The Spell is being cast, but who will stop it?1
What could cause Agenda 2030 to fail immediately?
The plan would fail, if at least one of the following two conditions were met:
their enablers and enforcers realized that they will be next to line up to be slaughtered after their dirty job is done, the plan couldn’t be carried out, but this is why mind-control is such a priority in the plan, and the “vaccines” were part of the technology
People, by some miracle, managed to get out of the fiat money system, because the globalists’ main strength lies in their controlling the money flow worldwide
None of these two options is likely to happen, which is why I am writing this article.
The lethal threat mRNA
Finally, someone on Substack is addressing the lethal threat mRNA technology is posing to all life on Earth:
I’ve been writing about this for nearly a year, but hardly anyone seemed to notice. At this point, I have essential points to make and add to the article.
mRNA is being marketed as a cure for cancer and more, whereas it’s a lethal toy in the hands of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. It cannot be deployed in public, but the concept is certainly used as a cover-up for the deployment of graphene-oxide in humans and in animals. Once in the body, it uses bioelectricity and it can be manipulated through 5G and comparable technologies.
The mRNA technology was invented by the Soviets in 1981 (no, it was not Malone, who still must have worked in the development of its bioweapon versions). It would start an uncontrollable chain reaction, so experiments with it must be limited to controlled environments (possibly, the “secret” labs and the “Green Zones”):
(update) Proton Magic updated the info with more details and by adding the myth of antibodies to the mix:
Gene editing
Gene editing of the proles can be accomplished with the self-assembling graphene/laser/light/radiation-based nano-computers2 (receiver, transmitter, and a control unit) anchored in the body and remotely instructed through 5G and by sound, or by light. (Most convid injections, irrespective of their manufacturers, contained a large variety of components that varies by the batch in order to secure plausible deniability and, upon discovery, the toxins can be blamed on human error or contamination; still they made the mistake of delivering the same types of batches in a cyclical pattern, irrespective of who the manufacturer was3), which was sufficient evidence of coordinated global action against the people.) Such an intervention can make one sick4 or act as an elegant kill switch:
In fact, it is an integral part of the attempts to take full control over humans:
The future of mRNA
Once the technocrats complete their experiments with mRNA and feel safe about the results, they will use it on themselves, hoping to become “superhuman,” forgetting that they are already acting as something else than human. They surely feel superior, because the whole world is at their feet (the following is an example of the way 5G ensures control over life and death, but there are other technologies in play, too5):
How and why the technocrats will fail
The application will inevitably fail for a number of reasons. Here are a few.
The technocrats honestly believe that the human being is a machine and can be treated as such. As sad as it is, they are correct most of the time, but only because humans think and act according to their conditioning. If they used their power to make up their own mind, it would be a lot harder to herd them, which leads to the question of Free Will. From the cognitive point of view, I have solved the problem of Free Will:
Their experiments cannot be long and thorough enough to bring about anything particularly certain, and even if they could, the results would be valid only in the controlled environment, where the experiments were conducted. Even the smartest graphene(laser/whatever else-based AI (processing speed was already 12k faster than “supercomputers” in 2012) would need about 250 thousand years of history of the human genome in order to come up with anything halfway reliable, and even at that point, the result could not be fully credited, because spontaneous mutations happen in humans from time to time, which incur too many variables to the point that some of them will go unnoticed even by the most sophisticated sensors6 that feed the central AI such live data even while I am writing this. Relying on such a central AI is where most of their strength lies, but trusting this source exhibits their greatest weaknesses, too, because it is a self-improving open system that creates its own dynamic models in real time, so even its operators have no idea what it’s doing, but the globalists implement its suggestions into the process of making their moves towards Agenda 2030, based on the experience that the AI’s guidance usually works:
Even if the technocratic NWO (“New World Order”) were fully functional, the globalist clans would have to fight it off among themselves:
Competing factions must be developing their own, independent AI already. They know they cannot be trusted, and only One can rule. By the time their war (probably fought with genetic and biological weapons) is over, not a whole lot of them will stick around, and the power vacuum will result in more infighting to further decimate their survivors’ ranks. Chances are that by the time the dust settles, they will lose control over their technology and they will have to return to the ranks of mortals.
Conceit, moronic reliance on technology even their “smartest” “scientists” cannot understand, and their own inherent evil nature will seal the globalists’ fate.
The whole world will be at their feet.
The lad was able to cast a spell, but couldn’t stop it. Here is Goethe’s poem:
Allegedly, it is also good for healing, but the technology is being used as the ultimate means of control and a depopulation device, and after this, it would be difficult to believe a “medical professional” claiming it’s good for you.
5G phones, satellites, “security” cameras, personal computers, and any “smart” device, to name a few.
I think WEF is happy as each day passes. Their power is intact. National groups using war increase the global disorder. Moreover, in their hubris, destruction of humanity and replacement by engineered beings is optimal. The win for WEF is merely more plunder. I doubt they think past 2030. As their order falls apart I suspect the baton pass to China wins. I do not think we can go backwards towards civilization. Barbarism won. You see these men and women regard this world as disposable. Like cultists they are convinced they can escape consequences of hubris.
Guillaume Faye-This is not a conspiracy, it’s something worse. It’s a kind of ‘logic’ – a form of collective resignation. Conspiracy theorists are wrong. A strong folk will not let itself be captured or crushed by the system by which it is ruled. All peoples are responsible for their own destiny. What we get is our own fault, not that of others. We are the actors and guilty of our own defeats. A folk is never the passive victim of its own cultural and ethical effacement: it is its author and an accomplice to it out of resignation and an unwillingness to defend itself…. A ‘secret orchestrator’ has little power when faced by a folk determined to resist it with all its might.
The system is not broken, or the result of an evil cabal of elites – it is robust, and working precisely as it is meant to run. It is driven by the worst intents of all humanity, which is, at its beating heart, made up of people who imagine themselves to be individuals, and therefore given to doing harm to one another and multiplying evil for themselves. Modernity enables this tendency rather than controlling and suppressing it, as all traditional societies have done throughout the ages. Western Civilization has surrendered itself, it has not been conquered, and it is therefore the struggle against the weakness of the West which is the paramount struggle of the contemporary Dissident – a lesson Western Dissidents seem resolutely opposed to learning.
Today’ s world has reached a stage which, if it had been described to preceding centuries, would have called forth the cry: “This is the Apocalypse!”
Yet we have grown used to this kind of world; we even feel at home in it.
Dostoevsky warned that “great events could come upon us and catch us intellectually unprepared.” This is precisely what has happened. And he predicted that “the world will be saved only after it has been possessed by the demon of evil.” Whether it really will be saved we shall have to wait and see: this will depend on our conscience, on our spiritual lucidity, on our individual and combined efforts in the face of catastrophic circumstances. But it has already come to pass that the demon of evil, like a whirlwind, triumphantly circles all five continents of the earth…
Before the normies wake up.
"The Global Power Elite"
After the normies wake up.
"A bunch of pathetic pedos enabling each other's mental health issues"
I think it really is that simple. However, waking up the normies is like trying to jump start a car to escape the alien invasion/ terminator/ tsunami in a blockbuster movie.