The Most Chilling Conclusion about Doctors in the "Resistance"
Again, something you won't find anywhere else
If I am correct, the following is probably the most significant announcement I could ever make about the “resistance.”1 Is it going to take hold? I doubt it, but it’s here, anyway.
“Alt” “doctors” must also be examined
No more evidence is needed that mainstream doctors tell lies, whether knowingly or not. Considering the outcome, intentionality makes no difference, anyway, because just like being ignorant of the law doesn’t exempt criminals from prosecution or a guilty verdict, doctors cannot plead ignorance, either, especially after obviously harming or killing their patients.
The actual news is that it’s time to subject “alt” doctors, too, to more scrutiny, not under the microscope, but in the limelight.
My mistake
I used to think that I was usually ahead of mostly everyone else by days, weeks, months, or even years. Wasn’t I wrong! It’s clear to me now that psyops take time to prepare and more time to implement. In the meanwhile, meaningful opposition is best left ignored by the globalists, because even denying or criticizing its premises would attract public attention, which is the last thing the eugenicist planners want. Even Communication 101 concludes that even negative publicity is helpful, because about 60 percent of all purchases are based on name recognition. To add insult to injury, in this world of controlled opposition, when “the truth” finally emerges, it is usually distorted or truncated, representing red herrings or limited hangouts2.
Although my preceding others with my observations was a false assumption, my conclusions often remain unique. That seems to be the case with this article as well.
Said it previously, but nobody listened
I have a short list of essential phenomena to be examined in order to make progress possible. Its entries have been published before, and I have tried to plead with famous authors in the “opposition” in order to address my concerns, but to no avail. My public requests were ignored.
On September 30, 2023, I wrote about “memory fog” (which, incidentally, is out in the public domain) and peptic ulcers that the “medical” profession mystifyingly named IBD (“inflammatory bowel disease”):
I also pointed out the significance of presenting credible evidence to the findings in microscopy and blood analysis (October 11, 2023):
None of my efforts elicited any progress towards revealing anything substantial about the general poisoning that I outlined already in December, 2022:
To make a long story short about what’s wrong
Matt, Nixon, and Karl C.3 are prominent publishers of related findings on Substack, but they focus on facts and offer no or little explanation. Mihalcea4 and OUTRAGED5 refer to nanotech and the damage it does to the human body, but ignore my concerns6, which are as prominent and general as anything could be. And they are respectable authors; I don’t make contact with obvious agents.
The problem with microscopy is that it uses the same level of “evidence” as the obviously fake science, Virology, which immediately demonstrates the reason why it’s easy to fake such evidence. It’s not an accident that a “public heroine,”7 Karen Kingston, in her note on Substack, recommended Matt’s microscopy yesterday. At the same time, only La Quinta Columna’s microscopic examination of the vials made it possible to point out that the public was poisoned with the “covid” injections. The reason why I considered it credible was that it fit into my global interpretive frame:
For the same reason, I believe that Matt, Nixon, and Karl C. have published facts, as far as such a thing is possible, although explanations of their videos and images will remain subject to further scrutiny.
The only way to substantiate any claim from microscopy would incur a hypothesis for the poisoning process, which would inevitably require the tentative development of a brand-new medical paradigm8.
There are magnificent studies of both injected and uninjected human blood, indicating severe damages to red blood cells after the introduction of “covid” injections. While symptomatic treatments are being offered and allegedly work for a while, a full, at least hypothetical, description of the mechanism of the poisoning process is missing. Red blood cells are produced by the bone marrow and stored in the spleen in order to be released, as needed. At the same time, nothing is mentioned beyond the blood and the mitochondria, which indicates either complete ignorance of the process9 or giving it the silent treatment. The result is the same: people are not informed and are directed to focus on inconsequential segments of their being poisoned.
The doctors’ ignorance could be excused, if it was announced, but their ignoring the problem is unforgivable. At least a working hypothesis should be present among the “resisting” doctors, but all I can see is diversions.
In my previous article on the subject10, I wrote,
[Peptic ulcers] used to be quite uncommon, but in the last 7-10 days, I encountered five people suffering from peptic ulcers, amounting to stomach, duodenal, or colon ulcers. The suddenly-common occurrence is unlikely to come from the mathematical phenomenon of long sequences. While damaged red blood cells seem to be in just about everyone now, the damages to the digestive tract might mainly come from, well, food, especially after the FDA issued its permission to “vaccinate” the population through the food supply.
My wife just found out that in a city hospital in England, there are 340 patients “treated” with such ulcers… The diagnosis is chronic IBD (“inflammatory bowel disease”), which is a term that is blaming the bowels or their owners for being sick without even trying to identify the toxin(s) or pathogen(s) that cause it.11
For decades by now, the ominous and symptom-based “diagnosis” of “leaky gut” has been popular with naturopaths who, like their allopathic colleagues, have no idea about the causes and treat only symptoms. The symptoms, however, have become overwhelming among the population, which is failing to receive publicity. In the meanwhile, even Crohn’s may have given the depopulators the idea for the current “epidemic”; considering it was “discovered” in 1932, it was probably normal reaction to the giant increases in the use of pesticides.
Besides my personal encounters with peptic ulcers, the first time I crossed paths with the subject of the “covid” injections harming the intestines on a huge scale was in G. E. Griffin’s article from yesterday:
His source is a bit surprising, and it comes from only a day earlier, from October 17, 2023:
Peptic ulcers have become so common that ignoring them is criminal and it amounts to nothing less than giving the sufferers the silent treatment. If their consistent and widespread symptoms are ignored on purpose, they must represent clues to the actual poisoning.
My hypothesis
“Brain fog,” suggests that the nano-computers are latched on to the neural network in a way that they affect the brain, but chronic anemia can also be a cause. The same might be at work in the bone marrow and/or the spleen, while peptic ulcers can also be caused by artificial parasites to which the Central AI can issue commands or it can directly control the body through 5G signals or comparable technologies, and perhaps even through the electric grid or LED light bulbs12. Either way, the nanotech in the body is controlled remotely. The ulcers can also originate from insects that have been smuggled into bread, cereal (all of them had some in them, anyway, but probably less), ground meat, processed food, and whatever else13.
On August 15, 2024, I added substantial elements to my conjecturing (this article includes links to former ones as well):
The damages in the body are possibly the products of a chain reaction, although the vials demonstrably contained various ingredients that differed by the batch14.
Based on my conjecturing, I believe, there is only one remedy:
The chilling conclusion about “doctors”
“Doctors” giving the silent treatment to ominous and omnipresent signs and not even caring to set up a hypothesis of the poisoning process could indicate their ignorance or their fear from legal liability, but there are always ways to phrase statements that could prevent them from looking ignorant or make them legally liable.
The only reasonable explanation to the phenomenon is that
The very idea of “the Resistance” has been looking fabricated during the plandemic:
Fake resistance is common:
Observing The Corbett Report was my last piece on the subject:
I have argued before that the globalist plan for depopulation and total control was so flawless and carried out so perfectly that it must be the product of the central AI running a global simulation from live data, while processing and storing data and issuing instructions for next steps towards Agenda 2030. In July, 2022, I stated that much of what people thought was surveillance, was actually data collection:
It took me only a few days to arrive at the idea of a central AI; the data must be put to use, after all:
Since then, even only the complexity of general poisoning turned out to be amazing:
Here are links to their sites:
Notice that Mihalcea promoted Fuellmich’s heroification yesterday:
Creating pubic heroes is always suspicious, irrespective of the way it happens:
OUTRAGED published the following October 21. 2023:
The article is the most convincing description of nanotoxicity. The following figure is particularly interesting:
Folk heroes are not born; they are created by the globalist media:
What makes people sick and what does “health” mean?
Compartmentalized approaches come from military-grade R&D:
Blaming the victim has been a popular psyop in history, and it widely used in “Medicine”:
There must be an ulterior reason why incandescent light bulbs are banned:
Notably, the regularity of the deaths and injuries following the “covid” injections irrespective of manufacturers, reported to VAERS, substantiated “intent to harm” already in November, 2021:
Wow, Ray!! This really hit home for me...I was diagnosed with an ulcer and IBS in my early 20's...the lack of effort from the establishment and the medicine prescribed did not help and actually made it worse.... I gave up on "drs" and went rogue on my own..... aloe vera, ginger, diet change, etc. and delving into doing my own research got rid of my ulcer and my "IBS" symptoms are manageable.....I am actually glad this happened to me back then because it made me stand firm against the "COVID shots" and this whole fiasco....
I hate most doctors, Ray. After working in health care for several years in the Army, then in the private sector, I developed quit a distrust for the entire American health care system, particularly on a federal government level such as the military, FDA, CDC and Veterans Administration. It’s kind of like someone who loves fast food or cooking and then goes to school to become a chef, then works in Hell’s Kitchen to forever change his perception of food and diet.
As far as Leaky Gut and IBS, there have been well defined, legitimate, scientific discoveries developing over the past decade explaining the dozens of causes for IBS & Leaky Gut, which depending upon your job you can never mention these causes—unless unemployment and going back to school is your goal.
I know you’ve said you’ve been sick, but I was curious if you’ve ever been diagnosed with IBS or Leaky Gut, or knew someone who had either and then discovered what they were exposed to causing it, or if you’ve found a holistic or homeopathic doctor you can trust. Personally, I decided to be my own doctor for a couple decades now, which I believe everyone needs to be, first and foremost, as well as finding a legitimate clinician-pathologist (almost nonexistent today). After making incremental changes in my diet over the years I started seeing improvements in gut health and brain fog, then the fu🤬ng Plannedemic was leveled on humanity by our own policy makers. I was diagnosed in 1991 while on active duty with IBS, which turned out to be leaky gut, which can occur for dozens of reason, particularly killing off healthy gut bacteria in conjunction with most, if not all grains, most pharmaceuticals, vaccines and all pesticides. After eliminating what I could, starting with all grains, particularly my favorite oatmeal, I was able to restore healthy gut bacteria and “almost” end the IBS. But now with the added assault from all the shit being put into our food supply via ChemTrails, cross-contamination from GMO’s into organic farms, etc., it’s virtually impossible to find clean food. Buying organic and attempting to filter water has become increasingly difficult since 2020, and “they” will only be making things much worse at a faster rate than ever, unless we start institutionalizing both the Republicans & Democrats and all of their Lawyers responsible. Trust me, it all starts with straight-jacketing the shit policy writers (Lawyers), then the politicians who are seldom the same individuals.