Did Tolkien know about the game behind the scenes? His The Lord of the Rings trilogy stands as a good allegory for this world. (The original movie, starting in 2001, is probably the best adaptation of a novel.)
The ideology is technocracy
First and foremost, let me emphasize that ALL cultures in history culminated in absolute centralized power before they collapsed. The timetable and human nature haven’t changed, but the process has reached the global level. As a result, let me simplify my terminology and call those in control “globalists.” Yes, they are using technocratic methods towards global domination, and the ideology that only “superior” beings deserve to live, while the rest are only pests and disease who deserve to be wiped out, while the a few cyborg slaves can be allowed to subsist as long as they remain functional entities in the system.
All civilizations need an ideology that keep them together, because the poor had to be tamed and convinced that they deserved their fate, while the powerful deserved their power. The NWO (“New World Order”) is apparently planning a One-World-Religion for its subjects, most likely after the image of Islam, although it’s unclear if any human will still be human there. Not sure how the idea of “being a useful contributor to society” is going to be implemented, but it inevitably will be.
Who are the globalists?
I first addressed the conundrum nearly two years ago:
Further elaborated on the first day of 2024:
And extended my coverage to Substack:
So, what gives?
Convenient and popular responders advocate the leadership of secret societies and global organizations. Jesuits, the Vatican, “the Jews,” Masons, Scientologists, and the guesswork becomes more Romantic and entertaining with the introduction of a number of “secret” societies (e.g. The Club of Rome, the Illuminati etc.), and the blaming game turns surprisingly esoteric with “Democrats,” “Marxists,” “Communists,” and “Nazis.” They all sound logical, but only because fallacious logical arguments are easy to make after a segment of the human experience is secluded and compartmentalized. The actual question that might bring the answer closer is,
“What is the common denominator between all those?”
A Jesuit is the Pope. While Jesuits have been hated everywhere, mostly because they are under the direct leadership of the Pope (kind of like the Templars used to be), one condition of founding the order that way was that a Jesuit could never become a Pope. The Vatican’s corruption is unquestionable (the only honest Pope in the last 50 or more years was poisoned within 30 days after taking office), and there has been too much money involved. Catholicism has a worldwide presence, so capturing it was necessary, because all (the mostly orchestrated) scandals against the Church have failed even after several decades of anti-Catholic propaganda. Also, the Jesuit order acts in a Machiavellian manner (it’s politics, after all), and favors Rationalism, which is purely Satanic, if it excludes other forms of knowledge and/or claims to be able to fully understand everything. The Pope, remarkably enough, didn’t object to the Satanist opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games in 2024. Had they provoked the Muslims the same way, France would be in flames, but as long as Muslims are convinced they are living under their own laws, they pose no threat to those with money and power.
The United States was founded mostly by Masons, and the Constitution was signed by a handful of them in absence of most other state representatives, because nobody in their right mind believed it was legitimate for a few people to replace the Articles of Confederation. It was the first power grab for the Federal Government.
33rd-degree Masons have been good servants of the NWO (“New World Order”) in the last 100 years or more. Several US Presidents of the lot, allied and (most likely) having been (s)elected by the Rockefellers and their buddies, have been diligently preparing the way towards the NWO, and while the US government was captured, its tour-de-force actions have gradually turned the citizenry into government assets. By now, the government is acting as a foreign occupying force, and the country with its citizens’ assets serves as the collateral for the government “loans” issued to the taxpayer by the globalist private bank, The Federal Reserve, since 1913.
“The Jews”
Being Jewish does have a few cultural characteristics (e.g. sarcasm and questioning all authorities), but it’s anything but homogeneous. It’s not exclusively a religion (Judaism does not proselytize and its three major types are not compatible), not a race (Jews can be of different colors), and not a nationality, although there is a country whose citizenry are supposed to be Jewish (they are not necessarily Jewish, either). The globalist bankers, many of them “Jewish,” willingly sacrifice real Jews to their own objectives anytime, while using them as scapegoats. Even Zionists are not exempt, because they make excellent patsies.
Scientology is mostly a scam, posing as a religion, while promising proprietary knowledge (“secrets”) to its followers much in the same way as Freemasonry does, and they share the principle of Gnostic rationalism, that is, the belief that the world and the human being can be fully known through logic (Bertrand Russell comes to mind, who got upset, when his buddy, Wittgenstein, got on his nerves in Cambridge around 1928, and pointed out that not every problem can be tackled with logic, because logic cannot prove that there is no rhinoceros in the room).
One Ring: How far are the top dogs visible?
It looks like a lot of players have been given a chance to “rule,” but only one can, so even the initial setup imposes a deception on all the major participants and on their lackeys. There will be no winner. However, the game is in play, and it cannot be ignored. So, what is certain?
The globalists like to assign their own crimes to others, which didn’t start yesterday. They also seem to be using a global AI simulation with live data in order to receive instructions about their next moves.
The globalists used the United States as a global power, while they were consolidating their technological supremacy and economic power over the world, and now they don’t need the country anymore; the “indispensable nation” has become a disposable playground for the depopulation project.
Central banks worldwide have been used to enslave populations and control governments through controlling the global money supply, owning/controlling global AND local assets, along with production and distribution. After the controlled demolition of all economies and currencies, provoking civil unrest and mass casualties, they will offer “peace and stability” through their central-bank-issued fiat, the CBDC, which has been introduced behind the scenes for a year now, and a few days ago, even tests runs for the impending chaos began. Perhaps it’s not an accident that the “peace symbol” is an inverted cross, especially when “peace” and “tolerance” mean full submission to Evil.
Would the globalist forces congregate openly? If I were them, I wouldn’t even mingle with the mob they detest so much and might even pose some mild danger to them, and I would certainly never show my face to be identified. However, I would use a lot of fronts. Their servants appear in public, mostly in order to check out the strength and probability of public resistance, and to locate its centers. Against too much resistance, they initiate new rules, laws, “science,” and take out their most threatening (mostly by publicity) opponents one way or another, albeit there aren’t any left. After depriving people from their religion and their culture, their subjects become easy to herd around. Religious “leaders” sided with them during the Great Plandemic of 2020, and obedience to “authority” superseded divine values (those “leaders” would have had a hard time finding a job during the lockdowns, most of them are not good for anything else than fulfilling their current positions, anyway, and they also hid behind “church authority,” because they were “only following orders”). Cultures happily turn on each other, assisting the depopulation project with their own destruction. Using globalist fronts like the EU, the WHO, the UN, the WEF, the Trilateral Commission, and the like, makes it easy to divert public attention from the fact that the people possess no power, and globalist agents and useful idiots keep planting false hope by promising legal or even “revolutionary” victory, so people can conveniently sit back and wait for their saviors. Of course, nothing happens, but maybe tomorrow. In the meanwhile, the globalist “elite” makes sure that if one of its attacks is found out and/or tackled, they initiate several more, so they will always be able to maintain plausible deniability. For instance, “taking a vaccine off the market” doesn’t solve anything, but it makes news, just like enforcing state rights against the WHO has the chance of a snowball in hell. Creating more confusion, the globalists’ servants can always change roles, which enables them to mingle with the general population. That makes them nearly invisible, while the role-changing games further promote the gaslighting of the masses:
How can one tell apart the dummies, the useful idiots, and the agents? When it comes to the outcome, there is no need, unless revenge is planned, but one way or another, nearly everyone participated in the convid show, so eliminating everyone would probably exceed the globalist’s 95% objective. Just like there are many ways of dying (apart from chemical and radiation poisoning, through fear and disorientation have been the most common methods recently), there are also many ways to kill:
The body can linger on for a long time after the soul1 grows cold.
Still, the question is, “Who is, or who are, the main characters among the globalists?”
Although modern Satanists don’t believe in Satan, globalist entities are doing a great job at promoting and serving the Mystery of Evil. At the same time, it’s only human nature that power eventually accumulates and ends up in a single hand. If the world started a million times, the end would always be the same. I don’t believe in fate, but certain laws of nature seem to apply to humans, too. If only they could rise above their conditioning and possessed the capacity and well-meaning to reconsider their lives, the world might have a chance. The way it is, however, it might not deserve one.
For now, I can paraphrase my understanding of a live soul as “the awareness of the center of one’s being,” but there are probably better ways of saying it.
The common people won't do anything until they have to figure out their very lives, their love ones lives, are at stake over the the globalist games. Until then they won't get up off the couch.
I still think there are many leading globalist players, all with their own horrific personalities. I wonder if they can keep themselves in check to only allow certain individuals or one individual to be king of the world. There has to be some fighting for power within their own ranks.
I suspect — because I don’t know, but I have heard of ancient & primitive & wise (?) cultures who tell of — there have been previous global civilizations which have been born from the ashes and developed and have collapsed from within and have been utterly destroyed and forgotten (probably because of the survivors’ collective amnesia). This cycle of destruction and amnesia supposedly happens about every 12,000 years. Supposedly modern humans have been around 300,000 years, which would make our current global system of (so-called) “civilization” the twenty fourth.
I’m looking forward to this “civilization” naturally crashing and burning. Human beings have risen from the ashes before. We’ll do it all again.