The most common and most effective forms of manipulation; none of them is “subtle,” but they work:
1. Using implications in questions and negations (e.g. “How many people have you killed?” implies that you have killed people; “You didn’t blaspheme” implies that you otherwise blaspheme);
2. Limiting information;
3. Taking over the terminology that can be used for discussions (e.g. Rockefellerian “Medicine” takes it for granted that “viruses,” “infectious diseases,” and “pandemics” exist, because it relies on the fraudulent Germ Theory);
4. Creating or playing on psychologically existential needs (e.g. people in the last 70 years or so, have been conditioned to “survive,” as opposed to living a valuable life);
5. Creating lynch mobs (fake “communities”) out of people, whose existential needs have been successfully manipulated (e.g. the “LGBT community” or the “African-American community,” none of which exists in the real sense of the word).
6. Gaslighting: during the plandemic, the goalposts kept being moved so often that most people could not follow them, resulting in complete cognitive dissonance and the loss of independent thought;
7. Using fake authorities (e.g. “politicians” are selected and, of course, “elected” by moneyed interests and they serve their masters dutifully; unelected officials in the executive branch have succeeded to hijack legislative powers; “scientists,” “experts,” and “researchers” presented as the new priesthood who can never be wrong);
8. Using popular concepts and/or symbols to justify an otherwise criminal cause (e.g. “curbing the spread” killed small and medium-sized businesses and “do not kill grandma” or “saving lives” forced people and even little children into humiliating and poisonous muzzles and into dangerous, fraudulent, and toxic “tests” and lethal injections). Eric Berne’s Games People Play provides sufficient insight into popular games that can be initiated against the unsuspecting, and the theory seems to apply to the interchangeable roles in convid game);
9. Destroying people’s cultures and beliefs by attacking them in the name of political correctness;
10. Constantly occupying people’s minds with fake problems (“red herrings”), such as remote wars and non-existent “pandemics,” while the 5G installations were/are taking place, ensuring full and complete control over people, both physically and psychologically).
These are only the tips of the iceberg.
What can be done against manipulation?
1. Against existential manipulation (the only form that overwrites sensory, logical, and emotional/intuitive judgments, especially when combined with mob-creation), the most effective remedy comes from the person’s serving a greater value than his/her own life or, if that’s too much to ask for, animalistic survival.
2. Creating personal priorities is essential (e.g. once someone realizes that living in fear is petrifying to the point that it is worse than death, manipulation with fear loses its power over the person).
3. Assigning an objective in life is of utmost importance: those, who know what they want, are extremely tough to influence. Sadly, that is true for the monsters, too, who are hell-bent on reducing humans into cyborg slaves.
4. Stepping out of the paradigm offered by the manipulators is inevitable, because you cannot fight them on their own turf with their own weapons (e.g. embracing Terrain Theory to replace Germ Theory would destroy the pseudo-medical establishment that has taken control over most people’s lives, although even Terrain is incomplete for a functional paradigm, so a new one is needed).
Ray, this all sounds familiar...
I've also found that living for others is the best way to be invincible to toxic doses of fear, while maintaining healthy doses of fear (not drinking to excess, taking care of one's body etc)