False Hope Sells, because It's Cheap
Can you face the Beast? After a while, your vision can transcend into reality.
Everything is new every moment. Miracles are not necessarily functional or useful.
In recent years, I’ve been told several times not to take hope away from people by pointing out whatever was a direct and logical consequence of facts. Hope is, indeed, essential, but it must have the right footing; without being based on faith/trust, it’s delusional and it deactivates its follower who, as a result, is destined to wait for a miracle that will not happen, and will be waiting for death without being prepared for life:
Some go as far as believing that an insider can save them:
Things I’ve been saying for years are now catching on, possibly because there is nothing to do about the past and devulging parts of the truth, while it makes no difference, restores some credibility for the liars:
Or, worse, separating themselves from the liars can make people think that they are sooo smaaart that they are now in “opposition” or they can see the mistakes that they must never make again. Psychologizing in pseudo-sophisticated ways has been extremely popular, while the masses simply acted out of conformity and as Stockholm-syndrome victims, as the case of the pretentious, but unnecessary term, “mass formation,” exemplifies:
Such members of the “resistance” are just as fatal to the eugenicistic globalist technocrats as half a glass of good wine after dinner:
Employing labels for errand boys and girls of the globalists (who themselves prefer to remain unseen), can increase their false sense of superiority: they apparently enjoy calling the perps “fascists,” “communists,” “Marxists,” or even “psychopaths.” If you look for any one of these, you will find one in just about anybody, but you can only perform this miracle successfully, if you exclude yourself from the list of potential candidates:
People are now catching on, but with an enormous phase delay. Accordingly, Substack is teeming with fantastically-popular “authors” who do little else but publish the “truth” too little and too late:
It seems to be commonplace these days that people must wake up for the truth and that will save them, because they can unite and defeat the invisible enemy who stays out of their reach, because it manifests itself only in messengers, government edicts, technocratic tools and devices, predatory laws, and in their own fears and fragmented judgments.
Nonetheless, some claim that being red-pilled will save them, and it would, if everyone became red-pilled, which doesn’t look likely, considering how the vast majority was willing to be muzzled simply because they were told and lied to. Edicts and lies will always be with them to ensure their submission:
People tend lie to themselves, when it’s convenient or advantageous for them. Such situations can go on for years. After people have told themselves lies long enough, they can’t tell the truth from their own lies. You can believe me; decades ago, I tried to lie to myself for nearly two years in my life, and barely managed to escape and regain my integrity. Moreover, liars, once believing they are champions of the Truth, are willing to give their own lives in order to retain what they have mixed up with who they really are. Just think about all the MDs, who willingly died after “vaccination,” because they had taken the money for poisoning and killing others as hired killers
They couldn’t go on without taking their lies to the extreme. The same applies to the enablers and the enforcers who still cannot fathom that they will be lined up on the road to the slaughterhouse after their dirty work is done. Hope will be always there for the murder of crows:
Running in circles, crying over spilled milk, and coming out with “the truth” will not save anyone. Facing the Beast and planning accordingly might help a bit. Also, there is at least one thing anyone can do:
Yes, I am a dreamer in a world, where the dream must be more real than the world itself:
The journey will never end:
You are not where you are coming from. You are where you are going.
(Ray Horvath)
I'm ok with the "black pill" because i am firmly grounded in my faith and the Bible. I know the "here and now" is a flash-in-the-pan compared to eternity. It's incredibly helpful to make decisions having a solid foundation from which to start. I check EVERYTHING against that knowledge and belief. It may not be perfect in translation, nor perfect in my understanding, but so far, it's been the MOST perfect divination tool in my life. All logic, morality and discernment are better when i do it like this.
Hope and truth.
People believe that truth will prevail, but covid has reinforced, or more accurately, reminded everyone that truth is destroyed by might.
Hope is what makes us human, and gives resolve when fear and uncertainty are in play. Which also makes hope dangerous, because it can be weaponised as the only "choice", by those that wish to control us.
Truth is supposed to be the antidote to this weaponisation, which is why we see MSM, Big Tech and Big Gov drone on about misinformation. They seek to poison the antidote, this truth, with their own version of the truth, like "The Science".