Just a few more things to be afraid of.
What To Read and How? was one of my first articles, addressing how one can learn from incomplete or even misleading sources:
Some people have been wondering how South America is going to be depopulated. I always tried to soothe them and say, “One way or another.”
Here is one new way, except that the US has joined Argentina and Brazil in the production of GMO wheat. Mercola (he manages to tick me off quite often to the point that I wrote a corresponding articles1) reported this yesterday, showing that he is not completely useless:
The report includes,
HB4 wheat is marketed as a solution to food security challenges, especially in drought-prone regions, where it claims to increase yields and reduce production costs for farmers. However, its cultivation relies heavily on the herbicide glufosinate ammonium, for which it has been engineered for increased tolerance. This chemical has been banned in several countries, including those in the European Union, due to its known health and environmental effects.4
Moreover, GMO is not shown in for products down there (well, it’s not exactly shown in the US, either, in spite of what Mercola says about 100% Organic labels):
While citizens in Argentina have the right to elect their leaders, they lack the ability to choose non-GMO food options because there is no labeling for genetically modified (GM) products. This allows a select group of individuals in influential positions within the government and scientific communities to make decisions that effectively force the entire population to consume GM products, leaving them with no alternative choices.
According to the usual “alt” sources (Mercola is one of them), it’s all about profits, which is pure nonsense. Mercola even elaborates,
There is a strong consensus against GM wheat among Argentinian farmers, indigenous groups and socio-environmental organizations.12 The campaign "Con nuestro pan, no!" (which translates to "Not our bread!") emphasizes that GM wheat is not a solution to hunger but rather a means to enhance the profits of the agro-industrial sector.13
However, he accurately announces the danger of the pesticide:
Glufosinate ammonium, the broad-spectrum herbicide used in the cultivation of HB4 wheat, works by inhibiting glutamine synthetase, an enzyme vital to plant growth.17 However, its impact is not limited to plants. The herbicide is classified as a neurotoxin, and long-term exposure has been linked to a variety of health issues in humans, including developmental, neurological and reproductive effects.18
Neurotoxin with “reproductive effects”… ‘Nuff said.
Mercola never mentions that 100% USDA organic can still be “fortified” with potentially dangerous industrial waste (“iron”) or syntethic toxins brandished as “vitamins,” “supplements,” and most likely, even lab-made organisms sourced from similar places2, and of course, he is selling his own snake oil and even a book for the gullible; all included in the same propaganda piece that happens to contain useful information as well. After all, even agents must utter factual details in order to retain some credibility. To his credit, he acknowledged about three years ago that he had been captured.
For that matter, my wife and I just found out yesterday that even the brand of organic “Amish” milk we have been buying, labeled as “low-heat pasteurized,” is now going bitter, which is a characteristic of UV-treated stuff…
Mercola is marketing his book for “longevity,” which is not exactly a promising objective for most these days, but he is playing up on people’s fear of dying. How about living a good life, or at least one without fear, even if it ends today?
Mercola also published another article yesterday, pointing out that scurvy is on its way back. He advises his readers to eat good food (which is next to impossible to find; even when I grow my own, I am still eating whatever comes down in chemtrails) or take the synthetic supplement (which might do more harm than good). Of course, according to his traditional madical training, he treats the human body as a witch’s cauldron, so instead of focusing on the reason(s) why humans cannot absorb sufficient amounts of vitamin C from natural resources (originally, scurvy was successfully treated among prisoners in France’s colonies with brown rice, which I’m sure is not chock-full-of vitamin C). I am suspecting is has a lot to do with the synthetization of the human body, which I have been investigating since January, 2023, and found out a number of unique details since then. My last article on this is
Of course, since then, I have made at least two further stages of discovery, and the following article contains them, but you will have to explore the links in it:
I have quite a few posts involving Mercola:
Here something that Mercola, Manning, and David Carradine had in common:
New poisons in old medications:
Specific details about medications:
One Mercola title, a dozen lies:
Military response guaranteed:
New “vaccines” are coming:
Sleep problems are also kind of new:
Turns out that "scurvy" is not a deficiency of vitamin C, but instead symptoms of retinoic acid toxicity:
I highly recommend Grant's 3 free ebooks available on his website. He eloquently discusses his serious health issues and how he figured out how to heal himself by drastically reducing "vitamin" A from his diet.
People have a need to know it all. I imagine that it soothes their fear by not having time to face and understand their fear. An easier way is to understand the rational for the concept of “nothing”