This excellent article *The Most Important Thing Anyone Can Do* refutes your previous article that recommends *not voting*.

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Thank you kindly. I believe, my analysis in my latest one is also unique:


In that article, I actually offer a choice between voting and not voting, telling my readers what those options mean, including choosing between the two "candidates." I announce that at the beginning of the article. There is no contradiction between that one and this one.

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Now my small suburban/semi-rural town is planning and preparing to install a 5G tower. They have hired Hoplite Communications "to insure a safe and orderly deployment" and explain the benefits to the community. I may be the only awake person in my town. I understand the dangers of 5G. I have no like-minded neighbors. I fought the smart meters alone, and did not win.

If I go to the town council meeting with the Hoplite representative and recite the dangers and present evidence of peer-reviewed studies, they will all think I am crazy. The other residents and the town council have no idea about the connection of the vax, the cellphone, and 5G. They do not understand that these are weapons; it is inconceivable to them. Is it better to stay invisible, stay home, and say nothing?

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no, be as brave as you can, resistbit all. use flyers to reach neighbors. im focused on covid scam and learning virus do not cause disease so im putting mini flyers from www.VirusTruth.net on cars. im thinking vaccines much worse than 5g, but I limit my wireless exposure as much as I can. aluminum injected into humans cant be good, babies defenseless.

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of course not ! its 2024 and I just rejected a National Grid/Gas smart meter change- told the installer hell no and that he needs to inform all customers of the radiation from "smart meters and that radiation exposure 24/7 is most dangerous.

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Here, in rural KY,we have to pay $15 a month for refusing a "smart" meter, but I believe, such meters could specifically target my house, which is what may have happened in Maui.

Other than that, even the latest breed of Wi-Fi routers can turn the electric grid in the neighborhood into a giant antenna:


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Your story instantly reminded me of Kevin Flaherty of Cyptogon's post from November 2006: "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion"; here's a later link to it: https://infrakshun.blogspot.com/2012/01/waiting-for-clarity-on-brink-of.html

Also I draw your attention to one "Dr. Sean Brooks" who subsequent to this presentation seems to have disappeared without a trace: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ra6Q3jXUMOMz/

We would seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

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What Brooks divulges in the video was available in August, 2020, which is why I thought I knew the injections were deadly. Although I was wrong and the tech was/is not deployed in public, the damages are the same. Malone may have participated in the development of particular types of the injections, although he was not the inventor of the technology.

Flaherty was right on spot already in 2006...

Nearly everybody, including the ones who have been rewarded for their "services" or are hoping to survive and, perhaps even get "rich" by continuing to do so, is cornered. Even the mode of departure is not guaranteed.

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You must present the local council with printouts about the dangers the technology involves and record the meeting with a video camera (they will try to ban you, but they can't, because they are spending YOUR money).

If you need help with the documentations, please, let me know.

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In one ear out the other.

Did you ever see this brief video of one Dr. Sean Brooks trying to warn the Morons of the SW Ohio Schoolboard? https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ra6Q3jXUMOMz/?

Since then, "Dr. Brooks" seems to have disappeared without a trace. I can find out about him, absolutely nothing.

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Ouch... While I was familiar with the event, I had no idea he vanished... It's sooo easy to suffer a heart attack these days even if one hasn't been injected. Oh, well, the KGB has been openly using the method for 50 years and in the alphabet-soup circles cancer is more common, unless the case needs to be urgently handled. Dr. Brooks may have received the Hoffa-treatment.

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I sent the mayor and town council a letter about the dangers and harm. They gave it to the telecom guy who is coming to convince the town that it is safe and then sent me his rebuttal for each point I made. He repeats the telecom's industry's fake science and states the health complaints are psychosomatic.

My last ditch effort was to send more documentation to one of the town council members who is supposed to be a good guy. I sent him links to many articles and studies, along with a pdf copy of Martin Pall's book “5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective," and also a link to the 2020 5G Summit panel of experts discussion video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQKlp7p9lQw His reply was that he still needs to be convinced that it is harmful.

I am very intelligent but not a good public speaker. I dislike arguing with people. I cannot go to the council meeting with the telecom guy and fight with him. The mayor and town council are in lock step with the WEF and UN Agenda. A few weeks ago they approved a huge multi-family high rise development for this small, beautiful town with low density private single -family homes on large lots.

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Debating these people is like debating a Jehovah's Witness about scripture. I've tried both; it's a heart-breaking exercise in futility. Frankly about the best argument you can use is a baseball bat applied forcefully to their craniums, but this tends to be "career disenhancing" shall we say?

Best thing you can do for yourself -- if it's possible, and if you live in North America, Europe's out of the question -- is pull up stakes, find somewhere as remote as possible from the insanity to relocate. But that's pretty much just a stay of execution.

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JWs give up everything for the sect (kind of like in Scientology, which is not even a religion); no wonder they have no other option than pursue the same course. Somehow, the process reminds me of those who have been paying for disinfo and are now fully committed to defend their "unfallible" source...

As the bunkers are sold for five years, it is possible that in five years, it will be all over. Of course, the bunkers can also be turned into death traps, which would conclude the last phase of the depop agenda.

Gaining time might work, but I doubt it would be less than five years off the grid, self-sustaining in the company of no more than another two (which includes large dogs). Eventually, it will all end, because the system WILL destroy itself; the only question is, when:


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You did your best, which is admirable under the circumstances. Please, don't give up; only direct your efforts to realistic objectives:


Who could expect the butchers to admit to their crime?

The same applies to "healthcare":


No courts or politicians will save the people; they are in on the globalists' agenda.

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The grandmother cared. Also had wholesome values and therefore exemplary standards.

Faced with misstatements, can require questioning.

"Tell me more about how I don't care. And put forth your evidence of this."

"Give personal examples or examples you've been witness to."

"Show me evidence of how you care, and how you are an example to me and the rest of us in regards to caring . "

Important contribution - thank you for shared insights.

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www.VirusTruth.net sharing to help humanity. I care about defenseless babies being tortured by poison needles. their screams matter! shame on all mothers allowing the torture and poisoning of infants. where did instinct go??

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Hey Ray - you say:

"Everybody reading this can choose to be a victim, a villain, or a hero*."

I choose to be a gardener. I hope you consider that a valid choice and when I grow things, try to grow them, I know plans don't always go as desired, but at the same time, if others think they can tell me what I can or can't do on my own property and even moreso if others try to harm the plants I'm just trying to grow in my garden......well, you can't blame me if I respond with force now can you and I will because I defend.

OK, so I've posted here at your place - how about you post at mine.



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Gardener is good. Have you seen the movie?


It's hilarious!

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can never get enough Peter Sellers!!

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I think I've seen that one. The other one I think you mentioned somewhere "The Postman" apparently was not well reviewed per "Rotten Tomato" (8%), but if you say it is worth watching assuming you are the one who suggested it, then maybe we will.

...........if we do, I'll let you know what we think, assuming you are the one who suggested it, but I could be wrong about that.....

Anyhow, the other one you suggest above seems to have gotten better reviews.

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The Postman delivers a feeling that only older people can relate to. Well, maybe not THAT much older. :)

It's LOOONG, so most people don't have the patience and the attention span, although it's not complicated at all.

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OK, we will watch it and I'll get back to you with any feedback.


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I think these 'misstatements', 'you don't CARE' can, must be countered. We could develop a toolbox of replies.

Just to kick off: my grandma was way smarter than people today,

didn't want any man-made stuff near her, believed in being outside,

working hard, praying, believing in God. She'd send me away if

I ever ruined myself for her. She was strong.

We all must become strong.

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I fully support your idea of retaining personal integrity.

On the other hand, I don't believe in "we" as it is used in public posts, although there are obvious exceptions in personal lives (which is what you may have meant). Only the person can be responsible and, thereby, become a human being instead of being a herded beast or a pack animal...

Knowing my weaknesses is my strength.

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My first 'we' was a request, a need.

To say 'I must become strong', in the second case sounds exclusionary, so unsure how to say.

Maybe as you put it that learning my weaknesses brings strength? Maybe clearer?

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Take notice the next time a youngster in a pram/pusher/stroller is passing you...Notice the canopy, often laden with things, separates the child and its parent, blocks eye contact between the child and its parent/minder. Notice also there's no verbal contact; the parent/minder giving all attention to the little black device (s)he holds close to an ear...

You might notice the child twisting its body seeking eye contact with its minder. Or, resigned ,mumbling to itself, giving its attention to some play object in lieu of returning the loving attentions of its minder...

Eye contact is so vital ! This early "socialisation", of leaning that "you're all alone" leaves its indelible imprint**...(Of course, its good training for those who want to pilot spaceships to Mars)...

When a young organism reaches out, meets with an absence, an indifference, it soon gives up, shrinks emotionally...

**(Bioenergetic Therapist Alexander Lowen MD wrote that a child's feeling of being (emotionally) abandoned is a major factor in adult Depression (His 'Depression & the Body' was published before 'depression epidemics' ever got the attention it nowadays gets in popular magazines)...

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Sadly, quite a few adults were willing to "kill grandma":


At the same time, look at what some "moms" have been doing to their offspring:


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I absolutely love that movie! What better way to conceal your identity from the tyrant and his men than to assume an iconic identity like a postman whose only job is to deliver the mail. This character was in survival mode until he fell in love in one town who embraced him, fed him, and gave him many letters go deliver. He found a purpose greater than his own survival. He not only stood up to the tyrants, he found a way to stop them. A truly remarkable movie of what brings forth, "the Hero" in any of us and how one becomes many. These times call for heroes! Where We Go One, We Go All.

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Yes, the key to "survive" is to serve a greater good than one's survival. That doesn't make anyone into a hero, only into a sensitive and sensible human being. Sadly, the world seems to be running out of those.

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Heck Ray, good score today sweet pea, humbled and ( be Virtu! the action form of virtue-which is extreme moral excellence, and the name of my little gallery of hand made things) it’s all I, or anyone can really do anyway. Sort of a mantra that’s helpful to keep remembering- it is the many small things human, screw AI imagined control of this beauty.

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Inconscpiciously enough, this is one of my most important "mail" deliveries. It's not a great article, but a rare and essential one. (For example, https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/how-do-lies-become-the-truth is unique.)

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That’s what I meant by ‘score’

Hiding in plain sight. I’m finding the navigation of all of these anti life tactics to be overwhelming. It’s good though in that it is making me scoot my chair up to the table and widen my view of all these fast moving pieces. You’re posts are an asset -

FYI- on the monetary front, it looks the PTB are orchestrating a deflationary environment- M2 money supply is contracting historically quickly, that’s the FED credit arm that appears to be doing it purposely as gvt bonds are/have tanked. The rock and a hard place that the fiat systems have created are at a tipping point- problem is that ‘they ‘ can control inflation- not so with deflation, it could get away from them, AI or not.

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According to Eric Berne, most people are waiting for "Santa Claus," that is, waiting for death (someone else or a miracle to save them). That goes along well with the mass killer's maxim in Natural Born Killers, claiming that most people can't wait to be put out of their misery. As miserable as it sounds, I've found that true more often than I would have ever wanted to or ever imagined...

My impression is that this time it's more like stagflation, but whatever it is, it's been planned for a long time and, effectively, it will end the existence of the USD in its current form. At least, that's the globalists' plan in order to introduce another hoax, the CBDC. After all, if people fell for fiat money before, how could they object, when nothing else is accepted as a form of payment?

The FED is just a bunch of crooks, usurping all monetary power over the people, turning them into slaves without the slightest sign showing it. Most people are even unable to understand the process, although it's not particularly complex:



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My apologies for off topic info.

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You are more on the topic than most others all the time. :)

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Spot on, saddly, that most people are just waiting for Santa to come. The entitlement attitude will be the downfall of many who have not choice but to comply and will easily stroll into the CBDC plan. Path of least and blind resistance. Plus, when things shake people to their core the urge to dig in and hang on to their belief systems ( be it government or religious) tends to strengthen big time.

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Strangely, my article this morning seems quite relevant to your comment:


Remaining firm in my objective (I am not where I'm coming from; I am where I am going), staying flexible and act quickly, if and when there is a window to act is the only path I can see.

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Fighting medical tyranny through music. New Substack releases.

A country singer bemoans his now ex-girlfriend’s conversion to the Covidian cult. Watch Turfseer’s music video MY COVID CRAZY GIRL. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-covid-crazy-girl

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s ONE TRICK PONY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/one-trick-pony

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Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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They may fly on private jets, but at the end of the day, the World Economic Forum cabal is just the greatest collection of thugs organized crime has ever managed to put together in the same room, orchestrating the most effective schemes ever devised to force formerly free peoples to do exactly what they say.


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If this is about the vax, I'm more leaning towards Dr. Andrew Kaufman who said from the very first that it was 'terrain' and 'exosomes, not the money maker and

subterfuge of a virus. You all likely read

more than I did on the evil of 'polio' which

I only learned last year, so well was it

covered up in my world. All the doctors in

US could never say their patient had 'polio'

once the 'vaccine' was rolled out (because the

vaccine WORKED)...hmm...safe and effective?

They do repeat themselves.

Every country is somewhat or a lot different.

Canada, where I live, is multicultural so nobody

speaks to anyone else, and tends to distrust them. But there's a surface politeness.

They may know a few of 'their own' and that's

who they keep to. We, my mate and I, tried

to befriend some Africans at McDonald's, and

were rejected strongly. I think they may have

been the ones 'racist'. I know it never mattered

to us.

What I do here in Canada where knowing others in the community doesn't work,

is to go on Youtube to those SJW, and

those doing their best to expose or give

good information (from what I've read), is

to leave a reply to encourage them in their

quest, their excellent work. That may be

noticed, or tracked, or not, but that's what

I'm able to do. I tend not to directly label

or attack our leaders, even though I do

have strong misgivings. If I think it will

do harm, and I usually do, then I refrain.

Seeing what happened with the NZ leader,

with the replacement for Fauxi, I just don't think

we're heading towards a better place, do you?

I'm wondering how far you, for example, or

like-minded people you know, for example

would non comply with the often bad vax?

Being fined? Imprisoned? Losing everything?

Internment camp? Death?

All of this is operating in Canada, or ready for that.

I haven't answered it yet.

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What is about "the vax"?

My article certainly is NOT.

If you have the time and willingness to read my previous articles, you will find that I've always said the same as Kaufman about the injections, although I arrived at my conclusions on my own.

I've also written about the situation in Canada and in the Five Eyes, too, but most of my articles apply to most countries, where the "covid" theater was implemented.

You can also find quite a few details about your current concerns in my previous articles; reading them might assist you with details that help you arrive at your conclusions. After all, expanding my readers' cognitive spaces is one of my major objectives.

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Ray, lying in bed this morning, semi-dreaming, I had a vision of how we we should all keep in touch by sending mail to each other, and at least having each others' addresses when shit really goes down, or as a way to lessen censorship. We're on the same resonant frequency my friend. Gonna have to watch that movie now. But I don't have a horse (yet)

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Roman, I have had the idea of keeping people together after the Internet goes down. I don't think it can be done; once there is no ISP, there is no USPS, either. Pigeon-post, yes. :)

Sharing mailing addresses online is unsafe, too: you only add yourself to a central database, whose sole function is to keep track of the divergent.

Many people find the movie boring, because it is long. I liked its atmosphere, but these days, it feels a bit dated, especially the actor selection of the Holnist leader. Still, the original America is there.

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Waterworld was long, too - and panned - but - similar sort of feeling.

Loved them both (and Peter Seller's "Being There" (his deepest film)

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Pigeon post yes. Used this century during (Desert Storm?) the Iraq war I think a former soldier friend revealed.

Leads me to wonder if Ham radio operators will be able to utilize the message relay protocols which culminates in a handwritten message being delivered to a doorstep in person or will the radio bands all be disrupted from radiation and weather warfare.

Can't quite grasp what it takes to train a pidgeon to deliver a message and how far it can go to do so accurately. Time to start training birds? or will they nab us via sat surveillance for bird flu non compliance...

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Desert Storm was the first satellite-controlled war, which is the most likely reason why it happened even after Saddam asked for and given permission to attack Kuwait.

HAM radios operate only as long as they have a battery to hold charge, so eventually, most of them will become bricks after everything goes down. (There are ways to recondition batteries, though.)

Pigeon post relies on the birds as homing devices, because they always find their way home, so in a two-sided setup, the pigeons must be hand-delivered to the senders, which will probably impose the ultimate limits on the distance. In a post-civilizational setup, if it ever happens, traveling will be dangerous and difficult until the dust settles and the power struggles settle. Infrared tracking (aluminum foil shielding would allow travel overnight in pitch dark) through satellites will be there as long as there are satellites (they tend to last for about five years), so the PTB will enjoy a 5-year "grace period" even if stopping the replenishment of satellites happened, which would give five years for the technocrats to hunt down the non-compliant. Even in the woods, I'm sure, drones will be sent after more than 2-3 warm bodies moving.

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Great clarification-appreciated. Expect to be able to power HT for awhile using our solar generator. But get the point. And they can always fox hunt the Hams. Fully expect to be drone hunted in the woods where we now live-and early on-as has been the 'practice' in Gaza. If they don't burn us out first.

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Oops. A solar generator will be a magnet for scavengers...

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Surviving the SHTF might be possible, if someone can keep off the grid for five years. One just needs to know the little tricks:


Here, in rural KY, it's nearly impossible to live off-grid, unless one is lucky enough to find shelter in a pine wood (which is not exactly common) with access to fresh water. A friend of mine, who had part of his marine training in KY, told me he barely survived one month in the woods; too many snakes, spiders, chiggers, fleas, and whatever else is here. To avoid the drones, no more than three warm bodies in one place, preferably alufoil-shielded, dogs included. :)

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Herd immunity” is an insult - like considering this idea.

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Which idea, Rick?

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That there this promotion of doing it for herd immunity - which doesn't exist to begin with.

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Have you read the footnotes, Rick? They say exactly the opposite. :)

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No. I feed my instincts with disease as an instrument of lack of nutrition allowing for a bit of wiggle room when the nobility orders carcasses thrown into water wells for good measure.

I really don't know, its just what I think.

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Well, Rick, you might want to consider reading the article before opposing what's not in it. :)

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Obviously I'm not as informed or smart as the source!

I simply cruise about on stack offering my opinions which should be entertaining for most of these many intellectuals. The more comments authors get the higher up the algorithm standings they get, but there again, I might be on the wrong side yet again.

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I agree: so important for us to stay connected, increase the connections. And we choose - to some extent anyway - if we become heroes or something else.

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Ultimately, all humans are connected, whether they like it or not. A single spark can light up the whole world. In 1918, a Hungarian mathematician calculated that if everyone shares an idea with everybody they know, all mankind can be reached in just five steps.

(The last thing I would consider myself is a hero. I'd like to settle for staying human for as long as I can.)

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An idea I share with every available ear is if I gave you a dollar every second you would become a millionaire in about 6 days but to become a billionaire it would take over 34 years

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Talk to a mountain

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Found this online, seems reasonable. As you said "a BIG Mountain" from David Little

1,000 seconds ago was equal to almost 17 minutes. It would take almost 12 days for a million seconds to elapse and 31.7 years for a billion seconds. Therefore, a trillion seconds would amount to no less than 31,709.8 years.

More relevant, Weimar Germany with their wheelbarrows full of paper "money" would seem "reasonable" by comparison to What we are facing.

In some fantasy tales, the Titanic "actually" SINKS, if that can be believed.


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