The Long Trip to Global Control Is Ending
Paying Farmers for Not Growing Anything? Carbon Credit Adds to the Flavor, but both are only a small part of the story
“Who is we?” will always remain a question, but I am making an exception here and assume that my readers from both sides are “in the know.”
“All news is new for a newborn.” (Unknown)
No, no trade is offered: no food for your thoughts.
Full control over the world’s population will be carved in stone by the centrally-controlled CBDCs. Geoengineering ensures that “climate change” exists, which justifies full control over the commoners’ assets, consumption, servitude, and right to live.
Justifying the global takeover
“Climate change” is generated in order to demonstrate the necessity for central control.
Fake pandemics are created that deprive the person from health and even life/death decisions. The “remedies” (“vaccines”) and chemtrails both weaken, poison, and slowly decimate the population, while occupying the victims’ minds with orchestrated problems that divide the masses.
The means of enforcement
5G technology, HAARP, military radars, “smart” meters and devices, and DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons), satellite technologies, and drones are the primary weapons to enforce compliance, but poisoning the population exists in many more ways than just “vaccines”: they also include food, “medications/supplements,” aerosolized substances, and even artificial insects and parasites. Stopping production and distribution and long blackouts are also constant threats, along with a number of other ruses.
The project is only a couple of steps away from its completion. Culling up to 95 percent of the herd also ensures that resistance will be minimal and negligible, especially because the people are heavily divided. Placing the survivors on automatic pilot and remote control prevents all further opposition.
Stopping the processes would require the following:
The rule over the world by controlling the money flow must be stopped. Geoengineering and the control over the person’s health decisions must not be accepted. Those imposing such edicts on the people, that is, the enablers and the enforcers, must be considered direct violent attackers on human life itself, YOUR life. This includes politicians, the media, phone- and internet providers, producers, distributors, and operators of wireless technology, utility companies using “smart” meters, many among sick-care personnel, mass producers of processed food and drinks, and even those who stood at store entrances to check for people muzzling themselves.
Concerted action is impossible, but I do believe that many people can arrive at the same conclusion, so they can perhaps act together even without organizing, at least in certain areas in a limited manner.
Taking control of the food supply
“Agent” is again providing good coverage on a small, but significant segment of the globalist plot, which involves the centralization of the food supply. Since 1985, farmers have been paid for not producing anything:
Farmers are still subsidized for using GMO seeds that they must buy every year, because they are infertile, just like the produce on supermarket shelves (partly b/o UV radiation that is also used on dairy). Reading the text, I am recalling the early 1990s, when only politicians were collecting the taxpayer-financed “rebate” for growing nothing, kind of like the insider trading for which the Clintons achieved infamy during the Whitewater case. I didn’t know about the 2021 expansion of the program with the pretext of “fighting climate change” worldwide, but it adds up. After all, most of production and distribution is in globalist hands, and they want full control at all departments:
Industrial agriculture that has been systematically destroying arable land started in the 1920s, and in the early 1960s, chemical substitutes for manure followed all over the world, including behind the banker-created “Iron Curtain.” That’s just about the time, when the first contraceptives showed up and ensured that women were slowly, but surely damaged by hormones or the lack of thereof, while ensuring female power over husbands and, as a result, the gradual destruction of the nuclear family and forcing women into the work force. Also, around the same time, the operations to change the human body into something halfway-synthetic was started as part of the mass-extermination project:
With geoengineering, even honest farmers have been constantly destroyed by “bad weather” for decades, only to lose their lands to the banks for pennies on the dollar...
Environmental protection has never fared well in the US. Toxic mines were left behind without a consequence and many states having their drinking water reserves destroyed by fracking that, by the way, can also promote earthquakes even without an intervention by HAARP.
Already about 95% of the world’s food supply is controlled by globalist corporations. The fact that the US is not supposed to be self-sufficient in food is part of the program:
Time is, of course, limited; it’s a countdown:
It’s also on schedule, but the schedule still looks quite flexible:
The story of controlling the food supply doesn’t stop there. “Agent” explains the carbon credit scheme in a commonly-intelligible manner in the sequel to the first article:
Forcing the use of carbon credit on farmers would certainly stop independent farming altogether, but it’s not necessary for creating shortages. A few orchestrated riots would stop deliveries, and people would soon starve. Or worse, a long blackout would stop water filtration, and without potable water, poisoned people would start dropping like flies and start dying of exotic diseases that could, and most likely will be, labeled viral pandemics. Of course, “the Russians” or “the Chinese” can always be blamed, and a nice world war can even be shown in CGI videos on TV, which would warrant rationing and full dependency on the “government,” while calling for fully disarming Americans. As for owning land or any form of real estate, it’s always been a mirage even without the federal government using its subjects’ “assets, lives and limbs” as collateral for the USD issued by the private bank, The Federal Reserve, in the form of a loan to the taxpayer at an interest:
The very idea of the CBDC revolves around the plan to issue a limited amount of it to every compliant person, but the remainder, if any, doesn’t roll over; it expires at the end of each month. Property owners won’t be able to pay their taxes, and automatically lose their properties, and even if their remaining assets will cover the “penalties,” they will indeed own nothing… oops, they already do:
If this was a movie, resistors (which must include those who swore up to “protect the country against enemies, foreign and domestic”) would take over the power and water utilities, food production and distribution, the media, airports, communications right away. In reality, satellites are used even for tracking single persons, who can be specifically targeted. They would issue their own currency and enforce its use in the current banking system. The same, of course, would happen in all countries concurrently.
Great postin' Ray--sums it up succinctly and (I hate ta say it) ominously but yeah, seein' it laid out it ain't lookin' good.... Behind on my readin' (thousands of postin's behind! we are still dealin' with mold from the man-made "hurry-cane" that flooded us an' a trip ta see my ma who has "melted"--yeah, it's clot-shot damage...) but hope yer doin' well yerself (under the circumstances were all in--golly, who'd a thunk...?).
There is a petition from Dr Rima Laibow that's gettin' some action now--fer us ta pull outta the UN and the WHO -- I know some folks are debbie downers when it comes ta all petitions but heck, I'm all in as little to lose... here's a link--
Mebbe 'twixt love AND divestin' from the WHO & the rotten UN we still stand a chance?
Net Zero eggs were on the shelf of my small town of 7,000 Krogers. Quite pricy, since they are an unkown, and part of the Green Deal, I just bypassed them for the Simple Truth ones.