The muzzled “military” sometimes operates without personal identifiers. Don’t expect anything less in the future, either. Also, don’t these guys resemble some public “demonstrators,” too?
Mercola happens to reflect on facts, so a follow-up is due
Mothman777 published the following link today, directing the reader’s attention to “Dr.” Mercola’s recent bit:
Here is the direct link to Mercola’s text (downloadable):
Why did Mercola’s article surprise me? Because it is describing facts that everyone must acknowledge, which is rarely the case in his pieces from the last two or three years:
This time, Mercola is actually summarizing the symptoms that the “covid” injections cause1. As the “clots” are plastic strings with metallic contents that were discovered in mortuaries all over the world, I’m not sure why anticoagulants might work, but at least the common condition is recognized by Mercola.
The symptoms include “fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog, sleep disorders, fevers, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety and depression. ... memory problems, headaches, blurred vision, loss of smell, nerve pain, heart rate fluctuations, dramatic blood pressure swings and muscle weakness.”
At first sight, Mercola’s premise sounds feasible: “COVID-19 Is a Vascular Problem, Not an Airway Problem.” How far can that assumption be carried and what does it mean?
Mercola attributes the symptoms to “Covid” and “long Covid,” while none of the two exists, unless their definition relies on the causes, which it doesn’t. To his credit, he lists actual symptoms. On the down side, it must be evident for those paying attention in the last three and a half years that western “Medicine” relies on symptoms to “diagnose,” while even the last medical-school dropout knows that the same symptoms can indicate multiple causes, and they probably usually do. Blaming the victim is a usual tactic in “Medicine,” which was clearly there during the plandemic, when “authorities” and even the sheeple were blaming and attacking the non-compliant:
Mercola reported already two years ago that he had to put a two-day moratorium on his articles, because he had been mortally threatened, so it’s easy to forgive that he is talking about non-existent illnesses. At least, he discloses an essential part of the problem by focusing on symptoms. (Otherwise, the information in his articles from the last 2-3 years seems inaccurate most of the time, if I may employ an understatement.)
How realistic is his description?
The contents of the vials have been so versatile that the varieties are nearly poetic, had they not been toxic and remarkably lethal. The cyclical recurrence of the same (obviously intentional) “side effects” were documented by November, 2021, on VAERS, although the data have been invariably doctored since then every Friday. “Intent to harm,” which would make manufacturers legally liable was possible to substantiate. “Human error” and “contamination” are the usual explanations by the manufacturers for harmful substances that are occasionally discovered in the vials. The false claim that the injections were “experimental,” which is a blatant lie, only adds insult to injury, but not totally useless, because it seems to be a good indicator of globalist agents (useful idiots included, because the result is the same) and controlled opposition. What else has been developed in secret labs worldwide, but the bioweapons that have been deployed probably for decades (simulations and international agreements preceded the “pandemic,” too), albeit with increased intensity since January, 2020? With the recent injections of versatile contents, plausible deniability has been added to the government decision in 1986 that relieved manufacturers from legal liability from “vaccine” damages (consequently, for instance, not a single childhood “vaccine” has ever been tested against a placebo, several “vaccine” injuries have been reported, and the criminally-insane government allows for “doctors” -- hired killers -- to receive compensations for every injected arm, while half of SIDS, Sudden Infant Death, cases happen within 48 hours after “vaccination” and “doctors” don’t mind administering several types of the poisons in a single session).
Numerous people reported “covid” symptoms shortly after 5G towers had been installed in their vicinity and several tower installers in the UK ended up on worker’s comp. People, in the meanwhile often enter the slaughter by their own accord:
Radiation poisoning produces matching symptoms, although it can originate from multiple sources:
The “covid” fraud became obvious by August, 2020, when decreasing mortality rates indicated the full absence of a “pandemic,” although the figures started to be changed even retroactively (e.g. for the US military, they went back to 2015). It soon became logical to assume that existing technologies were being deployed and their impact combined:
In short, hydrogel-coated graphene oxide (GO) is often delivered, mostly in injections of any kind, and the GO can perhaps self-assemble into a transmitter, a receiver, and a CPU. In such cases, the resulting nano-computer attaches itself to the body and operates on bioelectricity. After that, it communicates with a central AI that is running a global simulation by receiving, sending, storing, and evaluating life data and sending commands to recipient units (just about anything or anyone among the IoT). Through possibly a protein-based neural interface, it is capable of downloading and uploading information, issue commands to the body to produce or not to produce certain enzymes, hormones, or the kitchen sink, and is able to modify the DNA. The latter is often mistaken for mRNA/spike protein technology, which is redundant under the circumstances, unless it has become controllable since the Soviets invented it in the early 1980s:
What “blood clots”?
The horrifying clots that morticians discovered (coroners were not allowed to investigate, and there is a chronic shortage of them in the US, anyway) are made up from metallic plastic, which hardly meets the definition of blood. Several authors noted that red blood cells are severely damaged and even uninjected blood contains graphenes. Recently, I added the frequent combination of the unimaginatively-named “inflammatory bowel disease” (“IBD”) that comes with ulcerated sores anywhere from the duodenum to the anal cavity, resulting in bloody stool or even internal bleeding, which comes out as anemia on “medical” charts:
In Mercola’s article, you encounter “microclots,” which is substantially better than the invisible and non-existent viral enemy, although as Mercola puts it, “typical diagnostic scans can’t detect microclots.” The only way to know whether your symptoms are due to microclots is to “look at your blood plasma through an immunouorescent microscope. This microscope is capable of 2000x magnication [sic!] and can detect the presence of amyloid brin with immunouorescent stain.” (
I have exposed the risible levels of current “medical” diagnostics several times2. Nonetheless, Mercola’s example is entertaining:
“Vaughn, again, saw many cases of athletes whose doctors couldn’t and anything wrong on scans, but who knew something was off with their body:
“The metaphor I always like to use … is it’s almost like you’re standing in your shower at home and there’s nothing coming out of your showerhead. And you called a plumber and the plumber comes over to your house, digs up your front yard and tells you, ‘The water main is open, why did you call me?’ And I think that’s where medicine is.
“A lot of the things that doctors currently do is really dependent on being able to have a yes or no diagnosis. And a lot of the diagnostic equipment we have doesn’t go down to the small vessel level and isn't really able to tell us what’s truly going on at the tissue level. So just because the water main’s open doesn’t mean you can still take a shower.”
How about the remedies?
There are many “cures” out there, but the general poisoning is so multi-faceted and the symptoms are so overlapping that the causes are nearly impossible to identify:
Certain parts of the poisoning, however, are general enough to be worth addressing, and red blood cell deterioration is one of them. Heck, it might also be part of the reasons why “microclots” form so easily, but it certainly opens up a huge space for various pathologies.
Mercola suggests that “Fibrinolytic Enzymes May Help,” which boils down to “receptor that gets triggered by the spike and you see these clumping of red cells, which is not a common issue that we've seen in medicine."
MVRF is planning clinical trials in early 2024 to test the use of triple anticoagulant therapy, nutraceuticals and supplements to eliminate microclots due to long COVID and COVID-19 jabs. In the meantime, Vaughn recommends aspirin and brinolytic enzymes to “tilt the body toward brinolysis, which is a fancy word for let’s get rid of this sludge.”
Ivermectin used to be demonized and then, all of a sudden, it became available in subscription. That is how popular heroes are created: the official narrative opposes them, so folks start to believe that they are good only because of that, and forget that the whole process might be a setup:
The drug has become so commonly popularized as a miracle drug that it must be embarrassing even for a little chemical that was made for cleansing warm-blooded creatures from parasitic infections. Some claim it can even cure cancer3, but I’m sure it fixes bad farts and stinking breath, too… While it is usually innocuous, when administered properly (one-time use, depending on the body weight; e.g. about 150mg for a person weighing 180lbs), I cannot recall any “medication” that is not a toxin, too (even the same substance with the same chemical composition, but different molecular or crystal structure can be beneficial or deadly, which applies to any synthetic med or supplement as well), and whose long-term “side effects” have been undeniably identified several months or even years after use (the usual ingredients in “vaccines” are perhaps the most relevant example).
Mercola comes up with an explanation that leaves much to be desired; nearly every single claim needs further explanation and/or verification:
Kory is an expert on the drug ivermectin, a widely used antiparasitic drug that was vilied during the pandemic. “Ivermectin actually … dispels the clumping,” he says. Research also recently vindicated ivermectin, showing not only did ivermectin work against COVID-19, it was remarkably effective, resulting in a 74% reduction in excess deaths in the 10 states where it was used most intensively.
The last statement in the quote is especially spectacular, because it was the remdesivir/ventilator/sedation hospital protocol that killed patients, who were fraudulently diagnosed “positive” with PCR tests. Obviously, when ivermectin was used instead of the protocol, a lot fewer patients, suffering from graphene poisoning and/or radiation sickness didn’t die, but brushing their teeth with a sanitary toilet brush would have produced the same results. Staying away from the protocol alone sufficed to perform the trick.
The article uses the term “COVID Jabs,” which downgrades the bioweapons to pricks with a needle. Its contains statistics that can hardly be trusted, especially the common underestimate of the number of victims (one in 800 is an insult to everyone’s intelligence, but it reminds me the horrofic underreporting of mortalities from doctored government figures, which are also frequently quoted by controlled opposition that wants to appear to be “fighting for the people”).
At the same time, it’s logical to assume that blood also coagulates on the metallic-plastic “microclots,” which can accelerate their harmful impact. Consequently, it’s not out of the question that traditional treatments can slow down the progress of the condition and erase the symtoms until toxicity levels rise above the person’s tolerance threshold again, but they will do nothing about the “microclots.”
Governmental actions rely on people’s beliefs
“Pandemics” simply cannot exist, because there is nothing in “medical science” to explain them, and mass occurrence of illnesses can be usually explained by mundane causes like bad water (e.g. the plague erupting after medieval battles or people dying in Haiti or places in Africa and India) or sudden jump in electric deployments. Nonetheless, people believe in “pandemics.” I developed a healthy doubt about “infectious diseases,” as early as the age of five, when I was hospitalized at a “hospital for infectious diseases” and put up in the same room with more than 20 little boys of my age; nobody infected anyone, and doctors and nurses didn’t start dropping like flies, either. Moreover, it turned out I was there only due to a false diagnosis and I was completely healthy.
Governmental action, however, is exclusively based on the public’s acceptance that “pandemics” exist and the people need to government to intervene, curbing and depleting personal space by erasing rights that they never reinstate, as it happened with the (un)Patriot(ic) Act.
Long-planned governmental reactions
The following video about an Australian MP suggests that there has been an agreement between the governments of the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (NZ must have joined the flock later, which completed the full list of the “Five Eyes” countries, where the depopulation was in the highest gear, although there have been a few contestants) that in case of a “pandemic,” the government’s response would be military. The following 10-minute video, with a 2:45-minute introduction, offers a summary and reveals little-known details of the international conspiracy against the people that involves governments as well:
Senator Malcolm Roberts of Queensland Australia, spills the beans.
2012: Australia joins the Medical Countermeasure Consortium (usually referred to as “medical countermeasures”).
It is a full-spectrum military-assault operation.
After the “H1N1,” the “Anthrax,” and the “flu” vaccines are tested, vaccine-injury compensation funds are created.
“Pandemic” response:
It’s not public reaction, but military action, as the nomenclature also suggests.
USA: “Operation Warp Speed” is launched, which includes new contracts with pharmaceuticals.
Australia: “Operation Covid Shield” initiated.
UK: “Operation Restrict,” a covid support unit, is formed with 23,000 military personnel.
Canada: “Operation Laser and Victim”
Pfizer: systemic fraud
In trial parts 1,2,and 3, only healthy people are allowed to participate (but the injections are supposed to be for everyone).
Creating fake participants is part of the process.
Participants with “side effects” after the shot are removed from the “trial.”
Pregnant subjects are also removed from the study.
After this, they are recommending the “shot” for pregnant women…
At 9:40 min.: Pfizer’s response to allegations of wrongdoings:
“Government received what they asked for…”
Governments betraying their own people and (s)elected officials treating the people as subjects and assets is nothing new:
For a few decades, political power was disguised to the extent that people even fell for the delusion of being free, while they were constantly trained to comply:
They were offered to “vote” in order to make sure they could be blamed for the decisions of their (s)elected “government.”
The response in the US was certainly of the military kind. Most US-military and National-Guard members have been injected, so they can be turned into zombie armies anytime:
Martial law is only a step away, while the system is warming up for the next plandemic.
You can always expect
The delivery systems are now so versatile that the injections only assess compliance levels:
Even the “scientific method” tends to be a joke:
Cancer keeps being cured on the Internet, anyway:
For sure, even as an active duty, now former Army medic & Nurse, it’s never been easy convincing doctors they’ve been compartmentalized within their Rockefellian-education box and are either stubborn-stupid (having intelligence, but refusing to use it) or truly bought-evil (sucking pharmaceutical ass for gold nuggets, with “damn the deadly realities” attitudes).
I’ve been at this since late 1980’s while on active duty, trying to convince doctors that the vaccine industry is totally evil; that they (the CIA, Mossad, MI666 & Military Intelligence) creates the terror (lab-modified pathogens & terrorist people-assets), then develop bogus treatments for it at the same time (bullets and vaccines that are cover for militarized-weapons). But still, to this very day, in spite of having published proof on my substack (not all of it, but enough to educate and turn even the simplest dolts), most are still in denial, especially the common Vaxxed citizens. Most of what I publish comes from others who’ve been on the inside, or outside and “targeted,” clinicians & researchers, and are reporting the whole truth, not just focusing on spike proteins, or myocarditis, or turbo-cancers, or calling the bloody fibrous structures blood clots… All of them MUST know by now these clots are not what they seem, but self-arranging militarized bioweapons being “installed,” not just people, but various pathogens (viruses, bacteria, molds…), insects (mostly ticks & mosquitoes), animals (all of them, from beached dolphins & whale, birds dropping dead mid-flight), but especially farm animals via your local friendly and clueless?? Veterinarians. I’m at war with all of these stubborn S.O.B.’s dragging their talons & heals still refusing to put it all together and begin helping me arrest Lawyers; the monster most responsible for all the unconstitutional policies all of this is so dependent upon.
Ray, all I can say is that I’m glad many more educated journalists and researchers are starting to “allow themselves to understand” what’s really happening and are actually starting to help me and others who’ve been screaming for decades about this trans-humanistic genocide.
What more average citizens must be fully aware of is that this Fraudemic has got all the same signatures from the same authors of the 9/11 FalseFlag crimes; same nanotechnology labs; same individuals of media and government intelligence agencies & briefers facilitating and covering it up; same money-junkies profiling (Rothschild, Gates, BlackRock & Media…); same cleanup crews hiding and destroying all the evidence; same brainwashed Republican & Democrat consultants still in denial about both 9/11 and this Scamdemic…and all of them calling those of us with full understanding and reporting the facts “truthers, blasphemers, unpatriotic conspiracy theorists…”
For sure, I’m fu🤬ing dead tired, but refuse to give up until we get international Nuremberg-style investigations, arrests (but this time not just low level pawns, but the richest bankers, media owners, war machine manufacturers & pharmaceutical owners, politicians & appointees and all of their bloody Satanic Lawyers) put on trial, and when proven guilty—sent to Leavenworth for life.
Do you have any suggestions for cleaning the blood from this junk? I still have symptoms and was never vaccinated. Impossible to get away from EMF's.