So true! "Divide an' Rule" is how they do it--they don't even need ta conquer (conk'er!) b/c we're already divided an' most are willin' to be ruled too! The rest of us don't want it--but we're only permitted to see bits 'n pieces ourselfs--so it ain't like we "truth diggers" are in any kinda catbird seat either! But is it really mysterious? Is it new? Methinks not--they been at this same ol' same ol' for millennia! SO many ways to divide--ya seem ta lay it all out Ray--seein' all the ways is quite stunning (i.e. listed at length as ya do)-- But I'm sure ya solved any mystery as their M.O. ain't mysterious at all!--
By splittin' up ways, birfucatin' us humans onta more paths than the NYC subway... I think it makes it fairly easy for them to do whut they wilt-- even if they cain't see their damage from above there's enuf crooks at the various wheels that even if they steer off course it still works with all of us runnin' round like headless chickens! (oh, but I'm not so sure 'bout satellites bein' real--I heard there's weather balloons not circ'lin' our atmosphere but well-fixed, many've 'em -- yes fixed! not in orbit--the gubbamint buys 'em up, no joke I read!- ) But not ta quibble 'bout sat-ill-lights, I think there are few among 'em that fully see the bigger picture even within the group of mediocre elites! They are each in their lane--even if in theirs they drive an Ashton Martin an ' we're stuck in our 1978 Dodges!
The front men (an' front laydees) imo don't know it all--mebbe not even the Black Nobs behind the scenes cuz someone's likely behind them--or at least there's a peckin' order. But it don't matter when we're all divided. For sure Soros'iz an' Schwabs an' Gates'iz...who see just 'enuf to collect their mega paychecks--"zey know" but zey don't know it all, they're well paid for their "roles" in the script tho'.
Yup, as ya said, why would the real ones show their "rat batsturd" faces to us? (I'm takin' a leap assumin' they DO have faces tho' inhuman they seem!)
Anyway, not sure we're all "done fer" but you are seein' the method of their operations... it sure ain't good fer us human beans!
Humans, both as individuals and at various levels of organization, operate so predictably that one can usually conjecture from the details as long as a possibly global interpretive frame is present. Cognition itself, no matter how much power and knowledge someone amasses, is always based on fragments and is interpreted in analogies (I love the ones you are using in your comment!). Therefore, there are no true experts; only endeavors exist, for better or worse.
Those without an interpretive frame, welcome diversions, fragments, and invented nonsense as "the truth," because they value their own peace of mind (cognitive security) more than they are interested in facts and in making their own decisions.
The game is not finished, and some pawns might end up being promoted and become Queens at the far end of the chessboard, but that can happen only after they are ignored as no threats during the game. :)
Being a pushover or rolling over can sometimes gain some time, but one must know when to resign from the game. I prefer not to play at all. :)
ditto here! an' while they're distractin' us with all the movin' pieces--like ya said, pawns (many!) becomin' Queens an' sich--they have switched out the entire chess board on us! The black squares now white... rotten trick that... or as the brits say, "not cricket!" but yer right we hoo-mans are a mite TOO predictable to our disadvantage (when it comes to the puppet masters...)
Back in the 1960s when I was in high school, my much older brother tried to interest me in the John Birch Society. Even attended a rally in '67. I was big on The Naked Communist and None Dare Call It Treason. I voted Republican because they had the answers, until I voted Democrat because they had the answers. And then Ross Perot. Back and forth over the decades and now here we are approaching another "history making" election. Looking back I've realized that nothing was ever meant to change unless a rich, powerful entity wished it. Knowing how all this chaos today has come about will do little to soften the blow when everything starts coming down. Being able to tell people 'I told you so' carries no gratification.
My friend Blackie Collins used to makes such tools, one such tool, the Para-tool, saved my ass one night. Deepest, darkest South Carolina isn't always hospitable to the lone motorcyclist, but with only the tool in my fork bag, I was able to get the 85 Softail's ignition going again, no lights however, glad my night vision was superior back them, and also glad for the kickstarter. Presently another motocycle rider came into view, and he gave me an escort home on his 77 Sportster.
I've also owned a few bikes. My most memorable experience involving tools is that once I went roaming cross-country without a screwdriver (yes, the tool), and the ignition coil shorted out. I had a spare one, but the road was totally deserted, and I had to wait a couple of hours until another biker came by and lent me a screwdriver. The guy patiently waited for the 10 minutes, while I changed the coil, and he took off with his 50-year-old screwdriver. :)
Without Justice, there is No Peace, w/Leighton Grey
Alberta lawyer Leighton Grey was attacked by the Canadian press for speaking truths. His professional association played along with politically-motivated cancel culture.
How could you possibly write so many words accurately decrying what "they" have done, and not identify them as jews? Karl Mordecai Marx, son of a Rabbi. Federal Reserve, Jewish. Racial tension? Jews created NAACP and ADL specifically for that purpose, and The Biden Administration is 80% Jewish with Myorkus a former Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society board member. Jews are the most anti-White on the planet, and the most expelled. How can you neglect this? Gates and Monsanto? Who pulled their levers?
Could it be that maybe some entity we don't know the name of WANTS us to "blame the Jews"? Because I do think that's what's going on. And I've heard other people say that, too, but I don't remember who or where. Divide and Conquer... When we become aware that we are manipulated in SO. MANY. WAYS. we start to see it, slowly, and it's Everywhere. And it's a very very powerful tool for the Nasties. The "lever pullers" are far and away more powerful (ie, far far RICHER) than Bill Effing Gates. Just sayin.
Blaming "the Jews" is obviously a red herring and a straw man argument, kind of the way the same commenter addresses me in another comment here, which I vehemently protested, and will have to ban the person, if (s)he insists on creating diversions. The only reason why I haven't done it was that (s)he pointed out that I left out the "Jewish" factor, so I added it in my reply.
There is no such thing as "the Jews." They are also divided. :)
I'm sure, there are people of Jewish origin among the monsters, but that doesn't make the whole thing exclusively "Jewish." The Rockefellers, for one, are not Jewish, and there are lots of others under suspicion, who are not Jewish, either.
However, you are RIGHT! Assigning "the Jews" as the enemy is just another way of dividing the people, and I left it out of my text.
I blame the fake jews. I myself, by definition am a jew. But I was not raised as a jew, and only was enlightened to the fact that I am by definition jewish in the last month or so.
It is often difficult to know if a person is jewish, or a fake jew.
My paternal heritage (I learned about it 14 years ago) would probably qualify me for the labor camps, but no orthodox Jew would accept me ("only the mother is certain"). :)
Didn't assume the commenter's sex; I was just simplifying.
Sure Ray, there are no jews. We are all just one amorphous blob of equality, or some other equivocation or obfuscation Hasbara is proud of you for saying.
Your argument is vaguely Leftist! As when they claim there are 66 genders, but women are oppressed! Or, all races are equal, but they pass quotas!
Please, NEVER put words in my mouth; that's a straw man argument. Never said Jews don't exist, only that they are not a monolithic culture.
If you had actually read my articles, you would know that I absolutely disagree with everybody being equal, no matter what race they are (and being Jewish is a cultural, not a racial category), and Lebensraum for each race would be most welcome, because humans are VERY different, both temperamentally and culturally.
The Abolitionists, the William Henry Garrison's and their puppets, John Browns, of the Northern states started this radicalism in the 1830s and 1840s. It also has something to do with the Second Great Awakening, and dispensationalism (both pre and post-millenial), and Masonry, I think, since so many of the people agitating for race division seemed to be involved in secret societies. It's been a permanent part of American "progressivism" since that period, with violence and sanctimonious secular revolutionary Apocalyticism taking the place hard work and order and Christian self sacrifice.
Although the average Mason is most likely only a patsy, 33rd-degree ones (many US Presidents among them) have been definitely participating. The Freemason ideology places Reason to the highest place, which is actually also a Satanist trait. Modern Satanism, after all, doesn't even believe in Satan (the iconography seems like a red herring); it's the old-fashioned elitist eugenicist movement.
ALL self-empowering gnostic movements belong to the same flock ("white" witches, New Agism and all that crap). Man can redeem himself just as much as someone drowning in the water can lift himself out of it by his own hair.
I think people flock together just like other animals do... Because we believe that if someone LOOKS LIKE US, they are "one of us," therefore Trustworthy. Now there's a very, very basic, lizard brain kind of thinking! ;)
In the last few years, I've been thinking about those countries. Are there any left? Uruguay comes to mind; it's mostly white, but they still enforced the convid "rules." They eat beef and produce not much else than beef; everything cost multiple times more than in the US (even in MA, NJ, or CA).
Baltic and Scandinavian lands are the last vestiges; however, the cost of living in Denmark and Norway is precipitous. Worth it though! I'm happy in Bulgaria, over 91% Caucasoid. Even the local Western Turks are quite nice, remnants of the Byzantines. While the jews survive their 1035 expulsions by 112 nations and states, no White is safe in any of our dwindling ethno-states Ray. Like the Founding Fathers, I put a lot of personal wealth and personal success on the line, to drive home these points with both erudition, and experience. \o
You’re doing good things Anti ! It’s funny about the jews getting kicked out of so many places! I don’t know how God put up with them in Biblical Times! And they might be our downfall forever now. Truly chosen!
It seems that most people who try to be honest have been putting up everything on the line, because time is running out, and there is already just about nothing to lose.
Scandinavia is full of the invaders, although Denmark, for one, made welfare dependent on the acquisition of the Danish language years ago. On the other hand, no-go zones abound in all those northern countries. South of the Czech Republic, there is a serious gypsy problem. FYI, the Turks were anything but "nice": they dragged much of the population into slavery. Eastern Orthodox and the Greek Catholics and descendants of the Byzantines, but the Turks were, and are, Muslims. Bulgaria has its unique mixture of cultures, and none of them is compatible with the ones American ex-pats represent. Except for Croatia and Slovenia, the average guy is pretty penniless and powerless, too, in those countries.
Contemplating over the wealth of the Founding Fathers would go a lot further than this comment section would allow, but I've read some commendable pieces on them on Substack and elsewhere.
The expulsion of Jews were blamed on ideological reasons, but it was their wealth that was really attractive for the rulers. The same happened to the Templars, and they were not Jewish. Ideology itself can seal the fate of a group, as it happened to the Jansenists, who emphasized personal relationship with God, which directly negated the leading ideology represented by the Church (whichever was used in a country after Luther). Both the expulsions and the Founding Fathers would deserve more space to discuss, but those topics are currently beyond my scope, mostly because I need to learn more about both.
But we are not machines that get “programmed,” so I think it’s a matter of HABIT and TRAINING… all that stuff becomes subliminal and rote response… doncha know, said the dog.
dogs are purdy smart -- takes 'em about 12 repetitions of any new trick or skill to generalize an' then they "got it"--we human beans are stubborn--don't wanna unlearn bad habits an' it's hard as heck ta teach us new tricks like the pooches (myth--old dogs DO learn new tricks!) -- once we dig in our heels. With dogs (I've trained a few in my time!) they'll work fer food or pats for fun stuff--we humans seem to have lost our enthusiasm--too many of our "species" are programmed an' cain't even "retrieve" what we know let alone fetch new goodies--a few of us try ta bark now 'n then! (an' yup, we all are creatures of habit but I still hold that humans are more stubborn by half an' dogs tend ta be more generous!)
That's when they're trained by humans. And like humans, dogs vary, have history that influences their willingness, ability, and desire to be trained. Not to mention lots of other things humans surely impose on them, as is obvious by our belief systems about other animals... Few humans seem to ever consider the possibility that humans were put here, amongst the other animals, TO LEARN FROM THEM.
So true! "Divide an' Rule" is how they do it--they don't even need ta conquer (conk'er!) b/c we're already divided an' most are willin' to be ruled too! The rest of us don't want it--but we're only permitted to see bits 'n pieces ourselfs--so it ain't like we "truth diggers" are in any kinda catbird seat either! But is it really mysterious? Is it new? Methinks not--they been at this same ol' same ol' for millennia! SO many ways to divide--ya seem ta lay it all out Ray--seein' all the ways is quite stunning (i.e. listed at length as ya do)-- But I'm sure ya solved any mystery as their M.O. ain't mysterious at all!--
By splittin' up ways, birfucatin' us humans onta more paths than the NYC subway... I think it makes it fairly easy for them to do whut they wilt-- even if they cain't see their damage from above there's enuf crooks at the various wheels that even if they steer off course it still works with all of us runnin' round like headless chickens! (oh, but I'm not so sure 'bout satellites bein' real--I heard there's weather balloons not circ'lin' our atmosphere but well-fixed, many've 'em -- yes fixed! not in orbit--the gubbamint buys 'em up, no joke I read!- ) But not ta quibble 'bout sat-ill-lights, I think there are few among 'em that fully see the bigger picture even within the group of mediocre elites! They are each in their lane--even if in theirs they drive an Ashton Martin an ' we're stuck in our 1978 Dodges!
The front men (an' front laydees) imo don't know it all--mebbe not even the Black Nobs behind the scenes cuz someone's likely behind them--or at least there's a peckin' order. But it don't matter when we're all divided. For sure Soros'iz an' Schwabs an' Gates'iz...who see just 'enuf to collect their mega paychecks--"zey know" but zey don't know it all, they're well paid for their "roles" in the script tho'.
Yup, as ya said, why would the real ones show their "rat batsturd" faces to us? (I'm takin' a leap assumin' they DO have faces tho' inhuman they seem!)
Anyway, not sure we're all "done fer" but you are seein' the method of their operations... it sure ain't good fer us human beans!
Humans, both as individuals and at various levels of organization, operate so predictably that one can usually conjecture from the details as long as a possibly global interpretive frame is present. Cognition itself, no matter how much power and knowledge someone amasses, is always based on fragments and is interpreted in analogies (I love the ones you are using in your comment!). Therefore, there are no true experts; only endeavors exist, for better or worse.
Those without an interpretive frame, welcome diversions, fragments, and invented nonsense as "the truth," because they value their own peace of mind (cognitive security) more than they are interested in facts and in making their own decisions.
The game is not finished, and some pawns might end up being promoted and become Queens at the far end of the chessboard, but that can happen only after they are ignored as no threats during the game. :)
Being a pushover or rolling over can sometimes gain some time, but one must know when to resign from the game. I prefer not to play at all. :)
ditto here! an' while they're distractin' us with all the movin' pieces--like ya said, pawns (many!) becomin' Queens an' sich--they have switched out the entire chess board on us! The black squares now white... rotten trick that... or as the brits say, "not cricket!" but yer right we hoo-mans are a mite TOO predictable to our disadvantage (when it comes to the puppet masters...)
Very interesting post!
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder! :)
This is so. ;)
Back in the 1960s when I was in high school, my much older brother tried to interest me in the John Birch Society. Even attended a rally in '67. I was big on The Naked Communist and None Dare Call It Treason. I voted Republican because they had the answers, until I voted Democrat because they had the answers. And then Ross Perot. Back and forth over the decades and now here we are approaching another "history making" election. Looking back I've realized that nothing was ever meant to change unless a rich, powerful entity wished it. Knowing how all this chaos today has come about will do little to soften the blow when everything starts coming down. Being able to tell people 'I told you so' carries no gratification.
Ross Perot must have been quite serious, because he dropped out of the race all of a sudden, indicating that he had received some final warnings.
Yup, the only way things usually change is when the ones in power realize that improving their slaves' condition can be good for them, too.
My friend Blackie Collins used to makes such tools, one such tool, the Para-tool, saved my ass one night. Deepest, darkest South Carolina isn't always hospitable to the lone motorcyclist, but with only the tool in my fork bag, I was able to get the 85 Softail's ignition going again, no lights however, glad my night vision was superior back them, and also glad for the kickstarter. Presently another motocycle rider came into view, and he gave me an escort home on his 77 Sportster.
I've also owned a few bikes. My most memorable experience involving tools is that once I went roaming cross-country without a screwdriver (yes, the tool), and the ignition coil shorted out. I had a spare one, but the road was totally deserted, and I had to wait a couple of hours until another biker came by and lent me a screwdriver. The guy patiently waited for the 10 minutes, while I changed the coil, and he took off with his 50-year-old screwdriver. :)
Without Justice, there is No Peace, w/Leighton Grey
Alberta lawyer Leighton Grey was attacked by the Canadian press for speaking truths. His professional association played along with politically-motivated cancel culture.
I prefer to use the word "facts" for the reasons I describe in the article, but uttering them can certainly hurt people.
"There is no justice in this world."
Yet there is a little freedom left:
Justice, however, is good for something, but only as long as one is aware of its nature: it gives a backbone to "love."
How could you possibly write so many words accurately decrying what "they" have done, and not identify them as jews? Karl Mordecai Marx, son of a Rabbi. Federal Reserve, Jewish. Racial tension? Jews created NAACP and ADL specifically for that purpose, and The Biden Administration is 80% Jewish with Myorkus a former Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society board member. Jews are the most anti-White on the planet, and the most expelled. How can you neglect this? Gates and Monsanto? Who pulled their levers?
Could it be that maybe some entity we don't know the name of WANTS us to "blame the Jews"? Because I do think that's what's going on. And I've heard other people say that, too, but I don't remember who or where. Divide and Conquer... When we become aware that we are manipulated in SO. MANY. WAYS. we start to see it, slowly, and it's Everywhere. And it's a very very powerful tool for the Nasties. The "lever pullers" are far and away more powerful (ie, far far RICHER) than Bill Effing Gates. Just sayin.
Blaming "the Jews" is obviously a red herring and a straw man argument, kind of the way the same commenter addresses me in another comment here, which I vehemently protested, and will have to ban the person, if (s)he insists on creating diversions. The only reason why I haven't done it was that (s)he pointed out that I left out the "Jewish" factor, so I added it in my reply.
There is no such thing as "the Jews." They are also divided. :)
I'm sure, there are people of Jewish origin among the monsters, but that doesn't make the whole thing exclusively "Jewish." The Rockefellers, for one, are not Jewish, and there are lots of others under suspicion, who are not Jewish, either.
However, you are RIGHT! Assigning "the Jews" as the enemy is just another way of dividing the people, and I left it out of my text.
I blame the fake jews. I myself, by definition am a jew. But I was not raised as a jew, and only was enlightened to the fact that I am by definition jewish in the last month or so.
It is often difficult to know if a person is jewish, or a fake jew.
How do you figure agent is male Ray?
My paternal heritage (I learned about it 14 years ago) would probably qualify me for the labor camps, but no orthodox Jew would accept me ("only the mother is certain"). :)
Didn't assume the commenter's sex; I was just simplifying.
Sure Ray, there are no jews. We are all just one amorphous blob of equality, or some other equivocation or obfuscation Hasbara is proud of you for saying.
Your argument is vaguely Leftist! As when they claim there are 66 genders, but women are oppressed! Or, all races are equal, but they pass quotas!
I love your second link!
Please, NEVER put words in my mouth; that's a straw man argument. Never said Jews don't exist, only that they are not a monolithic culture.
If you had actually read my articles, you would know that I absolutely disagree with everybody being equal, no matter what race they are (and being Jewish is a cultural, not a racial category), and Lebensraum for each race would be most welcome, because humans are VERY different, both temperamentally and culturally.
The Abolitionists, the William Henry Garrison's and their puppets, John Browns, of the Northern states started this radicalism in the 1830s and 1840s. It also has something to do with the Second Great Awakening, and dispensationalism (both pre and post-millenial), and Masonry, I think, since so many of the people agitating for race division seemed to be involved in secret societies. It's been a permanent part of American "progressivism" since that period, with violence and sanctimonious secular revolutionary Apocalyticism taking the place hard work and order and Christian self sacrifice.
"Racism" tends to reflect the tribal nature of humans:
Although the average Mason is most likely only a patsy, 33rd-degree ones (many US Presidents among them) have been definitely participating. The Freemason ideology places Reason to the highest place, which is actually also a Satanist trait. Modern Satanism, after all, doesn't even believe in Satan (the iconography seems like a red herring); it's the old-fashioned elitist eugenicist movement.
ALL self-empowering gnostic movements belong to the same flock ("white" witches, New Agism and all that crap). Man can redeem himself just as much as someone drowning in the water can lift himself out of it by his own hair.
I think people flock together just like other animals do... Because we believe that if someone LOOKS LIKE US, they are "one of us," therefore Trustworthy. Now there's a very, very basic, lizard brain kind of thinking! ;)
There are 4700 or so lizard species, been around 200M years. White ethno-states are the safest, most productive, and happiest Nations on this planet.
Hmmmm. And that's all just the natural state of things, I suppose... Because white people are superior, or something along those lines?
In the last few years, I've been thinking about those countries. Are there any left? Uruguay comes to mind; it's mostly white, but they still enforced the convid "rules." They eat beef and produce not much else than beef; everything cost multiple times more than in the US (even in MA, NJ, or CA).
Baltic and Scandinavian lands are the last vestiges; however, the cost of living in Denmark and Norway is precipitous. Worth it though! I'm happy in Bulgaria, over 91% Caucasoid. Even the local Western Turks are quite nice, remnants of the Byzantines. While the jews survive their 1035 expulsions by 112 nations and states, no White is safe in any of our dwindling ethno-states Ray. Like the Founding Fathers, I put a lot of personal wealth and personal success on the line, to drive home these points with both erudition, and experience. \o
You’re doing good things Anti ! It’s funny about the jews getting kicked out of so many places! I don’t know how God put up with them in Biblical Times! And they might be our downfall forever now. Truly chosen!
If I absolutely had to choose, I would pick Uruguay.
It seems that most people who try to be honest have been putting up everything on the line, because time is running out, and there is already just about nothing to lose.
Scandinavia is full of the invaders, although Denmark, for one, made welfare dependent on the acquisition of the Danish language years ago. On the other hand, no-go zones abound in all those northern countries. South of the Czech Republic, there is a serious gypsy problem. FYI, the Turks were anything but "nice": they dragged much of the population into slavery. Eastern Orthodox and the Greek Catholics and descendants of the Byzantines, but the Turks were, and are, Muslims. Bulgaria has its unique mixture of cultures, and none of them is compatible with the ones American ex-pats represent. Except for Croatia and Slovenia, the average guy is pretty penniless and powerless, too, in those countries.
Contemplating over the wealth of the Founding Fathers would go a lot further than this comment section would allow, but I've read some commendable pieces on them on Substack and elsewhere.
The expulsion of Jews were blamed on ideological reasons, but it was their wealth that was really attractive for the rulers. The same happened to the Templars, and they were not Jewish. Ideology itself can seal the fate of a group, as it happened to the Jansenists, who emphasized personal relationship with God, which directly negated the leading ideology represented by the Church (whichever was used in a country after Luther). Both the expulsions and the Founding Fathers would deserve more space to discuss, but those topics are currently beyond my scope, mostly because I need to learn more about both.
Being pre-programmed is what prevents people from exercising Free Will. Most people never make it:
But we are not machines that get “programmed,” so I think it’s a matter of HABIT and TRAINING… all that stuff becomes subliminal and rote response… doncha know, said the dog.
dogs are purdy smart -- takes 'em about 12 repetitions of any new trick or skill to generalize an' then they "got it"--we human beans are stubborn--don't wanna unlearn bad habits an' it's hard as heck ta teach us new tricks like the pooches (myth--old dogs DO learn new tricks!) -- once we dig in our heels. With dogs (I've trained a few in my time!) they'll work fer food or pats for fun stuff--we humans seem to have lost our enthusiasm--too many of our "species" are programmed an' cain't even "retrieve" what we know let alone fetch new goodies--a few of us try ta bark now 'n then! (an' yup, we all are creatures of habit but I still hold that humans are more stubborn by half an' dogs tend ta be more generous!)
That's when they're trained by humans. And like humans, dogs vary, have history that influences their willingness, ability, and desire to be trained. Not to mention lots of other things humans surely impose on them, as is obvious by our belief systems about other animals... Few humans seem to ever consider the possibility that humans were put here, amongst the other animals, TO LEARN FROM THEM.