The Imprisoned Mind: from Fear and Hope to Inaction and Violence
Either the globalists win, or you lose; you are free to take your pick.
Am I being suicidal?
The psy-op has evolved. How many shades does death have?
The psy-op that never ends
At the beginning of the plandemic, people were forced into the tiny cognitive space between fear and hope:
Apparently, there are major contributions being made to that psy-op now.
Let me start with the phenomenon that made me realize what’s going on.
China is putting on another show after the bat market scam
Obviously, the about 160 secret labs were/are real. That’s where bio-weapons are developed, for “defensive” purposes, of course. Still, everyone knows that attack is the best defense. It must have been the lethal injections and subsequent toxic deployments that were developed in Wuhan and similar places, although the “covid” symptoms started only after massive 5G installations, which happened to be the case in Northern Italy, too.
Still, the show has only started. What’s next?
In the last few days, alt-news sources were swarming with reports of “protests in China.” As the result of such protests were quite clear in a country, where human rights have not been made completely obsolete, namely, Canada,
I have been ignoring the question until now, but it looks like my angle might be necessary to add, because, as it often happens, nobody else would come out with anything like it.
Stuff like this has been filling the news on the subject:
China has been collaborating with the US and with Russia from the very beginning of the “covid” scam. Videos can come out of China only with the approval of its “authorities.” You can’t possibly believe that a cell phone is permitted in a concentration camp and its video is allowed to circulate on the Internet. The only logical conclusion is that it was intentionally aired.
What does that entail?
Rioting intentionally aired to what end?
Even my previously highly-respected author, Gary D. Barnett, sounds jubilant this time, although with some apologetics that only he can fathom:
His previous publication on LRW hits a similar tone:
While I often concur with Gary’s opinion, I am having a hard time agreeing with his solutions that has now changed from “only the person can take responsibility and do something” to “something must be done and the people can do it.” The “people” have next to no power in most countries, and even in the US, they think that their hunting guns would save them from drones, chemtrails, radiation, robotic armies, toxic food, and you name what else...
As surprising as it seems to me, Gary seems to be goading people into something that will provoke the authorities into introducing martial law, after which all options to change things for the better will be moot.
The psy-op is in motion
The whole idea stinks of a psy-op that informs people about the truth, but only after they cannot do a darn thing about it, except for suicide by police, by the military, or by mercenaries:
I am not accusing Gary of participating in such a covert program, but his announcements are certainly too little, too late, and a bit different from my taste.
The process looks all the more sinister, because it confines people between inaction and violence, which goes beyond the initial stage of weaponizing hope without changing the course:
The objective has never changed
What if you simply take a look at the current propositions on the “alt” media?
Upon closer scrutiny, the method and the objective of what people are advised to do must be aligned:
Method: active protests, perhaps a little bit of violence.
Objective: reversing the wheels of time and going back to a world that no longer exists.
The outcome of such efforts is no secret and, if I may say so, a no-brainer. “Occupy Wall Street” was eliminated for a lot less. The January 6 psy-op also showed that the hijackers of the country are very much willing to use the ancient method of creating a crisis that they later offer to solve, much in the tradition of the false flag of 9/11. What else is ordo ab chao, the publicly-assigned passage into the New World Order? The chaos is certainly being created…
The show has many diversions (mRNA is the most common one these days), but everything points in the same direction. Both “the law” and “health care” have been assigned to eliminate dissent.
In Canada, for one, doctors are severely threatened and penalized, if they divert from the official narrative. It started with Ontario, but British Columbia has just also embraced the policy. I’m wondering who authorized the hijackers of the country to pass such edicts:
Of course, the weaponization of Psychiatry is also employed against dissenters,
The US has not been lagging behind much:
The latest step in the psy-op is now about forcing people into the tiny cognitive space between inaction and violence. You are given a “democratic” choice between doing nothing or self-terminate.
Notice that both hope and fear can be used to fuel the suicidal action, so the current path is a direct next step down the road towards global democide and total tyranny under technocratic/financial control…
The show must go on
The show, in the meanwhile, must go on. Tanks are now also on TV:
And I was born yesterday…
Great! They are advertising suicide as a proper response. These folks are really really demented past anything ever witnessed before. Either that or exactly like what we have witnessed before on training wheels?
In America, the outrage is also misdirected. Instead of thinking, "Something is rotten in Denmark", people are busy pointing fingers and taking sides for or against Jews and Israel.
I wish people would stop their obsession with the "circus" and realize what's really is going on.
I guess COVID wasn't enough of an eye opener to convince the world that EVERY government is lying to their citizens and has been since the beginning.