An Unlikely Synthesis: A Comprehensive Summary of Potential Causes of the Skyrocketing Numbers of Peptic Ulcers and an Unlimited Number of Unidentified Illnesses
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
With the help of the following summary, here is what you will have a chance to re-think for yourself, when reading the chapters here:
5G and comparable technologies
Altered proteins
Artificial parasites
Damaged and artificial red blood cells
Known and unknown ingredients in “vaccines”
Micro- and nanoplastics
Other ways to cause peptic ulcers
Known carcinogens
Traditional and programmable poisons
In the future, I am planning to expand on each entry, and add to them, whenever I can, but this is a chance for you to develop or improve on your perception of the whole picture, for which I am making most of the elements accessible.
Before giving up on reading it as too long and too inconvenient to read b/o the large number of links, notice that the task cannot be very intimidating, because you are already familiar with at least some of them, and the ones that you haven’t encountered and arouse your interest can be opened in a separate window for perusal, after which it’s easy to go back to the original text.
Peptic ulcers provide a good starting point for investigating the general poisoning
Previously, I often covered the topic of general poisoning on a large scale (e.g. and bioweapons in detail (, but a lot of things have changed in the last several months, and new elements must be added to the list of sickening agents, which might work towards preparations and protection for some to a certain extent. I’ll start with peptic ulcers, but the entries on the list of technologies are applied to damage human health on a much larger scale without virtually any limitations.
In September, 2023, I introduced the problem of exponentially-increasing numbers of peptic ulcers that, somehow, never received media or “alt” media attention. Shockingly enough, the patients (or, shall I say, victims?,) include toddlers as well:
The proliferation of symptoms coincided with an increasing number of deaths and illnesses with symptoms that could mean so many things that it would have been hard to find two doctors who would have independently arrived at the same diagnosis. The situation, of course, still persists, and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon.
1. What has been causing the problems?
There are quite a few candidates, and one doesn’t exclude the rest, so chances are it’s a combination of more than one, if not all, and there are probably a number of unknown variables as well1. Notice that examining them one by one cannot produce much of a conclusion because of the known fact that two toxins together are more detrimental than their effects, when examined separately2. To add insult to injury, reliable studies are few and far between, and ones that include more of than one factor are sorely amiss.
2. Nanoparticles
Nanotechnology is older than the convid injections that are often blamed for the damages it causes. It was introduced in 1981, and has been successfully applied in industrial production for decades. According to,
Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman was one of the first to envisage how nanotechnology would come to play such a key role in modern manufacturing. intimates,
In his now famous 1959 address to the American Physical Society’s annual meeting at the California Institute of Technology, Feynman theorized how it would one day be possible to engineer materials at the nanoscale.
Now, if it was theorized in 1959, and became public in 1981, the 22 years in between must have included research AND TESTING, preferably in public places and on common people. From this aspect, the history of nanotech eerily resembles the story of Katalon Kariko’s, the 2023 Nobel-Prize Winner for her research of mRNA3 technology, which may have also been tried in real people, albeit only in extremely controlled environments (
Of course, some of the nano even from manufacturing finds its way into the human body, no matter what. However, it doesn’t stop there. Even according to the Epoch Times (which I don’t read, because I consider it a source of controlled opposition, but the following title speaks for itself):
“Nanotechnology is used in covid vaccines and in 2,000 foods, goes unlabeled” at
If the Epoch Times publishes it, it must be a limited hangout and, as such, quite close to commonly-accessible knowledge, and as such, it is also a red herring to divert attention from the likelihood of a lot more than that going on (but the “revelation” can prevent people from thinking further, because they have been told “the truth”). These days, it’s just about impossible to avoid exposure to nanotech and, despite its being advertised as a medical miracle, it likely destroys more than it could ever fix.
3. Hydrogels
Wikipedia, along with hiding and misinterpreting significant details, as usual, does contain basic facts, which are more than enough for the time being. You can count on it to phrase everything from the enemy’s point of view, and the consistency makes it easy to filter out useful, albeit predictably incomplete, information:
A hydrogel is a biphasic material, a mixture of porous, permeable solids and at least 10% by weight or volume of interstitial fluid composed completely or mainly by water.[1][2] In hydrogels the porous permeable solid is a water insoluble three dimensional network of natural or synthetic polymers and a fluid, having absorbed a large amount of water or biological fluids.[2][3][4][5] These properties underpin several applications, especially in the biomedical area. Many hydrogels are synthetic, but some are derived from nature.[6][7] The term ‘hydrogel’ was coined in 1894.[8]
The admission of synthetic hydrogels already raises a red flag, and as they are water-insoluble, they can provide coating for graphene-based self-assembling nanochips to be delivered into the human body. A study published by another reliably-misleading source, NCBI, claims that
The in vivo chronic effect of PECT NPs(Gel)confirmed no toxic lesions to animals in a whole period of three months even the dosage was high to 20 g/kg. These findings indicated PECT nanoparticles and PECT NPs(Gel) were of well biocompatibility and did not provoke any side effect to body, which represented a new class of injectable and non-invasive systemic or site-specific delivery carrier. (
In plain English, no injections are necessary for delivering stuff that needs to be protected (or kept in secret!) into humans. Notice that the amount used was controlled in the experiment, which is not something one can say about an uncontrolled environment, that is, real life. Still, it must be noted that “side effects” were expected, so over certain levels of exposure, certainly happen.
The medical application of hydrogels immediately introduces the idea of manipulating proteins in the human body, which can easily result in predictable AND unpredictable enzymatic, hormonal, and genetic changes. Even Wikipedia acknowledges:
Peptides based hydrogels
Peptides based hydrogels possess exceptional biocompatibility and biodegradability qualities, giving rise to their wide use of applications, particularly in biomedicine;[2] as such, their physical properties can be fine-tuned in order to maximise their use.[2] Methods to do this are: modulation of the amino acid sequence, pH, chirality, and increasing the number of aromatic residues.[29]
4. 5G and comparable technologies
The simplest explanation of convid symptoms was provided by the installation of 5G towers at a time, when people were locked up in their homes and couldn’t protest. Most of them didn’t even notice. “Doctors” refused to listen to their patients’ complaints and to contextualize the symptoms, while many installers ended up on worker’s comp with radiation poisoning.
Surely enough, 5G can do a lot of damage:
Radiation can be used as a weapon of mass destruction as well as a means of mass control. Even specific persons’ DNA can be downloaded and added to the global IoT that is still under construction, perfecting itself, while running a live simulation of the Planet and advising its globalist operators about their next moves towards Agenda 2030/2050. That was a step forward from focusing on graphene-based nanochips, because nanotech was possible to deliver in many more ways that just the injections4:
For more on EMF, I am recommending Roman’s articles (and he has further recommendations, too):
Geoengineering involves more than weather manipulation:
Weather manipulation has been going on since around 1947, and the “authorities” only recently admitted its existence, because they are now hell-bent on “saving the planet,” which according to them, is calling for drastic measures that endanger the biosphere itself. recently suggested that clouding up the Sun can irreversibly stop the Earth’s natural cloud cycles, which would turn the whole world into an uninhabitable wasteland.
Even if that is an exaggeration, the heavy metals from chemtrails constantly poison the biosphere, and heavy metals happen to accumulate in the human body, causing many symptoms of poisoning first, and eventually death:
5. Altered proteins
As the very idea that synthetic proteins are being deployed has been avoided by all public figures, “alt” or not, I had to notice the possibility on my own, which I did, when I gave some thought to what Lyme, peanut allergy, and arthritis have in common:
At the time of writing, I realized only that the technology must have been employed since the 1950s, but I had next to no idea of the amazing versatility and complexity of the problem5.
My observation “revolutionary” only by publicly establishing the extreme likelihood of modified proteins being used for manipulating public health and for delivering and protecting nanotech in the human body. By tricking the body into accepting synthetic proteins as their own, the altered proteins, besides doing some predictable harm that causes common “health conditions,” integrate themselves into the body and provide an interface between the central AI and the subject. Of course, by the time I realized its role, there was nothing revolutionary about the process for those who have been implementing it, but as opposed to introducing the red herring of mRNA6 as the savior of humankind, it’s certainly not advertised for the public. May I call the process a covert operation?
6. Artificial parasites
Morgellons have been on the menu for up to 35 years, but that’s only what’s available information. They may have been one of the dry runs for the general poisoning:
It’s reasonable to assume that artificial life-forms are not limited to the skin and not limited to humans. How far can a genetically-modified mosquito be considered an animal, and when is it only a machine? Programmability and remote-controllability exist now, so the answer might not make much of a difference7. Are humans
7. Damaged and artificial red blood cells
Damaged red blood cells have been around and proven to exist in the general population for about two years. They seem to represent something in a link between RBC production (the bone marrow), use (oxygenation), storage/sorting (the spleen), and ejection (the lymphatic system), but for some reason, the other links in the chain keep being ignored, which I interpret as the total abandonment of the people by the medical profession:
As you know, I am not particularly intrigued by microscopic images of the blood, because I haven’t seen them leading anywhere, except envisioning the audience as a bunch of chicken watching their former friend rotating in a grill8. However, let me pay tribute to the latest discovery by Sylvia Neitzer (aka.“Sam”), whose achievement is reported by Matt:
Sylvia’s article is titled, “Where are synthetic red blood cells produced?”, and suggests that quantum dots merge with RBCs, which produces semi-synthetic cells that reproduce on their own:
Actually, at the end of last summer, I found out that synthetic blood was already in circulation, so the the fact that it exists doesn’t surprise me. While it is possible to get it through an IV, how else can it get into a person’s blood vessels? Before reading the article, my best guess was that the bone marrow can be transformed into semi-synthetic live tissue, and it acts according to its true nature. The spleen stores RBC reserves and it takes out bad red blood cells, so it is possible that it corrupts whatever it stores before releasing it back into circulation. Sylvia, however, becomes a bit more adventurous than my conjecturing, and suggests the presence of a chain reaction, which makes sense to me, but I am craving for more details than the ones offered in the article that claims,
“According to the literature of the Carnegie Institute, artificial blood cells could be produced from the so-called ‘threads’.”
She doesn’t provide a citation or an explanation of any of the terms she uses, but if you look into it, the Carnegie Institute claims to be a “school of allied health technology since 1947” on its home page ( Digging a bit deeper, you can find out that the place trains healthcare technicians, and no matter how I far looked, I couldn’t find a trace of “threads” being turned into artificial blood cells for the life of me. However, according to Sylvia,
“… megakaryocyte(s)… are observed in viral diseases, parasitic infections or genetic causes.”
You don’t have to be medically trained to know that “viral diseases” don’t exist, which discredits the the article to a certain extent, but giving up on it would be premature. The next incohesive and unlinked statement informs the reader that
“Using dark-field microscopy, Michael Coyle discovered that the red blood cells in the serum - not just in the bone marrow - can secrete platelets.”
It is certainly new that self-reproducing cells looking like RBCs exist, but again, no citations are offered, and a search for “Michael Coyle” brings up a number of irrelevant entities, including a child sex offender from Illinois, and I’m sure that’s not what Sylvia is referring to. And don’t worry, the rest of the statement is likely just as much cryptic for everyone as for you or me. All one has to do is use the illustration and imagine as “red blood cells are secreting platelets in the serum.” I’m sure you know what it means, because even I do, and I’m not going to say it. In the next stage, “quantum dots” that “can only be observed in dark microscopy” “process” “initially small red blood cells” “to become larger and larger.” One can only hope that the dark microscopy is dark enough to reveal the details without giving itself away in the light. Don’t worry, of you don’t understand it, because here comes the explanation:
“This complex appears to have a cytotoxic effect on biological red blood cells and also seems to produce new synthetic cells like a factory.”
Unfortunately, the only evidence shown are pictures and a video, and as far as I’m concerned, I might as well be watching a Mickey Mouse cartoon. However, I would be grateful for a systematic and professional description of the process, assuming one could be compiled at all. What I can imagine might be happening here is that the nanomaterial (“quantum dots”) is merging with existing RBCs and the result replicates itself, but I don’t trust myself to make it into a conclusion despite the fact that I cannot come up with at least a little bit more logical explanation, which doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. While at it, the claims in the article would be a bit more convincing, if evidence were produced that the new synthetic cells, apart from their morphology, perform the same tasks as natural RBCs. Explanation is also needed for the spleen not taking out the semi-synthetic cells. Regarding that, I’ve learned about cases of acute anemia, when the patient was alive and relatively well, while RBCs were down to less than a third of “normal” and terribly disformed/warped, which suggests that something else was doing the job of RBCs as well to keep the patient going.
Sylvia, for the time being, may have been simply too excited just to make the announcement, and prosaically fails to provide a consistent narrative from a steady and professional perspective. I’m sure that hiatus will be remedied later, if the narrative is meant to hold water.
A major problem with interpreting findings in the blood is that the blood usually contains only about 0-8 percent of whatever is in the body, so the findings are often peripheral and/or inconclusive. Therefore, “following the science” in this case invites the acknowledgement that nobody is quite sure what can be claimed to be a fact, when it comes to one thing leading to another in the human body and its surroundings. Sylvia doesn’t have to be ashamed for showing an example of what can be done, especially because she seems to have made an attempt at introducing a hitherto-unknown phenomenon, and admitting that a lot more research is needed.
Artificial elements that can be found in the blood are almost certainly elsewhere, too, both within and outside the body, unless their role is limited to whatever happens in the blood, which is less than likely, considering the four venues involved in the life of a red blood cell [bone marrow (production)-blood (cell oxygenation)-spleen (storage/sorting)-lymphatic system (unloading)]. Perhaps it’s too much for a human being to understand it all, but it’s more likely that it would require special and astronomically-priced equipment and highly experienced, extremely knowledgeable researchers who don’t suffer from tunnel-vision or from being intellectually challenged, whose livelihood doesn’t depend on the outcome, and who have not been compromised (the compromised obviously represent the overwhelming majority).
8. Genetically-modified organisms
The GMO, as all other technological advancements that ever make it to the public, must have been around for longer than admitted. It’s part of taking over the food supply by eliminating traditional farming, but it’s also great for sickening and killing people:
At a time, when artificial meat is supposed to replace meat, it’s hard to know what else is synthetic in the food supply9. In China, a major supplier of the US, manufacturers openly produce fake of everything. I remember a case in which a few years ago, five tons of rat meat was confiscated in a US port from a single shipment as chicken, one can only guess how much of that stuff ends up in the grocery store nearby. Obviously, a lot of other shipments were not discovered (Was the usual customs officer who had been bribed, as usual, incidentally replaced by someone who didn’t know about the transaction, was it the competition thrown under the bus, or was it blind luck that only time?), may have ended up in many more places than just Chinese restaurants. Here is an “appetizer” video from China for those, who have the time and the stomach to watch it:
If you think of it, sliced bread never goes bad, because it uses hair from China as a preservative. (McDonald’s must have been familiar with the method for decades.) When I wrote about it, I grossly underestimated the magnitude of the problem:
The yeast for making bread is most likely GMO, too. Come hell or high water, chances are that even “ze bugs” are going to be lab-produced GMO products, whose purity is guaranteed “in your protection,” while you are “saving the Planet” by trading your previous quality of life for being allowed to serve the technocratic idol a bit longer.
9. Known and unknown ingredients in “vaccines”
Each batch of the convid injections was unique, almost certainly designed and concocted by AI, but the cyclical damage they did irrespective of manufacturers was clearly visible in November, 2021:
It would be hard to convince me that the practice started with the sooner-or-later lethal convid injections. Pfizer’s 80 thousand pages are there after the damage is done, and singling out Pfizer is not even fair, because ALL manufacturers, including the Russians and the Chinese, cooperated in the globalist project (the three countries are following their own paths to Agenda 2030 and are posing as antagonists to occupy feeble minds and perhaps prime them for WW3 on TV). At this point, the original manufacturing and distribution procedures must be impossible to identify. If I had been the project manager, I would have left the details to the AI, who would have had to erase all traces of its activities after issuing the instructions for the next concoction of convid “vaccines” (guarded with armed guards, especially during the first three months of distribution), and I would have also distributed fake internal documents, preferably generated by AI and full of contradictions, which nobody would read, anyway, or no two “experts” could explain in an identical manner10. There are reports of symptoms resembling the ones after the convid injections from those who received the 2019 flu shot or were administered injected anesthetics during dental treatment. Pigs have been given the same concoctions as “vaccines” since 2017, whose outcome remains undisclosed (the pigs didn’t complain and those who did were put to sleep), although it makes me wonder about eating pork.
To make a long story short, “insignificant amounts” of GM materials and nanoparticles have never been mandatory to report, and in this context, nothing is deemed “significant” enough by the captured regulatory bodies to be reported. Such ingredients must have been in some batches of the “vaccines” as well, whatever invented illness the injections were supposed to work for.
The potentially mysterious contents of childhood “vaccines” might partially explain why young children also suffer from peptic ulcers and the like.
Nothing proves more that the globalist-owned/controlled pharmaceuticals, “health care,” and governments are all in on killing you in your own good time than when the CDC responded to a FOI request regarding myocarditis after the convid injections, the issued 148 pages were ALL redacted:
10. Micro- and nanoplastics
As they damage the mitochondria, erratically or, perhaps, very-much intentionally, limit or divert intercell communication, they are carcinogens at best. There are many kinds with their own characteristics, which means they can mix better with specific substances or even merge with them, depending on the circumstances. In the West, wall-to-wall rugs are probably the worst offenders, as they provide plenty of constant replenishment of the dust they emit for humans to breathe in. It’s relatively unknown that although microplastics are in food and in tapwater, too, one can also inhale them. While rugs emit plastic dust, soft plastics slowly evaporate and used in the microwave generously contribute to their ingestion after a little exposure to heat and to the nuclear oven. Of course, plastics are everywhere, and it’s difficult to reduce the inhaled/ingested amount. Filtering air and water is possible to a certain extent, but food cannot be filtered.
Consumers are led by the nose by being told that the worst plastic is now out of the way (a product is proudly “BPA-free”), because the latest harmful versions are never tested until their replacements arrive (which seems to have been happening with “non-stick” coatings for utensils, firearms magazines, and who knows what else).
11. Other ways to cause peptic ulcers
The composition of stomach acid may have have changed in the last couple of years, which can affect the whole digestive tract. Sadly, I cannot even guess the changes, except that the result must damage the stomach and the intestinal linings one cell at a time. Diagnosis remains guesswork even more than normally, because the small intestine is not even accessible with a camera, and don’t get me started on biopsies. Nevertheless, exploring the possibility of the stomach acid causing illness by becoming more caustic than usual or by producing something harmful after ingesting some goodies from supermarket shelves or from a restaurant, might produce some results. Alternatively, there may be some bacteria/enzymes in the stomach acid that shouldn’t be there, or something that normally should be there is significantly amiss.
H. pylori could serve as a case study focusing on a limited number of variables.
H. pylori shows up in the stomach with or without ulcers, so it may not be the cause of ulcers. Diagnosis, as it often happens, stays at the mythical levels11:
Why does a patient with ulcers and h. pylori in their stomach usually recover? (Not all of them do, especially becaue they also have intestinal complaints, which can conveniently change the diagnosis.) The drastic antibiotic treatment for “h. pylori,” seems to level the playing field, and after killing off most related bacteria, including the one whose overpopulation or deficiency may be causing the problem, the body usually manages to restore its gut flora to its original balanced state12. Alternatively, the bacteria that are necessary to keep the stomach and the intestinal walls healthy, might be reduced to amounts that they cannot perform their job satisfactorily anymore, but getting rid of its competitors fixes the problem.
Everything made by pharmaceuticals is dubious at best, but pre- and probiotics are supposed to help the body recover its damaged gut flora, so pre- and probiotics are under suspicion, because integrating them into the global depopulation program is logical in a diabolic sense13:
12. Known carcinogens
Apart from the ones separately mentioned in this article, the most common ones are fire retardants, cosmetics, toothpastes, soaps, cleaning materials, household chemicals, forever-chemicals (non-stick, including all types), food preservatives, additives (natural or not), artificial sweeteners and, of course, “medications,” “vitamins,” and “supplements.” For more on the latter, I recommend dpl’s stack
as well as “Agent”’s:
In these authors’ pieces, you can find a generous selection of substances that most people believe to be beneficial, but are toxic because of their sourcing, manufacturing process, synthetic ingredients, and storage methods. You can also find examples of delving into the process of investigating toxicities, too. I promise, you will not get bored14.
As the list can be expanded every minute, I doubt that anyone could ever come up with a full list that belongs in this category. Many common and more-or-less indispensable household items and even children’s toys warn you the they contain materials that are considered carcinogens according to the State of California. Are the globalist-onwed politicians taunting the common man over and over?
13. Traditional and programmable poisons
Some poisons will never go out of fashion:
Cytotoxins have been gaining space in documenting poisoning as well. Cytotoxin is a fancy word to refer to cells that kill other cells. Snake venom is often cited as an example. Some sources used to claim that snake poison was present in the convid injections, which would have been too obvious to go unnoticed, and an overkill, considering the actual deadly contents of the vials.
Cytotoxins can also be released, when some cells die. The procedure, if it is programmed into specific cells, can cause cells to release toxins in response to an activator. I have found an account according to which it can be linked to catastrophic events in the digestive tract:
“The cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) of H. pylori, which is translocated into gastric epithelial cells through the bacterial type IV secretion system, is an oncoprotein that can induce malignant transformation in mammals.” (
Obviously, I can barely scratch the surface, but I still wanted to include the substance into my list.
14. What can be done?
It’s more or less clear what cannot be done, but all the following have been, and are, propagated by enablers and by useful idiots (it doesn’t matter which, because the results are the same):
Considering that even the electric grid can be used as a giant antenna for killing the population15, only a pre-electricity world seems to have a chance. Disabling modern communication methods would slow things down, which would cause a lot of casualties, but getting rid of electricity altogether would stop production and distribution, which would kill off much of the global population, and return the world to the first half of the 19th century, but at least the remainder of humanity might survive relatively unspoiled.
Reverse-engineering is possible to some extent by looking at the technocratic eugenicists’ desired outcome in the targeted population (which can be regionally and/or ethnically specific). As I emphasized earlier in this paper, synthetic proteins can be used for manipulating natural proteins in the human body (which is what Sylvia seems to be talking about, too), which can easily result in predictable AND unpredictable enzymatic, hormonal, and DNA alterations, some temporary to adjust to the changes, and some permanent as genomic mutations.
As the available methods to achieve harm with a combination of all the available materials are virtually unlimited, reverse-engineering doesn’t have much of a chance, unless the original recipe for he current disaster can be unearthed:
Less than three years ago an AI, when tasked to develop bioweapons with no antidotes, came up with 40 thousand in six hours3, so the opponent humans are facing is evidently out of their league. The same AI can always stay many steps ahead of human attempts to disengage it, which means that unless the AI can be located and reprogrammed, the only chance for survival is to pull the plug, that is, end the age of electricity.
Following a mundane logic, the global IoT requires a live link between the central AI and every single living creature, so disconnecting the interface between the two would prevent the technocratic element in the globalist takeover from materializing:
The problem is that the live interface can be modified just as quickly as the number of bioweapons invented by the AI in three hours.
Ever since the Rockefellers took control of medical training, pharmaceuticals, medical offices, and hospitals, and the politicians, “Medicine” has maintained its century-long (a conservative estimate) betrayal of the human race. MDs are practically well-trained automata most of the time, so the human factor can be easily removed from the “healing” business. Amazon is already offering “AI doctors” to everyone’s convenience. It’s only a matter of time until wires, sensors, and other gadgets will come with computers and TVs for “home diagnostics,” but most of the time a cell phone will suffice for the job.
It’s your turn
Keeping constantly informed can help with preparations and decisions.
You are on your own with your decisions, but I hope, it’s good company. Moreover, you know that you are not alone at all16.
"AI planning” usually shows, when a single element/event has multiple uses for the globalists:
Another indicator emerges, when multiple elements converge in the same direction:
In order to secure a steady image of events, one can compile their own “worldwide simulator”:
The body can be stressed out by several stressors, and once its tolerance threshold is exceeded, illness occurs (but there are other sources of illness as well):
Emphasizing mRNA is a red herring, because it diverts attention from 5G and comparable technologies:
Also, it would be too dangerous and unnecessary to deploy it in public, because the results tend to be undpredictable in the long run, and the same outcome can be achieved by other means (which are addressed in my present article):
The versatility of the delivery methods is mind-boggling, and the following list is far from complete:
There are plenty of proteins in the human body; here are their types and functions:
mRNA is used for diverting attention from 5G and comparable technologies and, possibly, the synthetic protein, while the latter alone can obviously produce the same result, especially if combined with some of the methods on my list. My original article on May 2, 2023 still didn’t contain the protein variable:
GM mosquitoes showed up in rural Kentucky first in the summer of 2022. They don’t react to repellents:
“Vaccination” through the food supply has been legally permitted since the end of May, 2023, but tainting animal-based food must have been going on for quite a while:
"Medicine” itself is weaponized by compartmentalization:
It’s also a psyop (a forms of gaslighting):
Diagnostics itself is a comedy of errors:
It helps to have an appendix that serves as a reservoir for a backup, but the body has its own “memory,” which can be considered an integral element in immune reactions.
The same thing seems to have happened to ivermectin:
I popularized their findings in and in
Here are a few times, when I wrote something encouraging:.
This are the returns in my “Archive” to searching for “you are not alone,” but other searches might produce even better results.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was also associated with red blood cell damage in the 90’s, Darkfield microscopy showed the damage. My partner had CF and she researched the subject and participated in support groups. She changed her diet. I’m no longer in touch with her so I don’t know her present health status
The real reason for nose swabs was to insert hydrogels and nano-tech.
Saliva tests were cheaper and non-invasive.
They plan to reduce the population by 95%, through all means possible, including slow-poisoning food and medicines: