The Problem with mRNA: Again, Something You Can't Find Anywhere Else
Let me demonstrate it by using simple logic.
Here is an example of a question that requires simple logic to answer: “Only one of them is true. Which one?”
My discussion with Katherine Watt yesterday inspired this article
This article is not against Katherine Watt, whom I respect, mostly because of her legality-related pieces; it is against the mRNA narrative that I am finding devastatingly misleading.
Yesterday, I cross-posted Katherine’s article, because I was flabbergasted. Until then, Katherine and her sources proved just about everything I had previously conjectured only (I don’t have a research facility at my disposal, although at least a spectrum analyzer would come in handy). She remains a most respected author in my eyes, but this time, I beg to differ and point out that the mRNA narrative is redundant and misleading. Here is a link to her article:
Katherine read my e-mail to my subscribers about the cross-post yesterday that I introduced by being worried about her site having been hijacked and her disallowing comments and she quickly informed me that her site was fine and comments for the article were closed “for personal reasons.”
I thanked her and asked for a public debate:
Thank you for getting back to me.
You are one of the most honest, authentic, and respectable authors here, but this time, I believe, you are wrong. The graphene-based nanocomputers can attack the DNA and bring about the same results as if mRNA were used. The two share the same delivery system: hydrogels.
You are more than welcome to refute my conjecturing in an open article, but until now, you have only proved all of them correct.
In response to my objections and my offering a public debate, she kindly informed me that
I find the work that Sasha Latypova, Mike Yeadon, Kevin McKernan and others tracking down the historical development and effects of mRNA-LNP products have been doing to be plausible and trustworthy, and to fit the observable facts better than alternative hypotheses. I lack the skills to present their findings more thoroughly than they present their findings themselves.
I replied:
I didn’t say the technology doesn’t exist. It was invented in the Soviet Union in 1981, but it cannot be used in public, because it would start an uncontrollable chain reaction.
Of course, Mike, Sasha, and Kevin are correct about the way mRNA works, but it doesn’t prove it has been deployed.
I haven’t received an answer, so I would like to finalize and clarify my point without being disrespectful. My comment section is open for discussion. I can easily imagine Katherine and I are talking about the same phenomena, but are using divergent terminologies and priorities. That possibility, however, remains unclear to me.
Proton Magic published the following related article, which I recommend, along with all his articles:
Here is what I think for the time being
In the following, I have updated the contents of my previous article, “Why Not mRNA?” (
mRNA has never been found in the vials1 by independent researchers whom on the other hand, have found plenty of graphene oxide (GO).
Dr. Andreas Noack, a leading European expert on graphene, publicized that graphene hydroxide (5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide, and the latter kills fast) does the same or similar damages as “spike protein” would (if it were really in use)2.
Based on these two details, it’s safe to assume that mRNA (while the technology does exist, it couldn’t be controlled3, if used in public) exists only in experiments in controlled environments and in false narratives, like the “covid” “virus.” It is a red herring, diverting people’s attention from the fact that the real damage is mostly caused by a combination of GO and 5G. Graphene oxide is possible to control through 5G without starting a chain reaction.
Hydrogels are needed for the delivery of mRNA, but the graphene-based self-assembling nano-computers (receivers, transmitters, control units) also need hydrogels that, incidentally, have been found in some vials, along with GO...
The damages caused by graphenes and the DNA-modification technology through the nano-computers resemble the ones caused by the mRNA technology.
There is plenty of evidence regarding the damage graphenes do, and they match the “side effects” of the “covid” injections.
Misleading people with the mRNA narrative is essential, because it leaves out the central role of 5G in the control/depopulation process; if people realized it, 5G (and 6G) technology would not be widely tolerated.
The self-assembling nanobots, anchored into the body (most likely in the brain, the lungs, the stomach, or the intestines), upon following instructions through 5G, can manipulate human DNA in the same way as mRNA technology would, so even the most well-meaning researchers can reverse-engineer the symptoms to the wrong source4. I don’t believe in such accidents, because such “researchers’” logic introduces mRNA as an extra step to explain something that the graphene-5G combo fully explains.
There is probably a lot more “circumstantial evidence” to substantiate that mRNA is a red herring, so if you know more, please, add them in the comment section. Studies from popular researchers are unlikely to be fully trusted5, because even if the researchers worked for free and had access to the expensive equipment needed for such work, they would not be tolerated6, if they happened to publish the truth that, in its full frame7, must be an integral part of the technocrats’ depopulation/global control scheme. My conjecturing meets that criterion; the mRNA narrative doesn’t.
Here are a few more sources that confirm my conjecturing.
A Soviet defector inroming about mRNA:
No mRNA found in the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections:
PM also published an excellent article on the subject with a simple explanation:
For the technical-minded, this article contains details that would be hard to find otherwise:
Some trace quantities have been reported, but they can be due to the inaccuracy of the diagnostic equipment.
The more than a thousand (very intentional) “side effects” of the Pfizer injection suggests a systemic attack on the whole body:
Such “conclusions” are more common in “science” than one would like to believe:
They can contain a lot of accurate details, but even that is not guaranteed, because they tend to create the kind of results they are paid to create.
Dr. Andreas Noack, the most respected expert in graphene in Europe, was murdered (probably with a Directed Energy Weapon) at the end of November, 2021, only a few hours after he published his statement on the Internet in which he called the “covid” injections mass murder:
He had been arrested before during broadcasting a few weeks before by a team of heavily armed police:
He knew what was coming, so he clearly sacrificed himself for the truth to come out.
Here are a few examples of framing:
I think the major issue is that the majority don’t understand that this war we’re fighting started generations ago, not suddenly in 2020 with the covid lies or in the 80’s when big pharma was given permission for genocide by our government institutions.
Until you realize that everything you know about the world is potentially fabricated, you are probably believing some lie or false ideas.
Humans are not gods and life isn’t a commodity for manipulation. The idea that a human is going to fix or make a human better through “science” is the biggest lie of them all and any human that thinks they can fix or make a human better than god already did, has a serious problem managing their ego.
Western medical sciences were hijacked by evil and corruption before anyone “practicing medicine” today was even born.
THIS is why I don't trust people like Dr. Robert Baloney! They know what is really going on and I ALSO think they know germ theory is horseshit.
With regards to Sasha Latypova, my understanding is that her first clues in this global mystery were the absolutely horrendous variations found in the injections' actual chemical composition. There were just bonkers variations between batches.
I have believed for sometime that the injections were intended for multiple purposes. One, obviously, was to kill and maim. Two, to decrease fertility and reproduction. Thirdly, graphene-tolerance testing. This last one because our Luciferian overlords seek the transhumanist utopia and they need graphene to bridge the gap between man and machine. But it's toxic. We are the lab rats. I am fortunate I can claim to be in the control group. #Pureblood