The Final Encounter with the Enemy: Before It's Too Late To Make up Your Mind
To Live or Not To Live; That Is the Question.
“Whatever happens, it is us, who choose out fate”, “better to fall by the sword than the master’s lash”:
“There is no justice in this world”
“Finally, a thing we agree upon”:
“Next time we meet, I’ll kill you.”
“No, you will try.”
“That’s all a free man can do.”
Spartacus and Crassus having a discussion before the final battle in the TV series, Spartacus1. The robe Crassus is wearing cost about ten years of an average person’s income.
Freedom doesn’t exist in this world, but the freedom to choose might, if one can locate it and chooses to exercise it.
(Ray Horvath, The Source :) )
(Please, notice that the links in the footnotes are integral parts of this post. While you may be familiar with some of them, even re-reading them is probably not a complete waste of your time.)
While most authors on Substack and “alt” sites are still busy exploring the types of poisonings to which Americans have been and are exposed, I have already pointed out that the globalists’ end game is now in motion, and there is literally nothing most people can do about it2.
This is perhaps your last chance to make decisions for actions that you will be certainly forced to take, but you won’t have the luxury of time to make up your mind.
Under the circumstances, instead of trying to flee from military-grade poisoning by food, water3, drinks, chemtrails, “medications4,” “vaccines5,” cell towers6, and a huge number of other things7, it's time to face what's coming8.
It’s been said that the best slaves are the ones who think they are free9.
Some people think that they are free, when they are informed10 or can consider themselves smarter than most11, while falling for lies12. It is also popular to give in to false hope, based only on wishful thinking, although hope can work only when faith/trust realistically precedes it13.
People have been told to succumb to the latest version of slavery for their safety14 and for their convenience15. Others give in only out of fear without realizing that those, who are afraid die a thousand deaths and fail to live an authentic life with any degree of personal integrity. They choose not to exist or they might not even have a choice because of their breeding and obedience to their conditioning.
Where else can freedom manifest itself, unless in the practice of Free Will? In a pragmatic sense, I have solved the problem of free will, but I don’t even pretend to be a philosopher; I am only a cognitive scientist. Perhaps you remember that I previously pointed out the tiny segment of human consciousness, the only space where free will might be possible to exercise16. If you don’t, let me repeat it: you exercise your free will only when you decide how you are willing to live and how you are ready to die.
It looks like living or, these days, dying, on your terms may have become the only choice by free will for those with no money or power. The following scene from the end of the TV-series, Spartacus, theatrical as it is, presents quite a few points to consider, when the end is near, and you must acknowledge the enemy’s presence and point of view in order to be prepared before you won’t be given the choice:
It must be you who decides your fate:
I am not advocating for this series; only used the scene as an illustration to my point. While many scenes in the series are basically soft porn for most of viewers today, the episodes happen to depict ancient Rome realistically. Overindulgance, violence, and sexual deviations were considered normal at the time, as they are becoming the norm these days, too. Intelligently-written, even the crude language is restricted to fighting men, and if you have ever served in the army, you know that the language in this movie is mild compared to the real thing. Soldiers’ vocabulary is probably the most limited one around the Globe.
Some think that describing the situation in an erudite manner would make a difference:
Others seem to believe that finding a scapegoat would help, and stop at labeling the invisible enemy in a number of ways, “psychopaths” taking the lead:
As a side note, I also want to mention that Crassus didn’t fare well much longer after defeating Spartacus. This short video gives you an idea how his megalomania and conceit caused his demise:
You've provided enough material in this article and links to keep me busy for a month... 🤔
Thanks.. I think... 😘
if i am a slave to vice , money , greed , selfishness ,gluttony, perverse sex ,i cannot be free in any other sense or state of being, untill i free myself of these vices ,,, please good God help me and everyone become free of the things that degrade us