Let’s hope, he’ll make it!
Since I started up this site, I have written about 200 articles (on February 2, 2025, the count is 1,034, but I am leaving the original text intact), and most of them are unlikely to go obsolete anytime soon, but they complement each other.
Creating false hope in people is a psy-op.
Hope can be used as the opposite of fear, which is exactly the reason why people fell for the plandemic propaganda:
False hope, when combined with red herrings, acts as a tool of diversion in order to occupy people’s attention and prevent them from noticing imminent danger:
Creating positive, albeit unsubstantiated, feelings with hope can also easily be used for making people reverse their priorities and place hope before trust. After all, how can you not trust someone in whom you are placing your hope?
The deadliest form of direct attack on people was based on telling them to sacrifice themselves, but the argument is criminal:
The latest trend in manipulation is using the strategy of “telling the truth” about things that cannot be changed, but it invites people to place their trust in the “truthers”:
What can be done against manipulation?
I’m skimming through your back catalogues and thought you might like this though you’ve probably seen it.
The FOI documents concerning mind control programmes of US (and par excellence UK). One document was an interview with a Hypnosis expert in 1967 stating he believed it could be used for mass manipulation and that it’s possible to trigger an act in the future.
Those resistant he claimed could be made pliable with truth serum drugs. sodium thiopental (more commonly known as sodiumpentothal)—all sedatives that interfere particularly with judgement and higher cognitive function.
I’m working my way through
Documentary on the story of my profession: Psychology! It was guilt inspiring https://archive.org/details/TheMindsOfMen_FullDocumentary
I worked at relieving distress after (PTSD) or during life shattering events and with those who’s anxiety was interfering with life. I did not advocate drugs except maybe for the dangerous personality disordered one’s (who assaulted me). But then they were referred to the Clinical Psychs or psychiatrists.
I did not become a psych to review what’s wrong with me but from my wanting to know why THEY (the Germans) went along with it all. What were the mechanisms that triggered compliance and how/why those involved directly in crimes could do it? Yes, I realised what was going on by April. Not March as I had to deal with double pneumonia.
I’d swear that the PM daily updates were not only using NLP, nudge psych, and other applied psych techniques but also sub-aural binaural beats. Such things like modulating sound on tv can put viewers/listeners into a sleep like catatonia. I found these press events always put me asleep so I stopped listening to any radio and tv and read what they said. (FYI I was watching an old film on PBS Lakeshore classics and these beats were audible).
The ‘news’ and posters were used to prime the public. Laura Dodsworth has gone into great detail explaining the process. But she didn’t call the compliant psychs what they were - evil. I signed the letter to British Psychological Society to get them struck off for unethical behavior. BPS said it was an emergency therefore ok to manipulate the public.
Well we’re always in an emergency now!
Moderna CEO: Not everyone will need an annual COVID booster