The guy must have voted more times than he could imagine!
What does voting mean in the globalist plan?
Previously, I noted several times that by voting (or by filling out petitions), you only acknowledge the current illegitimate power, and put yourself on the list of those who can be considered threats. This time, I’ll evaluate the options of voting versus not voting, and describe the most likely outcomes of the (s)elections.
This article has been maturing in my head for weeks, but the way “Agent” is encouraging people in his article today to vote reminded me that it’s probably time to complete it.
Nobody can check if their vote was properly registered, but considering early voting, mail-in, voting, and regular voting (while even the dead tend to vote, but I’m not there yet), plus my past locations, in 2020, I calculated that at least six votes were made in my name in three states. Still, out of sheer curiosity, I did vote in 2020 and in 2022, although I elected not to wear a badge. In our county, voting machines rule, and as one of my readers, you know how they work: “Dominionly.”
As usual, the Uniparty is playing good-cop/bad-cop, but everything is in order. Trump showed his colors with Operation Warp Speed and pledging allegiance to Israel. He basically acted like all US Presidents since JFK: did as he was told, apologies, advised, because he is part of the Cabal, after all.
If the Cabal holds all the cards, why haven’t they taken over yet? Capturing the world takes time:
While everything that matters is under globalist control, the people must be divided in order to prevent any coherent opposition, which takes time, but it is working:
Also, people must be made busy with all kinds of diversions, which is also working just fine. Here are the most common types, and analyzing them can reveal more about the nature of mass manipulation than intended by the manipulators:
One can vote in the sheriff (but rural sheriffs usually didn’t enforce the convid mandates, anyway), a few local officials, and some local referendum questions are also on the ballot. Nonetheless, in state and national elections, chances are extremely meager than any honest person can even run, and the extremely unlikely event of winning would pose mortal danger to them. Anyway, the voting machines can always make sure who wins, so everything is determined, probably by the central AI that is in control of the globalists’ progress, because the process of taking over the world must go smoothly, that is, incrementally. If I were running the global simulation, instead of the AI, I would tweak the figures to make sure the outcomes of the elections will be proportionated and prioritized by regions, states, and counties, and in order to fit into the Grand Globalist Scheme1. That is only possible way to do it properly, if people actually vote. Those, who don’t, remain unpredictable and, as such, can be deemed a major threat.
What can be expected from the (s)elections?
If the female presidential candidate wins, I’m finding it likely that the same criminals who had been released from prison in order to staff BLM and Antifa will be unleashed on the peaceful population again, but this time, martial law will be introduced, with all the shortages, diseases, and oppression that it usually incurs, which will “require” further “regulations” (which kind of resembles how one madication causes “side effects” that “require” more madications):
If Trump “wins,” people will be quietly herded down the path to the slaughterhouse, which will take more time, but violent reactions can still happen, if the planned shortages come too fast or turn out overbearing.
SO, IF PEOPLE VOTE, THEY ARE PREDICTABLE AND EASIER TO HERD. If the majority of the population fails to vote, probably Kamala “wins,” because that situation cannot be easily controlled otherwise, especially after the introduction of price control, which will disable production and distribution. If Trump “prevails,” a slow and steady deterioration of rights and resources will ensue, unless a new plandemic, WW3 on TV, or an “alien attack” will warrant further centralization of power more rapidly, which is going to “unite humankind against the common enemy.”
Either way, the remaining part of the road to Agenda 2030 has become remarkably short:
Besides preparing for the nearby future, gaining time can also help, because the “Plan” will inevitably fail:
The following page shows “voting” trends in all states from 1976 to 2020:
Vote for anyone in the world next November and the common denominator is that government is still around to terrorize us. I could never vote for any democrat, except possibly RFK, and Trump has lost my support due to his warp speed covid nonsense and the fact that he wants digital IDs. This voting for the lesser of two or ten evils is beyond ridiculous. IT IS INSANE!
I have voted for over 50 years. We still have global warming freaks trying to destroy the planet. Chemtrails have been around for 20-30 years and no one cares to stop them. Social Security and Medicare continue to become more and more burdensome. The deficit continues to skyrocket. The Internet has gone full blown Nazi and anti-free speech over the last 20 years. We still have ungodly wars of complete lunacy. Inflation is still around. Our food supply continues to become toxic. The southern border remains a sieve. The CDC and FDA have supported big pharma poisons for decades. China is allowed to buy up land, buildings and farms. So what has voting mattered over the last 2-3 decades? Not a gall darn thing. We are still experiencing the breakdown of the country and the ravishing of the constitution. Sorry, but Trump will only add to the NO politician has a clue as to how to turn the country around.
Voting (and paying taxes, buying things) makes you complicit; it is difficult to stop buying food or to stop paying taxes, it is however pretty easy to not vote. If there was a chance that only a part of the politicians is corrupt and there are really good guys to choose from who actually have some power to make changes to benefit our reality.. yeah, vote. But come on, stop dreaming.