Dude, show me just one real photograph of a satellite in Fake/Gay Space!🤣🤡🌎😎 it's an impossiballity. NASA admits they are all Rendered Images! Come on, Sheeples, just one!!!

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Great postin' Ray--sums it up succinctly and (I hate ta say it) ominously but yeah, seein' it laid out it ain't lookin' good.... Behind on my readin' (thousands of postin's behind! we are still dealin' with mold from the man-made "hurry-cane" that flooded us an' a trip ta see my ma who has "melted"--yeah, it's clot-shot damage...) but hope yer doin' well yerself (under the circumstances were all in--golly, who'd a thunk...?).

There is a petition from Dr Rima Laibow that's gettin' some action now--fer us ta pull outta the UN and the WHO -- I know some folks are debbie downers when it comes ta all petitions but heck, I'm all in as little to lose... here's a link--


Mebbe 'twixt love AND divestin' from the WHO & the rotten UN we still stand a chance?

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Thank you. Just tried to make it sound as simple as it actually is.

Personally, I don't think there is a chance, unless some parties come up with implementing my last entry in the article into a single project.

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I'll still hold out fer hope & love & prayer an' something we cannot define (I surely cain't) that keeps our spirits goin' in SPITE of all this--

imho it would take some whistleblowers holdin' jobs in all of the areas of concern--not even that many but enuf've 'em ta shout an' be heard--those spreadin' the chemtrails, those injectin' the masses with poisons, those who've in-duck-trinated the children, an' so on...

as Yogi Berra once said-- 't'ain't over 'til it's ovuh! (gotta love that!)

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6 hrs agoLiked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)


You didn’t even mention the new laws recently passed in Europe requiring companies get in step with ESG scores for which non-compliance will bring heavy monetary penalties. It’s an evil plan designed to bring the US under its mandates through corporate communism. Look it up. Its poison will be hard to stave off and have disastrous effects on the economies of the world including America, even though we haven’t signed on. We don’t have to sign on for the rules to apply. It’s the biggest re-distribution of wealth plan ever created on the planet.

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You are absolutely correct. However, I did mention that once one's CBDC allotment is insufficient, penalties will ensue.

Compared with the CBDC, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, with all its corollaries, is like a junior high school project.

All governments are spending the taxpayer's money without the slightest liability. That's what "democracy" is for: blaming the voters for voting for the wrong people, but it doesn't matter if elections are rigged or not; ultimately, only the globalist servants are allowed to become candidates, and those who don't comply out of them wouldn't live long, which is likely to include their families...

There will be no "economies"; in fact, there are already none. The only reason why the taxpayer's money is recycled into the system is to keep inflation at bay, at least for the time being.

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Interesting points.

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Democracy : blaming the voters for badly voting.. on point. And something to possibly work into a t-shirt.

Already no economies...not something I've thought about, but rings true considering the level of control and the unceasing syphoning of wealth from the masses.

Holmes would say, "The game is afoot!" I'd say rather the game is underfoot. Practically signed, sealed, and delivered with every bit of compliance, trampled into stone by even the many who think they're choosing freedom.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The globalists are failing as humanity continues to grow. Where I live, close to rural farming, the crops are still growing. As long as CBDCs are shut down, the globalists will be put down. Of course they need the Internet and electricity to enforce this digital garbage and that will be their downfall if they turn out the lights.

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Sorry, I can't see the plan failing. Controlling the global money flow is already in globalist hands, and it has been for several decades (for the USD, 1913 and 1972 are landmarks). They won't need anything but people killing each other for a can of soup.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Net Zero eggs were on the shelf of my small town of 7,000 Krogers. Quite pricy, since they are an unkown, and part of the Green Deal, I just bypassed them for the Simple Truth ones.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You forgot a big part of… they don’t need us useless eaters anymore. The humanoid robot is here & I saw the guy from Google last week say “get on board now or we will have horrible times .. then everyone will be on board “ 😬😬😬

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I believe, my article includes that 95 percent of useless eaters have been condemned to die. :)

Also, I have published how people are openly being replaced with deepfakes:


As you are also saying, if people knew what they wouldn't tolerate, they couldn't be herded:


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