled the Cardo appt for this week. Only see them once a year.
And I avoid "doctors" like the plague. They invent illnesses and poison people with toxic stuff that requires more toxins to get rid of the "side effects" (of the toxins). That journey never ends. I usually say, "Here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes." :)
Of course, to each, their own. Only the person is responsible for their lives, and the first thing a "patient" does in a "doctor's" office is sign a form of consent in which (s)he takes ALL the responsibility for all "treatments" and "medications." The idea of "informed consent" is a joke, because even the "doctors" are only guessing based on statistics and their faulty "madical" paradigm, and the diagnostic results are mostly a travesty:
A Breath of Fresh Air: Trump’s FDA Takes a Step Back from the Menthol Ban.
In a May 2022 Orange County Register column warning a ban would ignite a black market in menthols, I wrote: link
Remember Eric Garner? New York City’s exorbitant taxes on cigarette packages generated an underground market in untaxed individual cigarettes, called “loosies.” In 2014, police infamously encountered 43-year-old Eric Garner selling loosies on a street corner, and a policeman’s chokehold led to his death as he repeated “I can’t breathe.” And this happened without a menthol ban. With menthol cigarettes more prevalent among Black and Hispanic Americans, expect police to focus their attention on minority communities. This might make inequities in criminal justice even worse.
That same month, I submitted written comments to the FDA opposing the proposed ban. I included evidence that menthol cigarette smokers consume fewer cigarettes than regular cigarette smokers and may have a slightly lower risk of getting lung cancer.
President Trump did not sign an executive order to withdraw the menthol ban proposal. The FDA withdrew the proposed ban through an administrative action. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs formally documented the proposal’s withdrawal on January 21, 2025.
The Trump FDA’s withdrawal of the menthol ban proposal strikes an essential balance between health concerns and individual freedoms. It is rare but refreshing for a government agency to appear to consider the unintended consequences of its actions.
Sorry, it sounds like you are still believing in a "representative government." Please, understand that nothing like that has ever existed...
I missed Garner in 2014.
The choke hold is familiar from the summer of 2020, but that was obviously a psyop for unleashing BLM and Antifa criminals (35k were released from CA prisons and were bused around to wreak havoc). The black guy, whose name I forget, also said, "I can't breathe." Who would pay with a fake bill at a gas station and wait for the "Police" to show up 20 minutes later? :)
I do remember the menthol ban, but I was naive at the time and believed it was it smokers' best interest... That was a lot earlier than the monkey called Trump appeared on the political TV screen. When was the last time that ANY pseudo-govt "organization" (financed by the taxpayer) ever protected the people without allowing something more toxic than what they "banned"? :D
If the FDA is now allowing menthol, that kind of reminds me of the Ivermectin scam:
The "Police" usually take out competition against the three-letter agencies...
American Spirit is supposed to be the only organic tobacco (at this point, it's become quite clear that "organic" might mean not much more than a little less toxic) that allows people to roll their own without directly hurting themselves with pesticides and preservatives. However, cigarette paper, last time I looked, which was a least seven years ago, contained 104 toxins.
I've never smoked, both my parents did, mom at half a pack a day, dad multiple packs. Both died of lung cancer. A decade apart. My boys hated it till peer pressure. Eldest COPD, now vaping. Youngest vapes too. Whether that is an answer I don't know. Just not in my house. These types of Government bans usually backfire on them. 600 chemicals, 69 cancerous. You'd think people would wise up. They don't seem capable of adding 2+2=4. They were told any answer was right for too long.
Hub who is a Math Major took 1 look at Commiecore and said that is just Algebra. A class I wasn't required to take.
Now Hollywood Chubbies are on the Weight Loss jabs. How long before Thyroid cancer/tumors and Gastroparesis begin to be a huge problem for Pharma? Even microdosing won't stop it.
The idiots who think these weight loss jabs won't come back and bite them in the long term are fooling themselves. They ignore the Warnings on thyroid cancer, tumors, and GI issues, which is just GASTROPRESIS. They don't want to give up junk food, or read labels.
NOR do docs, think outside the box. Antibiotics/Steroids destroy the Gut Flora. Your only recourse is to take Pre/Probiotics 2 hrs after each dose. But in a hospital setting that will not happen.
We still have too many malpractice doctors. Not enough educated families.
6 months ago a friend, a lady about my age 76, had delayed gallbladder surgery TO REMOVE OLD STONES, It was botched and ruptured into the abdomen, BAGS OF INFECTION-STUF WERE REMOVED, and 2nd INFECTION STARTED. She is a Type 2 on insulin. She has been in the hospital most of the time. Kidneys damaged, by to low potassium, Dr caused, and constant antibiotics/steroids. Every 2 days Dialysis. Lung infections and trach tube scarred throat, which had to be repaired, another infection. Wrong meds, Dr refused to consider that gut flora was damaged. Nearly died several times. NO oxygen at home. Lungs are 'sticky' and fill with fluid from the lung infections. Thursday she stopped breathing. Sepsis. No way to do CPR because of lung damage. No other way to restore breathing. Her Sister did a Breathing procedure for her. EMT's called. More antibiotics. Had her on Morphine which suppresses breathing. Family said NO. Moving to a chest Lidocaine patch. The family kept a big stack of records documenting all that has happened. SHEER INCOMPENTENCE, BY IGNORANT DOCTORS.
Your comment is also a recurring (copy-and-paste) comment to one of my previous articles, and I have already addressed the entries, but I am doing it here one by one, just in case.
The lady's symptoms seem to indicate radiation damage:
Kidney damage is not necessarily caused by "low potassium"; it seems to be a combination of "madications":
Steroids are not attacking the gut flora. They are suppressing immune responses...
Gallbladders in the US are removed, so there are no leftover stones, unless they are in old ducts.
Sorry, pre- and probiotics can be part of the depop plan:
I'm sure I am missing more than one, but this is all I can do. Preparing a post about what I think I've been missing, but that project has been going on for about two months, and it's not ready.
Still, I may not have missed entries that are not mentioned anywhere else. :)
Madicine? That is perfect. I think I eat a balanced diet because I am always able to keep my balance after eating.
There is no such thing as a balanced diet just as there is no such thing as public health. Each of us are on our own because no two humans are exactly the same and there is never any of this one-size-fits-all crappola so prevalent in madicine.
Of course, nutritionists recite their brainwashed nonsense to their victims, and most comestibles are highly toxic, so eating little might be the only recourse.