Do You Want To Know Your Radiation Exposure? You Cannot Find This Anywhere Else!
You can volunteer your data to the central server! It's free!
As you see, this is a declassified image, which confirms that radio-waves are military-grade weapons. These days, everybody is targeted.
In the last two or more years, many Americans, including my wife and I, have been experiencing sleep disturbances from coast to coast. It was only logical to assume that the new 5G installations must have played a major role in the symptoms that started after the installations and included headaches, dizziness, palpitations, arrhythmia, weakness, buzzing noise or tinnitus in the ears, and excess body heat (remember? they used to take your body temperature for convid); all of them typical symptoms of radiation exposure.
As I was eager to prove my suspicion, I started researching available measuring devices. While 5G can be turned up to up to 100GHz (not supposed to go over 6GHz for phone services, but the towers can be turned up both power- and frequency-wise, and at least some of them seem to have their own power supplies, turning them into ideal crowd-control/killing devices even during blackouts), I noticed that instruments that were available for the public measured only up to 10GHz and were not very reliable even in that range. Some devices now measure up to 40GHz, but they require their location and internet connection, so the results can simply report local exposure and the screen reading can be anything that the provider chooses…
About 8-10 months ago, Jose, one of my readers, called my attention to a newly-marketed device that was capable of measuring higher up at a relatively-affordable price. However, there were problems with the new gadget: it registers your location and transmits it, which can enable it to give you false data as long as it is instructed to do so by its central server. The server also collects your location, the true measurements, and time stamps, turning you into a potential target by elevated exposure, entering you into a database of “suspicious” citizens, or in a worst-case scenario, even a drone, DEW, or chemical attack.
Yet that’s not the end of the story.
On January 8, 2023, I recommended the following article from Substack:
The article contains valuable information that would be hard to find elsewhere. In fact, another two authors who read my Substack also recommended it shortly after I had.
However, let me call your attention to the following advice you receive in the article:
“Anyone can install for free the ElectroSmart app from Google PlayStore, and start measuring at different times at day or night.”
As I happen to own an eight-year-old 4G* Android cell phone that I hardly ever use, I gave a try to the app and, to my surprise, it REQUIRED my location in order to work.
Why on Earth would a “free” product offer you services, unless you are the product its creators sell?
How can you be the product?
It looks like you volunteer your data to a central server that keeps track of your location and the level of your exposure so that, when the time comes to turn up the cell towers, it could be done gradually in order to avoid suspision of mass murder and maintain plausible deniability.**
For further reading on exposure, here is a source:
It is one of the murderers’ strategy to use the people against themselves:
And there are plenty more divide-and-conquer processes in motion.
The following site can give you a lot more details on EMF:
As for using a Faraday cage, here is some info:
The wavelengths are so short that a tiny crevice in the mesh can disable the device and amplify the incoming signal; imagine shaking a box with a pebble in it. Also, the thickness of the shielding makes a difference. Allegedly, you'd need seven layers of aluminum foil for nearby 5G.
Certain harmonizing devices that even out the level of exposure or some crystals might work to a certain extent, but I have only anecdotal evidence (which includes my experience) and some gut feeling about crystals.
*If you want to measure 5G exposure, you need a 5G-capable cell phone, which poses mortal threat already as it is… Please, notice that new cell phones, even if they are not sold as 5G phones, must have the 5G receiver/transmitter built-in, only your access is disabled.
**The app itself was still useful for me as a one-time aid, because it informed me that I was receiving higher radiation levels than my extremely rural environment would warrant, and gave me a chance to disable/regulate certain sources that I was able to control.
You’re doing a great service! Thank you.
A wee bit of information I’ve been wanting to share. I had a wedding ring client last month, he travels a three state area installing the 5G. We’ve been able to have candid conversations in the past so I asked him about his work. His work partner, a young gal, was with him. She is sensitive to the EMF and has frequent tinnitus and headaches while in ‘range’ and during installations. There is a simple way to deactivate them, one-by-one!
One the ground beside each one (in our rural area) one can find a thin fiberglass rod (one meter tall) sticking out of the ground. This marks an underground (usually less than 6”) fiber cable. This cable can be snapped to disable the tower, one doesn’t even need a large tool such as a bolt cutter as the cable contains fiber optic cables, thin glass, and can be tightly folded to snap it.
My client then mentioned that he would never be short on work being as he would be called to come repair.
I have just watched a video on a telegram channel, where an anonymous IT technician claimed that the supposed "5G phones" are a scam because they did not have a 5G-capable chip at all.
He opened two of these phones to show where the chip was supposed to be, and that spot was empty. He said he saw this every day, and that the 5G towers towers must serve other purposes then.
I am in no position to judge the validity of his claims.