Oops! Wrong picture! Or just the wrong deepfakes?
In this piece, I’ll make an attempt to summarize the paths of the globalist takeover, offer evidence, and show a few strategies to recognize globalist tactics. Although many books have been written on the subject, I am following my own path, and will do it as briefly as I can.
Interpreting any incoming information or experience necessitates the use of initial premises, that is, assumptions that must be accepted all along by the thinker. Nothing in this world can be fully proven, only substantiated to the point where denying the conclusions becomes nearly impossible. Notably, the most advanced form of mass manipulation sequesters a segment of human experiment, and if all else is ignored, the false outcome can be substantiated or even “proven”:
When the initial premises are wrong, the whole line of thoughts is sidetracked or plain wrong as well. Combining deductive and inductive thinking can help. It’s even more helpful, if one is aware of the rules of truth judgments:
Premise #1: Globalist forces have concentrated their power and taken control of just about everything that matters
The global banking system controls the money flow through their Trojan horses, central banks (over 160), that issue fiat money with no intrinsic value, and the taxpayer is ripped off by interest payments (mostly for government “debt,” but all forms of borrowing at an interest or using plastic in stores contribute to the process) that causes inflation, but the taxpayer remains responsible for the money that disappeared as a result of interests that is not recycled into the economy. Currently, only about 2-3% of the “money” is in circulation; the rest exists only as a loans with an interest, at the taxpayer’s expense. That explains why returning to the gold standard is now impossible:
Global investment firms have taken possession of agricultural and industrial production, distribution, and resources (even such essentials as food, water, and, when the idea of “carbon tax” comes into the picture, air as well). They also own the media and all governments that could otherwise make a difference.
Russia, China, and the US are presented as enemies, but they have all followed the plandemic timetable and are busy to make progress towards Agenda 2030.
The US was “the indispensable nation” only as long as the consolidation of power was carried out. It is being discarded now.
#2: The globalist forces openly announced their project several times; the objective is to reduce the Earth’s population by 95% and incorporate the survivors into a technocratic system
The CBDC is slowly creeping in, and it will take over everyone’s private possessions and regulate their lives, along with other methods of population control:
In order “to save the Earth,” a system of total control is planned, which is nearly ready for implementation (e.g. 15-minute cities, a “social credit” system, and AI-controlled humans).
Public “health initiatives” have been imposed on the population for over 100 years; first, in the form of “vaccinations,” but during the plandemic, lockdowns, forced “tests,” and forced injections were also introduced, and they are not going anywhere.
Food, water, and air are poisoned in so many ways that it’s humanly impossible to fully comprehend, which suggests that a central AI is running a live global simulation and is making recommendations to its owners down the road to Agenda 2030.
Every time new electric technologies were introduced, there was a “pandemic,” but 5G/6G/7G installations, the revival of HAARP, Directed Energy Weapons, military radars, and with the introduction of “smart” meters and 5G-compatible home routers, the electric grid itself became potential extinction-level weapons which, combined with the nanoparticles in the human body, turn everyone into a tracking, controlling, and murder target.
The timetable of thought control
People must be manipulated into believing that they are oppressed or even killed “in their best interest.” The rhetoric of power is often employed by the “we” pronoun, while the manipulator is creating an imaginary community from the audience by uniting its members under the banner of an existential need (these days, that usually boils down to “survival”) and assigns a goal for them in the tradition of “divide-and-rule”:
Irrespective of the scale of operation, operatives usually follow a pattern. They all require a certain level of compartmentalization in order to ensure the success of their gaslighting.
The simplest is red herrings that present minuscule, inconsequential, and/or irrelevant problems compared with the actual threats at hand:
For example, abortion is often used to rally up support for or against it, further dividing the population, while people are being nonchalantly killed off.
Perhaps the most successful red herring is the technique of raising false hope:
Professional manipulators usually appear on their own forums. First, they must employ bait-and-switch:
Bait-and-switch can slowly taper off into limited hangouts:
Once the audience is captured by lending the manipulator credence, compartmentalized “truths” await the unsuspecting, who are only wasting their time on things they cannot change. Compartmentalization is the king of mass manipulation, successfully dividing people and gaslighting them:
“Opening eyes”?
Most people are so dependent on the “Matrix” that they pose more danger than carry the promise of becoming allies. They have lied, been misled, or have profited from the system for so long that they would probably go insane, if they realized what they have done.
Of course, when you present such details in public, you are most likely labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”
Still when only asking a single question a day, you might be able to make progress, one person at a time (which is the only potentially-successful way to tackle a lynch mob as well):
The opponents’ strategies in “conversations”
Once you challenge the enemy’s belief system, you cannot expect their lackeys and their useful idiots to honor the rules of engagement; they usually jump into one of the following categories:
1. change the topic;
2. attack you ad hominem (categorizing, name-calling etc.);
3. engage in mind-reading and psychologizing (e.g. “you seem to suffer from a lack of intimacy”);
4. spurt out a word salad;
5. turn to analogy instead of sticking to the actual case (it can confuse most people, because only about 7% of people can think logically a few steps ahead, while the rest rely on analogies, that is, base their decisions on situations that were resolved previously and resemble the current one);
6. provide no response (they tell you, “it’s too complicated to explain”);
7. tell you you are incompetent to understand it;
8. rephrase what you’ve said that turns you into a feeble opponent (they use the “so-you’re-saying” straw-man argument);
9. They divert, consolidate, and aim at wiping you out, while trying to discredit you among your supporters.
Finally, here is a 26-second video created by AI; AI is willing to share, although not as specifically as I am:
My heart hurts. It is Revelation, the last book of the Bible being revealed. I’m so blessed to know God. Humans in their ignorance and narcissism have unknowingly brought this all on themselves. They turned away from God Almighty and worshiped themselves and their idols.
Short but deep post, great going Ray!