Turns out that "scurvy" is not a deficiency of vitamin C, but instead symptoms of retinoic acid toxicity:


I highly recommend Grant's 3 free ebooks available on his website. He eloquently discusses his serious health issues and how he figured out how to heal himself by drastically reducing "vitamin" A from his diet.

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Moreover, both Mercola and "The Midwestern Doctor" (they might be the same person) are pushing DMSO these days for pain and a number of other symptoms. That seems like another psyop to me.

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Steve Kirsch started talking about putting DMSO in his eyes so something is certainly amiss.

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If I were not moderating myself, my reply would be something that I wouldn't allow on my site. :)

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Since your over the target, might as well “bombs away” fuk the collateral damage…

Good food the elusive fix all…

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Perhaps he has invested in it.

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Kirsch even invested in the injections...

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Quote from the book:

"Another great claim of medical science is that of all the mammals on the planet, it’s only humans and guinea pigs that can’t endogenously synthesize their own vitamin C.

The claim is that after millions of years of evolution we humans have somehow lost the gene needed for it."

Dunno what other people think, but this fact suggests that humans don't need "vitamin C" supplementation. As the author of the book also suggests, the body can produce it as/if needed.

Szentgyorgyi received the Nobel Prize for discovering vitamin C. Well, I've never respected the Nobel Prize much, but what the heck.

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That's inspiring! So, scurvy as "vitamin C-deficiency" can be safely added to the list of invented illnesses. Here are m favorites:


Sleep apnea and high blood pressure can also be added:


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Like your in depth stuff,your conclusions still deciding on .Seems I've been suckered in to taking excess toxin ie in pharm vitamins substantially yet because some of them especially mineral based ones seem to still connect to genuine bodyneeds and wlith our nutrient soul,food deprived avg diet and lack of access for most to homegrown food seems to be a legit balancing act more then a slow kill poisoning attempt,still deciding that one...as both programs of body sustenance related to our production for their system till avg 65-70+ and slow kill are obviously occuring...non nutrient phony vitamins all have a natural fast drug like effect seems so regardless of their false background story on it the semi benefits seen most clearly in livestock studies and farmer testimonials indicatels these drug semi poisons are a successful real nutrient,food, life force therein food replacement which if yanked away from society tomorrow would leave devastating results in livestock and humans I'm guessing ie were hooked on these sustaining but killing in end drug poisons and getting off them requires real nutrition and life force foods eaten fresh-not doable w this population level and system: therefore retaining the best of this semi toxic system and throwing out the rest ie lowering doses of synthetic vitamins too minimal dose max sustain seems key until a whole new system can carefully be slowly integrated getting us back to vibrant,real nutrient fresh food's available to majority.If your just focusing on wealthy people w means fine ,solutions are readily available for most spare pollution's issue unsolvable for a long time at least.

Question Ray: Intrigued by your vitamin C info.I only got a big reaction from C at a holistic dentist post extraction and it cleared largely a decades long skin disease.I suspect vitamin Cs benefits could come from it being a killer of parasites and bacteria,fungus as a low level mostly tolerable poison similar to hydrogen peroxide or mms..ie much evidence Rockefeller/pharm types down play parasitic factors in disease and need to make up stuff to compensate for that lie,deletion of parasitic truth.

Question is: Holistic Drs claim that they've seen scurvy go away after C transfusion caused it by giving them more high dose C..this directly goes against your pure toxin theory ie body is showing need or addiction for high C after C drip 20,000 to 80,000 mg commonly..problems go away after large regular oral C doses given.Our these dentists,holistic lying or just parroting what's been told them..I suggest you focus here and interview the natural paths,dentists doing these Drips daily..How many of them report scurvy symptoms solved by upping oral or iv drip C after initial large dose is given causing scurvy or what you claim is only a poison ie retinoic acid reaction..perhaps a tolerance and addiction to C chemicals involved could explain why patients feel better after going back on high C after initial mega dose starting that reactionary train ride to begin with.Then again micro parasites,bacteria load,etc could be key here too and a true benefit is being had by C toxin cleansing.Could be a % of vitamins and drugs given us by pharms are stealth anti parasitics ie they're hiding those demonic like parasites even exist at health threat level since Rockefeller takeover yet they know they must be held to controlled ie poisoned level hence the success of even more targeted there ivermectin to cure a high % of ill while also sickening,killing a smaller % of collateral damaged ya know?

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It doesn't matter what I think; what matters is what YOU think. It's your life. :)

Ascorbic acid, even when lab-made, is still acidic, which might be somewhat beneficial for people over 65 whose stomach acid production is limited.

As you may have noticed in my posts, I don't think there are any "skin diseases," unless it's some kind of poisoning. The way I think about it is that the skin is part of the body's detox, and whatever is on it, indicates some kind of poisoning. Even dermatologists are now open for the idea.

Messing with the body's pH can be dangerous. Moreover, British researchers determined around 1998 that "vitamin C," when taken in doses larger than 5,000mg a day, damages the DNA (I don't know if that's true or not, but it sounds to be on the right track). Through an I.V., it becomes dangerous; you need a central line for getting it into your body, if you are absolutely determined.

My sources suggest that scurvy is just another invented illness...

As 70-92% of cells in the body are bacteria (and parasites also live on bacteria), it is the equilibrium that matters:


Whatever you overdose, chances are, you are overexerting your body's potential for detox.

Ivermectin, however, looks like a bait-and-switch operation:


After all, both "vitamin C" and IVM are manufactured by the same pharmaceuticals that have been giving the world the convid injections.

Please, remember that I am not giving medical advice, only sharing my thoughts and my experience. The decision is exclusively yours.

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Skin diseases clear up over half the time w successful dewormings,where worms have reached beyond symbiotic levels which are rare unlike beneficial level bacteria,saying much the same is way off in size and function ,theory is at such levels their waste products get to foul level and pollute body n skin.. much disinfo that worm infestation is rare or without consequence partly cuz worms energetically are related to snakes which are related to deceptive dragon/ demons ie fallen angels and they see to it infestations occur as they run society as hybridized elites …same w flies(a cursed creature) burrowing their young into us ie again spiritual aspects supercede analytical science,there is no life here not involved in good/evil battle wether conscious of it or not,bad guys obscure that and the still fossilized giant snakes,toads,dragons,dozens others that once openly roamed,dinosaur bones largely dragons restructured to look less dragonlike,mtn ridges,again dragons! search fossilized titans,giants . most in Greece,Morocco still biometrically observable and matching Hellenistic lore in said locations..media hides…How do you hide hundreds of giant titans of perfect biometrics some matching Hellenistic lore religion no less; by not reporting it and mocking those who show proving science of it,etc.there in on it or afraid,etc.So many of us our sellout cowards to extreme.Prefer to say their alien test tube slime or advanced monkeys in a pointless multiverse of subjective no good or evil then pay their dues to God's truth .

Enoch said they entered at Mt Hermon portal and hybridized man and beast to ugly,evil forms.Christ went there and said he overcame their powers for those who disconnect from their fallen ways and seek their Godly nich in his creation,not Satan's rebellion. roles offered too.Details hidden can be powerful Ray,I like some of your revelations,hope I haven't blown your mind too bad,haha..but I like revealing relevant truths too! Mudfossileuniversity/YouTube's Roger is a very witty agnostic that publicized the Morocco dragons Atlas mtns as perfect biometrically Shaped dragon with properly spaced 20+ mile scales a thousand miles long..since then he's found several multi hundred miles dragon mtn ranges ,again very biometric and many smaller 1 to 100+mile ones,after awhile one realizes it's beyond coincidence,too perfect, too many..God also talked about turning evil creatures to stone by his own powers ie Sodom and Gomorrah,others.They hide God to deceive us and control and inhabit us,God allows it awhile as our ancestors chose to betray God and goodness and there's a price..graceful mercy is offered w repentance and disconnect from fallen angels riding us or trying to by tempting us to lower our morals and hybridize again(openly media stated DNA, mRNA influencing or changing forms,functions of God's creation ie perverting mankind's form,how could they!!???,no larger sin really ie Mark of beast! What are people thinking.All demons portrayed as hybridized animals/humans virtually…Hello!? Their back!!! People have committed to delusion,fantasyland payoff from hell seems They know not what they do..maybe not fully like fallen angels do. and that's where we have hope,but man,I saw that shot coming around the world to everyone with threats and I knew ,next rounds won't be threats it will be take it or lose your known life or your life period as in the bible,first round was a shot across the bow repentable,next ones im afraid no longer repentable,,too deep, encompassing a choice, too much evil brew to be human,better to die. Christ said those who demand life unchanged shall lose it,those willing to lose previous tainted life shall gain a better one http://approx.in mansions in heavens

Seems like it's a replay of the Garden of Eden,a second chance for this generation to unite with the hybrid perversion ie snake in the garden DNA/spirit or say no,take me now Lord!—iz around the corner Ray,final chance for mankind!(each of us,our choice)..Oh sorry,we were talking about vitamin's, never mind,haha!

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I don't really disagree w any of your comeback arguments but larger issue covering majority of sub issues and specific vitamins and related chemical and bio processes is that elite controllers involved w these companies are under accusations of simple poisonings àttempt w their products and false backgrounds of them.The fact were even having this conversation after a century + of toxic chemicalization overload indicates their less about simple murder in the fast or mid-lifetime (which they could have applied to the majority)but eugenics and maximizing servitude production of their society and that implies the majority of these non vitamin in reality drugs/ toxins are a technocratic replacement partially for nature's genuine nutrients and do work towards areas of health claimed or other areas unclaimed like deworming and bacterial ie bad kind control cuz you can't take over healthy nature w a ton of chemicals and expect previous levels of good bacteria and parasites to stay in reign,come on Ray consider it again a moment.

Do you think it's healthy as we know it to further that unnatural disturbance in the balances of things with nano tech takeover of our cells and more planned? Of course not but they know what they are doing as proved by the fact avg death age is 79 USA,services rendered,profits made at medical illness level w further controlls therein,it's not just a series of errors in products manufactured for profits and simple killing as critics say,it's a demonic beyond human,fallen angel plan of control and destruction involving Enochian mingling,,channeling w humans w specific perversions(hybridizations,etc) of God's nature(that will be stopped once all witness costs of playing w pure evil portals choice,ie Garden of Eden level stuff to here,now/).Must do for God to prove free will is real and therefore love is real ie must have show of pure black to enjoy pure white goodness etc and dullness, purposelessness of eternal mid gray,etc

I digressed to macro- extension of evil tampered food,and pharmakia cuz it's real and relevant,world doesn't make sense erasing angels interplay w us from the fruit in the garden to the graphene in our Monster softdrink etPoint is each of these vitamins,supplements virtually promoted by devilish Rockefeller types are designed to bypass normal nutrient routes w drug like effects,usually much faster in body function reaction and they know exactly what those will combine to create in the body while lying to us about it,leaving us debating why it's not working the way it should,not about their stupidity in design or a attempt at simple killing

So instead of saying vitamins don't exist as described question is what is each supplement really doing by testing ourselves w rats or each other as if it's a brand new drug and then renaming them ViTADRUGS so people get the picture and also cuz that's what they are with rare exceptions and with some minerals added that aren't synthetically processed (rare but in some better supplements like Standard Process to extents).

This is a spiritual war as well cuz the line between the fallen angels ie biblical dragons , nephililim,ethereal and physical and us has been blurred with their revolt against God/nature ie hybridizations ie Book of Enoch and few pages Genesis, Revelations,there are no aliens,outer planets,galaxies with breedings,all smoke and mirrors but outer darkness,dark matter ,entities Cer n references that squeek by censors give you a glimpse,reality is very close to that outlined in Hellenism,true version though w romanticisms deleted ie their really monsters ( can you say hollyweird?-modern version) checkout mudfossile university's Morocco dragon in Sahara desert,perfect biometric dragon 1000 miles long from satellite view which is the Atlas Mtn range,actually first of 4 versions of Atlas stories was that he angered cousin demigods and they reverted him back to dragon form and enlarged him.. but frozen in stone,rock…In helenism ie flat Earthish take Dragons separate,roam or “hold” the outer abyss from layers of heavens to u see(not on shoulders exactly though.that mislead was added later ie Zeus,Isis,etc demigod “plays” were real to entice,control mankind from God's better options in “choices” then,and now too,easier to control w evil deceptions if we're but atheistic,ungodly, infiltrated (and we also enjoy sin better in a delusioned state and sellout to extents -true repentance w knowledge of good,evil lines is key to reaching a forgiving God/Christ)so they hide God above and a degree of the supernatural ie it's non spiritual ufo Alien's unconnected to Bibles good and evil equations in countless worlds so Bible must be a lie,were doomed alien monkey lineaged alien mine workers /food,etc night as well just pleasures ourselves in debauchery lean,etc before aliens beam us up,etc programming movies,elites media..

Anyway,we've been eating a lot of controlling poisons since the Garden but their more about trying to compromise our souls and cleanliness from evil inputs. (((Notice a ton of snake poison and DNA in these concoctions 30+ snakes used! many using rare dragon looking water serpent!)-surely good church going folks involved there, oh blessem, right?pharmakia at it's best, would make an old pot stirring hag blush!)))…. .and to extend our lives to 70+ yrs only in semi illness then to quick kill us ie controlled dose rat poison,calcification #1 illness,death slowly device ( not cholesterol)combined w other calcifiers ie slow turn to inner stone veins etc. Each of the vitamins, minerals are designed I believe to in fact sustain us for 70+ years to counter what would other wise be faster death eating then even less sustaining dead processed food the vitadrugs work (don't you love that term,comemon use it Ray,wakem up!.

That said ,sure if we go pure Medicine girl natural,organic,grow your own,way healthier then Processed foods,supps. and back to God's way!!!! but if you took fortifications out from all McDonald's,fast food ie 1/3 Americans they'd be sicker,deader quicker without vitadrugs compensation drugs designed by elites and fallen angels.. consider possibilities there The livestock supplement studies and testimonials are pretty solid regardless of gmo and glycosohate part of equation ie I think 70 yr avg thing is about to be drastically reduced in a endtimes angels bad /released kill off humans battle so all those previously not so quick kill vitachems may go quicker kill 2025-26 looks worrisome already,war,food supplies and tamperings,forced shots,etc…I'm going to stop taking regular supplements soon,looking for food concentrates,mineral concentrates,what's your list there!?

Anyways,in short I'm with you and Agent and Medgirl in natural principles but in practice and immediate stopping pharma vitamins fast is a bad idea until we can win more time needed to replace mostly bad food with good food supply and right now most food of any kind is at abundance risk so I encourage more responsible interpretations of the vast scope, dimensions of food,supplements,toxins issue in balance,no time to destroy industries fast ,were into deep for that on all fronts,better to offer ways for those with means to eat and be better and for rest, majority to cut way back on processed foods and vitamins (vitadrugs) where you can but avoid attacking industry as simple poisoners,it's not true,we have survived on slow poisons past previous avg lifetimes for last century because they do work with drug like fortifications to sustain populace period albeit in a diseased state ie it's all we got unless we can fully grab the reins from Satan's legions, this is our fate to endure humbly for a sinful people until Christs time with the wheat n chaffe separation,, last chance,last call!

Example: I've uncovered studies, evidence that vitadrug D,choliciferol pulls not just calcium from our bones and flesh in a predigested, super bioavailable form but several minerals to extents causing a energy rush as well as to sustain cells and organs at extreme degrees of depletion due to depleted souls and food,tough on the bones though ie pain and fracture increase but keeps people society going on cardboard ,processed non food .When micro minerals,especially zinc ,copper reach minimal levels body's ability to generate minimal amperages,frequencies of life dissipate,all sick have low amps,people go weeks without adequate minerals,vitamin d prevents societal collapse living on dead food I'm hypothesizing.Yes vitamin D will also lead many to calcifications,earlier death but that's collateral damage to a working supplement system is my guess..I could be wrong,I personally stopped taking it and calcium,ok I've rambled enuff

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Thanks Ray. I see that 'Genetically Modified' has four of the top 7 single word anagrams which I consider negative. 3 make good phrases:

- ie did go maleficently

- if logic demyelinated

- done fed illegitimacy

Then there is this:

- deify demonical legit

There are lots more indicators.

And Happy Christmas!

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Mercola sold out during covid. It was a tough thing to accept. He is Jewish.

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Mercola, originally reported that he and his family had received credible threats to the point that he had to give in. Not that he had been blameless before as a snake-oil salesman, but after that, he became progressively worse, only to observe as a weathervane for mass manipulation and for the occasional pieces of facts.

In my life, Jews have only helped me. True, as a childhood friend of mine said, they simply couldn't imagine that someone with my intellect was not Jewish. To perk it up, it turned out 12 years ago that I am also "Jewish" on my paternal side, which would qualify me for the labor camps, but orthodox Jews would never accept me. At the same time, I am maintaining that there is no such thing as "the Jews," because there are too many kinds and they can't even stand each other (yes, "antisemitism" is riled up every once in a while to "unite" them, but they are not stupid. :) )

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..."Neurotoxin with “reproductive effects”… ‘Nuff said."...it's the longer game of depopulation but adds to the effect. True, food labels are virtually useless and knowing what you are buying or even growing is becoming an exercise in futility.

I read Mercola every so often but since so many of these "experts" sell supplements along with their advice, one must remain suspicious. The monkey pic is excellent. As is your advice about living a good life without fear. It is senseless to live in constant fear.

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I check him out every day, because he seems to function well as a weathervane, that is, an indicator of how else people can be misled.

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Chinese Company Indicted for Trafficking 'Flesh-Eating Drug' and Fentanyl Precursors into the U.S. This follows the White House's declaration of xylazine as an emerging threat, as it is increasingly mixed with fentanyl to extend drug highs.


Hubei Aoks Bio-tech, a chemical company based in Wuhan, China, along with its director and three senior employees, faces a 13-count indictment by a U.S. federal grand jury. The charges allege the company and individuals manufactured and exported xylazine— a drug dubbed 'flesh-eating zombie drug' for its side effects— and fentanyl precursor chemicals.

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Sounds like part of the theater to me. The forces that control Russia, China, the US, and Britain like to paint a picture of these "countries" as if they were enemies, while they are all in line towards Agenda 2030.

Of course, the technology exists. First time I heard about the "flesh-eating drug," it was from Russia. Does it matter?

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I'm realizing that the body is electric.

Dairy and fish oil create a damaging acid.

Beginning to use in moderation.

Doing research on piezoelectric to heal bones and muscle.

I ran across the term the the book Body Electric and kept going. It also protects inner organs. The ancient yogis practiced it before Rockefeller arrived.


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Basically all fish oil is rancid. Don't bother. People need Phosphytatlyl Choline to repair cell membranes- mitochondria

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That sounds like a lot of compartmentalized information. Please, reconsider:


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People have a need to know it all. I imagine that it soothes their fear by not having time to face and understand their fear. An easier way is to understand the rational for the concept of “nothing”

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I am wondering about early-childhood conditioning these days. Many small children are put in front of the TV that is a surrogate babysitter. Being programmed by TV is possibly the most devastating part: overstimulation, desensitization, and turning conscious processing off by excessive amount of rapid information work in the same direction...

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Hard to ignore big brother’s radiating antics

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Not to mention the effect of blue light and LED

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Indeed. Sorry, I forgot about that. Light itself can be deadly, as I wrote about it already in March, 2023, summarizing my previous findings:


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"in front of the TV" is bad enough, but these days it's rather "in front of a screen", since not only parents have and use a smart/iPhone, even young children already understand how to manipulate their baby-version of it. surrogate babysitting device? of course, but with a strongly addictive component. these children will have a bizarre time growing up, discovering the world around them does not behave like a screen.

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My bad, of course. I've seen toddlers with cell phones...

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I strongly feel that the frequencies from the lights and the wireless are THE most harmful of weapons of all. 2024 they have ramped it up triple fold. If we could do one thing to save all life it would be to dispose of all harmful frequencies. We seek homeostasis and we are being blocked from this physiological process. No repair, no recovery. Thank you for sharing Ray. 💞

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Nov 12
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Although I hope for future generations, I can't see how that might materialize.

At the same time, you and I are in the same boat.

Please, don't fret it; we won't even be able to pull our guns.

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