In martial law, civil rights cease to exist (not that many of them exist right now).
Once people have no access to drinking water (an electric blackout can do that, but so can “bad weather”), they will start dropping like flies, which will be most likely blamed on a “virus” or a “pandemic.”1 Cold and starvation can trigger looting, which will justify martial law. What does that mean? Well, the US military has been “vaccinated,” which might alone turn them into remote-controlled zombies, but they are not the only eligible candidates…
When it comes to limiting the freedom of the people, some sort of shock therapy is needed. It happened many times before, just like during The Great Plandemic of 2020:
Authoritarian systems always introduce themselves as benign, caring for the people, while public access to legal processes, resources, and mobility are gradually curbed. In China, personal rights haven’t much existed during its 2,500 history, so it was a breeze to enforce new restrictions (coming to your neighborhood as soon as the CBDC is introduced, which is only one step away):
“Agent” published an article on rationing during WW2 in the US today. He doesn’t mention the legal aspect, but his account of the WW2 rationing system is informative and shocking enough (although as you know, I don’t care for the “we” in any publication, because it’s inaccurate at best, and manipulative at worst, and while conjuring up a phantom community, it also divides people, instead of uniting them; on the public domain, I call the endeavor “the warmth of the pigsty”):
The article properly warns that price control is enough to destroy production and distribution and, incidentally, one of the presidential candidates is candidly (pun intended) offering that… As a result, rationing rears its ugly head. Of course, the danger is a lot more than just rationing, but my readers know that, and if you are new, you might want to explore the links inserted here and in my other posts.
Do you remember “freedom fries”? They came into fashion, when the French didn’t exactly buy into the war against Iraq in 2003. I used to joke that, soon, French kisses would be banned, too. Apparently, during WW2, there was a “victory speed limit” of 35mph, also known as “War Speed,” although I don’t have the capacity to fully check out its scope. It usually replaced 50MpH limits at a time, when 50 may have been plenty, and the average car made 15MpG. There are some milder figures out there, but they don’t change the fact that limiting mobility is a major force in crowd and personal control. It all started with conscription, which the North introduced in the (un)Civil War and the passport, introduced during WW1, but another 100 years of compliance-training followed both to the point that most people are now taking it for granted that they merely represent government assets.
In order to introduce rationing, martial law is the best way to go. That can happen either by starting WW3 on TV after a few false-flags or by creating shortages so that the ensuing riots would warrant martial law.
It was martial law during two banker-financed world wars, mostly targeting white countries, that eliminated the vast majority of jury trials in Britain, and they are diminishing in the US as well. If you still have any trust in courts, you can appeal even a traffic ticket, you might have to put down a bail and, later on, if you lose, you might be forced to pay the court expenses, including the costs of your jury trial.
Just for fun and a happy finale to this article, there was one restriction that was necessary to win a war that had nothing to do with protecting America: canning factories were a breeze to make the switch to manufacturing ammo.
Government always prevails by force, but some enforcers might prove short-lived in flyover country, where I live. My wife and I never wore a muzzle, and when encountered at doors and told, “Sir, you have to wear a mask!”, we cheerfully said, “We know,” and walked on. Luckily for everyone, no six thugs dressed up as highwaymen attacked us. I always considered the muzzle as a direct attack on my life.
Either way, it’s “The Final Countdown.”
November 5th is probably the deadline, but what’s the hurry, when so many globalist servants are keeping their fingers on the trigger?
The way it looks like now, believers in “viruses,” “infections,” and “pandemics” have to constantly assume that there are tiny particles running around and floating in the air, anxiously waiting for someone to pass by, whom they can infect, sicken or, preferably, kill. Needless to say, if such elements existed, humanity would not have even been able to evolve into the morons whose representatives now manage to succumb to such fantasies.
Riddle me this: What is the ultimate purpose of all this tyranny? Does the government who is controlled by the globalists want to control everyone? Why? What would be gained other than the power to murder you? The more you submit to their control, the more worthless you become to them...bye, bye.
Martial law, rationing, digital prison...all designed to murder humanity and for no other reason. WW2 was all about fighting the Germans and the Japanese. This time, we are fighting our own globalist controlled government and few can wrap their minds around that possibility. That their government is in cahoots with the mass murder of humans.
Say you don't comply with the system, then they kill you because you have no access to food, water, health care, electricity, etc. Sure, there will be a small percentage of die hard preppers that will be prepared to survive for longer periods, but this is not practical for most of society. What is 2-3-6 months of supplies gonna get you in the long run? You will spend more time fighting to keep your supplies from being robbed or confiscated.
Then if you do submit to their tyranny, they will outright murder you because you will need to be mRNA injected multiple times to have access to services. That is the KEY. I listen to several podcasts and videos that talk about digital tyranny but no one seems to talk about where it is really heading.
It can be for none other than depopulation and even the pretend savior of the universe, Trump, is in favor of digital IDs and the like (he warped us into mRNA tyranny after all)...this will be prison as the retardicans are in favor of digital IDs and the like. The dems are no better.
This country is presently under a Public Health Emergency (PHE) and has been for quite some time. Declared by the Secretary of HHS, only he can end it
SECHHS is more powerful than the fake President. The PHE means that the security and health of the nation is endangered by a perceived virus or disease that may sicken lots of people. It's all up to the Sec's "judgement". What I'm getting at is just think back to the height of the plandemic. Isolation, masking, school and store closures, mandatory "vaccines", loss of rights, especially speech. Is this not really martial law? Maybe a bit light, but still the nation is not operating under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. How many people have been fooled? Probably, the majority. The enslavement (government) can tighten the vice at any time, and then some. Actual martial law is a weapon of last resort, which they won't readily use, fearing a violent uprising.