The Bermuda Triangle of "Medications," Where "Patients" Disappear...
Blaming the victim all the way to the bitter end.
Two healers talking! (Source: Grammarly)
In this article, I am not providing “medical” advice, only food for thought. It is your job to consider what’s best for you and, although there is an irreconcilable conflict of interest between your health and your “doctor” receiving bonuses for prescribing “medications,” (toxic) supplements, Ensure, or “vaccines,” you might want to always “ask your ‘doctor’.” In fact, there are a few good ones, like the one I had 45 or 50 years ago:
Still, you don’t need a license to think:
Quite peculiarly, the antidotes for propaganda resemble the principles you might want to keep in mind, when countering the “medical” establishment. The good news is that logic is at your disposal; even God cannot create a mountain without a valley, so common sense can go a long way.
Blaming the victim
If you seek “medical” treatment, the very first thing after they find out is how you are going to pay (with your insurance or with your body and soul) is to make you sign a form of consent that protects them from getting sued for malpractice. That can be especially deadly in “cancer treatments” and contradictory at psych wards, although I keep wondering that you are allowed to sign off your independence and become a “patient” who, based on his/her signature, can be considered unable to make decisions on his/her own.
Still, no matter where you go in the sick-care system, most of the time, you keep encountering the ever-recurring theme that you are the cause of your condition, which is hardly ever true, but mystification by elusive and deceptive “medical” terms and the assignation of invented diseases that cannot even be diagnosed with tests, they can get away with their “professional” baloney and many of their victims are more than willing to sacrifice themselves on the altar of “medical” procurement:
In the meanwhile, even “medical professionals” are led by the nose by the compartmentalization of “Medicine”:
“Doctors” love to order tests for you; it makes them look like they are “following the science,” which they are, much in the way it happened during the convid theater. They send you to blood tests that would reflect little about the causes of your current problems, but surely take your DNA which, occasionally, is sold without your consent to interested parties that certainly don’t have your best interest in mind.
They ask you about your poop, as if they didn’t know that your food/drinks yesterday largely affect the color and the consistency.
They love to refer you to colonoscopies that can “discover” conditions without your experiencing symptoms and tell you that they want to prevent colon cancer, a condition they are absolutely unable to cure (unless cutting incidentally works or the whole “treatment” was based on misdiagnosis, which is a lot more common than one would like to believe), although they are always ready to treat you to death either for your insurance coverage or even for your biopsies and “test results” that they can sell, while educating their “medical” students or and allowing their pesky residents to practice on you. If they cared for preventing colon cancer, they might advise you on a healthy diet, free from preservatives, additives, artificial colors, GMO soy (you can’t even buy mayonnaise not made with soy oil), starches, GMO corn syrup (recently renamed to “corn sugar”) and corn oil (or “canola” oil), avoiding industrially-produced table salt, all genetically-modified food sources, non-stick pots and pans, and the list is endless, although that is only about food. Oops, I nearly forgot to tell you, they have “specialists” for misleading you in your diet, “dieticians,” who tell you not to consume salt and fats, which is tantamount to murder; following that advice WILL kill you, because both fats and salt are needed, but not the kind you get in fast food, processed food, or even in most restaurants. These “experts” want you to load up on pesticides from cheap fruits and vegetables (the amount of those are now up to 400 times higher than in 1990), limit carbohydrates (while telling you to eat them in their “food pyramid”) with the perverted ideas that rice is as bad as GM corn or US flour that comes from wheat that crossed European flour and North-American grass (the latter is not digestible for traditional stomachs, resulting in “allergies,” but European flour can now contain pulverized insects, too, which will surely result in new “allergies” or even “diseases” for which people will need new “vaccines”). Also, who know now what’s in flour?
The Bermuda Triangle of “medications”
Of course, the subject can fill dozens of encyclopedias, but the logistics is always the same, which you can personally observe. Here are three commonly- and concurrently-treated conditions whose “medical treatments” can easily perpetuate the impact of each other on the patient: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.
Your blood pressure can rise because of pain, sudden movements, a glass of wine or a shot of hard liquor, various withdrawal symptoms, external temperature changes, urgent need for detoxification, and even by being scared, becoming upset, becoming excited (e.g. by spicy food or being seen by a “doctor”), or having the mundane urge to pee. It is a symptom, not an illness, but it is “treated” as a “chronic condition” without any attention paid to its causes. Once you start taking the chemicals for it, your body adjusts and becomes dependent on them, which is the case with many madications.
“High blood pressure” is not an illness, but an indicator that “experts” cannot explain. It is not even necessarily a sign that something is wrong in the body. It can indicate that the heart is pumping more blood to organs, because higher blood oxygen levels are needed. Oxygen deprivation can cause cancer or even organ failure, which is quite popular among the DNA (“do-not-resuscitate”) elderly…
An elevated pulse is also an option, but both can be caused even by wireless signals. Also, during exercise, the muscles need more oxygen and you are frequently told to do keep exercising, even if it would hurt you. Taking blood thinners can also cause elevated pulse, because your body needs more oxygenation than whatever the thinned blood can deliver at normal heart rates. Another invented illness, “sleep apnea” (which is most likely due to radiation in your environment) can come along as well. As with all treatments and madications, you do whatever you do at your own risk, exercise being one of them:
Inflammation/infection (as a form of stress) can cause elevated heartbeat as well as high blood pressure. Any infection/inflammation can elevate blood pressure, because the body tries to heal itself by pumping more oxygen to the injured cells. A few years ago, the US sick-care system lowered the threshold for high-blood-pressure diagnoses from 140/90 to 130/80 so that it can put you on its toxic chemicals sooner.
Apart from “side effects” of blood-pressure “medications,” lowering blood oxygen levels, when the body is trying to heal itself might not be the best idea, but nobody will tell you that. In fact, in acute situations, it can cause organ failure (especially the kidneys). Of course, high blood pressure can also be life-threatening, and after the body develops dependency on a madication, it can happen simply because the patient didn’t take the pill…
“High cholesterol” levels indicate inflammation in the walls of blood vessels, because one of the jobs for cholesterol is to heal the cracks in the walls (well, the body cannot function without cholesterol, but “medical science” invented the good vs. bad cholesterol myth to put your mind to rest). Of course, when blood pressure is lowered, the healing process slows down, which thickens the blood, calling for blood thinners and for getting your blood sugar “under control.” Type-2 “diabetics” are usually told to eat carbohydrates that are commensurate with their “medications,” making sure the body doesn’t need to produce the stuff anymore (laziness is part of the human condition even at the biochemical level), so the “patient” will have to take the stuff for blood sugar until the cows come home. In the meanwhile, cholesterol levels are artificially lowered with chemicals that have been proven to be nearly exclusively harmful. Eventually, the patient cannot tell if (s)he passed out because of the toxic “medications,” the “uncontrolled” levels of blood sugar, or a sudden drop of blood pressure. The body needs time to adjust all this poisoning and has to give up its fight for healing independently, so “medications” have to be “adjusted” and keep being “readjusted” all the time. In the meanwhile, toxic exposures wreck the kidneys and the liver, but don’t worry: there are “specialists” for those, too!
Notice that an innocuous-looking statin pill a day can start the process that will never end.
Once the vicious circle is established, it’s devilishly difficult to break free, but not hopeless.
Further variables to consider
The above “triangle” is only a sample. In reality, there are several vicious circles of conditions and “medications” that exist on separate plains, but can happily coexist together, adding multiple two-dimensional structures to the whole picture, whose elements can dynamically form new and novel combinations anytime, so “doctors” are not in an enviable position when trying to perform the humanly-impossible. The honest and intelligent ones get better over time, after leaving a long trail of victims to their experimentations, but that’s the only way they can accumulate experience that might prove helpful later.
Anyway, here are few more variables that you can hardly ever, if ever, hear of in a “doctor’s” office.
Radiation exposure that can affect health in multiple ways:
For radiation poisoning, “doctors” send you to a cardiologist with your palpitation and your chest pain, you can get brain imaging for your dizziness, and if you are lucky, you can get a referral to a pulmonologist with your shortness of breath…
And other aggravating factors:
Roman, a fellow author on Substack, wrote the following on electricity:
And on diabetes:
For graphene poisoning, I recommend the following site; it’s full of eye-opening information, the best I’ve ever seen on the subject, possibly because the author is knowledgeable, yet unencumbered:
Quite a few more common “health conditions” need further considerations; here are some examples
The “common cold” and “the flu”
The “common cold” became extremely widespread, when industrialization filled the environment with toxins. The industrial waste of chemical poisoning caused cold symptoms more than ever before. Toxicity has always been present, but by orders of magnitude less than after factories produced smog so thick that you couldn’t see more than a few yards away. Electric pollution contributed to the symptoms of detoxification, and every time major electric installations took place in the last 160 years, there was a “flu epidemic.” Somehow, people fail to realize that territorial poisoning can result in a lot of illnesses, which allowed for the myths of “epidemics” and “inherited conditions” to be sold to the public. The “cold” and the “flu” cannot be diagnosed, only the symptoms observed, and the madical establishment got good use of another invention, the “infectious virus,” that heralded the era of mass “vaccinations” with highly toxic ingredients and a fraudulent madical paradigm that is now used for enslaving the world.
Autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune diseases might be simply caused by certain body parts accumulating so many toxins that the immune system turns on them as if they were foreign objects:
Also, since around 1960, various chemicals have been converting natural proteins in the body into something synthetic:
Around 2001, Hungarian research showed that arthritis, in many cases, vanished after a year of the patient’s abstaining from red meat. The food supply in Hungary must have been a lot less “contaminated” (aka. poisoned) than the one in the US, but one still can’t help wondering what’s in “red meat.” Calciferol (a synthetic rat poison and beef meat tenderizer given to bovines during their last eight days prior to slaughter, also sold to he unsuspecting as Vitamin D) may have such an impact. The toxic overload from red meat can come from a number of resources, but with the fad of cast iron pots and pans, I also consider iron overload one of the viable suspects.
I am yet to see anyone suffering from an autoimmune condition being sent to have their heavy metal load checked out.
Of course, radiation exposure from all forms of radio-waves and electricity significantly contribute to the increase in autoimmune diseases.
Although allergies seem to be the precursors of autoimmune diseases, they are more likely a sign of the body’s inability to handle certain types of toxic intake. Humans are genetically predisposed to stay on certain diets that are likely to be their ancestors’ as well. The body is unable to handle (too many or too toxic?) new ones. “Medical” treatment of allergies are steroids and/or immunosuppressants, so you can easily figure out what those chemicals do to you…
Normally, if the body is not overloaded with exotic types of materials, the immune system can re-adjust, but if you consider that out of the approximately 800 food additives used in processed food, only a handful has ever been tested for affecting human health and, as with everything, all those substances interact and can amplify each other’s detrimental impact. And that’s only about food.
Asthma is most likely caused by a combined effect of antibiotics (or other means of depleting the gut flora) and EMF/ELF/microwave radiation. For children becoming born with it, here are a few words on it regarding their mothers receiving “medical treatment” during pregnancy:
The immunosuppressant steroid puffers prescribed for symptomatic treatment also wreck metabolism, resulting in becoming overweight and a number of other conditions for which, to be sure, you will prescribed further “medications” whose “side effects” will require more “medications.”
Being overweight
Being overweight places an extra burned on all organs, especially on the heart, the kidneys, and the liver, not to mention the spine and all joints. Consequently, it plays a significant role in people falling ill. Of course, what can you expect in a country, where 40 percent of children are now overweight and pizza (from flour heavily laden with toxic “fortifiers” and with cheese made with GMO rennet) is considered a vegetable on the school lunch menu?
Apart from junk food, endocrine disruptors are largely to blame, but iodine deficiency and steroidal “medications” can also add to the risks. GMO-sourced low-fat, vegetable oils, and low-salt diets (lab-made salt is still bad, and it has become increasingly difficult to find decent salt) definitely stress out metabolism, but artificial sweeteners are one of the worst, because they also come with the temptation of eating no sugar (while all of them are carcinogens, but what the heck). Real sugar, while bad enough for the gut flora (it likely causes candida overgrowth, which is not an “infection,” because candida is normally present in the intestines, but it can be overfed by excessive sugar consumption), is still infinitely less harmful than artificial sweeteners…
Sedentary lifestyle alone doesn’t make you fat, unless you eat the bad stuff and eat a lot. At the same time, food, especially sweets, act as stimulants. If you are sitting around all day, you might be frequently tempted to seek some positive stimulation, and food is the second most fulfilling among anything people can do; I bet, you’ve guessed the first one, and that is not fattening. Alternatively, you can work your rear end off in the gym, but it will not make you much thinner and especially not in the long run. You can, of course, buy and consume carcinogens that stop your appetite (because you are being poisoned) or even undergo the surgery of having part of your stomach cut out or the life-threatening procedure of liposuction.
One thing a “doctor” and/or a nurse practitioner always asks patients if they feel overly sad or depressed, and the “professionals” are ready to prescribe psychiatric drugs that are supposed to restore the “chemical balance” in the brain despite the fact that the paradigm was refuted about four or five years ago. Oh, well, something has to give. Patients are never told that the toxic chemicals misleadingly labeled as “medications” can cause irreversible changes in the brain and in the nervous system that neurologists and brain surgeons cannot even locate or identify much. Psychiatrists usually experiment with various combinations of several drugs in order produce at least some results, while the changes might prevent the immune system from adjusting to the toxins.
I have an article on that subject:
To make a long story short, most “doctors” would not use official cancer treatments for themselves of for their loved ones…
Painkillers are aptly named: they are certainly killers one way or another, and they can “safely and effectively” become a pain in the neck or, for that matter, somewhere else in the body.
If you are in pain, you can be placed on one or more of these addictive toxins and they will work for a while, although never more than about 30 percent, with the placebo effect doing the rest of the job (which exceeded 60 percent already around 2001). As time goes by, you need more and more of them, but they will work less and less. One thing is certain: they all place additional burden on the liver, and I’ve read about young people who needed liver transplants even after taking a modest amount of over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers. OTC, in short, gives you the license to harm or kill yourself (the most harmful drugs according to “doctors” are proton pump inhibitors, and they became available OTC quite a few months ago; they prevent the production of stomach acid, which comes with a large number of, most likely intentional, “side effects”).
Steroid injections are also used for pain, and this is where most “doctors” seem to be conscientious by limiting their use. Steroids lower inflammation and reduce swelling, which is important during end-of-life treatments in the last stage of various cancers. On the other hand, they also cause irreversible changes to your body that nobody seems to talk about.
While acupuncture works quite well for pain (in China, minor surgeries are often performed under this form of anesthesia only), in America, there are “pain clinics,” where charlatans pretend to do what they can’t. After they fail, as sooner or later they inevitably do, they refer you to a shrink or, better, a psychiatrist, because the latter can continue “medicating” you with brain-altering toxins whose effects are irreversible. As a last resort, they tell you “it’s all in your head.” Ironically, that happens to be true, except the pain is there and it’s debilitating.
Why? Diagnostic instruments can cannot measure pain, and they misdiagnose a lot, because there is no universal medical paradigm that happens to function reasonably well.
Because it’s in your mind!
That completes the circle of blaming the victim.
On the other hand, others meet the definition of hired killers:
For more on what to eat:
According to some studies, the risk of stroke or heart attack is higher for those on cholesterol-lowering chemical.
Helplessness and the victim state is something that today's two-faced medical system ad western woke culture reinforce as they say "we're sorry for you, this is a safe space" on one hand, whereas on the other hand they judge you, and tell you you're "crazy to question". Thanks for sharing my articles on diabetes and heart disease Ray.
Here's another one I did on cancer, with some potential solutions:
Agree. It is a diabolical stew in that pot. Grass roots health, lol.