Who is “they” and who is “we”?
“Agent” published an article today that made me think, and I realized that I have something to say that nobody else seems to be saying.
“Agent” is focusing on the history of artificially-created racial tensions, mostly illustrated by a book. As far as I have been able to perceive it, race-baiting is something that honest working-class (not gangbanger) blacks intelligently ignored and whites never cared for it (49 out of 50 “Klan” members were federal agents already around 1970), because they knew that their colleagues, with whom they had a mug of beer after work, posed no danger to them, and they were all in the same boots. Agent is focusing only on part of the problem, but his text is enlightening to read:
As blacks and whites traditionally lived in different areas, they tended to represent different cultures, which provided a natural form of societal division. Adding gang activities to poverty-ridden areas didn’t help, and created further divisions between hard-working blacks, freeloaders, the desolate, and the gangbangers. Running a business in such areas was mostly up to the gangs as long as they cared for maintaining “the community,” because only a few enterprising and adventurous spirits were willing to run the risk of paying for “protection” and still being mugged on a regular basis.
To make a long story short, hyping up racial tension has indeed been one of the major trends in dividing the people, but only one of many.
Fake history and globalism
Fake history is indeed created by the same globalist banking interests (e.g. Bill Gates is now supporting ideological subjects at “Kahn Academy”) as the ones presiding over the global depopulation project. When one connects the dots, it turns out that the same group(s) control governments as well. The same globalists have already taken over both production and distribution to the extent that they could stop both (blaming it on a “very infectious new ‘virus’,” on strikes, WW3 (mostly only on TV, except for a few false flags), UFOs, the Chinese or the Russians, solar storms, and the options are limited only by your imagination), causing mass extinction in a poetic variety of ways. The “racism” card only decontextualizes the process and works as a diversion, unless one places the psyop into the whole picture.
The many paths to dividing the people
When placed into perspective, hyped-up racial tension is only one way to divide the people. What else is there?
Let me think...
Perhaps the “law” comes in first that applies only to the disempowered.
Next, I would say, is the HUUUGE differences between salaries and pensions with federal on the top, state coming next, and local is last. Corporate jobs usually last until the company chews you up and spits you out, perhaps with some severance pay, if you are lucky and your job loss is not staged to be blamed on you. Federal, state, and local pensions can alone bankrupt most governments. Corporate pensions are not nearly as reliable as the rest, especially after so many small- and medium sized companies were forced out of business during the Great Plandemic of 2020, but even before that, private companies had the uncanny habit of going out of business (and the owners started out somewhere else). The elderly in the general population must be satisfied with SSI (this is a minimum pension that replaces social security pensions that are lower than it is, and even those who have never earned taxable income before, for instance, as homemakers, can qualify) which, last time I checked, was below $900 a month (try to live on that), and many old people don’t even know that the $175 automatic deduction for Medicare doesn’t have to come out of low pensions like that, but if they become greeting people at Walmart, their income exceeds the eligible maximum, so they have to put up with the deduction. Many states also tax even the most miserable pensions, if the retiree has additional income that, combined with the pension, exceeds the state threshold.
Political parties and elections separate the credulous and those who cannot think two steps ahead which, sorry to say, amounts about 70 percent of the population, which already Aristotle deemed to be deserving to be slaves in Politics. The political circus today provides distraction and, for those with a high level of tolerance for primitive mass manipulation, some degree of entertainment. Primarily, however, the show is only a tool for isolating people from each other, which bears striking resemblance to the demotion and demonization of the “anti-vaxxer” in the current official narrative. (S)elections also ensure that the electorate can be scapegoated for the “elected” criminals’ misdeeds, which further widens the gap between the “right” and the “left” of the Uniparty’s supporters.
Self-proclaimed saviors from the toxins in the injections can be just as much death-peddlers as those who are willing to inject people with the poisons. Such “legalities” as states banning the WHO can be liberally included into the barrel of red herrings.
False hope is another way to create schism among people. Those, who don’t fall for it are easily accused of “being too negative” or something like that. I don’t care to refute the false argument that reminds me of the one about “saving lives” that turned out to be a motivation to become an accomplice to murder. Many prefer to follow an “authority” instead of making their own life-and-death decisions, because they hope that if the authority turns up to be wrong, they’ll be able to blame it. They forget that the dead are not around to blame anyone, and thinking about Maui can remind the living that they cannot stand up for the dead, either. The noise calling for non-compliance is sometimes deafening, but most of the options are bad, except for the realization that everyone must make their own decision, as I have.
Infiltrating religions (Islam is an ideology, not a religion) or capturing religious leaders has also made sure that religions provide dividers between religious people, and trumped-up charges about child molestation several decades ago only to bankrupt churches and enriching a few lawyers and whoever is interested in coming up with unprovable claims in return for a considerable sum of money, which makes such claims suspicious at best. That, for that matter, reminds me of H* “survivors, who didn’t even have to go through an interview, only submit an application, and even their descendants are collecting from the citizens of Germany (would those “survivors” ever admit to have lied after several of the H* myths were revoked even in Israel1? Putting up “science” against creationism further extended the psyop against religion, in spite of the fact that science is not exactly reliable and it pertains only to pragmatic problems, while decisions about religion are existential, and the two do not overlap, unless some morons or agents mess them up. Science, religion, and Scientism are all used for dividing the populace. Also, OMG! uttered by people who don’t believe in the Divine is in nearly every movie only to turn the holy into some mundane cuss fest.
The moneyed interests started to take over the US government by centralizing power for a Federal Government already at the time, when the Constitution was written to replace The Articles of Confederation (1777) already in 1787. The proverbial monetary switch was flicked with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (the billionaires who opposed it died on the Titanic in 1911, and the Fed’s lapdog, the IRS, was founded in the same year as the Fed; by now, the Rockefellers own about 160 “central banks” around the world). The next Great Transition took place in 1971, when the US finally officially admitted that the USD was a fiat currency with no intrinsic value, except for the internationally-extorted “trust” in the stability of the US Government, mostly through the “petro-dollar” that replaced the most likely long-fictitous gold backing. In the meanwhile, the Federal Government accepted “loans” from the Fed (the private bank has had the exclusive right to issue the USD, mostly in the form of a loan, so the system couldn’t go back to the gold standard) at the taxpayer’s expense, and used the land, the people, and all assets for collateral. The federal spending since 1999 has been growing exponentially, which clearly indicates that the USD, along with the whole country, is under controlled demolition; its true controllers must have moved out already (well?) before 9/11. Completely dividing the globalist-controlled government from the people, however, only revealed the existence of the “elite” that owns or controls everything that moves. At the moment, the BRICS are used as the scapegoat for the imminent demise of the USD, which will “require” the introduction of the CBDC in the US. At the same time, the BRICS countries have been reigned in for a long time by the bankers, and they will be used only for introducing the global CBDC.
Agent also mentions “intelligence” as a divider, while intimating that evil doesn’t have to be stupid. I would go further. I spent much of my childhood in a poor, crime-ridden hood, dividing my time between playing sports in the park and reading. All this with competing gangs around, whose members, after I turned 10, beat me up on a nearly daily basis in order to convince me to join up (happily, we moved; otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this). My time as a factory worker further confirmed that many “poor” people think you are weak or stupid, if you are nice. Military service added a few more bricks to the wall. Still, I don’t look down on anyone only because the person hasn’t read The Complete Works of Shakespeare (neither did I, although I’ve read most) or cannot multiply two fractions. I still have serious reservations, when someone doesn’t pay attention to my answers to their question, intervenes with my tasks, or uses crude language, but I simply avoid such company, and try to keep the comment sections here as free from such “influencers” as possible. So, there it is, even I am “divided,” but it’s against stupidity only when stupidity results in unwelcome attitudes, mostly manifested by a lack of respect, although there is more. So, yes, stupidity can EFFICIENTLY serve evil, as it has been patently demonstrated since March, 2020.
Farmers have been forced out existence by chemtrails causing dry or wet weather, and bankrupting them, at least since the early 1990s, when politicians and other insiders were already collecting state subsidies (taxpayer’s money) for NOT growing anything. The average age of US farmers was 69 already about a decade ago. Farmers, if they want to survive these days, are forced to grow mostly GMO soy and corn that are in just about all processed food that sickens people, and it can be turboed up by placing it in the microwave. Even growing GMO trash doesn’t prevent “bad weather” that still bankrupts even the compliant farmers, so that the puppeteers can buy up their lands for pennies on the dollar or the bank can take the fields that they demanded to be used as collateral. (That reminds me of a scam that was virulent in the 1980s, when “developers” bought up swamps and picked up astronomical loans that they spent nearly as lavishly as the Federal Government on Ukraine, while the collateral was the swamp that was lost to the bank after the — most likely insider — crooks defaulted on the loan.)
GMO crops infect neighboring fields, and Monsanto, Gates, or whoever else, has gone as far as suing the farmers next door for “violating the GMO patent.” Yes, most honest parties can be sued out of existence, too.
[As a side note, let me mention that although it’s a minor inaccuracy in “Agent’s” article, based on his source, sheriffs are elected, not appointed, which, for example, made sure that the muzzle mandate was not enforced in many places in the country, especially those where the 2nd Amendment was respected. Nonetheless, these days, even local elections come into question, because even without Dominion vote-counting machines (that made sure multiple votes existed and the dead could vote), the good-old method of hiring thugs (maybe, “only” to participate in the vote counting or to oversee it, but in the last few years, the switches were often made during transporting the originally authentic votes) can always work, too, although I admit, that can happen only in certain places. Anyway, it’s not worth getting riled up over voting, anyway, because, as opposed to the hopes attached to any politician, the system is rotten to the core, and it cannot be changed from inside.]
What can ordinary people do against the ongoing injustices?
Refusing to be divided would be a nice start, but at least a third of the current population are profiting from the lies by drawing fat salaries or receiving hefty payouts, which turns them into enablers and the enforcers who will make sure who is running the show until they themselves will be replaced by robots or they will also end up as cyborg slaves.
Still, a few paths remain open. Not caving in to the demand to be isolated and remain in touch is something anyone can try. Being prepared is against the law in some places already, but what the heck? This is the time, when honest people are about to be left with nothing to lose. Making the most important decisions in life, if they haven’t made yet, is the time for now, because there won’t be time for them in acute situations.
Can the people “unite”?
“Workers of the world, unite!” was the Marxist slogan in the Communist Manifesto in 1848. The masses have always been used in “revolutions” by a new bunch of rulers, who sometimes managed to motivate the poor to volunteer in the name of religion, patriotism, or whatever else was on the menu for mass manipulation. Not that religion or patriotism cannot be authentic; it’s just that they have been the most common ideologies used to “uniting” the people against someone else’s enemy, and under the new ruler, people had to realize that didn’t experience any improvement in their living standards even after the regime change they had fought for or were even asked for more “sacrifices” to rebuild that the fighting had destroyed.
When the state runs out of ideologies, mandatory draft is introduced, which seems to be in the works in the United States, with “automatic registration” soon becoming “the law,” enacted by the usual usurpers who couldn’t care less for their “electorate” that can still be blamed for electing them. This time, the draft, of course, is based on the false war-mongering narrative that depicts China and Russia as the enemies in a new world war which, of course, will only happen only on TV and exist only in a few well-placed false-flag attacks. As the US military has received the convid injections, they can always be turned into a zombie army against the people (actually, commoners can also perform some of the tasks, but some training cannot hurt), and it looks like more is in demand perhaps in order to reciprocate for the borrowed troops from Asia and China. The military-age illegals (I’ve documented children in unmarked buses before) must also serve some more purpose than organ-harvesting and sex slavery.
Who is “we”?
I remain suspicious of authors (the lie comes naturally for politicians) who use the word “we,” because that, to me, stands for an attempt to rally up the audience in one happy, but non-existent family, whose members, nonetheless, give up their individual decisions in return for the illusion of belonging somewhere.
Is there a “we” that could put up a fight against the meticulous global process during which people are sickened, killed, or turned into cyborg slaves?
The elitist eugenicist plan has been in the works since the inception of evolutionism (1859) that redefined humans as animals who have always been treated as government assets in history, anyway. (“Agent” showed that besides the human animal, even dinosaurs were invented in order to provide “evidence” to evolution for the same reason.) Strangely, psyops to assign the blame for the elitist depopulation process was already started in 1905, when the “Book of Elders” was published (and eerily resembles a document covering government strategies from 1967.
Today, there is no shortage of stories about “secret societies” that anyone can blame. Do you really think that these monsters would expose themselves enough to be shown and targeted? Yes, some of them may have appeared in public venues before, but most likely, most of those who proved to serve the purpose, were and are only errand boys and girls, while patsies and useful idiots never ceased to exist. The monsters themselves, however, possess enough power through the banking system to control governments as well as the MSM and the “alt” media, so those who can think only one move ahead will never run out of decoys, whom they are more than welcome to greet or perhaps even chase around as the “enemy”... If you were one of the real culprits, would you stick around and wait for the lynch mob? The monsters will most likely watch it from satellite close-ups as their victims volunteer their services tot he demanding task of global depopulation.
Does “the truth” set you “free”?
Being aware of the process enables one to make the necessary decisions, but it doesn’t empower anyone. So, no, “the truth” does not “unite” people, because they process incoming information according to their cultural and to their early-childhood conditioning. This doesn’t mean the truth doesn’t exist; it only means that humans are incapable of processing multidimensional opens systems like the world or themselves, because their thinking is irrevocably bound by thinking in two-dimensional closed systems that can appear only a sheet of paper, a computer screen, a map or a board.
The “Truth” (aka. the creative power whose design can only be perceived to a certain extent as the sum of facts) MUST exist in every single moment, because It is creating everybody and everything, but it’s just about as inaccessible for the human mind as the world around would be for a cartoon character, if it could jump out of a picture book.
Does the “truth” set anyone “free”? Free from the lies, perhaps, but only as far as the person is capable of facing facts, and is willing to make his/her own decisions. With today’s mass control devices, only the paroled criminals of BLM and Antifa were allowed to wreak havoc and make sure that people would feel unsafe, especially after widely-publicized cases of people who protected their properties were indicted.
How far is knowledge power?
Knowledge is certainly power for the globalist puppetteers, but it’s most likely beyond their scope of understanding, too. How about the rest of humanity?
What did anyone do, when people were obviously slaughtered in Maui or by the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections? THAT’S EXACTLY ONE CAN EXPECT FROM PEOPLE UNITING UNDER THE BANNER OF THE “TRUTH.”
Slavery has never ended. Do you really want to fight it? Do you actually know your enemy? Is your enemy available to “fight”?
When trying to look at the whole picture, most of the time, all you get is fractions:
Fractions add up, and you’d better look at the whole first, if you can:
Back in the 1960s when I was in high school, my much older brother tried to interest me in the John Birch Society. Even attended a rally in '67. I was big on The Naked Communist and None Dare Call It Treason. I voted Republican because they had the answers, until I voted Democrat because they had the answers. And then Ross Perot. Back and forth over the decades and now here we are approaching another "history making" election. Looking back I've realized that nothing was ever meant to change unless a rich, powerful entity wished it. Knowing how all this chaos today has come about will do little to soften the blow when everything starts coming down. Being able to tell people 'I told you so' carries no gratification.
So true! "Divide an' Rule" is how they do it--they don't even need ta conquer (conk'er!) b/c we're already divided an' most are willin' to be ruled too! The rest of us don't want it--but we're only permitted to see bits 'n pieces ourselfs--so it ain't like we "truth diggers" are in any kinda catbird seat either! But is it really mysterious? Is it new? Methinks not--they been at this same ol' same ol' for millennia! SO many ways to divide--ya seem ta lay it all out Ray--seein' all the ways is quite stunning (i.e. listed at length as ya do)-- But I'm sure ya solved any mystery as their M.O. ain't mysterious at all!--
By splittin' up ways, birfucatin' us humans onta more paths than the NYC subway... I think it makes it fairly easy for them to do whut they wilt-- even if they cain't see their damage from above there's enuf crooks at the various wheels that even if they steer off course it still works with all of us runnin' round like headless chickens! (oh, but I'm not so sure 'bout satellites bein' real--I heard there's weather balloons not circ'lin' our atmosphere but well-fixed, many've 'em -- yes fixed! not in orbit--the gubbamint buys 'em up, no joke I read!- ) But not ta quibble 'bout sat-ill-lights, I think there are few among 'em that fully see the bigger picture even within the group of mediocre elites! They are each in their lane--even if in theirs they drive an Ashton Martin an ' we're stuck in our 1978 Dodges!
The front men (an' front laydees) imo don't know it all--mebbe not even the Black Nobs behind the scenes cuz someone's likely behind them--or at least there's a peckin' order. But it don't matter when we're all divided. For sure Soros'iz an' Schwabs an' Gates'iz...who see just 'enuf to collect their mega paychecks--"zey know" but zey don't know it all, they're well paid for their "roles" in the script tho'.
Yup, as ya said, why would the real ones show their "rat batsturd" faces to us? (I'm takin' a leap assumin' they DO have faces tho' inhuman they seem!)
Anyway, not sure we're all "done fer" but you are seein' the method of their operations... it sure ain't good fer us human beans!