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Jan 2, 2024
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I couldn't agree more. Pinning your comment.

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In essence, without going through all the linked articles, I would summarise the different versions listed above as not living in THE TRUTH. As always one aspect of REALITY is distorted/ overemphasized - which at least according to my experience is not "intentional" but simply a result of the modus operandi of "those" making decisions, i.e "decision makers" are caught up in their own DELUSION/HUBRIS, the cattle just follow and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - with the result that an ILLUSIONARY "enemy" is being fought. This happens all the time in daily life, as long as one is caught up in PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE created by the illusion of REALITY - THE LIE - of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE. And three letter agencies are the biggest department in THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE.

Let me put this into a very recent example of REALITY. You come up with a theory about how disease comes about. For decades/centuries/millennia man's mind is researching this area of concern. Each "scientist" as well as each generation of "scientists" uses the previous textbook "knowledge" as the basis for its research. Without questioning ANYTHING within THE THEORY being investigated - NO-ONE wants to rock the boat.

Now, as long as the research is validated in REALITY - real physics for example - insofar as bridges don't collapse based on construction principles, there is no problem with textbook knowledge as it is confirmed day after day and year after year.

BUT as soon as the textbook "knowledge" only APPEARS to be tested by REALITY and on top of that the textbook "knowledge" is not even tested in the laboratory there is a HUGE PROBLEM. Which can be patched up by money and propaganda and brainwashing.

Some might already feel where I am going with this.

Enders "virus" theory was never properly proven … which can be researched here:



There are many more sources irrefutably refuting ViroLIEgy. Those sources can be provided upon request but should become obvious once starting to investigate a bit this topic.

When I first heard of Stefan Lanka and his claims (including a high court case won) in autumn 2020, I believe, I was more than sceptical about his claims. And at the same time I was truly hoping "someone" will pick up on it. Without me having any records about my investigative journey I would guess that it took probably another 12-18 till I saw popping up some serious challengers to ViroLIEgy.

And I would call myself THE BIGGEST SCEPTIC there is, literally QUESTION EVERYTHING. And this approach is finally bearing fruits beyond comprehension after, I would say, decades of questioning.


Thank you Ray!

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And of course the old Abrahamic hope that a saviour will appear amidst the clouds (updated: amidst chemtrails) is an excellent opium to keep the victims from seeking revenge themselves. Keep quiet, folks, the baddies will be hammered hard when Jesus / Mahdi eventually manages to overcome the traffic jam he's been stuck in. And don't you dare act yourself, or you will end up in hell too!

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Jesus is a work of the Roman Empire based on the earlier Greek god of Apollo. The Hebrew canon (actually a Greek work) had put Apollo in the pit as Belial or in some translations Beliar (be a liar). The Romans took him out again and called him Iasos Christus or as we know him with the later Roman alphabet addition of J - Jesus. Christus can mean gold in Latin so it's probably better that he's Jesus otherwise we might think of him as "gold of Iasos" and Iasos is an actual place. Apollo being a god of Anatolia, which is where Iasos is rather than Greece itself, fits in with all this as the Romans too trace their roots there.

Tipping over the tables of the moneychangers had a different meanng in the 1st C as well. As moneychangers were those who won wars and therefore changed who had the money. Iasos/Jesus stopped that. A real Roman god.

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So in actual fact Jesus was resurrected. But as a god. And as gods are not mortal that's rather easy for an Empire like Rome.

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Actually, without a Redeemer, the Creator trying out what it's like to be human (Thomas Merton also said it), G*d would be a sadist, just by doing nothing about what humans have been doing to themselves. I don't know if it's true or not, but it doesn't look like humans have another option...

Moreover, it's always personal:


My country/home is not from this world. :)

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I just wonder if the Abrahamic waiting for the return of the "redeemer" has an expire date, or if they will keep waiting for him forever. Psychology obviously suggests the latter.

And yes, if there was such a creator as imagined by the bible, he would clearly be a sadist.

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Judaism follows the Bible to the letter: it's not in the Torah that the Messiah would have a second coming, which is true. On the other hand, why would that be impossible?

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Some say that it was excised in the 1st Century from the Torah (likely known as the Pentateuch at the time).

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The concept of messiah is Abrahamic, thus common to all the religions developed from Judaism. The Jews are waiting for their own messiah, as are the Muslims. The religion of progress is in itself messianic.

As for the return of Jesus, if you believe in father Christmas everything is possible.

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I wonder whether the similarity between their crimes and some of the ones imagined in the bible as signs of the end times is intentional. See for instance the notorious parallel between digital ID and "mark of the beast". Also whether their theatrically-satanic looks and habits are purposely crafted to match the bible narrative, thereby fostering delusions of salvation. I just wonder.

After all, if they have in store a fake alien invasion they might just as well orchestrate the return of Jesus, under the guise of some cabal member coming to restore sanity after the great tribulation. The one-world government of godly peace.

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Jesus as a Martian? One of Jupiter's moons?

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Just like the ‘white hats’ and ‘trust the plan’ folks.

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Just the right analogy! :)

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I’m skimming through your back catalogues and thought you might like this though you’ve probably seen it.

The FOI documents concerning mind control programmes of US (and par excellence UK). One document was an interview with a Hypnosis expert in 1967 stating he believed it could be used for mass manipulation and that it’s possible to trigger an act in the future.

Those resistant he claimed could be made pliable with truth serum drugs. sodium thiopental (more commonly known as sodiumpentothal)—all sedatives that interfere particularly with judgement and higher cognitive function.

I’m working my way through


Documentary on the story of my profession: Psychology! It was guilt inspiring https://archive.org/details/TheMindsOfMen_FullDocumentary

I worked at relieving distress after (PTSD) or during life shattering events and with those who’s anxiety was interfering with life. I did not advocate drugs except maybe for the dangerous personality disordered one’s (who assaulted me). But then they were referred to the Clinical Psychs or psychiatrists.

I did not become a psych to review what’s wrong with me but from my wanting to know why THEY (the Germans) went along with it all. What were the mechanisms that triggered compliance and how/why those involved directly in crimes could do it? Yes, I realised what was going on by April. Not March as I had to deal with double pneumonia.

I’d swear that the PM daily updates were not only using NLP, nudge psych, and other applied psych techniques but also sub-aural binaural beats. Such things like modulating sound on tv can put viewers/listeners into a sleep like catatonia. I found these press events always put me asleep so I stopped listening to any radio and tv and read what they said. (FYI I was watching an old film on PBS Lakeshore classics and these beats were audible).

The ‘news’ and posters were used to prime the public. Laura Dodsworth has gone into great detail explaining the process. But she didn’t call the compliant psychs what they were - evil. I signed the letter to British Psychological Society to get them struck off for unethical behavior. BPS said it was an emergency therefore ok to manipulate the public.

Well we’re always in an emergency now!

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Thank you for the links and your thoughts/experiences. They are extremely valuable and I hope, other readers can profit from them, too. I certainly do.

Most importantly, even those, who become psychologists, because they want to fix themselves can outgrow it over time, accept the human condition for what it is and, instead of freaking out or complaining about it, become responsible for themselves. That, of course, applies to everyone, and according to some estimates from the shrink profession, it would take 250 years for a human being to become a mature person. Well, even that might be a bit optimistic. :)

TV/radio bothers me so much that I cannot stand them at all; it takes only 15-30 seconds to become unusually irritable. I think, I am "allergic" to evil. :) On the other hand, everyone can be programmed with the available tools, especially after certain chemicals are administered, so I know that I am exposed and totally vulnerable.

Yes, I did post a couple of articles about MK Ultra and the like, but your material shows aspects that have escaped my attention (some things always and inevitably do).

I can't remember a single petition that achieved anything, except helped the perps compile lists of dissenters. Unpredictability is probably the only tool a commoner has, although even that door is closing rapidly, because modes of life and even death are becoming mandatory "for the greater good."

Isn't it strange that, although the quackery of Psychiatry cannot help "patients," because it is based on a fraudulent paradigm ("chemical imbalance" in the brain, which was refuted about three years ago in public), but it can certainly hurt and kill people with razor-blade precision?

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I’m in the anti-psychiatry schism like Dr Breggin I was always appalled by lobotomies and psychoactive approaches for the same end. All have brain/neurological side effects. Schizophrenic meds cause Parkinsonism. (My thesis was the biological basis of schizophrenia).

As for maturity - it takes at least 60 years and another decade or so to fully integrate them into one’s schema. Most never mature as it takes too much effort and as we now call it, ‘waking up’ is painful. Causes existential angst.

Good thing I prepared myself for today’s maturity having been a NY Existential Punk. I instinctively knew then that the evil would come via ATT (communication systems).

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Lobotomies are an abomination, but they perfectly fit into the same scheme in which the "medical establishment" sell body parts, organs, blood samples, and DNA.

Can you tell me a few words about your findings regarding schizophrenia? I believe, it a result of some poisoning, electronic pollution, or intentional manipulation (clandestine experiments on people can involve all three).

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My theory was based on schizophrenia being the opposite side to Parkinson’s with regard to dopamine. Those with Parkinson’s get schizophrenic symptoms due to Leva Dopa. While schizophrenics get Parkinsonism symptoms due to neuroleptics. Both act on dopamine synapses.

However, I based the presentation of schizophrenia on the stress diathesis model. Depending on the genetic predisposition of developing said disease, the amount of stress varied.

For many people developing psychosis or full blown schizophrenia they were triggered by overuse of psychoactive substances such as marijuana or LSD (plus drugs with similar action: peyote. mushrooms).

I always say, that given overwhelming life events, nearly everyone will succumb to a mental illness. Except those who are psychopaths as they have no empathy thus don’t care.

My MSc was the psychological effects on the family of neonatal loss. Existing children had a significant risk of developing Generalised Anxiety disorder. Too young to deal with death and incorporate their shattered assumptions that the world is a safe, good place where bad things don’t happen.

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Based on our interest and our conversation, I felt compelled to start a new topic. Please, contribute tot he comment section with your insights!

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Thank you for this post. A good reminder. Indeed, hope can sometimes become delusional.

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My impression is that many people have become rich and famous for less than this, including Desmet, whose photo on Substack looks like a narcissist's, posing as a sage. :)

The story of my life. :)

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Thank you for your perspective here. ‘No more heroes any more’ could be added as a song to listen to and live by.

I just read your graphene post. I don’t think we can avoid it. Yesterday and today the sky has been streaked with dark lines. I took photos of the black lines falling down from the sky. I watch/take diary photos of the sky graffiti every day. I’ve seen the dark lines a few times before. But never like these two days.

And thing is, I’m feeling really tired and weak too. As if I’m ill or something. I am suspiciously looking up at those lines. 6 planes at one time. FYI it’s falling onto the reservoir as well as my land.

I’ve gone to my detox that stopped me being strongly magnetic. We’re talking heavy cutlery across the torso and coins across the forehead.

D3, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC, C

Fingers crossed I get more energy soon.

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I have two posts on graphenes: one of them is trying to explore the possible antidotes (including the recommended remedies from the last 32 months), and even with demagnetization (it's in the comments), nothing conclusive has been reached (the discussion is still open). In my post yesterday, the last entry might bring some hope, but I'm not familiar with the technology. All in all, the perps must be protected somehow, but nobody knows how.

I also have a number of articles about chemtrails. That subject cannot be exhausted. The drones in the sky started spraying off and on a couple of months ago, and the sky started looking like a picture book. Six planes can do it faster, but I haven't seen those, as opposed to unmarked red choppers with a white tank underneath over residential areas in the night. Probably nematodes were dispersed, but it may have been GM mosquitoes or whatever else.

How would powerful external natural magnets affect the condition caused by graphenes? What kind of detox worked for you? Where are you located (approximately)?

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I’m ooverlooking Blackwater River estuary in Essex UK (hence my name). I’ve always watched the skies over my 20 years living here. I have a large vista of the sky as I’m on a hill and have watched as weather fronts come towards us.

But the spraying really began during the first lockdown and they’ve become worse. Six planes at one time is common. We can have a clear blue sky in the morning and overcast grey in a few hours. And we keep getting cirrus clouds from what had been normal clouds. As if radio frequencies boomed through them. Or streaks leading off from what were clouds as if a system of dispersal.

As I said black lines/streaks were not so common. Until these two days. I was outside much of the days too. I find looking at the sky graffiti so heartbreaking. They’re destroying the weather cycles and according to Geo Engineering watch, the ozone too. Dale claims that if they stopped there would be a boomerang effect.

They don’t know what the effects are on people, animals, plants or habitats. I sometimes think they’re terraforming. What with the anti-carbon stance that everything living is made with.

My antimagnetic regime was what was advocated to fight C. Someone from Not the BBC recommended using NAC and I added the other protocol favourites.

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I hope you are aware that they started spraying on a large scale in the 1990s, not in 2020.

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Yes I’m aware that weather manipulation dates back to ww2 and particularly as part of warfare during the Vietnam war.

What I’m saying is that it was so occasional that it didn’t register. Whilst since Covid it’s every day with the inverse number of clear days, to days when spraying occurred prior to 2020.

And as mentioned, I’ve never since 6 planes going simultaneously in a small vector of the sky with a similar number seen from the passenger number. It’s being ramped up.

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I'm sorry but daily spraying occurred since the 90s, although I clearly cannot know about your specific location. Even so, it is being ramped up indeed. Now every time I look out of the window I see a plane at work, if not multiple ones. It's a disaster.

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In 1991, Moscow declared it in public that aluminum derivatives were sprayed in order to save on snow shoveling.

Spraying, however, goes back a lot longer, and it's still unclear when and what was released, but the starting date is about 1947.

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Absolutely, which is why I specified "on a large scale", which started in the 90s".

Interesting how ignorant the Russian public must be to accept the ludicrous official explanations. Contrary to what many Russia fans believe, stupidity is global.

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My favorite oxymoron, "military intelligence," has evolved to "human intelligence." :)

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Ray you are on fire !

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Didn't publish anything on Saturday and Sunday; "only" did my reading and housekeeping, so I figured I owed my readers. :)

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Yep! Just finished up my morning body thaw- Hatha yoga, my adaptation. Many election fliers on the kitchen counter, all containing words ‘I Believe...’

reminds me of your lil essay, It doesn’t matter. Another one where you asked us who is your Hero. I did not post as I felt I couldn’t articulate that it is Myself with out seeming like a boastful self absorbed, who do you think you are human. Very far from perfect I am but I have been learning on my many trips around the sun. We all just ARE, at least for now :) Do your best, eat good food, be honest, esp with yourself- go humans!

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Fabulous. This stimulates thinking - once your talk about the weaponization of hope, it's obvious. But . . . Anyhow, we all know about the weaponization of fear . . . Great to have attention pulled to yet another weaponization!!

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"What can be done against manipulation?"


Or at least switch it over to "Ancient Aliens" or "Deadest Catch" or "NAZI Amber Room" or some other such stupidity, or maybe even catch some stunning photography on the Discover channel (is that even real it looks so good).

Where there are only two groups, "The haves & the Have Nots," there are tens of thousands in service of "The Haves" to keep you mis-informed, de-informed, ill-informed, un-informed, as well as spreading the Soviet style misinformation, disinformation, and all that other Bezmenov style destabilization/normalization gobbledygook.

Look, most of us just want to be left the frack alone, but that will never happen so it is time to chart another course. I got a big discount for "homestead" exemption on my house property taxes, then they took half of it back with a huge increase! So even this supposedly "conservative" county is just as full of crap as the liberal ones, if not more so!

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I keep wondering how anyone can still put up with all the lies on TV. To me, it would be the most dangerous activity I could try to pursue:



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My daughter allows my grandchildren to only watch Horse and Country channel. And instead of news that many listen to as background noise, they listen/watch Show jumping for hours.

Yes, grandchildren already riding from age 4 just like my children. I don’t ride anymore since my horse retired 14 years ago (he’s 29 now).

I was thinking yesterday about what made me adore jumping cross country. It’s as if nothing else exists but that moment. The absorption of the course. The thrill of overcoming the fear. I guess all sports people get into ‘the zone’ too. Except with horses there’s a real danger, like swimming with sharks (done that!). Accidents happen all the time. I broke my back training a young horse. Carried on riding but gave up the jumping.

Many in psych talk about mindfulness as being in the here and now. The techniques are useful to cope with fear, and stress reactions. But it shouldn’t be a way of life. A form of being in the minute means you lose the day.

Makes me thing though, we here are so consumed by watching the GloboCap enemies behaviour that we might ignore what’s happening around us. For me, it’s becoming obsessive.

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When it comes to my orientation, I have never been a daredevil, but enjoyed the game itself, having always been interested in the ways systems work. My sports were soccer, table-tennis, and chess (was quite good at soccer and chess). It turns out that people play soccer in ways that give away much of who they are and the culture where they are from.

For some, being afraid is about losing control (not that anyone is in full control anytime, but they just don't get it) or about being unable to put up with uncertainty and/or cognitive dissonance. I guess, dangerous activities can provide mental preparation for subsequent real-life challenges.

Psych techniques, as far as I can see, can achieve temporary re-conditioning, but at the expense of something else than the original problem. It's a platitude, but it seems to be true: There is no free lunch.

Actually, your most important point is what I've been trying to get through with in the last 32 months, mostly in vain: don't take your eyes off the ball. Most of the stuff around is only good for diverting one's attention from their own lives.

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"Would they print it in a comic book if it wasn't true?"

-Jethro Bodine

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I don't wonder. They're entranced - like someone convinced a sausage is growing from his nose. What I wonder about: how best to break that spell.T here's withdrawal of the hypnotizer - but we don't have that clout.

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Yes, switch off the boob tube!! Better, get rid of it!

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Well, keep it around just in case we get a Heads Up on an asteroid impact, could be some awesome tidal wave footage or something. Remember Chelyabinsk? The bright flash, and then over two minutes later (!!), all the car alarms go off!

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