Yet how can you recognize either one of them? It’s not hopeless, but it’s your job to make your own decisions.
My problem with truthers is that they usually focus on a small part of the problem and cannot or don’t want to envision a global picture and talk about it. Red herrings and limited hangouts are produced galore, and it makes no difference if the author is an AI, an agent, or someone naive. It might confuse a few people that there are so many types of truthers. How can they be assessed and their findings used without stopping where they stop?1
Most recently, appearing in public has become problematic. I have been invited before to give interviews or participate in public events, but I refused, because I knew that being associated with questionable characters can compromise my credibility, and it’s always unpredictable what such events can bring along. While all centralized initiatives are infiltrated, most of them are actually started by the enemy. Well-meaning authors can easily fall into the trap of ending up in bad company.
Obviously, I don’t care for “popular” sources, because the fact they are allowed to exist is already significant indicator that they are meant to misdirect. The most recent large-scale attempt is
The following is particularly interesting, because it is promoted by “small” authors on Substack:
Popular heroes are easy to create as sources of “heroism,” while they only mislead the reader, not necessarily with lies, but mostly by occupying the reader’s mind with inconsequential problems that cannot be solved or make no difference anymore. They are called “limited hangouts”:
Notice that Karen Kingston “escaped” successfully:
Also, there are people who claimed to have been poisoned and survived, as if military-grade poisoning was possible to overcome. The latest folk hero, Fuellmich, has been pursuing the impossible goal of having the globalists indicted in international court, whereas the only such court is the kangaroo court in The Hague, which is in the globalists’ hands and represents a travesty of justice, much in the tradition of Nuremberg. Fuellmich, nevertheless, is one of the participants in the “Truth Summit.” Rittenhouse’s story was similar, yet he occupied people’s attention for a long time and collected over a million bucks in unnecessary legal fees, which resembles the Ana Maria Mihalcea’s “Nuremberg hearing” in Costa Rica2. The way Rittenhouse treated his audience bore striking resemblance to the attitudes of DeSantis and of RFK, Jr.:
In my previous article, I pointed out that my knowledge is uncertain, too. That, however, doesn’t have to mean that I’m completely clueless. In fact, my predictions usually come true, because they are based on facts, logic, and experience.
Human cognition is inevitably flawed. My method is to use a global interpretive frame, which ensures at least a certain level of consistency. As for the plandemic, it works the following way:
In method can be applied to assessing a wide variety of situations:
It helps to know the reasons why people consider something true. You cannot find the details from the following article anywhere else and many “academic experts” became “famous” for a lot less than my map for the cognitive levels of truth judgments that explains why people consider something true3:
Also, certain principles apply to all forms of mass manipulation:
Not falling for fads that are meant to make people better without any realistic basis might also help4:
Discerning eyes can also pay attention to who is linked up with whom and to what end. That alone can be a giveaway of an agent, an AI, or a previous author’s deepfake…
In my understanding, the moment of truth is always in the present. Without the truth, the world couldn't exist. Moral relativism thrives on the observation that what works in one moment, might not work in the next one or, for that matter, ever again. People are also conditioned to accept certain premises without any more reason then to satisfy their own need for cognitive security.
In the meanwhile, I don’t believe even myself: I keep my eyes open and adjust my concept of reality according to the incoming data all the time.
Hoping to keep you posted.
Nobody, including me, can claim to be an oracle for the Truth, because human cognition simply doesn’t have the capacity to work with constantly-changing (open) systems, and the world, including human cognition, is one of those. I wrote more about this in
The push, nonetheless, is being maintained, as if there was anything to be gained from “winning the fight”:
I had this published in 1999, so stealing it now cannot succeed without a court date.
Everything is exactly one way and one way only. All things that happened in the past have only one truth. Therefore everything has a truth which often becomes distorted as humans interact with it.
We are all getting better at discerning Bullshit 😬