The most important things, like unimportant people keeping in touch, look innocuous.
Breathe in the air of Freedom!
When I was teaching at colleges and universities in Europe, my favorite movie against being homesick was The Postman with Kevin Costner (1997):
Somehow, it gave me a reminder of the free air I used to be able to breathe at home. The protagonist traps himself into becoming a postman in a post-apocalyptic United States and, having nothing better to do, except for starving, starts to deliver mail. Soon, he has dozens of volunteers for the job, mostly young people. The leader of the armed tribe that occupies the land dislikes the non-compliant behavior and sends his soldiers after the mail and has the delivery men killed. When he is shown the captured mail, he is informed,
“There is nothing in these letters, only gossip,”
he says,
“Don’t you understand?” EVERYTHING is here!”
I am a postman. You are a postman. Nobody can escape the role.
Separating people is a must for tyrants
Nearly three years ago, in March, 2020, when the muzzling and the antisocial distancing started, along with lockdowns, I remember telling people that the lockdowns were about destroying small- and medium-sized businesses, and the muzzling combined with the distancing was meant to ensure that people would stop communicating with each other. The psyops worked quite a bit. The slave mentality that people got used to in a span of more than a 100 years was used against the population:
The process continued with the muzzle:
Some people even cultivated the idea of turning their slave muzzles into vanity items and, even today, many believe that “fair” elections and “honest” politicians will save them. I got news for them: that sort of thing hardly ever happened before and such elections were rectified and such politicians were summarily eliminated in an exemplary manner.
What Can YOU do?
Recently, my comment section fell under troll attacks. I’ve seen it before how irrelevant, verbose, idiotic, or misleading comments can totally destroy previously-helpful comment sections (ZeroHedge is a good example; comments are one-dimensional at best there now Once people stop participating in the discussions, their networks cease to exist.
It is not an accident that there is officially-endorsed policing on popular websites, because people openly sharing ideas are always a threat to tyrants. Freedom starts, but it doesn’t end with the Freedom of Speech:
In communist countries before the Iron Curtain fell, official permission was needed for more than three persons to assemble. It was probably never enforced, unless the regime was targeting specific people. The existence of the policy itself, however, can suggest that the leader in the movie was right:
only an atomized people can be ruled without much of a hassle.
Everybody reading this can choose to be a victim, a villain, or a hero*. They are all around you, and none of the roles is particularly conspicuous or spectacular. Chances are only you will know.
(Link to source) Of course, strength in togetherness is not the strength of a herd**.
You are not alone,
But it makes a difference how you are together:
*The three roles are usually present in everyone and the person can assume any one of them at will. Not choosing results in a loss of personal integrity that drives the person out to shoreless oceans without a compass. Such people are easy to command around. Of course, there is a lot more to enslaving people, but the prevalent methods are always the same:
** “Herd immunity” is an insult to anyone’s intelligence, and cattle will never stand up for each other or even for themselves. Grouper fish travel together, because they know that predators can catch only a few of them at a time, which doesn’t apply to humans. The warmth of the pig-stye offers no protection, either.
Take notice the next time a youngster in a pram/pusher/stroller is passing you...Notice the canopy, often laden with things, separates the child and its parent, blocks eye contact between the child and its parent/minder. Notice also there's no verbal contact; the parent/minder giving all attention to the little black device (s)he holds close to an ear...
You might notice the child twisting its body seeking eye contact with its minder. Or, resigned ,mumbling to itself, giving its attention to some play object in lieu of returning the loving attentions of its minder...
Eye contact is so vital ! This early "socialisation", of leaning that "you're all alone" leaves its indelible imprint**...(Of course, its good training for those who want to pilot spaceships to Mars)...
When a young organism reaches out, meets with an absence, an indifference, it soon gives up, shrinks emotionally...
**(Bioenergetic Therapist Alexander Lowen MD wrote that a child's feeling of being (emotionally) abandoned is a major factor in adult Depression (His 'Depression & the Body' was published before 'depression epidemics' ever got the attention it nowadays gets in popular magazines)...
Now my small suburban/semi-rural town is planning and preparing to install a 5G tower. They have hired Hoplite Communications "to insure a safe and orderly deployment" and explain the benefits to the community. I may be the only awake person in my town. I understand the dangers of 5G. I have no like-minded neighbors. I fought the smart meters alone, and did not win.
If I go to the town council meeting with the Hoplite representative and recite the dangers and present evidence of peer-reviewed studies, they will all think I am crazy. The other residents and the town council have no idea about the connection of the vax, the cellphone, and 5G. They do not understand that these are weapons; it is inconceivable to them. Is it better to stay invisible, stay home, and say nothing?